Mona saw the confusing look on her face and said “I will explain everything after we arrive so please hang on”. I heard that and stayed quiet all the way to the mysterious destination.
As the bus approaching our destination, the nostalgia feeling pierced through my heart. I saw the dim light at the end of this road which was from a hanging lantern in front of a medium size house. "It was my home!", I said while tears were brimming over my eyes.
"Thank you so much Mona, I will not forget this moment." I said it from the bottom of my heart. The last time I visited my home was like when I was in my fifteen. I was from a poor family, I left my family to find jobs because I did not want to be my family's burden. Without the support from family, my life was not that bad. An old friend of mine who moved to another town gave me jobs like being a nanny, cleaning house, and all sort of things that she could find. She was a really good friend.
I did not seem to recall what happend before I was here. It was really dark. Everything in my head was just dark and so my surrounding. Anyway, I was here, at my own house. I was crying there on the bus steps. The feeling of a soft touch on my shoulders took me back reality. Mona whispered "I will give you 13 minutes, use them wisely". I nodded my head and ran toward my house.
No matter how many centuries, an observer like Mona still did not know how to feel. "I will never get use to it" said Mona. She went back to the bus and hoped that this moment would soon be over.