1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1rbj1UkT4p
CARA DELEVIGNE: Anna (Violet) Eastwood1136Please respect copyright.PENANArONLYlqy1N1136Please respect copyright.PENANACmfOhKVggj
KATE BECKINSALE: Laura Eastwood1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnEXLHtd1Z3
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPFLU3pLi0g
FRIDA GUSSTAVON: Loraine1136Please respect copyright.PENANAW4OswAMuYs
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqc5NJDqGw6
ALEX PETTYFER: Jason Arlington1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOfZFygTzVx
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxZAPhbGCmm
MICHELLE TRACHTENBERG: Rose Heart1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5Tc0TLZ3gg
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAndMfAKCR9z
ALDEN EHRENREICH: Ronnie Heart1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnGP6zjvgJJ
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAj3otRwcIYo
INT. EASTWOOD HOME1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9EGQb1lvDA
Russell Eastwood, a forty something year-old man with black1136Please respect copyright.PENANACXThfTOD5r
hair, backs out of his bedroom. There can be heard a woman1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5OSOcvQAR1
screaming at the top of her lungs. He retaliates in kind. It1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHTvZOiWzz3
cannot be understood what they are both saying.
Russell then throws a hand up and throws a folder on the1136Please respect copyright.PENANARMdno0RgFL
floor. Russell turns around and walks down the long hall to a1136Please respect copyright.PENANADOhohibsm2
white door. He knocks on it.
He opens the door to a college aged woman. She has green eyes1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXOcM4WkmiY
and blonde hair. She gets up from her bed with her bags1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6Hl9ew0aHt
beside the bed.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANACr3dDFVypm
Are you ready to go sweetie?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAN0EVHoQL8C
Yes father. Let's go.
Russell walks to the bags and lifts them up. Violet leads the1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6qeuFISzTb
way out, down the hall, through the living room, and out of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtqvz2SQKKm
the front door. They get into a BMW and pull out of the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJpQdqdcusZ
1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9PVYqOVFJ2
Russell holds a tennis racket in his hand. He swings it a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJhtrZiZ8Ov
much younger blue-eyed man. He has rage on his face and the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmzJZKufg0F
other guy keeps a calm face but watches his movements.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAa3XA9S9nwe
Get out of my house!
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbOPxkcK9ql
Russell! Russell stop it!
GUY1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcUV7ScNyGU
Dude! Please! Stop!
The other man goes for the sword hanging on the mantle. He1136Please respect copyright.PENANA420ySN2ZRH
swings at Russel threatening him. Russell blocks with the1136Please respect copyright.PENANApVbrnQFlk0
tennis racket and swings the sword into the air. He drops the1136Please respect copyright.PENANACoPNWeeFDm
tennis racket and grabs the sword.
He swings at the young man again. This time, the man runs out1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGAActiCeXx
of the house. Russell runs to the door after him.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAS44JRNr8DX
If I ever see you around my house1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWrvZ93FhEP
again... I'll run you through!
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3xP9IgZOWB
Like you would.
Russell slams his sword into the floor. He looks at Lauren1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEtR9PDyrk3
breathing hard.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAB2lxESA0xK
What... what is wrong with you?1136Please respect copyright.PENANApBnm1EfwTq
I've been dealing with this for1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzms0zehujP
years Lauren! Years! I... I can't1136Please respect copyright.PENANALhHKVH3s55
take it!1136Please respect copyright.PENANA36qz464yF6
What was it about this one?
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3kiNV0ndIw
(Sighs) I don't love you Russell. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMReH88sloh
just... don't love you.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANALTbUcBu2dX
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAo6g795frJY
He was...
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANApXv9Ox11zf
He was what? Number thirty? Forty?
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkXXZFHI9kj
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9AGCiHN0k4
No! You think you deserve a little1136Please respect copyright.PENANAq2SAP9at0T
slack? I meant my vows Lauren. I've1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjv383IYsFJ
been putting up with you for years1136Please respect copyright.PENANA043FO0mC4f
for our daughter's sake! But...1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoDn1rcsPSr
she's a grown woman. She can handle1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvDEYrOn9BJ
whatever I decide to do to you.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANA57179SbQuT
Excuse me?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA09fRHQ1OOY
Lauren... things are breaking down1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMpnwNgJsuu
all around me! You can't... you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZsxbyg0iQ4
can't for a moment, give me some1136Please respect copyright.PENANARRSd9GVnnc
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8eeyNLdOq9
You think I don't try?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9t4dKkQ5bN
Woman, if you really were trying,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPVIbMHUhgk
you wouldn't be going around1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWTnzHKljvF
sleeping on me! Half of England has1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOMcWenmwt6
been with you by now I suppose!
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUnec5utaNV
How dare you.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAT2H3Yf9FD8
(Holds Up Hand) I need to know1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9rEo1AF8Qu
something Lauren. This will make1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkb3W8m9ROv
things much easier for me.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANA17jBT68Qou
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYJiqNoU6Sx
Do you love him...
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyYY65XlFK1
Do I...
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAK9iCn35eKU
Do you?
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANALLC8oTB39t
Russell, We've had a lot of good1136Please respect copyright.PENANAs8fSgPlA6W
years together. I don't want to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAv8qJLvU2Zy
mess up those memories forever1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8XG1rR7425
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7kS1YRXVgl
Answer me! I can't live in this1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4NxsasSyMr
torture anymore. Good years? You1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoxFBuCQFYA
were doing this to me back then. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAo4j7eKcuDF
don't want to deal with this1136Please respect copyright.PENANAF2t4UAJi77
anymore. Tell me the truth.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZQoI4tbZoV
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGe751rHdLn
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxdhHGrHEnj
(Long Pause) Yes.
Russell seems to lose all strength in him. He lowers his head1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4W9AgcrfnO
and starts to walk to the back hall.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqfbnqzNZ2d
I'll give you what you've been1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhRveYW0mln
wanting for years.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE5nSUxbpSd
The door to their home opens. Violet enters with a rushing1136Please respect copyright.PENANAS8PBczacB7
look on her face. She sees her father humped over then looks1136Please respect copyright.PENANAH9XmC5MASU
to her barely dressed mother. She looks back to Russell.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHJ8gWlPVAq
Daddy! I heard what happened at1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1fyR2DBU01
university! Are you alright?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0HzLfGDOe8
I'm sorry Violet but I'm not really1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWyESbAc0pr
in the mood to talk right now.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAY51t5z6I54
I'm... I'm going to sleep upstairs1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVui7b7eMJv
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIsb93DCOOS
Mum, what did you do?
