Most of the day I was trying to think of what to do. Now Kelly thinks Sierra was going to be there. I could just say Sierra got sick and couldn't come. But then Kelly would probably think I was lying about our relationship the whole time. I actually call my friends asking what I should do. None of them really cared for Kelly too much so they were suggesting things to hurt her or get back at her. They also suggested to not even show up which I did consider. I even was thinking of asking one of them to borrow their girlfriend for the day letting her pretend to be Sierra.
Then one actually suggests that I should just ask Sierra to pretend to be my girlfriend. I was super hesitant about that. I knew Sierra, I doubt she would even go for it. Actually, I pretty much knew she wouldn't. Plus we have never met each other. We have only ever talked through text messages.
I really didn't know what I was going to do. I'm pretty sure Sierra could come up with a good suggestion. But how could I bring it up to her that I told my ex that she was my girlfriend? A couple days were left before it was the weekend and I would go visit my family. I still had no idea what I was doing. I started to panic a little and against my better judgment, I decided to text Sierra.
[Me] Hello are you awake?
[Me] I need your help with something. Please text me if you get this.
She doesn't answer after a while. She is usually pretty quick to answer me back unless she is busy or sleeping. I glance at the clock seeing its a little past 11 pm.
[Me] I guess you must be asleep
Again she doesn't answer and I fall back on my bed tossing my phone beside me. I just lay there in frustration trying to think of what to do. Kelly is going to figure out I have been lying and she is going to take that opportunity to try and win me back. I am not really sure if I could resist the temptation if I did see her again. Almost 15 long minutes later my phone finally buzzes with a message. I quickly grab my phone and to my relief it is Sierra and another buzz goes off with her second message
[Sierra Acosta] Hey sorry was in the shower and left my phone on my bed.
[Sierra Acosta] Alex are you there?
I sit up and quickly message her back,
[Me] Yeah I am here
[Sierra Acosta] What did you need? You found a guy you like and want my opinion on what I think about him.
I smirk at her gay joke,
[Me] Haha and no lol
It takes me a bit wondering what I should actually say to her. But I decide to go with the most difficult question
[Me] You will probably say no but I have a favor to ask
[Sierra Acosta] I already told you I'm not sending you any naked pictures.
I chuckle reading that then the nervousness takes back over.
[Me] No that's not what I want. Well, I do want those but that not what I wanted to ask.
I start writing down exactly what I want to ask and delete it multiple times not liking the way I worded it. I also knew deep down she would say no anyways. I guess she could see my reluctance and types,
[Sierra Acosta] Ok what are you so scared to ask me?
[Sierra Acosta] Omg don't tell me you are asking me out
[Sierra Acosta] lmao that would be so funny
I slowly type my response to her then nervously hit send,
[Me] If I did would you say no?
[Sierra Acosta] lol No really what do you want?
Of course, she would think its a joke. I have joked about it many times asking her out. Again I begin to type my response only to delete it again realizing this is stupid. I already know her answer. I should just give up now.
[Sierra Acosta] Omg is this for real?
[Sierra Acosta] Alex you know how I feel about relationships.
[Me] I know
That's the only response I could come up with. There is more I want to say I just can't bring myself to say it. But she has no problem speaking her feelings
[Sierra Acosta] Alex I like what we have. You're a good friend. I just don't think I could ever see you as anything else.
For some reason even though I knew that about her it was still like a knife in the heart to read it.
[Me] I kind of figured that
[Me] It was a mistake anyways for lying to her.
[Sierra Acosta] What?
Of course, she wouldn't understand why I said that and it's probably best if she didn't
[Me] Nothing just forget it.
[Sierra Acosta] What aren't you telling me? Who did you lie to?
I sigh and give in. I guess she might as well know. Maybe she will find it funny.
[Me] My ex texted me the other night. She wants us to get back together.
[Sierra Acosta] The ex that cheated on you?
[Me] I've only had one ex yeah.
[Me] Apparently she has my parents supporting her and they are having her over for dinner this weekend.
[Sierra Acosta] Wow really? Do they know that she is the slut that broke your heart?
I don't know why but seeing her say that makes me smile. It's nice to know she hates that my ex did that to me too.
[Me] lol
[Me] Well my parents were close with hers and we kind of lived next door to each other. They treated her like she was their daughter.
