A teen aged girl sat at her desk in her room. The walls were littered with music posters and book covers. The girl had long, light brown hair and her eyes were a magnificent blue. She was scribbling on some paper, writing one last line to her latest poem.
“Abi! Come down for breakfast.” A woman called from outside the room.
“Coming Mom!” Abi shouted back. Just another second and she was done. She slammed down her pen and jumped up from her seat. Her desk chair rolled backward as she stepped around it, going outside of the room. She walked down the hallway and turned right around the corner, straight into the dining room. Inside Kat was waiting at the end of the table. On the table opposite of Kat was a plate of scrabbled eggs, hashed browns, and two pieces of bacon. Abi walked up and sat down at the table across from her mother.
“Morning, dear.” Kat greeted as she looked up from her meal.
“Morning.” Abi greeted back with a sweet smile. She picked up her fork and scooped up some eggs, eating them a moment later.
“Are you ready for the dance on Friday?” Kat asked as she took a sip of coffee.
“No… I still don’t have a date.” Abi confessed as her face turned red.
“You still have plenty of time, besides you don’t need a date to have fun.” Her mother replied.
“I know but everybody else is going to have a date.” Abi complained, “I’m going to be the only loner there.”
“That’s not true and you know it.” Kat replied, “You still have time. I’m sure a boy will ask you soon. Just be patient.”
“Ugh, fine. I know a couple boys who might ask me anyways.” She answered as a smile formed on her mouth.
“Oh, who are these boys you are talking about?” Kat asked with a sly giggle.
“Hmm, why are you so interested?” Abi asked in return, raising her eye brow.
“C’mon, why are you hiding it from me?” Kat begged.
“Jacob Pierce, and Logan Henderson.” Abi answered bluntly.
“Oh, that Jacob is kinda cute, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, but I like Logan too. The only problem is that he is a werewolf and the others give us enough crap already, just for being friends.”
“Who cares what the others think? Which one do you really want to go with?”
“I dunno mom. It’s just hard.” Abi explained, “But I’d still rather go with Jacob instead.”
“Why Jacob?”
“I dunno. He is cool and gorgeous. We get along really well.”
“As long as he respects you.” Kat replied as she bit down on a piece of bacon. A horn honked from outside the house.
“I better go. That’s Kate.” Abi said as she stood up from the table. She picked up her bookbag and threw the strap over her shoulder as she went out the front door.
A moment later, the front door opened and closed. The sound of heavy footstep approached the dining room. A large man, even larger than Nathan stepped into the room.
“Hey, Isaac.” Kat said without looking up from her plate, “How are you this morning?” Isaac turned around the corner, eyeing the bacon next to the stovetop.
“Morning.” He replied as he snatched the plate with the bacon. Before he sat down, he grabbed a fork from the drawer. He walked over and sat down where Abi had previously, “Abigael never eats her hash browns… What is wrong with that girl.” He said as he picked up her plate and scraped the fried potatoes onto his own plate. He placed his plate on top of her as he began to eat.
“Oh, you know she is a picky girl. She always avoids her carbs.” Kat replied as she looked up to greet him.
“How are this morning, Kat?” Isaac asked.
“I believe I asked you first, pup.” She replied.
“Oh right. Well I’m doing pretty well actually.” Isaac answered, “The treatments seem to be helping. The doctor told me I had six months to live, but that was a year ago. Overall, I feel… good.”
“Has it already been a year?” Kat asked, “You still look great. Obviously, whatever Kate has been doing is working.”
“Yep, one year this Friday actually.” He answered as a wide smile found its way onto his mouth, “The doctor actually says it looks like it’s in remission.”
“Remission!? Really?” Kat asked frantically as he filled with excitement, “That’s amazing!” She jumped up from her seat and hugged Isaac tightly.
“Hey now, hey now. Easy there, tiger.” He replied as he shrugged, “It’s just remission, this old wolf ain’t out of the woods yet.” Kat let go of him and sat back down. Her face had a wide smile spread across it.
“Well we should celebrate. Let’s go out for a little hunt tonight, for old times’ sake?” Kat requested as Isaac pondered the idea.
“Ya know what. Hell yeah! Let’s do it.” He replied, raising his fist for a bump and Kat tapped her fist against his, “It’s been ages.”
“Sweet. I’ll make sure to pick you up by nine tonight.” She said.
Abigael sat in the passenger seat as Kate drove them to school. She looked over at the cute blonde girl. She saw one of her hands rested on the top of the steering wheel. Kate held a cup of coffee between her legs as she drove down the road. The road was lined with tall redwood trees and sporadically placed homes.
“That one is for you.” Kate said as she pointed down to the coffee cup in the cup holder.
“Thanks.” Abi replied as a smile found her face. She sat down and clipped the seat belt, before grabbing the coffee.
