There are many stories of unusual spirits around the world. You’ve likely heard of a few from your own culture and thought of them as nothing more than stories from the past. The topic of this passage is of the spirit is known as “death mask.”
What makes Death Mask interesting is that it doesn’t look at all like one would think. You likely hear the name and imagine an enormous demon with blood-red eyes and sickly skin. Instead, Death Mask appears in the form of a sad-looking child. This child has no distinct features that make its gender identifiable and can appear as very pale or dark.
This young child doesn’t speak or even look up at whoever sees it. Its beady eyes are always downcast, appearing to be depressed as it slowly walks with its head low.
Ordinarily, someone like this wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. However, there’s something in the child’s hands that give it its name. The child will hold a mask that’s too big for its face. The mask usually has closed eyes and an odd texture that looks uncomfortable to put on someone’s face. Anybody who hasn’t run off by now will notice something about the mask that makes their skin crawl. The mask is a depiction of what their face will look like when they die.
There are rumors extending from this that claim the child will then reveal itself to be a younger form of the victim. Other rumors say that the mask will make a death rattle and briefly open its eyes.
What causes this and how someone gets affected is unknown. All that’s known is that Death Mask tends to appear before people with nervous personalities. Sometimes it shows up outside of morgues and hospitals. Death Mask seems to be mostly harmless, but that doesn’t take away from the disturbing information it possesses.