The next morning I wake up to another text this one is a number I don't recognize.
[567-555-0132] Alex!
I rub my eyes looking at it for a second trying to place who it might be. Then I text back,
[Me] Um hi? Who is this?
[567-555-0132] I can't believe you forgot me already
[567-555-0132] It's me Kelly
My heart stops considering the only Kelly I have ever known is my ex. If this is her, how did she get this number and why is she texting me now?
[Me] Kelly?
[Me] How did you get this number?
[567-555-0132] Your mom gave it to me. Alex I have really missed you.
[567-555-0132] I wanted to see how you've been doing.
Still unsure why she is texting me out of the blue. Last I heard she was still with my roommate. I doubt he would like it if she was texting me again. I doubt she just texted me to see how I am doing. I save her number in my phone and text her back.
[Me] Everything is fine with me. What is it you really want?
[Kelly] Well I am in town for spring break. I was hoping I would be able to see you while I was down.
Why would she want to see me? It's not like we broke up on good terms. She cheated on me and ended up staying with my roommate even after we broke up. Are they still together? I hope she isn't trying to get back with me now.
[Me] Yeah I don't think that is a good idea.
[Kelly] I just want to talk to you and apologize for what I did to you.
I don't think I can do that even if she was apologizing and really meant it. I loved her and just talking to her now is already bringing some of that pain back to my heart. I am afraid if I do let her talk to me I might give in to her and those feelings I had for her will return.
[Kelly] Alex please.
[Me] I don't know
[Kelly] Please Alex I miss you. I screwed things up and I want to make things right again.
[Kelly] I talked to your parents already telling them how stupid I was. I told them I would do anything to make it up to you.
[Kelly] I just want you back. I want my best friend back and the only guy I ever really loved.
My eyes close as I feel more pain from reading that she loved me. How could she do what she did if she loved me?
[Me] Kelly you slept with Jason while I was at work. You cheating on me tearing my heart in two.
[Me] I don't know if we can ever go back to what we were.
She begins writing something and deletes it then begins writing again. Eventually, she sends her next text saying,
[Kelly] Please just give me a chance. Your parents already invited me over for dinner this weekend.
[Kelly] They said you were going to be there.
I sigh with frustration. Yes, I did tell my parents I was coming home for the weekend. I can't believe she got my parents into this. I wish they would have at least talked to me before inviting her over. Now I don't know what to do. I really don't want to see her right now.
[Me] What the hell Kelly!
[Kelly] Please!
[Kelly] I will do anything to get you back in my life.
[Kelly] I love you Alex
I rub my face again with frustration. We were so close before we even started going out and I do miss that so much. We were pretty much inseparable growing up together. Just now I am not sure if I can do it. How can I ever trust her again
[Me] I can't do it
[Kelly] Please Alex
[Me] I can't!
[Kelly] Why?
[Kelly] Tell me why can't you just give me one more chance to prove myself to you.
I realize no matter what I say she won't let this go she will keep begging and begging till I finally give in. So I decide to lie saying something she can't argue with.
[Me] I have a girlfriend.
It takes her a second to type her response. I guess my answer stunned her. She wasn't expecting that from me.
[Kelly] Really?
[Kelly] When I asked your parents they said you were still single
Damn it, of course, she would ask my mother that.
[Me] They haven't met her. I haven't told them about her yet.
[Kelly] You're not just saying this to hurt me are you?
It's pretty obvious I am, but I figure I started this lie might as well not back out of it now. Let keep it going and add a name to this fake girlfriend. Maybe add a little backstory to it.
[Me] No I am not lying. Her name is Sierra and we've been dating for a few months now.
I figure that would end it there as it takes her a while just to type this little word.
[Kelly] Oh
Then she begins typing, erasing, then typing again. Again I think I got her with this one and hopefully, she won't show up now. Then I can just make up something to tell my parents why she didn't show up. But of course, nothing ever happens how I want it.
[Kelly] I'm still coming to the dinner this weekend. I still want to see you. I miss my best friend.
Damn it she just won't give up!
[Me] Kelly no! It would just make things awkward if you did.
[Me] Sierra will be there. I'm bringing her to meet my family.
[Kelly] Good I want to meet her too.
Now I am getting angrier that she just won't take the hint. I squeeze my phone tightly in my hand and I just want to throw it across the room. I figure I will have to be blunt with her now
[Me] NO!
[Me] I don't want you there!!
[Kelly] too bad I already promised them I would
I shout out many cuss words in frustration. It was so loud the dogs in the apartment next to mine begin barking. She continues to text me
[Kelly] I told you I am going to make things right. If I can't have you back as my boyfriend. I still want you back as my friend.
[Me] Damn it why can't you just listen to me?
[Kelly] So you don't miss me at all? Even though we have been friends since middle school. You don't think about me at all anymore?
[Me] Kelly yes I miss you as my friend. I just don't think we can ever go back to that.
[Kelly] Just give me the weekend please. That's all I am asking.
I sighed realizing I can't win with her. Even when we were together I could never win with her.
[Me] Fine whatever
[Me] God I always hated arguing with you. Even now I never win.
[Kelly] And you never will :)
[Kelly] So tell me about your girlfriend Sierra.
Even though it was quite awkward we continued talking. I told her pretty much everything I learned about Sierra over the months we have been talking. Then I had to start making stuff up about our fake relationship, like how we met, and some of the dates we have been on. I can tell it was kind of bothering by her 1-word texts but she still said she wanted to meet Sierra.Eventually, we stopped talking.