The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore can be heard from far as the sun hasn’t graced us yet with it presence, It was a long trip to here I drove for many hours but it’s definitely worth it, I breathe in the fresh early morning air as I lay on my small green car facing the wide blue ocean, the town looks so peaceful from up here
Ah! Silly me I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Brinley Summers and its summer! Yep, people its summer and guess who got his break… Meeee! Ah!
I’m a university student, I’m studying to become a therapist and I am a very logical person who tends to think everything happens around us happens for a reason ; I came to the western south to visit my BFF she has moved here a year ago with her family, we both got caught in studies so we didn’t have much of chances to keep in touch, studies took all our time, so as soon as we finished she called inviting me to her new place for a couple of weeks
Well! This is the address
I knocked on the door couple of times until it cracked open to reveal my dearest friend with teeth showing smile and popping eyes.
“You are here!” and before I could replay she jumped at me, locking me in a bear hug, she is taller than me, after all she’s a professional volleyball player
“You are killing me Harper!”
“I still not believing you are actually here, I really missed you” she said
“Ha ha ha!” I said sarcastically as I unpack my bag
“I told you I would come” I added; she kept repeating the same thinks for the last hour
“So! What’s the plan?!”
“Oh!” She said
“What Oh!?”
“I kinda forget that I have to meet my coach today”
“What?! I thought you said you are ALL FREE” I said imitating her when we talked on the phone before I come here
“I am! I just have this one and after that, I am allllllll yours”
“Then, what am I going to do when you are gone?! I mean your parents are out… and your brother is here I can’t stay alone with him” I whispered the last part
“I am sorry! I totally forgot about it” she apologized
I sighed and said “its fine! I can go check the beach or something”
“Oh yeah! Come” she mentioned to me to follow her to her balcony
“Just follow this path and you will be there”
“Woah! So cool you got your own beach?”
“Hhhh! Not really, our house is located on the borders of the city so most people don’t come to this side… Ah also the woods there” she showed me with her finger
“Woods?!” I asked
“Yeah! Don’t go there! It’s behind that cliff”
“Why not?”
“There is a wild animal and nobody go there so you might find some psychos”
“What! No not cool! Bad, very bad... Ah! Sometimes I truly wonder how you are going to be a therapist and you yourself need one” she sighted
I started laughing
I started walking down that path but I got to say my curiosity got the best of me, I want to see what’s behind that cliff, she said there is a wood… should I?
Okay! Let’s think of this:
First: I can’t swim! Yeah I can’t, I lived all my life in the city far from the coast and I was too lazy to take swimming lessons in the city poll
Second: If it’s true and there are some psychos I can finally put on action all the studies and boring classes I took
Conclusion: we are visiting the wood
I start walking in the direction of that cliff where some trees grow there; I walked ahead till I found myself at the entry of it
I got deeper and deeper and took some turns; I have always got a great sense of directions, I kept walking for 10 more minutes until I found myself facing a beautiful beach, golden sand, clean water, and sun rays lays at; you can hear birds singing around but except for that nothing, it’s distinctly a quiet ‘n’ peaceful place
Maybe I should take a nap?
I opened the small bag that I was carrying and took out a towel, placing it on the sand, then I set there looking at the blue in front of me continuously
Drowsiness found its way to my eyes so I let them rest for a bit but when I almost reached sleep land the sound of water pulled me back to reality
The moment I opened my eyes I saw a tentacle… a huge tentacle on the surface
“What?!” I really thought I am still dreaming but again another one showed from another side so I quickly set-up and in a second on my feet and my eyes scanning my entourage
Then suddenly here and there rapidly and in different trends, something was playing with water, I couldn’t catch it with my eye all I could see something big cracking the surface but as soon it goes back down and it’s making a weird noise
I took steps back, my feet shaking, and I couldn’t find my voice
“Whooo’ss… there!” I kinda yelled
The noise started to get louder and louder as it comes my way, I could it underwater
I didn’t know what to do, should I run… No nonono! Maybe it’s just some sort of a joke someone is making and me sleeping in this place is the perfect target, I mean I myself can’t resist doing so
I took my hard sunglasses case and throw it at him
“Stop it now!” it was a really hard-shell case
“Ah!” I heard and soon a man pooped his head up
“Ha! Did you liked that” I said as I started walking to him but stopped just where the water couldn’t touch my foot
“Hey! That was really not funny but I got to say you gottt…. Mee… for..” I stopped my words half way not because the guy was super hot or the fact that he had the most beautiful gray eyes I have ever seen and a very long hair that is darker than winter night sky; it was the large tentacle behind him
“Dude, that thing is scary” I told him but he only kept looking at me maybe he can’t talk? Yeah right he was making those voices before just fine
“I give you credit for the creativity, did you make it by yourself it looks real”
But again he kept only looking at me with a stupid face where he was standing I could only see his upper body, on his shoulders, he has some fake skin that goes all along his two arms, then another tentacle came up then three others but these ones were different I think they call them arms? YEAH!
