Inside each of us is a well, placed to the left of our heart. This well can’t run dry. The only time it can ever run dry is if you let it. This well is referred to as the Help-Yourself Well. By helping others, you can help more groundwater fill up your well. It doesn’t take much to lower the well water’s level, though. It only takes a single person using their bucket to dip in and steal your water. This water for when you are thirsty. When we are thirsty for the feeling to be wanted, loved and cared for. Some of us have lost our way to the Help-Yourself Well. When you lose your way to your well, you cannot drink of its healing waters. If you can’t drink its healing waters, you can’t heal inside. Instead, you get more and more lost in the maze of pain and horror.
(Note: I wrote this for a friend who is also on Penana as jeff-the-killer)