I let Keith in, and he instantly began to squeal, “DUDE, LOOK AT THIS!” He handed me his phone, which had his and Xavier's text messages
Gae Bae: Hi is this Keith?
Keith: yeah who is this
Gae Bae: Xavier
Keith: ohhh, hi
Keith: are you feeling ok
Keith: cuz you seemed panicked af earlier
Gae Bae: I’m still panicking a bit, but yeah, I’m doing better.
Keith: aw dude
Gae Bae: What?
Keith: ur a baby gay
Keith: it’s a adorable
Gae Bae: Lmao I’m not adorable.
Keith: well yeah ur more along the lines of hot but ur baby gay moments are seriously cute
Gae Bae: I’m not hot. Do you need my glasses?
Keith: wait u where glasses.
Gae Bae: Wear*
Gae Bae: And yes I do
Keith: screw off
Keith: send me a picccc
Gae Bae: I look like a total dork with them on though, so I don’t wear them
Gae Bae: Not right now,
Keith: later then?
Gae Bae: Yes, later
Keith: yay then i’ll finally have a pic of u that isn’t stalkerish
Gae Bae: Um
Gae Bae: That’s…
Keith: lol
Keith: anyways
Keith: wyd?
Gae Bae: I’m out with a couple friends right now. What about you?
Keith: then go hang out with them doof
Keith: i’m in bed ;)
Gae Bae: Eh, I’d rather talk to you.
Gae Bae: Actually. I take that back. I might go talk to them because of that damn winky face
Keith: aww why’s that?
Keith: hey!!! what’s wrong with the winky face?
Gae Bae: Because you’re way better than them.
Keith: and why’s thatt
Gae Bae: Well
Gae Bae: You’re not a dick
Keith: aww not because im cute :(
Gae Bae: I can’t see you rn lol
Keith: true
Gae Bae: You are hella cute though. I’d look at you all day if I could
Keith: technically you can.
Gae Bae: Not without getting called a fag, I can’t.
Keith: lol u will get used to it after a while
Gae Bae: Yeah, maybe.
Gae Bae: I gotta go though, my friends are trying to get my phone away sooo
Keith: ok bye
Gae Bae: Bye, goodnight.
Keith: it won’t be a good night without those glasses photos
Gae Bae: Laterrr I promise
Keith: yayyy
“KEITH!” My mom squealed, “You’ve got a date?!”
“I mean, not official, since he’s a baby gay, and hiding deep in the closet, but I hope so.”
“Oh, well tell me about this baby gay! I need the details!”
“Haha, well, his name is Xavier-”
“Wait, the same one that-”
“Oh.” She seemed slightly shocked, “Wasn’t expecting that.”
“I don’t think anyone else was either. The only one who knew before was Alan,”
“So, I assume he’s not actually an asshole then?”
“Yeah, he’s actually pretty nice. He’s actually really shy too, which I wasn’t really expecting.”
“Damn. You better bring this boy over to dinner sometime, you hear me?”
“Yeah, yeah, I will,” Keith smiled, “If he’ll agree to it.”
“I hope he does, you’re like my other child, and I need to make sure he’s a good fit for you.”
“I’m sure that he is…”
“Okay, but you’re head over heels for him, Xavier! Jasper, is Xavier a good match?!”
“From the one time I’ve seen him be genuine, I think he is.” I nodded,
“Why does he hide it in the way that he does? I understand being closeted and all that, but harassing other gay people? That’s not something you say all that often.”
“I think he’s afraid.”
“You think?” I raised an eyebrow, “He is totally afraid. He was panicking the whole time you guys talked.”
“Yeah, okay, he’s terrified, and I don’t think he knows how to react. Besides, his friends are openly homophobic, and if he wasn’t too, they might get the idea… Which is dumb, but… y’know.” Keith shrugged, before continuing on about Xavier, “He’s also got really bad issues with internalized homophobia. He told me that, for whatever reason, he thought that if he harassed other gay folk, that it would somehow un-queer him.”
“That makes more sense.”