here’s an oda since i felt like it. Enjoy.702Please respect copyright.PENANAcsepHs4DkW
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As you were still new to the job, you accompanied your superior Oda during another attempt to clear out an area. This particular block owner was quite persistent and Oda didn’t see you handling this one on your own very well. You walked behind him in silence to the business complex until he spoke up.
“I won’t promise that this one will end peacefully. These ones usually like to put up a fight when you come back.” Oda said while facing you as they continued walking.
“No problem. I think I can handle myself in a fight.” A prideful smile appeared on (y/n)’s face. Oda laughed to himself and faced forward while walking. “Oh really? And who had to patch you up with that nasty hit from a golf club at the office?” Oda brought up then (y/n)’s face reddened. “T-that was a cheap shot anyway! Geez, when are you gonna let me take care of these guys on my own?” (y/n) caught up to his superior. “When I see that you can handle yourself in battle. And also when I think you won’t get yourself killed.” Oda said, whispering the second bit. (y/n) only caught the first part, but he understood what he meant.
They made it to the complex and walked up the stairs to the bar. It's best to discuss these things while the businesses aren't open so civilians don't have to see what goes down. Oda stood in front of the door while (y/n) stood at the side as Oda knocked on the door. Like usual, the owner peaked his head out of the door to check. With the blemishes and wrinkles on his face, the man looked to be in his 40s or 50s. This bar had been here for a while, but to Tachibana Real Estate, time wasn't a factor taken into consideration. Even after offering money, their tactics had to become a bit more forceful, and the old bar owner heard this through other businesses that were being bought out. When the middle-aged man caught sight of Oda’s face he tried to close the door, but Oda caught it with his hand.
“Yo, boss man. You aren’t trying to hide anything from me right? We just need to chat with you again.” Oda posed through the door with a welcoming smile. The man mumbled to himself and then opened the door.
“Fine.” He said lowly. “Glad we could get that across,” Oda said as he walked past the man, (y/n) wasn’t that far behind. Something felt odd to the inexperienced real estate agent. They usually put up more of a fight, coming from his experience on these runs. (y/n) and Oda walked through the entrance hallway of the bar. Suddenly, Oda leaned backward to dodge an oncoming metal bat. Of course, they would plan an ambush, but (y/n) was much more impressed when Oda managed to dodge it. From around the corner came 4 men, they didn’t seem too tough to handle. The bar owner from behind them spoke up.
“If you want to me to leave, you’re gonna have to take these guys down first.” the man said pridefully. “Get ready.” Oda stood close to (y/n) as he got into a fighting stance. He didn’t have his tonfa at the moment, but he didn’t need it to take down these guys. (y/n) took advantage of the cramped space and assorted chairs in this setting, so he kicked back one of the thugs into a chair and threw him into another one of his lackeys.
“Behind you!” Oda yelled out when the yakuza with the bat was about to knock (y/n) out. Quickly dodging the downward swing, (y/n) got in an uppercut in the hired help’s weak spot and knocked the air out of his chest. Oda had taken care of the last one and faced the cowering man. “We made a deal, right? You said that if we could defeat them, you leave, correct?". The man cowardly fell onto the ground, hands and knees, and begged. “Okay, okay! I’ll leave, just please don’t hurt me!” Oda chuckled to himself. “Now, was that so hard? I’ll be expecting you pack up in the next week. Come on, (y/n).” Oda and (y/n) walked around the man and carried on to check out for the day.
After walking down the stairs, (y/n) spoke up again. “So, how’d I do? Could I handle myself there?” (y/n) pestered his senior. “Well, besides the part where you weren’t completely aware of your surroundings, you were alright.” “Wow, a compliment coming from you is rare, but I’ll take it. Does that mean you can trust me with those kinds of guys right?” (y/n) asked again.
“Nope.” Oda deadpanned. “Ugh, when are you going to give me a chance?” “Not anytime soon. Don’t get your hopes up.” Oda said, despite smiling to himself. (y/n) had joined Tachibana Real Estate as to pay a past debt by one of Tachibana’s friends. (y/n) was only meant to be “the help”, but sooner or later the bright-eyed agent started to fit right in. Tachibana saw him as a powerful asset and was dedicated to his work, so why not let him stay for a while? In some ways, Oda was enjoying the company
A few days later, (y/n) came in for work, early as usual. Going to the higher floors of the building, he went to the small desk Tachibana supplied him, as of (y/n)’s request. (y/n) noticed a small white note with sloppy handwriting on it. The note read: “Tachibana and I are dealing with a special client today so I won't be accompanying you on this cleanup, so try not to get yourself killed. - your superior”. A sudden rush of excitement hit (y/n) as he finished reading the small note. There was another stingy bar that wouldn’t leave, and he was going to take care of it! All by himself! (y/n) felt like a child all over again.