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANADR4ATTGWAl
(sighs) You don't want to hear1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWk3FUWNDv2
about Vie. Go out with your friends1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7VDHlqQLGf
tonight. The house will be a little1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvBC7dEze6L
Violet keeps a confused look on her face. Russell disappears1136Please respect copyright.PENANA84W532BOQA
as she looks at her mother wtih confusion. Lauren keeps her1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3lmiDxEL95
eyes on Russell.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANArT9eLg5coL
Russell drives with one hand on the wheel. He stares ahead1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvglzkoSyyR
with a blank expression. He looks over to his little girl.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfprYtgDLDe
The faintest smile crawls over his lips but fades just as1136Please respect copyright.PENANANy6Ug7jfSL
quickly as it comes.
Russell pulls out his cell-phone. He presses the speed-dial1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKFXpBRZf7H
on his phone.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbMXObg8uKM
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAxnLJOq4jr
Lauren... I'm sorry.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAm6F05D4qsk
For what?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAduXXNqTv7Z
How things ended. I should have1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXXdiK0OFWR
been more of an adult. What kind of1136Please respect copyright.PENANANt8jb0gRXe
example have we been setting for1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9Lsr8XY2Qq
out daughter?
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANAD5SksfaNLj
Like I care.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAiTcBpqPQeN
She's your daughter as much as she1136Please respect copyright.PENANAU8Hu30C9IO
is mine. You should care.
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANASCOC1z2D4M
I'm just glad to be out from a1136Please respect copyright.PENANArqUMH73TEd
stifling marriage. I'm sorry that1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6kDHgZu5FC
you got hurt out of it all. You've1136Please respect copyright.PENANAz7bMW4cNCa
been kinder and more loving to me1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5kPYDezvz
than I deserve, but I'm not sorry1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzzws9Ggi3I
for all that I've done.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeLqMuTTP0w
I don't want you to be sorry.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKRWG8wFwR1
(Darkens Face) What Goes Around1136Please respect copyright.PENANAp1ANAKp6Dv
Comes Around. Just remember that1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIx3bqQxmRy
little bit. I hope you find the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHGDjqKjH08
happiness you could never find with1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnxskbrZGL2
LAUREN1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7vvmvKO5Y0
I'm sure that I will. See you when1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmKzSmcNeuu
I see you Russ.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFo55lADSOs
Good-bye Lauren.
He hangs up the phone. He puts in the cup-holder and looks1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4zrw3ws7rE
down the road again. He moves his hand to the radio and turns1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsXwgFuuN6r
it on.
RADIO HOST1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQoqwLbJZD8
This is the sixth month anniversary1136Please respect copyright.PENANAS6kQzMZmh6
for what is called the worst1136Please respect copyright.PENANAiTYFok2e46
disaster any military has seen. In1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJGVyQZ6cXm
the past months, it has been called1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkOuzgyV7zY
a number of things but at the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFqdYINbuWk
moment, the most common name for1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKZPO0J2fui
the even is the R. Eastwood1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7y9M2OYme4
disappearing act.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFon01zw9In
Today, we're playing this song by1136Please respect copyright.PENANAV4jV7ICD9w
Hans Zimmer, Aurora in honor of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAc5hM6uCTb7
those that have been K.I.A or1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi95Bk6VN21
M.I.A, But thanks to Russell1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUreOBc39QM
Eastwood, we'll never know.
Russell stares of into the darkness again. He seems to be1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUEz5D6MUXY
remembering something that happened.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2zFQardvLa
Russell hands a young woman a vial of blue liquid. He has a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFSxyJuxFlp
slight smile on his face.
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEeNu9SBfFS
Are you feeling okay Professor?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA05gIM1j730
Yes. Just... wife problems.
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAg7JUmDAw3I
She's messing with you again? Do1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7PWcuYLrze
you want me to knock some sense1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0P7Pdyxx0z
into her?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWh2sdQ2pFp
That will be alright Cherie. Just1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsleE2nBn9U
make sure you marry well. The only1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqhCtETwTrB
thing that is allowing me to have1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgUAg7KpqkZ
some resemblance of happiness is my1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8YMhLBikuC
little British Bug.
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuqwUd7kKsN
(Smiles) I sure wish I had you for1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWybvF67FoN
a father. All my dad does is work.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7P4Ta0c22C
To each his own. Do you mind1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX58iYymw8d
putting it on the machine? I don't1136Please respect copyright.PENANArTY5Qp8hrA
think that I'm quite up for it. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAckAVBdRw1y
might stick it in the wrong hole.
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC722HXADXn
I've got you professor.
The young assistant walks into the inner chamber. She bends1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFE4JCuY0cu
down to the bottom of the pad and sticks the vial in. Russell1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4lh0iHMs1S
bends over in his chair rubbing his nose.
CHERIE (CONT'D)1136Please respect copyright.PENANANRhcrAaqjU
I got it in professor!
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYHP0QNiAAi
Hmmm? Right! Hurry back in. You're1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPTdsU53j4E
not one of the people supposed to1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3mAQE5oknk
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxHMdviS9Q3
It wouldn't hurt.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZZPdPCeJ4o
You're not a proper volunteer1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnOgJHbtHCM
She nods. She starts making her way back. The door slams1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbDrNLlhvrY
shut. Russell gets up shocked by what is going on. Cherie1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVLII1vk2xs
runs to the window.
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANASBFCzbmKaM
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKnJ5DJLhrZ
Something is wrong! Hold on!
Some of the people on the pad start to stand up. They are1136Please respect copyright.PENANAn8bkH23Qmf
military agents from China, the U.S, England, and Russia.
LIEUTENANT1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7byqASdIqP
Sir! Is there is a problem?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANApvgM47hzBT
It's active for now reason... Hold1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUIcKCNlvhQ
on! I'm going to try to open the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAep4jcoRZOv
LIEUTENANT1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtvZhOGsERd
Where is it destination set to sir?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAD6TTZWfkgH
I don't know! I didn't set one!
LIEUTENANT1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3tRDOm85GO
I say we wait it out.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA62IHxvHKW1
You could be deatomized for no1136Please respect copyright.PENANALfDNixHEk8
reason! Get out now!