“You have more!” I asked
“Teen” he answered
“Two” he said as the two tentacles rose in the air, they are kinda long like over 1 meter
“Eight” and eight arms came up around him
“Woah that’s a lot” I said, “did you made them by yourself”
He started to laugh but he tilted his head to the side as a nod or as he’s saying you can say so
“It looks real, I like it but aren’t they heavy to swim with” and he started to laugh again then mentioned for me to come
“Come! I will show you”
“Okay but to warn you I can’t swim”
I took off my sandal and not bothering with my clothes, I am wearing an on-size black T-shirt and shorts
I got in to the water it was cold, I start walking YES walking I can’t swim so I am going to stop when it reaches my chest but he started swimming my way; soon those arms where all around me as I face him and I could now see some of his lower squid-like body is a well-made costume but you know what’s well made too? his defined muscles
(A/N: something like this, try to imagine ;) )
“They look so...ahhh” I tried to touch one of it but two of wiggled itself on my middle and rose me up
“What are you doing, let me go” I said as I try to make them off, they look so real
“Don’t be scared, I thought you said you like them, I won’t hurt you… It’s been a long time since last time I saw anyone here but usually they run off when they see me”
“Yeah dude! Those noises you were making were creepy”
“That’s the point, I wanted them to leave they just ruined my place but why you didn’t?”
“Your place... well I thought I was scary at first but later I said is just a prank which it is”
He laughed again
“You think this is a joke?” ohkay!
“Is not?”
“Then why are you doing this?”
“I told making people out of my place”
“By wearing octopus costume?”
“Yeah squid pfff I knew that”
“I am not wearing it, I am a squid… Well half, I am a squid merman”
“Ohkay! And here were you put me down…plz” after all I indeed met a psycho
“What do you mean NO?” I screamed at him shit
“Ah! I mean we don’t what to tire your arms, so put me down and we can talk about it ‘n’ tell me how you became like this… I mean you tell me your story… what’s your name?”
“Triton and you think I am crazy miss …”
“Brinley! And not at all”
“Really?! But I still think you do, from the look on your eyes” He said as his arms that is still holding me pulled me to him so he looked into my eyes
“Let me prove it”
“No, you don’t have too”
“Yes I do”
“N….ooooo www” he dives in the water and he pulling me along with his arms that is still around my waist, I tried to free myself but nothing, I can’t breathe he’s swimming really fast
“Sto……bkhohkjhkk…..pp” I tried soon we surfaced but he again went down
“I ….can’t”
“Okay!” he stopped
“You sure?”
“No! Please I can’t swim just let me go”
“Okay” once he let me go I drown I couldn’t find the soil
In a second he caught me, holding me next to his chest but this time with his real arms
“We are really far from the beach, so instead of dragging you along why don’t you stay still like this, all I want to do is to show you something, okay?” he said looking at my hazel eyes
“Great! Hold your breath” he said smiling
Once again he dove but this time deeper and farther, the ocean looks so beautiful and so massive like it has no end I have always looked at it from far, I admired it but now I am in love with it, I was scared of the idea of going into it but now I don’t like the idea of going out of it
‘I can’t breathe’ I thought as he took longer to go up this time
‘I know just a bit’
‘How did you do that?’
‘I can telepathy under’ he said
‘We are here!’
I turned my head from him to look and what I saw took my mind and all my logic away
Deep down this magnificent blue, where the wrecks of stately ships lay a whole community of mercreatures lives and at that instant I knew that this summer I won’t need my logic because the unexpected happened and the unlogic became logic.
by: siska_yuri