Li grew up in a changing China. Their market was booming, yet his parents didn't benefit from this boom, like the majority of the population. They worked in a sweatshop, and struggled to make ends meet. Starting work from avery young age, Li connected mechanical joints in an assembly line. His passion was always football, playing on the streets after work, until dusk. It was his life, his escape from the hunger, the thirst and the cold. It let him feel famous. The world was his oyster.
One day, as Li was playing by himself, a scout from Shanghai was passing through, looking for young talent. He noticed Li, and instantly offered up a place in the club's youth team. However, working at the factory was vital for his family, and he knew he had to support them. However, when Shanghai offered to house both Li and his family, he couldn't deny. And Li began his pathway to America.
Ever since he was a child, Li wanted to live in America. The place with golden streets and raining money. Although these childish fantasies have dissipated with time, he still longs for the country of the free and somewhere, deep in his heart, he still believes there will be streets of gold.