Writing. The basics are simple, have a good story to tell, detail, and grammar. Who’s going to read a story that’s boring? That’s why you need detail and a story that grabs the readers’ attention. And who’s going to read a story that they can’t even read!?! That’s where grammar comes in. Who would want to read something that doesn’t make sense. That’s what Di’s teacher told me a long time ago. She doesn’t go by everything her teacher told her but she does have good advice.780Please respect copyright.PENANA43t70ZA3MZ
She told her that in 5th grade, though she got fired for mistreating kids. Di liked her though, she was a writer. She wrote a book called Once Upon My Lie. It was about a girl who lied about who she was, that created conflicted between her and her love interest. She found refuge in her lies and played it off as if he was the one who lied to her but really she was just a hypocrite and was scared to let go. Sad love story, they see each other in the future when they’re both married. She gave a copy of the book, it was a really good book. Even though it had mature topics in it, Di was pretty mature for her age back then.
Now her new teacher for 8th grade taught them all these new rules. You can’t do this and, this is how you’re suppose to do. She doesn’t go by those rules. She is nice but her mindset is messed up. Still, her class was an easy A. Raine is in the same class Di and when they got to choose where to sit they sat next to each other in the second to last row.
“So got anything?” Raine asked and gave a dazzling smile. Honestly, she was the cutest person ever when she smiled. She was just shy, every boy would be head over heels if they forgot her shyness. “Hmm,” Di tap her pencil on her wrist. Their teacher gives them Fridays to work on anything that has to do with writing. She’s their creative writing teacher, Mrs. Kaleta.
“I have a story about a forest that has tons of mythical creatures in it making people think it’s haunted and-” Raine interrupts, “Does this have something with what Abby has been spreading through school.” She raised a brow. “Yes.” Raine sighed at the response. “You weren’t THAT dried out of ideas to actually listen to her, right?” She asked. Di bite her bottom lip and nodded getting disappointed looks from Raine.
“But I can’t think of any characters!” She looked down. “How about going to the forest after school? Then maybe you can get inspired.” Raine said and grabbed her pen and began to write. “That’s what-” Raine interrupts again, “It’s settled then, we’ll go there after school. And don’t argue with me.” She smiled and went back to writing. Di thought it was better if she didn’t say that she was going with Sandra. I guess we’ll all go together. Di thought and gave herself a small smile that felt warmer than it appeared.
“Abby is nice, we judge her too much.” Di noted and studied Raine for any kind of flinch. “She’s a prick who thinks everything is just going to be handed to her. With her dumb cute act…. It makes me sick!” She slammed her hand on the desk. “Hey! You know that’s not true and what has she ever done to you.” Di stood up for Abby.
To be truthful it used to be Sandra, Raine, and Di. Until Di met Abby one day and invited her to their little friend group. Sandra didn’t mind but Raine was boiling like hot water. “Whatever! She was always so bratty in elementary school.” Sandra continued to nag on and on about Abby. “You’re acting bratty right now.” Di muttered and got back to writing her mini story.
Lunch. Lunch was probably the best period for some kids. There is first lunch and second lunch. Di, Raine, Abby, and Sandra were lucky to have first lunch. The tables are all round and held 6 seats. 18 tables that contained all different kinds of weird. Row of five by four. The first row was where all the, ahem, ‘cool kids’ sat. That was also where the more athletic kids sat. On the 3rd row is where the two tables are for club leaders. They usually sit together or with their friends. Sometimes they’re at the office or library doing who knows what. The 2nd and last row don’t have anything special about them really. Di and her group of friends sat at the back row since it was more excluded.
“So how was creative writing?” Sandra asked taking out her lunch. “It was fine.” Raine replied and munched on her sandwich. “Raine wrote a fanfiction shipping Nate with Abby,” Di commented giving a disgusted look, “What’s so wrong-” Before Sandra finished Di continued by saying, “Abby ends up dying by getting in a car crash. Nate ends up cheating, you know, the typical.” Raine and Sandra laugh.
“That’s brutal! Not something to laugh about.” To be honest Di was a little sensitive to the mention of death. When her father explained why people die she burst into tears and hugged her dad tightly. “Oh Di. It didn’t even actually happen. Abby won’t die in a car crash.” Raine tried to comfort, quite poorly might I add. “You don’t know that…” She munched on her potato chips. Sandra laughed as she looked at them bickering.
“Are we still going to the forest after school?” She interrupted the two. Di felt her face heat up. “Di and I were going after school.” Raine said and tucked her hair behind her ear, trying to look confident in front of Sandra. “Really now?” Sandra rose her brow and tapped her fingers on table. Di felt her throat clog up. Like the feeling you get when you forgot to turn off the stove hours ago.
“How about we all go together!” Everyone looked up to see Abby looming over them. “I mean it was me who started it all! So it’s only fair that I get to come too!” She pouted and sat down. “Rude to not invite me, ya know!” Sandra gave a polite nod and cleared her throat. “Well, change of plans then,” She glanced at everyone, “I guess we’re ALL going.”
“Fantastic!” Abby giggled and landed her eyes on Di. “Sorry I was late by the way. I was talking to Ryan out in the hall.” She gave a small laugh and moved to Raine. “You know I think I really changed him.” She twirled her hair around her finger. “He hasn’t been that rude lightly.” Di joined the one-sided conversation. “He has become more social too. Yesterday he was talking to me about binary code. He knows a lot about it actually.” Sandra added. Raine stayed quiet throughout the whole lunch.780Please respect copyright.PENANAKSSbF5FsD7