Papyrus: No Sans why
Sans: Well I haven't seen her all day
Papyrus: I'm sure she's fine Sans
Sans: UH yeah OK
Sans's Notes: I don't know where Toriel is. I've been looking all day. Papyrus says she's ok but I don't know for sure
Meanwhile Toriel is not dead but just in ERROR's castle
Toriel: Hello Sans. Where am I.
ERROR: Well honey welcome to your doom.
Toriel: Who are you? What have you done.
ERROR: Well I was originally going to get some possessed robots to kill you but that idea had some flaws.
Toriel: So what are you going to do to me.
ERROR: Well your boyfriend Sans is coming to...
Toriel: Wait Sans isn't my boyfriend.
ERROR: Oh right you don't know that yet. Anyhow I'm gonna kill him then kill you and use your bodies to glitch the world.
Toriel: But why do you need us.
ERROR: Do you know what it means to "ship" characters?
Toriel: No.
ERROR: Do you know anything about the internet?
Toriel: No
ERROR: Oh fuck you. You see the internet does this weird and completely unneeded thing where they write fake stories and make character (who might not even like each other) have very disturbing relationships and that is what they do with you and Sans which helps me glitch the world
Toriel: How disturbing?
ERROR: When a mommy and daddy love each other very much they...
Toriel: Let me stop you right there. Where is Sans now.
ERROR: You're not going to be a problem are you?
Toriel: Yeah. When Sans gets here we'll wail on you BITCH.
ERROR: Suit your self.
Toriel: Is that a gun?
Meanwhile on mount Snowdin.
Sans: WTF was that.
Papyrus: Sans watch yo profanity.
Sans: If they hurt my Tori I'll, I'll SHOW THEM A BAD TIME.
Papyrus: Sans what are you doing?
Papyrus: Sans no!!!
Sans notes: What have I done? I pushed my brother down a mountain but I can't go back what if they've hurt Tori. I can't look back.
While Undyne was on a walk
Undyne: Holy shit Papyrus are you ok?
GLITCHED Papyrus: (Hwtqn up k?)
Undyne: Oh no this is bad. Alphys you better come look at this.
Alphys: What? AH Papyrus are you ok?
GLITCHED Papyrus: (Dioge wn grwy oiy?)
Alphys: Oh boy.
Undyne: What?
Alphys: He's GLITCHED. If he stays like this he'll start speaking in symbols.
GLITCHED Papyrus: ®% ¥ €}¿<.
ERROR: Ooh he's here. Hello Sans come to reclaim your bride.
Sans: You killed Tori. I know everything Erin O. Rogers or ERROR.
ERROR: I have a plan you need to leave dead so I think why kill you when you can kill yourself.
Sans: Huh?
ERROR: For every time you try to kill me, one of your friends drop dead until there are none.
Sans: Is that an explosive?
And the lights went out and Sans blew up the palace including himself and Erin but undoing everything else but what went on in that palace. The world was better but there was no Sans and Tori.