The roads of Nowhere were deserted as Asriel, Golemite, and Shye headed for the western exit of the city. News of the ichor had spread quickly through the city, leading many residents to vacate to safer places.
"You okay, Azzie?" Golemite asked, her stone face worried. "You look like you swallowed somethin' bad."
"I'm fine," Asriel said, shaking his head. "Just … worried, that's all."
"Yeah, you and me both." Turning her head to Shye, Golemite said, "Ya sure you don't wanna go back to the Brass Woods? They're shuttin' down the roads at midnight."
"Not a chance," Shye said, jaw jutting out stubbornly. "I'm gonna help you and Azzie find what's doing this and kick it in the jewels."
Letting out a laugh, Golemite said, "Good on ya."
They eventually reached the final road connecting Nowhere to the Skyway. Two Skyway officers guarded the path, ready to cut it should the ichor appear.
"No sign of the stuff yet, sir," Said the first officer, saluting.
Golemite waved him off. "Still gonna break the road at midnight?"
"Y-yes," the second officer said. "No one's seen more of the stuff that destroyed the path to the Floating Fields, but the boss wants to be sure."
"And what happens if we need to come back?" Asriel asked.
"Well, you and Golemite shouldn't have trouble reconnecting a simple road. You shouldn't have to, though; Skyway officers will be watching the borders; if they see you or anyone else needing help, they'll be able to let them back in." The officer paused, her cat-like face filled with worry. "Are you sure you want to leave? We could really use you both here in case that stuff makes a reappearance."
"I know, I know," Asriel said, "But we have a lead on the source of that crud. If we can find it and take it out, everyone should be safe."
The cat officer sighed. "Well, for what it's worth, we're all rootin' for ya, Azzie. Take care of business and come back safe, okay?"
"Of course we well," Golemite said, putting her hand on Asriel and Shye's shoulders. "Be back before you even realize we're gone."
"That would be some trick," the cat guard said, eyeing Golemite's massive frame.
"Welp," Golemite said, turning away from the guards, "Let's get to gettin'."
All too soon, Nowhere was just a dark blob on the horizon. They passed over skyway roads with no obstruction or traffic; just the floating roads, the stars above, and the infinite blackness below. Asriel found the darkness rather comforting; it reminded him of the caverns back in the Underground.
Of course, it couldn't last forever. Eventually, the dark chasm beneath the road became snow-covered turf that gave way quickly to the dark stone of the chorus mountains. Asriel could feel a low hum the moment he reached the point where the Skyway touched the base of the mountain. It was a low and deep hum, oddly pervasive but not that unpleasant. It changed periodically, seemingly with every burst of wind, yet maintained a harmony of its own.
As more and more mountain towered over them, other hums joined the first. Before long, the wind brought with it gentle melodies that seemed to rise from the mountains themselves.
"Whoa!" Shye said, "Listen! Doesn't that sound a little like … like singing?"
"It's beautiful," whispered Asriel.
Golemite put her massive hand on their shoulders. "C'mon; cold ain't gonna bother me, but you two are gonna end up icicles before long."
The snow started about thirty minutes further down the black stone path. It was just a gentle snowfall at first, but it grew stronger by the minute. Asriel and Shye both had brought extra clothes for the journey (not to mention that they both had fur), but as the snow became a blizzard, even that wasn't enough to keep the bitter cold from seeping through their assembled layers. Asriel and Shye huddled together for additional warmth as Golemite shielded them from the worst of it, her massive frame blocking much of the wind and snow and her feet pounding the snow flat enough for them to follow with ease.
The mountains surrounded them as they pressed onward, the blizzard blowing harder than ever. Soon the beauty of the Chorus mountains was lost to Asriel. He focused his thoughts completely on walking, trying his best to ignore the biting cold that was quickly leaving most of him feeling numb. Only the warmth of Shye beside him and the steady thud of Golemite ahead let him know his friends were still there.
Without warning, Golemite came to a halt, causing Asriel and Shye to both bump into her.
"Hey!" Golemite called out, several icicles hanging off her features. "Look!"
Asriel stared ahead, too cold and tired to speak. At first, he only saw the falling snow, but as he continued peering into the swirling maelstrom, he could see the mountain ahead of them wasn't just a mountain; it was hard to make out all the details, but what looked to be a massive castle was carved right into the side of the mountain ahead.
"We're almost there!" Golemite said, gesturing for them to follow. "Just a little further."
Asriel tried to push himself, but his energy was all but gone. All he could do was keep walking ahead, and even that grew more difficult as Shye's body went limp beside him.
"Shye!" He said, holding her up. "Shye, c'mon! We're almost there!"
She murmured, "jus' a little nap …"
Gritting his teeth, Asriel held her up and continued forward. He could barely make Golemite out ahead of him, and tried to call out for him only for his voice to vanish in the wind. He pushed on, every step an agony of effort as fatigue slowly overcame him. Eventually he stumbled, his foot catching on a stray bit of rock under the snow and sending him falling head-first onto the soft white snowbank. Too tired to move, he soon found himself feeling very sleepy.
