Sitting on the love seat beneath her window, looking out at the beauty of the view, her mind wondered back to a moment in her past that will never be forgotten. It was the time she met him.
A soft sad smile curved her lips and she uttered a sigh. He was everything she’d hoped he would have been. He was charming, witty and down right cute.
They’d been chatting for months online and had never met in person, but they were about to. That day, she took a walk as accustomed, down into the village, one just like the one she lives in, and spent the afternoon with her cousin.
When it was time for her to leave and make her way back home, she’d gotten a text saying he was near by and whenever she was ready to go home, to let him know. She’d responded that she was just leaving her cousin’s and on the way home. They decided to meet.
He was attending a family member’s wedding and he was determined to meet despite she told him that he could stay and enjoy the wedding reception. He told her where to meet him, and she waited. It wasn’t long, while she was looking out at the blinking lights in the distance, indicating the town nearby, that he showed up, silhouetted in the darkness but caressed in the moonlights rays.
“Hey, beautiful,” he’d said, by way of greeting.
“Hey, handsome. You look nice,” she’d responded with a smile.
They walked and chatted. The walk was a bit romantic - bright moonlight, soft breeze, a handsome man walking beside her and twinkling stars winking at her from above. Occasionally, they would stop and gaze at each other while talking and then continued. None of them wanted to end the night quickly, so when they reached her destination, they stood beneath the garage trying not to end the evening quickly.
He gazed at her, lost in her beauty and found himself wanting to taste her. He closed the space between them and took her lips in a kiss that tasted of pure bliss.
She was enthralled by that kiss. So sweet and so filled with passion, her knees got weak and she gripped him taking care not to slip and embarrass herself. That night she found out she was in love with him. Only, there was a problem. He didn’t love her the way she loved him.
She broke of the kiss and took a shaking breath in to stead her racing heart, which she sure he could hear. She stepped back away, pained that she couldn’t have him to herself the way she wanted to. He was her Best-Friend and he was the love of her life. He was also with someone else.
She forced a smile to her face and inhaled sharply, she fisted her hands and then let out the breathe she was holding, opened her eyes and tried to not let the love shin through her eyes. She didn’t want to scare him.
“Are you okay?” he asked?
“Yeah...” She cleared her throat and responded, “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”