“So, Abi… Did he ask you yet?” Kate asked as she sipped her coffee drink. Abi blushed as she thought about it.
“No….. not yet. But he will soon, I’m sure of it.” Abi answered as her blushing face returned to normal color.
“Yeah, girl. Keep the faith. He will come around.” Kate replied.
A moment later, Kate pulled into the school parking lot and drove to the second row. She stopped the car in one of the empty spaces before they got out. Abi had her bookbag pulled over her shoulder and Kate had a normal backpack strapped to her back. They walked into the entrance of their small high school. The school only held about a hundred kids in it and about half of them were in the cafeteria having breakfast. Abi looked over to Kate and nodded. Kat nodded back, and they separated. Kate wandered into the cafeteria with the other kids, while Abi went into the hall toward her locker.
She found her locker, number 87. As she spun the lock back and forth, she jumped when somebody came up from behind her. She spun herself around quickly and was faced with Logan. His short, blonde hair and warm hazel eyes came into view.
“Oh hey, Logan. Good morning.” She said as she giggled.
“Yooo Ab. I’ve been waiting for you all morning!” Logan shouted as he slightly shook her.
“Okay, okay, okay. What do you need?” Abi replied while she continued to giggle. Her heart started racing at the thought. She wondered what he needed her for.
“I’m so nervous!” He loudly whispered.
“What’s going on?” She asked confused as the situation.
“I’m going to ask Ashley to the dance.” He announced as he gripped Abi’s hands tight.
“Oh, that’s awesome. I hope she says yes!” She answered back with a wide smile, faking her true feelings. Her heart sank in her chest as she was let down. Logan was no longer an option, and her only hope was with Jacob.
“Oh crap! There she is.” Logan said as he darted his head to the right, “Be right back.” He said as he released her hands and walked toward Ashley down the hall.
Kas rolled into the parking lot of an apartment complex. The building stood twenty floors high. It was an older building, made of brick mostly. Her custom triumph was her baby. Rosie was nice for a work bike, but Bullet was for her days off. She parked the bike in one of the visitor parking places out front. As she turned off the bike, she lifted her leg over and dismounted. She wore black skater shoes, pj bottoms, a black tank top with a jacket. Her silver pistol was tucked on her lower back under her waist band. The coat she wore barely covered it as she walked toward the building.
“Hey, Mr. Harrison. What do we have for lunch today?” She said as she approached a middle-aged man carrying a box of food. She peeked around for a look and saw at least fifteen or twenty boxes of Chinese take-out.
“Damn it, not today Kas. Please?” He begged as he tried to hurry through the door. Kas stepped in front of him and smirked.
“Just hand it over. You know how this goes, right?” She replied, placing her hand around her back. Her fingers slid around the metal of her gun as she gripped it tight, “There is the easy way. Or the hard way. Either way is fine for me, they both end the same.”
“Kas, please.” He continued to beg.
“Hard way it is!” She said as her tone got much more serious. Her hand whipped out from behind her back and pointed the pistol at his head, “Just hand it over, old man.”
“Kas!” She heard from above her. She looked up to see Nathan hanging out his window, six stories up.
“Yea?!” She shouted back.
“Just pay the fucking man already and get up here.” Nathan ordered, “Fuck sake.”
“Alright, Alright. I was just having a little fun.” She replied as she lowered her gun and reached for her pocket. She pulled out a wad of bills and handed them to Mr. Harrison before taking the box of food from him.
“Uh, what? Huh?” He asked. Confusion had overwhelmed him for a moment as he rambled.
“That should cover any expenses, and you can keep the rest.” Kas answered. She turned on her heel and walked inside. She looked back to see Mr. Harrison shrug and turn around, walking toward his car.
Kas waited inside the elevator as it rose floors. After she reached the sixth floor, the doors opened, and she stepped out. Nathan was three doors down from the elevator, so she turned left and wandered down the hall. After she saw the second door, she looked ahead at the third door to see Nathan waiting for her.
“Hurry up, get your ass in here.” He ordered as Kas smiled and sped up her pace a bit.
“Calm down. No need to get so pushy.” She replied as she stepped through his door. He closed it behind her and she turned to face him.
“Do you always have to pull your gun on him?” Nathan asked.
“No, but he likes the game too. You know that.” She answered. She followed Nathan into his living room and placed the box of food on the coffee table.
“Well, what did you get us today?” Nathan asked as he sat down on the couch.
“Chinese fiesta it seems.” She replied, taking the seat next to him.
“You do realize that fiesta is Mexican, right?” He commented.
“Spanish, stupid mutt.” She snapped back, “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and enjoy the spread for once?”
“Cunty much, eh Kas?” Nathan asked as he raised an eye brow at her.
“Yeah, mate. My boss has been really riding my ass lately.” She answered back with a raised eye brow of her own.