"Maybe … just a few minutes," He murmured, clutching Shye to him.
Asriel awoke in a soft bed, his body consumed by a warm haze that nearly made him fall back asleep until he remembered his friends. Sitting up, he said, "Shye! Golemite!"
A panda nurse hurried over to him, firmly but gently pressing him back down on the bed. "Mister Dreemurr, you need to rest."
"My friends!" Asriel protested.
"Are quite all right." A tall robed figure quietly walked through the room to stand by Asriel's beside. "Golemite is fine, and your friend Shye is in the bed beside yours."
Asriel looked to the next bed over and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Shye sleeping soundly, little Mena curled up at her feet.
The tall figure sat in the chair beside his bed, a translucent pair of skeletal hands performing an array of gestures as the figure spoke. "Fortunately, you and your friend collapsed just a few feet from the barrier protecting this University. It's impressive that you made it so far on foot; most who travel here use more … ethereal channels. Trust me; there's far less snow."
Not sure what to say to that, Asriel instead asked, "Who are you?"
The robed figure let out a chuckle. "An old friend of your parents … and of yours, Prince Asriel, though I doubt you remember me."
At that point, he pulled back his hood. The man was a skeleton, taller than Papyrus, yet his skull seemed more serious. Perhaps it was the glasses he wore, or the way his robe looked more like a lab coat with the hood down. Asriel did recognize him, however.
"Professor Gaster?" Asriel said, not bothering to hide his surprise.
"That's right," Gaster said, looking somewhat taken aback but pleased. "I was the Royal Scientist until … well, that can wait. For now, I'd like to ask you a few questions."
"He needs rest, Professor," said the panda nurse.
"I understand," Gaster replied, "But there is much to be done, and time is of the essense. The sooner I bring him up to speed …"
"All right," the panda nurse said with a sigh. "Ten minutes, but then you'll have to go."
Gaster bowed. "Of course, Miss Merryweather." As she moved to check on another patient, Gaster said, "I must confess, I was surprised to see you … though not as surprised as I was to learn your companion was Golemite. How did he end up in such a body?"
"It's a long story," Asriel told him. "Basically, he lost his head and some friends we made down in the Precious Meadows helped put what was left back together."
"I see," Gaster said, tapping his chin. "And I suppose Beget couldn't resist the urge to play a prank on him, yes?"
"You know Beget?"
"And Archie," Gaster said, smiling. "I am told you provided them assistance at a great cost. Tell me something, Prince Asriel-"
"Just Asriel," Asriel said quickly.
"I beg your pardon. Tell me, Asriel, did it not strike you as strange how similar Archie and Beget were to my sons, Sans and Papyrus? Or how similar Captain Naddy and Slypha appear to Captain Undyne of the royal guard and my old assistant, Alphys?
"It did seem a little weird," Asriel admitted, "But ever since I came to the Deep, I've seen all sorts of weird stuff."
"That's because the Deep lies on the border between the Dream Realm and reality. Beget and Archie are connected to Sans and Papyrus, just as you too are connected to another," Gaster said, "I believe the proper term is 'nixil'."
"Nixil?" Asriel repeated.
"A being native to the dream realm that lives symbiotically with someone from the waking world," Gaster told him. "It is normally the only way that a person from either world can experience the other … yet the Deep is a bridge between them. Here, we can both exist and even speak to each other."
"Then … everyone I've seen … they're like the dream version of someone real?"
"For the most part, yes," Gaster said. "Some are truly monsters who left the Underground, like your friend, Golemite, but many are linked to the monsters of the Underground, and even some non-monsters."
Asriel asked, "Like humans?"
"And others." Gaster said. "You, however, are different. You came here because that which you bear can only exist in Dreams.
Asriel reflexively touched his chest.
"That's right," Gaster said, "The Everstar. Here, it allows you to exist in your true form."
Asriel felt his heart sink. "You know about Flowey?"
"I was there when you turned to dust, Prince Asriel," Gaster said sadly. "A terrible tragedy, considering the death of your sister as well. No wonder it led to the rift between your parents. If only I'd succeeded in finding a way around the barrier …" Gaster sighed and shook his head. "What is past is past. We have matters to discuss. You came here because of the ichor, yes?"
Asriel fought the urge to sit up. "You know what it is?"
"I do," Gaster said, sadness again in his voice. "and if we don't stop it, it will spread to the Deep and the Underground, and eventually even to the Surface."
"What is it?" Asriel asked. "Why is it here?"
"I believe it is merely a symptom of something far worse," Gaster said. "Something that wants nothing more or less than the destruction of everything … and I believe the Everstar is the key to stopping it."
"I don't understand."
"You will," Gaster said, patting Asriel's shoulder. "But for now, you should rest. We will continue when the others get here."
Asriel tried to ask who the others were, but only let out a yawn. Feeling suddenly very tired, he said, "All right, Professor Gaster."