She went forward, to look at the new girl that she will end up working with. When she came close, the girl simply gave her a glare and not even moving.
“I don’t have much of a choice either.” While not even keen on working with her, but without choice she had to simply settle.
Although she knew that asking a girl like her to do this was hard. Bred in wealth and never expected to make a contribution to the family. Other than to marry well, she was educated but it was too much to be expecting anything out of her. If her legs didn’t ache by the time she was done for the day, she will have thought that impressive.
“Please.” Not wanting to become the cook, who ended up threatening most of her assistants that she ended changing them often. Her mother was likely to have seeked another for her. Because the work was just far too much for anyone else.
“Or you’ll end up in the kitchen.” Well, she gave a slight shudder. Either from who ran it or the kinds of danger was within it. Even rich women avoided that, preferring to delegate this sort of work to the servants. Known as hot, stuffy and dangerous since they dealt with knives and fires most of the time.
Bringing her up the stairs, while Xiao Yan returned to simply serving and covering for her. Although she mostly did the night shifts.
Chaoyun stopped showing her to a room, a much smaller room than the one Chaoyun used. But will have been far smaller to the girl entirely because of her status.
“You’ll be staying here from now on.”
“This isn’t fit for someone like me.” She glanced over the room, Chaoyun only had a slightly bigger room by comparison. But her servants will have lived in the same space, perhaps even sharing.
“Well, your father entrusted you into our care and it was at the cost that you work here. And you could be sleeping on the floor.” Which promptly shut her up, as this was a far better alternative. Even if the bed was not nearly as soft. Although she could have been in a worse place.
Her mother had a reputation of being fair, and one of the women who paid her own daughter to work. And allowing her the freedom, instead of just having her work and keeping her inside to keep her desirable. She wasn’t expected to do much, not marry well but to see what she wanted to do. Because she wasn’t her own daughter. Many looked at her in pity because of her expectations, which were low.
And that she had never thought that her daughter will one day be in dire straits. But she never did think so. She was satisfied where she was, and still being capable to do as she wished. Even as times changed and talented women could live here, in a world where all women prided in marrying well and having a good life.
“If you don’t this room can be given to Xiao Yan, the boy you saw down below.”
Although she was lying about that one, since he had to look after his mother regardless of the situation or time. And his family depended on him so often.
She left, bringing the only source of light with her.
“Isn’t there any candles?” Well, they were short on them in the first place, even her own room had been in mostly total darkness. Not that she cared since she mostly slept in it.
“It’s not as though you’ll be reading. We don’t have much books here.” This was a restaurant not a library.
“I need to be able to see.”
“Trust me, when you’re done this room is a sanctuary.” She went out closing the doors as loud as she could, knowing what her mother will have wanted to ask her to do next. Having her serve in this dress was rather difficult by any means. And her shoes as well, seeing that it was embroidered.