Russell runs to the door. He kicks against it a few times. He1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXj4vlDVoSI
finally rams into it with his shoulder knocking the door1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzhdsRJlisS
open. Cheri is the first on one out. She runs to the1136Please respect copyright.PENANASIAimgtcOg
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7bRrl3OMzh
The vial sir! I think it activated1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXdapR4y9Tj
it without our needing to put in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZnYlD7M5cX
any commands. The destination is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAra6l9sxrAb
shifting in an infinite formula.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAI2iZv5uF7J
Everyone really needs to get out.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmAltcnlyu4
Let's move people!
Russell grabs Cherie's hand and drags her behind him. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC8bRj8Px5N
soldiers run past the both of them. Cherie was slower than1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqQX8dfodsA
them. Russell takes a right and goes up the stairs with her1136Please respect copyright.PENANACdzQIOMHNg
They reach the roof of the lab. No one was outside yet. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyberXoU2n9
entire building shakes. A wave of bluish energy begins to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAc3Qk7pJoRu
expand from the middle of the building.
RUSSELL (CONT'D)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwrwij6d4KH
We need to jump! Come! It's not1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6oUw7WdoNM
that high!
CHERIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANACu8VQcM1bF
(Stumbling) I can't!
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAO2TBUL8Dv4
Now Cherie!
Russell goes for the lunge. Cherie pulls her hand away from1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuFr74TbKfh
Russell and reamins on the building top. Russell lands on teh1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC2l4efpUIx
ground and rolls forward. He then looks at the top of the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVkhwcWTr7L
The energy was still expanding... but now it had engulfed1136Please respect copyright.PENANAP71g9IrgsG
Cherie. He saw two soldiers, one Chinese, one American,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAw4z7fupxsk
running for their lives towards the open field. Russell takes1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsE0w8hJEDk
off too.
He looks back and the energy begins to draw in on itself.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgdZ3teBR4R
Finally there is nothing left but a crater where the lab used1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUiGca0jrNY
to be.
He stops in his tracks and drops on his knees. He slams his1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbW0RONguR2
fist into the dirt in anger. The two soldiers come up to him.
CHINESE SOLDIER1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0khxWjLXBV
You are not at fault. Something1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxSbUVSZTTv
terrible happened.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8Mnq1jqEU6
I should have been paying1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7QStH2d34h
CHINESE SOLDIER1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2NeCfCulqq
Perhaps they are in another1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2AxmPDw8eO
AMERICAN SOLDIER1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwR4qxALAQ7
Look on the bright side.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5pfjw7ygRQ
(red eyes) What? Bright1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXu3tvSq1EC
side? Do you know what1136Please respect copyright.PENANArh5cWAAOBV
just happened? The point1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMROytBmSW8
of transport was in a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAizYitQGRo2
constant movement of1136Please respect copyright.PENANArs6oG4vYHY
infinity.1136Please respect copyright.PENANACsRKWwI6w0
There is an infinite1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXgEdaJ7O5Z
number of places they1136Please respect copyright.PENANAB35NY4e5QX
could be in the entire1136Please respect copyright.PENANAChwTFiEJ1A
universe!1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE0BoULkiHx
They could be underwater1136Please respect copyright.PENANANgRDFuFkwC
for all we know or on a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAT6SdQOcFSW
barren planet suffocating1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0u6EsYR4mz
as we speak! They are1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMh3V8rnZiB
gone... Forever!
CHINESE SOLDIER1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnIdp7eWrNv
Russell falls over again. He slowly moves his hands in the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMPSHAumueF
grass. Two security vehicles arrive quickly.
PRINCIPAL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPXtnKMwQYC
You've made this school a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQjMqbq2di2
laughingstock! YOU'RE FIRED! You1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEvZXzM1TsP
will never work in this country1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdzOKmZjOTm
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwa5xFEAdbP
PRINCIPAL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxXEKfXT1sO
You've just killed 20 soldiers from1136Please respect copyright.PENANACu5NUfAGX0
different countries! You've killed1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcJD0SM597R
everyone in that building that was1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQM5r9BLW32
faculty and worse... MY DAUGHTER1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5xa7xIVymi
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANARLO6l9muhR
Sir... I cared for her. I did not1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4aBNXdChTg
want anything bad to happen to her.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqZZYJfuM9g
I tried to save her.
PRINCIPAL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQNjSewAhw7
But you saved yourself instead!1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIITJDJq5z5
You're failure... You'll never be1136Please respect copyright.PENANAh0aair2TfZ
respected again. And from... you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAirXEDMFv9I
have my eternal hate! You bloody1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4oRzDly9V9
piece of dirt!
Russell lowers his head in shame. He opens the door. All of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUcBwa4kLbW
the faculty stare at him. He let's out a sigh and makes his1136Please respect copyright.PENANAT2AYSIKt0L
way through them.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9yHlJShnur
Russell pulls into a parking space. He gets out of the car.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi5G0va7To1
There were people all around staring at him pointing. Russell1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6ld41Zr0dw
puts on a straight face for them. He then opens the door for1136Please respect copyright.PENANA95Ef9ga9YH
his daughter.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5CBiJTk1Xe
Don't pay them any mind papa.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzPJGQqn3KL
I don't. I feel worse than they1136Please respect copyright.PENANAReOZnpImqr
could ever make me feel. All I had1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1FAea4RSMh
to do was kill a whole bunch of1136Please respect copyright.PENANApaNoCD41Nq
people inadvertently.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5j7btUFLu4
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUWfvWHZ5xz
I'm sorry. I'll get your bags. It's1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxhLXkRK5kr
time to leave this place once and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuI3fjRhcNg
for all.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqilxFUgWzt
I'm not going to argue at that...1136Please respect copyright.PENANAksjOVL5UlE
There's nothing here for me anymore1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsv93HFD8Ui
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzQJcPF5BXB
Violet sits on the couch waiting on her mother. She said she1136Please respect copyright.PENANANNPIIda3Ml
was old enough to stay at home by herself. Of course, Violet1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkS53DzDX4I
felt her mother was lying about where she was going, she just1136Please respect copyright.PENANANtiBbeQxxy
didn't know where she was going.
