URBAN LEGENDS. We've all heard them, laughed at them, been fascinated by them or terrified by them. Whether you like it or not, urban legends and horror stories are a part of life.
My school counselor says that horror stories and things I enjoy reading after dark and then thinking about until the sun comes up are the reason for my panic attacks. If that's the case with you, then here are a few simple steps to help ease the anxiety. (courtesy of Web.md)
-Lie on your back in a comfortable place.
-Breathe in slowly through your nose, using your diaphragm to suck air into your lungs while allowing your abdomen to expand. (Put your hand on your abdomen just below the navel to make sure the abdomen is being pushed up and out by the diaphragm.) After the abdomen is expanded, continue to inhale as deeply as possible.
-When you breathe out, reverse the process: Contract the abdomen while exhaling slowly and completely.
-Repeat several times.
Now that I have that over with, here's one of my favorite urban legends. Slenderman. No one is quite sure where Slenderman started, but I do know that he has been around far longer than many people believe. He is said to prey on children and have teleportation powers. He first appeared online in June 2009 in a photoshop contest. Since then, he has spread like wildfire, appearing in fan fictions, costume contests fan art and even his own video games. But he was around before that too. Tall, oddly similar figures have appeared in cave paintings, ancient texts and pottery found in ancient civilizations.
OF COURSE, SLENDERMAN IS NOT THE ONLY URBAN LEGEND. If you want to read Urban Legends, visit http://urbanlegends.about.com/