I examined my surroundings, I was in a crowd of teens at a Halloween party. I wasn’t here on my own choice, in order for me to get away with killing I had to do it on Halloween. It was easier since everyone was in costumes and some were covered in fake blood. I noticed a guy dressed up as a zombie. He had ripped sweats and fake blood on him. His black short hair was messy and everywhere. ‘Perfect’ I thought, ‘All I need is to isolate him.’
Eventually I found the perfection ct opportunity and walked over to him. I was wearing a vampire costume, simple but yet nice. I was wearing a black button up, a black skirt, tights, and a pair of blood red flats. I had my makeup so that it looked like blood was running down the sides of my mouth. I introduced myself to him and asked if we could go somewhere a bit more quiet. He agreed and I led him into a small random room that had a couch in it, a couple of chairs, and bookshelves.
He faced me and asked, “so what now?”
“Turn around.” I told him with an emotionless voice. After he did, I pulled out a little knife that had one red ruby on the hilt. I quickly stabbed him where his heart would be three times, and then his neck two times. He tried to let out a bloodcurdling scream, but ended up being a gurgle from the blood in his throat.
His eyes were huge and he collapsed gasping for breath, that he could not seem to find. “Tell Hades I said hi.” I told him right before he died right in front of my eyes. I smirked and grabbed a few cleaning supplies that were in the room and cleaned up the mess. I pulled out a lighter and set his body on fire. I watched it burned as smoke filled the room.
I exited the room as his body burned. As soon as I got out there I screamed, “Fire!” And ran out of the house. A stampede of teenagers came from behind me as I slipped into the woods that were near the house. Just another Halloween without being caught.