I can’t just stand here all day, (y/n) thought. It’s best to take care of them while they’re closed.
Later that evening, Tachibana and Oda finish their business with a rival real estate group nearby. The sun had long set, and the city lights of Kamurocho were already out.
“It’s already late. Would you mind if we stopped somewhere to eat? There’s a place not that far from here I’d like to try.” Tachibana said as he looked at Oda.
“I don’t mind. I was getting hungry anyway.” Oda agreed and followed his boss to a taxi to drive them to their destination. The traditional style of the restaurant was peaceful, and the two found a seat in the back to safely talk. The men were waiting for their food in silence until Tachibana spoke up. “I’ve noticed you’re tenser lately. Something on your mind?” Tachibana asked. “I’m just worried about the kid. I let him handle the bar that needed clearing out today, but I hope he isn’t hurt or got himself killed.” Oda said, combing a hand through his hair. “Looks like you have something to protect," Oda looked up from the table. “Well, of course. I’m his superior. What else is that supposed to mean?” “Nothing. That’s just something you have to figure out on your own.”
“I can’t figure it out if you don’t-”702Please respect copyright.PENANA3gBzg604Bi
“Your orders, gentleman.” Oda was interrupted by the waitress placing the plates of food in front of them. Tachibana spoke in cryptic words most of the time but usually, neither Oda or (y/n) could understand them. Well, of course, Oda cared for (y/n) because his boss would be quite pissed if he found out something happened to him. He’s a good kid, Oda thought. (y/n), even though he just transferred over to their job still puts his heart into it.
The two men finished their meals, and with a short car trip later, they return to their office. When going up to the higher levels, Oda spotted (y/n) at his small desk. Oda walked up to him. “So, how’d it go?” Oda asked while leaning on his desk. (y/n) stood up from his chair with his left hand behind his back. “It went better than I expected.” (y/n) explained with a prideful smile on his face. Then, Oda took in his appearance. His suit was still intact and there weren’t any cuts or bruises on the few places his skin was visible, except one place.
“What’s behind your back?” Oda asked.
“What do you mean, nothing’s behind my back.” (y/n) said while keeping his smile on his face. “Why’s your hand behind you then. You wouldn’t need to do that unless you were hiding something from me.” Oda continued to press (y/n) until he broke, which he finally did. “I knew I couldn’t keep this from you.” (y/n) sighed and frowned, holding out his left hand that had a bandage around it.
Oda took it to examine his wound, which had stained the white bandage red. “How did you get this?” Oda asked. “The owner got desperate and pulled a knife. I know, I should’ve been more careful but he caught me off guard. That guy was pretty skilled with a sashimi knife.” (y/n)’s eyes softened in embarrassment and looked up to Oda. “But I did good right?” (y/n) asked.
Oda could only laugh at his little mistake, which made (y/n) confused. “No, it’s alright. You did well. It’s just so hilarious that you got trapped by a trick as old as a sashimi knife. Were you spacing out when I told you to pay attention to your surroundings?” Oda calmed down from his laughing fit. “No, I was paying attention, honest! I just wasn't expecting him to reach behind the counter, is all. You believe me, right?” “No, I believe you. I’m just having some fun.” Oda let go of (y/n)’s hand and started walking to Tachibana’s office. He stopped in his tracks and turned to (y/n). “Just wanted to let you know that you did a good job, even for your first time alone. Maybe I can trust you to do this by yourself more often.” Then, Oda turned around and continued on his way.
(y/n) waited for his superior to leave, then he triumphantly fist pumped the air and had a little victory dance.
The next day, (y/n) noticed another note on his desk, and this time it wasn’t related to work. It read: “The boss was generous enough to give us the day off tomorrow. Would you like to spend that day together? - Oda”. Which was what (y/n) could make out in the midst of a bunch of crossed out words and marked out sentences taking up ½ of the paper. Oh well, how could he say no to his superior?702Please respect copyright.PENANAdsX420psKt
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