“Whatever. Let’s just eat.” He said as he reached for chop sticks and a box of food.
“Who are you, and where is my Nate-o?” She demanded.
“What the hell are you talking about?” He asked in reply.
“I said my boss has been riding my ass, and you didn’t say a word, mate…. That’s what I’m talking about.” She explained as her voice filled with attitude.
“I’m mostly just confused.” He replied, “I thought he creeped you out, I didn’t know you were into him.”
“Ah ha! There’s my mate. Let’s grub.” Kas shouted as she finally reached for chop sticks and a box of food for herself.
Nathan picked up the remote and turned on the tv. He surfed through the channels but was unable to find anything. He opened his box and grabbed a piece of lemon chicken from within. He ate it and looked over to Kas who seemed to be staring over at him.
“So, Nate-o.” She started to say, “I came over here for another reason.” Nathan snapped his head directly toward her and made eye contact.
“Oh yea? Is it what I think it is?” He asked.
“Yep.” She answered back as a seductive smirk curls onto her lips.
“Race ya.” Nathan replied as he stood up and took his shirt off. His muscles rippled as they flexed. Kas jumped up and pulled her pajama pants down and kicked off her shoes.
“Let’s go.” She said and they both ran for the hallway leading to Nathan’s room. They both get jammed up at the door as Nathan fiddled with the door knob. He managed to open it and they both busted into the room.
Kas jumped onto the bed on all fours with her backside facing Nathan. He smiled as he pulled his pants down and stepped out of them before rushing over. He was already raging hard and he gripped himself around the base as he shoved himself inside her. She whined loudly as he pulled her hips back into his. As if in sync, they both bounced their hips together. Nathan grunted with each thrust as Kas moaned in tune with him. He placed his hands on both her hips and made her bounce faster as his hips moved harder. Kas arched back and reached up for Nathan’s face. He wrapped her around his head pulling him closer with each movement. In a sudden burst of motion, Kas flipped Nathan forward. This totally caught him by surprise as he gasped for air. She quickly straddled him facing forward. She started to bounce her hips up and down. Her hips bounced faster and faster with each second. She placed her hands on his chest and dug her nails into his skin. Nathan had his hands on her chest as he squeezed her soft flesh through her tank top. A moment later she reached next to bed. Opening the night stand drawer. She gripped a silver pistol and raised into the air. Nathan was focused on her movements, but his attention shifted as the pistol tip lowered to his head.
“Woah. What the fuck?!” Nathan yelled out as Kas continued to bounce her hips, ignoring him completely, “Kas. Lollipops, Lollipops!” He shouted, and she continued to ignore him as she bounced faster and harder. A few seconds later, she shrieked out loud and Nathan groaned at the same moment. She pulled the trigger of the gun and everything stopped. Click. The gun didn’t fire. Instead she tossed it to the side and fell onto his chest.
“Kas, what the actual fuck was that?” He asked. She lifted her head and looked at him.
“What? It helps me get off, okay?” she answered as her face began to glow red.
“Uh, alright then.” He replied, “Though next time you could warn me that the gun wasn’t loaded.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to bring that up next time we have a fuck, mate.” She said as she lowered her head back onto his chest.
“Wait, how and why was there a gun in my drawer?” He asked.
“Oh,” She said peaking up at him again, “I snuck in here a few days ago when you weren’t here and put it there.”
“Are you telling me this was premeditated?” He asked as an eye brow raised above his eye.
“That’s how I roll, baby.” She replied with a wink, “I do have one question though.”
“Oh yea? What’s that?” He asked.
“What the fuck was up with Lollipops?”
“Oh.” He replied as he sighed deeply, “It’s my safe word.”
“Why Lollipops?”
“It’s something I started back when I was with Kat. Don’t judge me.”
“Oh, I’m judging.” She replied as an awkward smile found it way onto her mouth.
“Whatever.” He replied, “Let go eat now. I’m starved.”
Abi wandered the halls after lunch. She stared down at the tiles as she dragged her self through the school. Her emotions were down hard after Logan practically turned her down. She stepped around the corner and crashed face first into another student. They were both sent to the ground. Abi shook her head as she tried to regain composure. She looked over to the other student and saw a boy with brown hair and eyes. He seemed to be in a hurry as he jumped to his feet. He looked over to her and reached out his hand. Still stunned Abi blinked at him blankly for a moment. She finally reached out and grabbed his hand and he yanked her up to her feet.
“I’m so sorry. I should have been more careful.” He said, “Are you okay?”
“I, uh….I’m.” Abi mumbled. The boy chuckled slightly.
“Do you have a name?” He asked, “You can call me Ash.”
“Abigael.” She answered.
“Well I gotta go. Nice to meet you Abi.” Ash replied. He spun around quickly and dashed around the corner.
“Yeah, nice to meet….” She replied as he ran away, “You….”