[Sierra Acosta] So what does this have to do with me?
I start to get a little worried as I type out my next text. Hopefully, she will find humor in it and not get mad or hate me for it.
[Me] Well I kind of told Kelly that I had a girlfriend and she was coming to meet my parents this weekend. So it would be better if she didn't come.
[Sierra Acosta] Why did you do that?
[Me] I don't know I panicked. It's okay though I will make something up. I was kind of hoping you would come and pretend to be my girlfriend. I know its stupid of me to ask you to do something like that.
[Sierra Acosta] Can't you just ask one of your other friends?
[Me] You're the only friend that I have that is a girl other than my friend's girlfriends or wives.
[Me] I also kind of said my girlfriend's name was Sierra.
[Sierra Acosta] Are you serious?
[Me] Yeah
A moment of silence happens with neither of us talking. Now I really think she is upset at me. I really screwed up this time and don't know what to do. But of course, she is the one to break the silence asking,
[Sierra Acosta] Why me?
[Me] I don't know like I said you are really my only female friend. You're also the first name that popped into my head.
Also, I do kind of have feelings for her but I am not going to tell her that.
[Me] But don't worry I will make something up or just tell her I lied.
She starts typing something and immediately erases it. I feel bad for putting her in this position. I shouldn't have said anything to her.
[Me] I'm sorry
Now she isn't responding and its really starting to make me worry.
[Me] Are you still there?
[Sierra Acosta] So you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?
[Me] It's okay it was stupid to ask you.
It takes a bit for her next response but it leaves me speechless when it finally comes in
[Sierra Acosta] I'll do it
I had to read it a few times to actually believe it was real.
[Me] Really?
Now I almost feel like she might feel pressured by me. I really don't want her to have to do something she doesn't want to do.
[Me] You don't have too. I know you don't believe in relationships and all that.
[Sierra Acosta] No I just don't want to be in one right now. What we will be doing won't be real it's just pretending. All we have to do is fool your ex, right?
[Me] And my parents yeah.
[Me] You're really going to do this for me?
[Sierra Acosta] I'm thinking about it.
Now for some reason, I can't stop smiling. Is this actually happening? I never thought she would even think about agreeing to something like this.
[Me] Why?
[Sierra Acosta] Because Alex you are my friend. Also I want to see the look on that bitches face when we show up together.
[Me] lol Thank you
[Sierra Acosta] So what did you say about me and our relationship?
[Me] Not much really. We have only been together for a few months
[Sierra Acosta] Okay we need come up with a story about how we met. Also I will need to know some stuff about you just in case they ask.
I laugh at how much thought she is putting into this now. I still also don't believe its really happening.
[Me] lol You are really getting into this.
[Sierra Acosta] lol I just want it done right with no mistakes. We have to make it believable.
[Sierra Acosta] First things first. We have never seen what the other person looks like. You should send me your picture.
[Me] Are you sending me yours?
She almost immediately responds with a picture of her. Beautiful doesn't even do her justice. Her hair is red like I thought that is barely long enough to hang to her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright emerald green and even though its a picture I can already feel myself getting lost in them. Last is her succulent rosy pink lips that I would do anything just to kiss. I type back
[Me] Oh wow. You are gorgeous.
[Sierra Acosta] lol Thanks now it's your turn.
After seeing her picture it makes me even more nervous to send mine.
[Me] Alright but don't laugh
I take a few pictures of myself. While I am trying to take one that doesn't make me look silly my kitten Luna climbs into my lap. I figure the kitten could add a bit more cuteness to the photo. I hold it up and smile at it as I take the picture. It was actually pretty good so I send it to her. I wait anxiously for her response
[Sierra Acosta] Wow so cute
I chuckle. Cute wasn't really the response I was looking for but again she could be talking about Luna.
[Me] lol Me or the cat?
[Sierra Acosta] Both actually. You look totally different than I expected. You're actually kind of hot.
Holy crap did she call me hot? That gorgeous breathtaking girl just called me hot. We end up spending the next couple of hours coming up with a game plan. I tell her everything I told Kelly about our fake relationship and she had fun embellishing on that. It was pretty much the story of our friendship. I was her tutor and somehow we ended up talking about more than just school work. Over time we became really good friends that eventually turned into more. It wasn't much later I actually built up the courage to finally ask her out.