The door to the apartment swung open until the handle hit the wall with a thud. The lights came on with a flicker as the switch was flipped. Everything was as it was when they'd left, though there was now a fine layer of dust covering most of it.
With a sigh of relief, Golemite walked over to her stone armchair and fell into it with the sound of a bag of boulders crashing to the ground. Asriel and Shye followed suite, jumping onto the couch, only to immediately start coughing as a cloud of dust arose from the neglected furniture. Mina, Shye's little flynx pet, surveyed the apartment with her three eyes for a few moments before hopping up on the kitchen counter and curling up into a little furry metal ball.
"Geez," Asriel said, making a spinning motion with his hands. His magic spread through the air, gathering the dust into a miniature funnel before depositing it in a heap on the floor. "I told you we should've taken Miss Harriet up on her offer to clean the place while we were gone."
"You kiddin'?" Golemite said, shifting her massive frame slightly before pulling a rock from beneath her. Tossing it aside with a snort, she continued, "She wanted ten coins a day. Besides, it ain't that bad."
Shye opened her mouth to argue, only to start coughing again. Asriel hopped off the couch and ran to the sink, returning quickly with two glasses of water. Asriel carefully settled back onto the couch.
"Man, I am beat," Golemite said, letting her head fall back against the stone headrest of her chair. "I swear the Glass Ocean musta moved further away from Nowhere."
"Yeah, it just got up and moved, just to annoy you." Asriel said, grinning at his friend.
Shye lowered her glass and let out a satisfied sigh before grabbing Asriel's glass.
"Hey!" Asriel complained, but the black-furred cat-girl was already draining his glass. Sighing, he said, "Still, it's nice to be back."
"Heck yeah, it is," said Golemite. "I mean, it was fun and all, but I was getting' sick of Naddy shoutin' orders at me. Mind you, it was awful nice o'her to let us tag along for the ride and all."
"Paena was pretty cool." Asriel said, thinking back to their time at the strange city that now lay beyond the Glass Ocean. "I kinda wanted to keep going. The Wanderlands that teddy told us about sounded cool."
"Captain Jocer?" Golemite said, raising a sculpted eyebrow at her young friend. "Yeah, I guess it did. A whole town with a scarecrow as a mayor? Crazy."
Shye lowered her glass with another satisfied sigh. "Why didn't we go there? Naddy and Sylpha were more than willing to carry us along."
"No Everstar shards." Asriel said with a shrug. "Besides, did you really wanna hang around with Naddy and Sylpha with how lovey-dovey they were getting."
Golemite snorted. "Ugh. Don't remind me. If my teeth weren't diamonds, I'd have gotten cavities from listening to them."
"Boys." Shye caught Asriel's glance and let out a laugh. Asriel joined in a bit nervously; Golemite still seemed blissfully unaware that she was in fact a she. It was astounding how she'd failed to notice her changed gender since being rebuilt by Beget and Artie, the kindly robots of the Precious Meadows.
At the moment, the oblivious female golem was leaning forward to scratch at her backside. A look of relief on her face, she complained, "Damn sand. It gets in everything."
Asriel was considering how to respond to this when Mina sat up, her eyes on the door. She let out a meow moments before someone knocked on the door.
"If you don't have food, go away." Golemite rumbled.
The door opened to reveal their good friend Jenny, proprietor and cook of the Crossroads Diner. The lamia slid into the room, several bags in hand and a smile on her strained face.
"Ah! Jenny, you're an angel!" Golemite said, quickly rising from his chair and quickly relieving her of the heaviest of the bags, much to Jenny's relief. She handed the other bags to Asriel and Shye, and even set a little bowl on the counter for Mina before coiling her long tail into a seat for herself.
"Sol's Grace," Jenny said as they dug into the food she'd brought them. "You two are getting' to be legends around here. First the Precious Meadows, now the Paenan Expanse? Thanks to you, business has been so good, I've finally been able to hire a some help."
"Yeah, well we can't take all the credit." Asriel said, "Your sister helped."
"Oh, I know. She's been bragging about the trade agreements she's been making non-stop. Frankly, I'm a bit sick of hearing about shipping lanes and the cost of hiring cutters."
Golemite chuckled. Through a mouthful of quartz, she said, "Don't suppose she's giving us any kinda commission."
Jenny let out a snort. "What do you think?"
Golemite shrugged indifferently. "Ah, well … Skyway Repair Crew's payin' us plenty anyway. Gonna be real busy now that there's so much ground to cover. They're even settin' up a new branch HQ down in Paena."
Chuckling, Jenny said, "Between the tourists and the rest of the repair crew, I've heard more than I care to about Paena. So what's next on the agenda for my favorite regulars?"
Asriel traded looks with Shye and Golemite before saying, "Honestly? Right now, I think we're just gonna take some time to relax."
"Here, here." Golemite said, banging a fist on the arm of his chair.