There was a knock on the door. Violet seems to think about1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi9Er97zFBM
whether or not to open the door. She gets up and opens the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAILU6JwTtxR
There was a woman accompanied by a tall man wearing black.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIZHLVe4SoO
The old wrinkled woman had a strict face. She bends to her1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPGryao8NCp
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAr4UQ7CrY3G
Hello there Anna Eastwood. My name1136Please respect copyright.PENANAP6eP8G3V4h
is Madam Roulette. I am here to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuKi9LLOoqb
talk to you.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANABVg1ggYDA9
I don't know who you are. How do1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPzsnANAdrc
you know my name?
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAt9J2a3xpSg
My, aren't you the fearless one?1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFMfa1ameQ4
Weren't you the least bit afraid we1136Please respect copyright.PENANAca3SLiyHDW
might be bad people.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAztj06jCop8
(Squints) Sure. Whatever makes you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJSRuM3y2Hm
feel good. My papa will be home1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPhauW4Kd0q
soon. You can talk to him then.
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyIXVbcr8cJ
But the truth is we want to talk to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbh2kTLuP26
you Young Ms. Eastwood.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfZ4zuzIbpw
About what? (Raises Eyebrow)
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7FPJhUmhjT
I'm in the business of using people1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXoBbt8LLTC
when they turn twelve. I train them1136Please respect copyright.PENANApzEYtZn23d
and send them on special1136Please respect copyright.PENANAx51WSMDlSR
assignments. This is what I want to1136Please respect copyright.PENANALe7HFmSkS1
do with you.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgRAZg2ohuv
You mean... spy...
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7R9ataj8gW
Among other things. We've been1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzj8NbQHtL4
watching you for a long time. You1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZw0tMGcPcq
exhibit your father's incredible1136Please respect copyright.PENANA039f2uoclq
physical capabilities and his1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5D3MeUN2oJ
naturalness with intelligence. That1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOctvXHklki
my dear is a useful. But the most1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbWy7H7Zq7r
useful trait about you is your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIKqHLePxue
ability not to fear. You are a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAemOlWWeqnj
fearless character a very important1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYzNWfY8gIG
trait I need in all my little1136Please respect copyright.PENANAakVSjHTuS0
workers. The Royal Highness demands1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVaL4D65cYy
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoBWEVAOjdo
I believe it is sanctioned by the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIzy1WBps6P
government but the queen could1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHJVSaHDXJX
never have a stain like using kids1136Please respect copyright.PENANApTE8VXm0yl
for dirty missions on her. It's1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXN7HTpb2Lq
sanctioned as some sort of Junior1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfE7tMKaVqu
something isn't it?
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYN9WGs7rLs
(Raises eyebrow)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOrrRwjbiER
Very good. It is under the guise as1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2ndLNpiNFZ
the Junior League of Future1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwdPr0gdYcI
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANApC2PKSijMN
What is it really called?
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1U9TuXc1NC
The Junior MI6. Is that more to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnhYJApKzbN
yoru liking?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANACscIlHU6t0
(Smiles) Sure....
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAD0rY5bwmUg
You would be expected to keep it1136Please respect copyright.PENANAopC8qSoCS1
all a secret, even from your father1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6wGHR9gQpo
and such. And you would be expected1136Please respect copyright.PENANATvlJKO88hR
to keep in line with your studies1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmdsxTBXG44
at school.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkkORItoRFY
Easy. Where do I sign?
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgZhnK7xOZ3
It is illegal to employ children.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkArrt8c0cS
Your word would do.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjuOWM5EXoW
Fine... I... Play with you.
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWAyfNA78r9
Very good. Charles, let us take our1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMqrNrGUTWQ
leave. The father will be here in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqEQP5NnTYT
72 seconds. You have a good day Ms.1136Please respect copyright.PENANACc1x1jx7H0
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2mwiRAZXoN
You to weirdo. And for future1136Please respect copyright.PENANATzimEHjHea
reference... call me Violet, not1136Please respect copyright.PENANADIncUEYEDi
The woman squints one eye at her. She then turns about and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQyPR5C24gc
Violet smiles and returns to the couch.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVSq8Ryhsmz
Violet walks after Madam Roulette. She hobbles down the hall1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnR3anDTZpy
looking into of window with young children practicing their1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0vcVddeU0D
gun skills.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhHe4vS4S6E
What do you mean I'm out?
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbabU0VXDZ8
Everyone that was in your class is1136Please respect copyright.PENANA30gd7U1Wla
being kicked out of MI6. The Queen1136Please respect copyright.PENANAe3Ygljw7cR
herself orders it. With the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGV3Er0DVcV
knowledge children are being used1136Please respect copyright.PENANAatdri3lU2c
to complete missions, it looks bad1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwQkNZGfsc2
for her majesty.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKn0ESkQsML
All former Junior Agents and all1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0VDuWwJEPJ
recent Junior Agents are being1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyQyhx9fFFG
ousted immediately.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqHqZuDqTXg
Don't the people know that three1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsepExZGSqR
quarters of MI6 were Juniors?
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAW6U5QjEgKg
No. That is to our advantage. In a1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9YmzOjZRaV
few years we'll start to program1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZBCTQMelJB
again. We'll loose a lot of agents1136Please respect copyright.PENANAodI0hsGeIq
in the meantime but it will be1136Please respect copyright.PENANACfxNZrBHYQ
worth it.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbUnZwVPapR
I still don't get it.
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEyxzxlOC74
They know about your generation and1136Please respect copyright.PENANATICWo16DKr
after. Everyone before is in the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAySDjiVPWZ0
clear. They've been in too long.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgvABczVgjw
Now Ms. Eastwood, I regret letting1136Please respect copyright.PENANApo2Jp4OPa4
go of our best former Junior Agent1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoIgfr3RwiA
but it must be done. Her Majesty is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQTsQp8OGuF
all that really matters.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANARYfZOu2S3l
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9gmqHdRj9
Nothing. It should also be noted1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYw1blw649l
that you will not be allowed to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOnh5HMyPJC
join MI6 in the future when new1136Please respect copyright.PENANAURwEhxNO7g
agents are recruited. I'm very1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX98DZxz43x
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8BMB8gHBjg
Madam... (Heavy Breathing)
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5mGxVhiyTq
As I said, I am sorry. Take this1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9TZg05BFnm
time to do something with your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZmln14CfB9
life. Go to school, fall in love,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIemC1UsXqi
get married, have a kid or two...1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXReHSSYlEf
send them here. Off with you. I do1136Please respect copyright.PENANATFNKNkxmdf
believe someone is here for you.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFjHoxPB53a
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAds9MIi9Vbu
Let's go Vie. Madam Roulette.
