No Plagiarism!rQW5u2eVi8xBJFWadabqposted on PENANA -They'll grow out of it.8964 copyright protection917PENANA0l61QdWNRA 維尼
-they just need discipline8964 copyright protection917PENANA16HPZkzyFi 維尼
-They look normal8964 copyright protection917PENANABTPiYKKAEw 維尼
-(S)he doesn't look autistic8964 copyright protection917PENANACK44S3eLDg 維尼
-You should keep the home8964 copyright protection917PENANAhnn3AA7w6s 維尼
-what's wrong with him/her8964 copyright protection917PENANAoKWvmBZgre 維尼
-My kids might catch it8964 copyright protection917PENANAZNVLOr3F4B 維尼
-Make him talk8964 copyright protection917PENANAyfSwMXO0Tx 維尼
-She's too old to carry around a doll8964 copyright protection917PENANA2rgRdyabys 維尼
-he's doing it for attention8964 copyright protection917PENANAtmPnsvQxmx 維尼
-she needs to get used to how people react or act normal8964 copyright protection917PENANA0rFXGhKrxQ 維尼
-Autism isn't real8964 copyright protection917PENANAJZjFCkjTzh 維尼
-Only soldiers get PTSD8964 copyright protection917PENANABiuWpJx9Px 維尼
-Beat it out of them8964 copyright protection917PENANA8z29fg5bwu 維尼
-Put them in a ward somewhere8964 copyright protection917PENANAmMfJlOLTnI 維尼
-is she/he retarded?8964 copyright protection917PENANA9L2TPY74Ny 維尼
-they need to grow up8964 copyright protection917PENANAacifhSiOzf 維尼
-Don't let him talk so childishly8964 copyright protection917PENANACitAY1SC9O 維尼
-she's smart enough to skip a grade but we can't let someone with mental disabilities skip a grade it looks bad8964 copyright protection917PENANAAyEAAAvWvJ 維尼
-they wouldn't get picked on if they acted their age8964 copyright protection917PENANAprtMAXRoeD 維尼
-stemming isn't real8964 copyright protection917PENANANsGaIUC18K 維尼
-his rocking and hand flapping is distracted8964 copyright protection917PENANAXnutThHnJh 維尼
-yes she's a great reader but we can't encourage a child like her to read such advanced books8964 copyright protection917PENANANNwyYmMQzx 維尼
-why do you keep them8964 copyright protection917PENANAu86DSS2F59 維尼
-at least your other kids are normal8964 copyright protection917PENANAnzbjgLuebo 維尼
-8964 copyright protection917PENANAq4LV2mwvAv 維尼