"Really?' Jenny looked at Golemite and Asriel for a moment before narrowing her eyes and asking, "Okay, who are you, and what have you done with the real Azzie and Golemite?
Asriel could only shrug. "We've done a lot of work in a short amount of time. I mean, yeah, I want to check out the Floating Fields and the Chorus Mountains, but can't we take a few days to just relax and enjoy some peace and quiet?"
Jenny seemed surprised to hear this, but simply shrugged and said, "Well, I can't say I'm disappointed. It'll be nice to have you back in the diner … and you too, Miss Shye."
Rising up from her coils, Jenny stretched her arms and said, "Speaking of, I'd better get back, make sure my new cook's not getting overwhelmed."
She leaned over and kissed Asriel on the forehead, making him blush. "Stop by soon, okay? I've missed my Golemite and my sweet little Azzie."
"You can count on us," Golemite said, flipping the last sliver of quartz from her bag into her mouth like a piece of popcorn.
"Thanks for lunch!" Shye said, waving at the lamia.
With a final smile at the group, Jenny left the room, taking care to let the rest of her tail slide through the doorway before she closed the door behind her.
Once she was gone, Asriel realized Shye was staring at him. She was smirking, and with her feline features, she could really smirk.
"What?" He asked.
"Aww! You're all pink!"
"I-" Asriel felt his cheeks go even warmer. Scowling, he said, "Shut up."
"Of course, my sweet little Azzie!"
"Knock it off!" He moved to shove her, only for her to flip over him and pin him chest-first against the cushions of the couch. Landing on his back, she tickled his sides mercilessly. Golemite chuckled as Asriel squirmed and laughed under the onslaught. He eventually managed to roll out from under her and fall on the floor, where he lay gasping for breath for a few moments as Shye stretched out on the couch with a triumphant smile.
You lied to her.
Asriel froze at the sound of the voice … his voice. The image of a small yellow flower popped straight through his thoughts, a twisted smile on its face.
Just want to take it easy, huh? Think you've earned yourself a vacation?
Asriel didn't respond. There was no need; Flowey was just a voice in his head. If he spoke, he'd just confuse Shye and Golemite.
That's right, the voice said with malicious glee, it's just you and me here, buddy, and if you think you can fool me like you've fooled those idiots, well … you really are an idiot.
Asriel quickly rose to his feet and headed for the bathroom (while it's true that monsters do not need toilet facilities, seeing as their innate magic breaks food down completely, this does not negate the need to bathe or to brush one's hair or teeth). Shye sat up, smile fading. "Azzie?"
"I'm okay," he said, forcing a smile at her. "Just feelin' a little light headed. I'm gonna go ahead and take a bath."
He slipped through the door before Shye or Golemite could say another word. He turned the taps on the sink and splashed the cool water on his face. Water dripping from his wet fur, his gaze gradually rose to his reflection. He met eyes with his reflection for a few moments, water still running in the sink as he slowly breathed.
"What's wrong?" His reflection asked, vines creeping over his shoulders and around his neck. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
Asriel tore his gaze from his reflection, and quickly turned on the taps of the bath as well, hoping to somehow drown out the horrid voice.
You can't drown me out, Asriel. I'm part of you. Do you really think staying here is going to stop what's going to happen?
"Shut up," Asriel whispered, pressing his hands to his long ears.
You saw the mural. You know what you have to do.
"It's only one possible future." Asriel persisted. "It doesn't have to happen."
So you're just going to avoid it forever? Just hide away in Nowhere and hope that you'll live happily ever after?
Anger flared within Asriel's chest. He stared Flowey in the eyes and said, "Why not? I've got a live here, a job, friends. I miss mom and dad, but they've moved on; maybe I should to."
He turned away, only to freeze at the sound of Flowey's laughter.
Look at your hands.
Asriel looked at his hands and gasped; thin vines covered his hands.
"It's in my mind." Asriel said, shaking his head. "This isn't real."
Oh, isn't it?
More vines slid from his sleeves, shooting through the air and latching on to the sink. Asriel tried to pull away, but the vines slowly turned him around and dragged him forward until he was face to face with the mirror.
Let me give you a taste of what is to come.
Foul black ichor poured from the faucets and covered his hands, burning his fur and skin. Asriel struggled to pull his hands away, but it was too late; the ichor was spreading over his arms, across his body, over his face until his reflection only showed a horribly burned and mangled Asriel staring pitifully back through lidless eyes.
It's coming, Asriel. You can't hide from it, you can't run from it, and you can't escape it. Asriel … Asriel? Asriel!
Asriel sat up with a start, only to find himself back in the living room, lying on the ground beside the couch. Shye, Mina, and Golemite were kneeling beside him, concern on their faces.
"Asriel?" Shye asked, "Are you okay?"
"What … what happened?" He asked, a dull ache permeating his head.
"I'm sorry. I was tickling you and you fell off the couch." Shye said, for once having the good grace to look ashamed. "You were out for about five minutes."