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtP5o6lXB45
Junior Agent 118... It's been some1136Please respect copyright.PENANATulXPBZUV4
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIfCK8Z9uVH
You should really upgrade security.
MADAM ROULETTE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZUzLFfsevc
Only threats can't get through. I'm1136Please respect copyright.PENANAu87AEaoXmd
always watching anyhow. Take the1136Please respect copyright.PENANANZ6ZYfgbEZ
former agent out. I believe you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi5lwKQ4ZRX
have much to discuss.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAF93STEjFBG
You were an Agent?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4Rj5QZoOf7
Yes and no. I'm not from England1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVJMFZqZ3Sz
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAmdrKbkKGR
Sorry. Mum and I are and I forget1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeVHCBQJh3L
you aren't.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjBdxqAz3JZ
I wasn't a kid when the recruited1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC5LtsMI3O6
me in Australia. I was about to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAz7GEOAuDf0
head off for college. It was a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPsTsxBde87
temporary stint. I go in, get a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcFPxWJRWVp
little information, and get out.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1xzHwyqHOE
You were wrestling then?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqjqtcI5FJ9
To my father's liking, yes. Madam1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7dI8FYNiNr
Roulette, a very unforgettable1136Please respect copyright.PENANA946aqhF2gL
woman, was the person to recruit1136Please respect copyright.PENANAThr6TeZskC
me. The mission went south. I had1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuhPJbEKsOq
to use my skills in wrestling to1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9jgQ9RUUO2
save myself. There was a big cover1136Please respect copyright.PENANACy7XtnWSGl
up for the man's murder.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi6ZMT5QEdD
You killed him.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYKpAoWQ8su
Not just him. I'm not a bad shot1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwtk5eJx66E
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAa0MAnTJvpD
The outback.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAt35pNRWMLb
Lot's of things to shoot at when1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHMTOkyJ3ez
you have nothing better to do.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkbYNVmOqLR
Anyhow... they wanted to recruit me1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsmpXpDN9Zm
permanently. I refused. Roulette1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC9w6CAkH9s
said it was not the end. I suppose1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4mmKTX968x
she was right.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE0b5sYTpVQ
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqI3qPFmebR
Of course my little British Bug.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAofjDkltK7Q
I should have known. How long were1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5cFktCPmVQ
you an agent?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAORAN538ikP
I was only sanctioned for a week1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaaz72cV0zF
but I stayed for a year to hone my1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFs3TSP7bUq
wrestling skills. It got me a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAugufHG9sCE
scholarship and I came to Oxford. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjfDhfaflm9
was able to graduate with a Masters1136Please respect copyright.PENANANgb0NuHinU
and I've been here ever since. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGQNtFZstl2
should have moved years ago.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1vCG02MNrQ
They're not bad people...
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbQ3oeHkAoS
People wouldn't understand them1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjwc0Y52Z3s
like I do. It doesn't mean that I1136Please respect copyright.PENANANKwsXQliiv
am no less angry that they didn't1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmrdgk6Ya7d
even ask me.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZyOZAqRsZo
You would have said no.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaqZuXWHjTL
I would have. It's dangerous work1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC52aO8bn8N
to go out there thinking you're hot1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJDyvzYz2SI
stuff. I know my little girl. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbRlSq79mwm
would have lost her eventually, so1136Please respect copyright.PENANAn07hz86uQz
I am glad you're out.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4c1Onl9mQ8
I could turn in my resume for the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIbqwZxNJso
Black OPS.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJcpuNzzyOz
They wouldn't accept you. You're1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlgzB2iJytr
too unstable and a freethinker.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjcZkJhREam
How do you know?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFD9LnzuM9l
They called me and told me not to1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0PnqqdYKhZ
let you send in a resume. Word has1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsqLXPlyykV
gotten around the world. Seems your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuXVcyaGXZP
pretty famous.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAehQMC2SwRy
(Smiles Sheepishly) Well.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgIQ79l0226
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyDBRuZWrbz
Violet shakes her father. Russell opens his eyes quickly and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJafWPT5sB3
his eyes dart around with confusion in them. Violet is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYZXaFo7qQ5
smiling. She points out of the window.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmAm15bI9uY
We'll be there soon papa!
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANARxzGOVUIwu
Vie... you do know we still have a1136Please respect copyright.PENANASPO73uaJBW
four hour drive right? You couldn't1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYV0vRKzPaG
have let me sleep?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAc1mTide8um
We're going to land soon. You need1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHBHQICRgVY
to get yourself ready papa.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyc5SiqpySR
Besides, mum would have done1136Please respect copyright.PENANAl9KLeNZ4Pm
something worse.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAm7QuEmZzR
Mmm-hmmm. Thanks for ruining a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAx421LBYDsh
perfectly good sleep.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuga3ByQZGJ
Stop whining papa! Aren't you the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAD6drsqxGpm
least bit exited?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhZu3Ka2fCC
To finally slow down to a dead-end1136Please respect copyright.PENANAR5Osx5aoby
life? Sure... Exited.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANALfXG8hDE8T
New Heights University is one of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAA0reBtPvWh
the World's top universities... for1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5gcwLD1eRq
it's unorthodox methods. I can't1136Please respect copyright.PENANArGKAgMpSEA
wait to pick my elective.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAx64w95ysDB
I'm just glad they are letting you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoEeatUuMKQ
go there for free. You mother left1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFXZjViIKTO
me with very little.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcgRPlFTD4n
I know you let mum take whatever1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2zxXy0lBvX
she wanted.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAg0qIKEdGDX
You don't know that for sure.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAl0hegfM03x
Yes... yes I do. I think I see it!
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsAZuwuZxMj
Dear... that is not New Heights.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAp73M1AiYfi
Oh. Well... at least one of us is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAomUEPRpDzq
excited. How about a little bit1136Please respect copyright.PENANANfPMheos1e
more soul in you papa?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmWLrdTswsh
I'm good.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAo9a1LBcYIO
Russell drives in his old pickup down the street. The town1136Please respect copyright.PENANADkxTyxkcHh
was bustling with life. Russell pulls into a parking space in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjRnrgtivdr
front of Big Lucy's Cafe.
