People might call me stupid. We all got a lot of money, and the first thing I do is cry. I would say they’re tears of joy but they’re not. What did I waste my life for, working away and away to make more money? Was throwing away my dream early on for nothing? No excuses anymore though, I’ll die doing what I wanted to do this whole time. Wait? It happened to everyone, so what will keep people staying in a job? Nothing. It would be chaotic, though I suppose, it’s no longer giving businesses any reason to reject the ethical approach. Technological companies may advance at a faster rate than ever as truly passionate people will be working in that department. The entertainment industry, especially in the games department, would become more fun due to them not worrying about taking out every penny out of every customer if they had this much money. I would be able to buy the small hut by the river and not have to worry about furniture costs. I could buy so many books as well with this money, no longer will university be such an expensive decision, and people would be willing to live out their dreams. People would be able to sell what their passionate about even with a niche market. People will be able to do so much more when money isn’t a worry. This wasn’t some endless miracle though, I was going to die soon. When sixty years pass of working the same physically exhausting job till retirement, making enough money from rent to rent to survive, things like these are no were near as satisfying. Maybe if it even happened twenty years back, I could be optimistic. I would try to do what I wanted to do, but I didn’t have much time left. I knew that. Not including the back pains, I’ve lived a long time. With my health, I probably won’t live to a hundred, or anything crazy like that. I would give myself a good five years but that’s it, any more and I’d go insane. All I can hope is that criminals didn’t think like I did when I first heard the news. What is preventing crime anymore? The jail cell was more of a temporary punishment, the real punishment was how many jobs you couldn’t get with a criminal record. That’s assuming they’d be caught, they have money, though people have no reason to sell illegal things anymore to make money, and money didn’t mean anything anymore. What’s preventing all the shops shutting down? We could all be forced to starve to death, after all - no supermarkets need the money. They gained a lot of money already from this event. We had to hope, they were greedy for more. They always were.
That’s why we got this concept of money in the first place - humans were arrogant and greedy.