"I was knocked out?" Asriel put a hand to the side of his head.
Golemite clapped him on the shoulder. "Eh, Azzie's got a thick skull. He's fine … eh, buddy?"
Asriel forced a smile and a laugh, but he couldn't help but look down at his hands. Seeing only soft white fur relieved his fears a little, but Flowey's cruel laugh still echoed in his ears.
"Still," Golemite said, stifling a yawn, "Maybe it's time to get a little shuteye, eh?"
Shye nodded in agreement. "Sounds good, but don't forget you and Asriel promised me a tour of the city."
"Tomorrow morning," Golemite said as she walked to her room. "After you write a letter to your parents."
Shye clicked her tongue in annoyance, but didn't argue.
"I'll bring you some blankets." Asriel said as Shye curled up on the couch. By the time he returned from his room, she was already sound asleep, Mena purring softly by her side.
Pulling a blanket over her, he whispered, "Wish it was that easy for me."
Unfortunately, sleep wasn't the sanctuary Asriel hoped it would be. As he tossed and turned in his bed, the faces of all the people he'd met during his travels through the Deep flashed through his mind; Shye's family in the Brass Woods, Artie and Begat of the Precious Meadows, Jenny's many sisters, the former-pirate Captain Naddy, Sylpha the scribe … one by one, their images were covered with the foul ichor from his hallucination as Flowey's laughter filled his ears.
He awoke with a start, only to find he wasn't alone. The silhouette of a young girl sat on the bed just a few inches from his feet. He would've mistaken her for a shadow if it weren't for the glowing eyes and the Everstar shard on her chest.
"It's … it's you," he said, sitting up against the headboard of his bed.
"Hey, Asriel." She said, hugging her knees against her chest. "Can't sleep?"
When Asriel shook his head, she let out a sigh. "I remember the nightmares I had after I fell into the Underground."
"Me too." Asriel said. "You'd wake up screaming and kicking. It took both Mom and Dad to get you to calm down."
"Dad would hold me still, telling me it was all just a dream until Mom brought us both a slice of pie." The starchild closed her eyes and lay back, staring at the ceiling. "They made me feel safe … safer than I ever felt on the surface. I … I miss those days."
"Me too." Asriel confessed.
They sat in silence for a few moments before the the starchild opened her eyes again. "Asriel … something's coming. Something bad."
"I know." Asriel said. "I think I've seen it; this … this black stuff-"
"The black stuff's just part of it. It's the source that's really dangerous, and it's down here, in the Deep."
Asriel leaned forward, eyes wide. "It's here?"
"It came here the same way you did; from the Underground. It couldn't take that world, so now it's going to take this one." The starchild put a hand on Asriel's shoulder. "You can't let it do that!"
"I know." Asriel said, "But there was this mural … it showed me as Flowey."
"I don't know. I don't know what to tell you; all I know is that if you stay here and do nothing, this whole realm will be destroyed."
Asriel had no idea what to say to that.
"I'll bring you proof," she said, "Tomorrow. After that, if you still don't want to help, I'll understand."
"Chara-" Asriel said, reaching for her hand, only to find her gone.
"So let me get this straight," Undyne said, rubbing her forehead. "You opened a gate to another dimension that sucked up Fuku and most of Sans."
They were standing in front of the portal generator. The rings were completely still now, as were the connected consoles. Alphys was still working at one of them, but at Undyne's words, she sighed and rubbed her eyes.
"I know, I know … it was careless." Alphys said.
"Well, yeah. Wouldn't be your work if it weren't a little dangerous."
Alphys gave her wife a weak smile. "Don't … don't be nice to me. Sans is hurt … he could be dead."
"Phhb. He's a skeleton. They pop their bones off all the time." Undyne smirked and added, "Sounds a bit dirty, doesn't it? Anyway, you know Sans. Hell, you know three Sanses, and they're all good at getting out of trouble."
"I know, but-"
"Hey." Undyne said, rubbing Alphys's arm, "It was an accident, and that's what I'm putting in my report. If you're working on reestablishing this portal thing, and those Warehouse people are working on it from their end, I'm sure it's just a matter of time until-"
Undyne was cut off as the Warehouse doors were rammed open by a quadruped robot roughly the size of a large dog. It looked around , the large round monitor that currently displayed the face of a cartoon dog craning left and right. On his back was a child that everyone in the UNDR-Ground knew by heart.
"Frisk!" Undyne said, a grin sliding across her face. "Hey, I thought you were on tour! When'd ya get back?"
Frisk shrugged as Sans slowly made his way toward Alphys and Undyne. He stopped right in front of the portal device.
"We're on the right track!" Jake exclaimed. "Hold on!"748Please respect copyright.PENANAzkGu5hxeOB
Without another word, Jake leapt toward the device, vanishing with a loud crack.
Alphys and Undyne stared at the space Jake had previously occupied for a good minute in complete silence.
"So," Undyne said, shaking her head. "Lunch?"