Russell and Violet get out of the car and walk into the cafe.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHXig1GH4Ep
Teens and old people were everywhere talking to each other.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxTNhTdNRIi
Russell let's Violet pick a table.
A young blonde girl walks up to their table with a big smile1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEpjPIdaAB0
on her face. She looks at them both.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuiFqFIXurH
Well howdy! You folks just passing1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGWuksqKmXh
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0iXJXxhrXe
Um... no.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFfbJHLrhfx
Oh! You must be the new people1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7HzhhTohnu
settling into New Heights. We've1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdkbn8HMA7j
been getting an influx of folks1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfb5NfTtluH
since the University started1136Please respect copyright.PENANAep9dmdp0tS
accepting international students.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbBykN3Y9bX
You here for school?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAV1sRyqoG2H
Yes and no. I'm here because my1136Please respect copyright.PENANACipIE08Lb4
papa here got a job there.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAu8esJSfUi2
No kidding! Well, my name is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX9DqBJuKKu
Loraine. Welcome to New Heights. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6omP1FpkVh
hope you will come to love our1136Please respect copyright.PENANApjGnUvcuVN
little ol' city the way we all1136Please respect copyright.PENANALWMcXh102i
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKJMST3jany
I'm already loving it. My name is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmAxPG0N2cH
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsx2w7KxvYe
I'm Russell.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPoFssP8bqh
Well nice meeting y'all.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvLFPrn3M4w
So who is Lucy?
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA72eEH41PQM
Lucy? That is my ma'. She leaves me1136Please respect copyright.PENANArJSabdhs4e
to run the shop most the time. But1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2qD8fbgBNs
you'll probably see her sooner or1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwgmvF80nyX
later. Big Lucy is a big part of1136Please respect copyright.PENANANLwT2gKvcI
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnUWpqsTzUd
I'd imagine so.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANATV6MZTpPi3
So two ready to order?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtU88CS0NwK
Yes. I'll just a have a coffee...1136Please respect copyright.PENANACGdRfoaqDd
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGu07vKxtfA
Coming up. You?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC02WH4lrp8
Something sweet that you recommend.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9220YdGqBq
It can be anything. Coffee with1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWgq2yHYx76
lots of creamer, a dash of1136Please respect copyright.PENANASz2UlW76qG
cinnamon, a dash of sugar, a1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4Zfm0uZHPO
teaspoon of milk, and whip cream in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPKLvAWbX1T
a nice swirl.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIdPnLVPT4p
That all?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFoPAcRInDx
Yes. Thank you.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAshPGeVIz5R
I'll be right back...
Loraine walks away. Russell looks at his daughter. He shakes1136Please respect copyright.PENANAffDXsFSrEM
his head.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMYYMZ4vwkV
You are a strange person you know.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5eVnErKh5o
Me? I'm not the 40 year-old man1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEdz1y46H4W
settling down in a new city trying1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVfukkvGlM9
to start over with their only1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcfTcuoBGTh
child. I'm just the kid with1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX4WMpDICVK
nothing on for the ride.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAeQZRNC4I0
To get an education.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4DCSWsgYps
Whatever floats your boat old man.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5FF7X3l84w
I'm going to find a way into Black1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJxXcNh9mvg
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqF4E7OsBjt
Really? Really? Remind me to lower1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgsl5CfUyoW
you ambitions while you are with1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJvIqB9FsQf
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAv95xoYoKIt
You can try. So why did you choose1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYtFHuP2oy4
to settle here other than the fact1136Please respect copyright.PENANABEdHX8ucBx
that you were offered a job,
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQqSupw6hi2
Opportunity my little British Bug.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoPm9gxancM
I think I have found a way to1136Please respect copyright.PENANABj2UKdT15O
redeem my name in the science1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgMXZGPJXmz
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgIw9tukQ70
Papa, no. I thought you said you1136Please respect copyright.PENANApUPaHUh1Zm
were done with that life.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAW3QiAwixb2
Really? I said I was done in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAn7EzpkWPHG
London. The science community1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQGsDG3HS8s
extends across the world. This is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAq3dUchBxGg
the best place to rebuild.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAF8emEUCwjk
Quantum Physics dad? Why don't you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhtqXfWo7qV
just... I don't know... study1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQVQDganEJw
biology. Your last project went a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxNM7HgtuyG
little... haywire.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWjzlFuIgXe
I intend to do something about1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMhRh8E2WYe
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANADhzavkL8zK
What, erase everyone's memories?1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcjYIKNYR0p
(scoffs) I doubt even you could do1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXGETPjUyFt
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXuRZiMOvXP
Don't doubt the power of science my1136Please respect copyright.PENANARQ6gOXN25h
little British Bug. You have the1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6ONWaIIe24
blood of scientists coursing1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVdcQhsjxG6
through you.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkjXqBXiNjE
Mum was a botanist for only a few1136Please respect copyright.PENANANakvf1I81w
years, then she retired thhinking1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2LoHi97tCN
you were going to take care of her.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA22ckeSLqme
But a scientist nonetheless. Don't1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIKJUd4B5Ag
try to avoid what you are my dear1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPHB3LRiy2U
child. You are a protege awaiting1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtvlG55TuFX
to be awakened.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAL3jqdMTrEj
Interesting you think that.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAENjSVNG7wO
Besides, there is about New Heights1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUoOjS9m243
that is unexplained. I have read1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5UU4A7zr6m
the forums.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeqmf3eRmKO
You mean the nutcases who right1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsxmw0VR2o1
about aliens?1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnPLCg4XlWw
I've seen the forums myself. You1136Please respect copyright.PENANAH5qILCTJOF
shouldn't trust their words.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANATSlGYCtn5C
Here's your orders... and about1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX2afc0sXOw
those forums. There's some truth to1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2UZnkI2HnN
everything you've seen on those1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaMRZwyfiVg
forums.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8c72WxBVpz
You should look up the Arlington's.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4Fy30yxn0S
Their pretty prominent members of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFWcbkEsW17
town. They won't tell you anything1136Please respect copyright.PENANAahdHFBbH7t
but you'll get the sense they are1136Please respect copyright.PENANAamwkHsOyS7
hiding something from you. YOu1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0QTjScENuF
might be able to get close to them1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOJh6NimBSn
through their son. He's a bit older1136Please respect copyright.PENANA97VyrUYcN9
than me... and he goes to the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWkj94ZwxDn
university too.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANANmexb2XLUP
I'm familiar with the Arlington1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5HVDETtNOr
name. The wife is some sort of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwKhVucGcpA
Pastry Queen and the husband is a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAd6easYnR9z
renowned ex-agent.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlh3GwFXHST
Don't think you know too much. My1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtIaShqjoOx
mother says their a bunch of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmPlBtV5HEw
hootin' hollerin' freaks.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJiqBns3PPR
I imagine she doesn't like them.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsf15ufeXbk
Nah, they're good friends.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGal9GKIkvc
Huh. Interesting words though. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAStOCMhgnyI
will have to look into the1136Please respect copyright.PENANApCZP91EIw5
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAclZ1JOSOQj
Well, Joseph was kind of pulled1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbQXxpLs7VQ
into the secrecy. It's his wife1136Please respect copyright.PENANAU1sNDpEKe9
Annabelle that's the real secret1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKhjC9RHyjb
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPXutFVL7dX
Sounds like a town I could get used1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaUlSjyk33g
to. I love breaking secrets open.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJP6RT96gVu
(darkens expression)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAduApM4VmBz
You don't break secrets around1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzsJBSqAquo
here, they break you.1136Please respect copyright.PENANALSYZin2ktg
(Perks up)1136Please respect copyright.PENANA95Owpilb7k
Enjoy your snacks. And again,1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2DmC4wRYsy
welcome to lil' ol' New Heights.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPWixEMdfdc
(smiles)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIXhAhe1azw
Thank you.
