~ Okay so if you read my Dark Intentions stories this will look awfully familiar as both Deadly Thoughts and Our Hands were ideas for this Assignment/Exam I chose the My Last Duchess Story as it was really interesting and I felt I could work with it more.
Deadly Thoughts by Ace King based on My Last Duchess by Robert Browning
Tick tock tick tock the clock slowly paces back and forth, back and forth, sweat crawling down my face the hot air leaving my lips every second. He’s not here, he said he would be here, twisting my feet to face the clock tick tock tick tock every second that passes is another second I feel lied too by that bastard. What is he doing right now I come to a halt my mind races a billion thoughts flash one by one, dizzy I feel dizzy. Click the door he’s here “BASTARD!” I scream from the top of my lungs “LYING, CHEATING, BASTARD!” tears running down my face banging my fists against his chest, pushing, shoving, hitting the figure. Click the door was shut his back against the hard, cold iron door. Flushed cheeks, salty tears and heavy breathing “why, why, why,” repeated over and over again, sudden shock, when did it happen? when in my hysteria did it happen? why didn’t he resist? why didn't he stop me? “why are you smiling?” the hard half-flush that dies along his throat, my love is gone ring ring my phone starts buzzing it’s him, my love.
“I’m late I’m late!” his voices pangs with sorrow “I’m twenty away, forgive me.”
I listen to his ramblings his soft deep voice uninterrupted coming through the modern invention. “Come home quickly.” I finally intervene.
“I will, love you” he finishes I reply the same.
Confidence is restored he loves me, he only loves me. A whole sixty minutes, the clock ticks away, what will I do, one, two, three, three minutes have already passed with me just staring at this clock why can’t he be here now. Is my face puffy from crying earlier I go to the mirror my eyes are bloodshot red and my nose is pink I look tired, I can pass for tired right? Fourteen more minutes tick tock tick tock that clock makes my eyebrows furrow and my brain go mad. The white walls that surround me make me go insane I slowly drag my back against the wall until I am sitting, my legs stretched as far as they could go my toes pointed out towards the other white surface. My eyes begin to shift towards the clock again ten minutes, how desperate am I to count the minutes until my love comes back to me. Click I look over to my door with anticipation a man bursts through not the man I was expecting, he is clearly worried as there is sweat on his entire face and his face is scrunched up his large eyes looking above me trying to find something, he looks down.
“Duchess! Are you Duchess?” he asks frantically his voice heavy
I nod my head in response “Yes, that is I,” I start taking in his features he is tall around five-ten if I were to measure he has a handsome face with beautiful large brown eyes his skin is fair and hair is blonde “Who are you?” I ask relaxed many people enter my apartment every now and then I’ve gotten used to it.
“I’m Doctor Anderson, I have tragic news but I need you to be calm,” his eyes assure me looking at him again his cheeks are quite flushed a good quality in any person I think.
“I’m calm,” I reply
“Doctor Flinn, got into a car accident on his way here and is no longer with us,” he braced for impact, I looked confused and he could tell he gets a notepad out and looks over it mumbling every now and again he looks at me again “Duchess you may know Doctor Flinn by another name you frequently called him your Love”
NO LONGER WITH US the words Anderson uttered are highlighted bright read in my mind another word appears DEAD. over and over and over no stop my mind racing at over 300 kilometres per hour it won't stop, my eyes widen I hurry to my feet anticipation for what he is going to say next.
“Duchess I am your new doctor and I will be working on your mental rehabilitation with you from now on.” He looks down and meets my eyes, I smile the same smile I gave Doctor Flinn I am now giving My Love.
“It will be a pleasure to work with you.” I reach my hands out and put them on his neck, still looking at him dead the eyes “Don’t disappoint me, My Love.”
~ Please remember it is a draft and my teacher hasn't given me any feedback yet ~
Also, I would love to know what you think the story is about, how it relates to My Last Duchess and how I could improve it ~ Love Ace King