Have you ever found yourself staring at another human being like a total idiot? Yeah, well that's me at the moment and that human being so happens to be someone who's ways out of my league. At least he knows about my existence, even though he can be a pain in the ass.
I watched as he ran his hand through his pearl white hair then only to let out a small laugh. I watched how his muscles flexed under his white shirt everytime he moved and how his eyes squinted a bit everytime he smiled.
He was the defention of perfection. Well, my defention of perfection.
If you can't tell yet, I'm a gay boy. Well, not completely gay. I'm actually bisexual, but I prefer guys over girls. Says the guys who's single for life, lol.
I continued watching the God before me and when he finally noticed my stares, he gave me a small smirk which caused me to quickly look and I'm pretty sure my cheeks are red ass fuck right now.
Why do I do this to myself?
A/N: stay with me people. It gets better