Russell slowly moves the cup of coffee to his lips. The doors1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEylD9yBFuG
open to the shop. There was a young gentleman. He seemed to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAd1TDJJ2nji
be college again himself. His eyes fall on Russell.
Russell observes the change in the mood in the room. All of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX42wNxNIHH
the women, old, young, middle-aged, turn to the young man.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqWUWGKh5aF
Even Loraine loses some of her professionalism.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzpfS3rRR3p
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANADrbUDwiJ6Y
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFRftNCk2OO
I'm guessing he is one of those1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOrCIiRYKJ3
Arlington people.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAC3ynceoLmP
Your regular table is ready.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoNiYRoNDSy
Loraine, I told you I don't have a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYU2dQAAVrs
regular table. I just like to sit1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOGkpFV3NRU
by the window. Any seat will do1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5wEnJI1Cg4
just fine.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjBlmpncjhi
Town royalty. You know, he's like1136Please respect copyright.PENANAd3mlMQb8Lp
56th in line for the royal crown1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmfPi5FNtIc
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0iZ3nURVPw
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANATNhzQ5LqbL
The Arlington's are distant1136Please respect copyright.PENANARLIyjCaH8Q
relatives of the Queen. If everyone1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3T5ZBCjIS5
was to die all of the sudden, you'd1136Please respect copyright.PENANA21DK6LZpLd
be looking at the new prince of1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7SeNp0lbSN
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANApVup9wVYyW
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKqVC1Q1Hcx
Can I interest you in anything?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgeBd4V1MHe
Some spending money?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxeRMxhmbOQ
Not over my dead body. Your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGetTv3g0Do
fortunate your mother was not able1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9QCai2eBwL
to tap into your inheritance money.1136Please respect copyright.PENANANv7FXjzhgi
When I'm long dead... you may dip1136Please respect copyright.PENANAU34yA9D2Ne
into it all you like... for your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi8f2gNgJSE
shopping needs.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhTW8BaUEZJ
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAy3R83NE3tz
No bright ideas, your mother has to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdaYQnZzvwT
be dead too.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzPT8XOTwrI
Alright papa.
A few minutes later they pay and leave a tip. The two of them1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxS9EUCTDcY
walk out of the cafe to the truck. Jason waits for Loraine to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdL0Z3k7pDB
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVQuzzjrcpw
Who were those two people?
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANABl4UE0zIhK
They're the new people in town.1136Please respect copyright.PENANApn1WWHEGlN
He's recently been hired to be a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlgXeubNLFO
professor for the university. She1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqxOvpUdce8
is attending to. So they moved1136Please respect copyright.PENANAo5IluzNVEz
here. They seem like they were from1136Please respect copyright.PENANAb8yvqoD6F6
England, at least the girl. He1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWXkkQLnp7g
seemed a bit Aussie to me.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8J98Nx9HaB
Hmm. You know how my father is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkJFY9kFafx
about new people in town. He wants1136Please respect copyright.PENANA10MHhWOVmf
to know everything aboout them. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9Nxg0DtDfM
last time he had to deal with1136Please respect copyright.PENANA05Fb3ijBz1
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANACvh99arCZh
We all know the history. Eat your1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3IWDfeeW0P
food. I didn't go get it for1136Please respect copyright.PENANAm1ctP8zKJJ
nothing. Where is your younger1136Please respect copyright.PENANAN3ed8eIZN2
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgzyKbR1ojR
Off daydreaming with our cousin1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7CfVxORKgj
probably. I really don't try to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyKnVxdeft0
keep up with those two. I have more1136Please respect copyright.PENANAe5demwzLnf
pressing matters.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwNjBLTzVUj
Whatever. You should take more of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsOoyxwuJtM
an interest in them. You're going1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQo98LXt9NS
to be all alone sooner or later.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAu2dM65QHnB
Perhaps that is what I want.
LORAINE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwJW1BAt12h
No one wants that.
Loraine then leaves. Jason lifts his cup of tea and watches1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQlUXRjz3uv
the truck drive down the road. He then lifts a paper up and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtc2ta1QDZB
begins to read it.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqjEGawK4Hw
Russell opens the door to their new house. He sees dust is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAajjpmCRMvW
everywhere. The home however is very nice and cozy feeling.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8YxOJvsvbk
There are few problems to be seen with the naked eye.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5MPdesPQUu
It's... smaller.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5JIDhTnXLd
We never needed all of that room1136Please respect copyright.PENANAG1Qr51HtyI
anyhow. It was just the money1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPLuhQxpdFn
talking to us. This is just right.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYp8AkrXojR
Besides, what happens when you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAU3b9Q1AI9
decide to move out? The bigger it1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxyYY8R15mE
is, the more I have to clean.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYZV4mW3vTN
I don't really like to plan for the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcU7MrI2wfp
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYqFy6zKMN9
That much is obvious in your job1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJaPHzyY51x
choices. It's a good thing you're1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvCcGV5wgnX
going to school.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAY7nbopWh6V
Maybe. Someone lived here before?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKP4Zthgc4h
Yes. The Arlington's...
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKYwKeyjwCu
They lived here? I thought they1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0Z6QOu6L86
were hotshots.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhi37tI98yx
They are. They built a new cottage1136Please respect copyright.PENANAs22N136caT
home when they found out they were1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9UkXn1klc2
having another kid. This home was1136Please respect copyright.PENANAurChAERjgW
built for the possibility for one1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJmGHFwuK2T
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZONTr9JX4s
There's only one bedroom.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAT80EdD6jrO
Two bedrooms. The master bedroom is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVUwfI51vft
in the basement. There's also a1136Please respect copyright.PENANA409XvBp7zw
studio for painting built in. It's1136Please respect copyright.PENANAK5AiYvjp3V
just enough for the both of us. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANACDlGSdpNb2
room is nearly the size of the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAd1j93aO3X7
master anyhow. So you shouldn't1136Please respect copyright.PENANAA1XlBt4cXS
have any problem's fitting your1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0PebLuzZ7q
stuff somewhere.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZhF4lrTXF2
You've been here before?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANApllQCJqeBE
Yes. You didn't think I would move1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6f6VzVcCbC
to America without checking things1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAa5sYkBCA5
out first did you?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXlQhusF7w8
When did you have time to do that?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlxTdetqPSJ
You were too busy to remember. Try1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUl13T8cKC6
to remember you training... watch1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWFR0G8HLGF
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJZZRzxTyFX
I guess I will.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjFwsOy8U7n
Let's settle in Vie. There's no1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9uyfTWnj44
point in just standing around doing1136Please respect copyright.PENANAS10zzzVSOk
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANANuf8ybnZUd
Yes sir.
Violet walks out of the house. A few moments later she drags1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKCkWbpBwSj
in her bags. Russell carries his bags down stairs into the1136Please respect copyright.PENANATckRoiCFBV
master bedroom. He nods with approval on his face.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsaweVNfodh
(thinks to himself)1136Please respect copyright.PENANA20Bv4rpaYI
This is what I need... a fresh1136Please respect copyright.PENANA20CazlOw6r
start. And this is definitely what1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYylubigk2I
you need little British Bug. I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVD06fxwGuw
think you will find what you want1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKKgJMN3fLP
to do with your life here. There1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhaVzEVR6xz
are many adventures to be had in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsKqXjWdwmR
life and you're just getting1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5qENL0sfb6
He sits down on the bed and lies back.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAceVxmcMWMD
Russell pulls up to the cave in a 1979 F-100 Lariat. (His1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGRGMC7JgTZ
truck had finally came in from England.) Russell gets out of1136Please respect copyright.PENANADwpHzNdfex
the truck and puts his feet on the ground.
Violet gets out of the car, revealing her armor. It's1136Please respect copyright.PENANADEVT1DqJOV
futuristic looking but wraps around her body well, conforming1136Please respect copyright.PENANAU7XK7sVO2e
to her.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfnCbBt9hm1
What are we doing here papa?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAy02lZr7BVH
We're here to do some research.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwJOveyx56W
I've heard about this place. There1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFtH0gdUSsR
are rumors that there is an ancient1136Please respect copyright.PENANAn9LKgVDEdn
technology buried in the cave.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANANWedUpWBPi
And why am I here? I'm not really1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQZTZwrGmF9
interested in doing a boring1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4iRketVBx0
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAt0jlZetNiO
Oh no! I'm not letting you out of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJNL9lbSNjc
my sight Violet. You can get into1136Please respect copyright.PENANAal4zpnNkKc
trouble faster than someone can1136Please respect copyright.PENANAiFIPTQFNum
spell trepidation. It's only one1136Please respect copyright.PENANAe8nEYikFDQ
more day before we both report to1136Please respect copyright.PENANA77ezdJKu1C
the university. So you can get into1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtKHTnmy6xx
trouble after that.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9yogoQgkYx
Trouble? Me?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAppxBMmsskK
Mmm-hmmm. Come on. Get the rope1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7yhO3awMSn
from the back of the truck. We're1136Please respect copyright.PENANAk5D0i76Zmf
going to climb down.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAs8cCFrs5ra
They say the true part of the cave1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZEIGY5I4DG
is deep within the cave.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAp8gmSgmmv5
It's going to be dark and damp.1136Please respect copyright.PENANALoGPh6iCjj
This was a parting gift from the1136Please respect copyright.PENANA883UF5Rjox
MI6. I don't know if it's water1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOx1p1xlfQQ
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2cgaSv6HbB
But it is fire and bullet proof.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3Mr3Qh9uLz
That's all I need to know. Let's go1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE7a5NbG5su
on now.
Russell takes the lead. Violet comes up behind him with the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMYgrXv0LU7
rope. Russell beats the ropes into the cave rock. He then1136Please respect copyright.PENANARDcGFrzhoJ
clamps the latch on his belt. He then starts to descend.1136Please respect copyright.PENANARMSevLnPjP
Violet follows suit.
Russell is the first to plant his feet on the floor. Violet1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlErA85zaaf
follows behind him turning on the flashlight in her hand.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkwi5ZKKhq0
What makes you think there is an1136Please respect copyright.PENANABZAEim6Dw8
ancient technology down here?1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0CdXqvpuZY
Humans have only been existent for1136Please respect copyright.PENANANB3UEWOtro
the past 6000 years.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKo7PR9VDEL
That doesn't mean other life wasn't1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQOvetSAdgF
here. No, I don't believe in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAIPwz1579O
aliens... but I do believe in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdOhGwpfWeQ
transdimensional transportation. If1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6HeSRlTxjx
humans were indeed more advanced1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE5qnXzZqwk
than us and left something here...1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAeYJ5Xm0jH
it would be considered ancient in1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjRtoUXPRF3
all of it's terms, for we know1136Please respect copyright.PENANASRSEPZpawJ
nothing of it and it is from the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxAeeL9mM6H
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7Kl6Qtol2q
Transdimensional transportation? I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAY8A6b136qy
know you've had some wild theories1136Please respect copyright.PENANANyivjyrTs6
before but there is no grounds for1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdioxAjtuU7
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEVdvtKtgBd
The device that ruined my life.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAScJbGHDfWB
I've traced where it landed1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwcWWryNEHM
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnzi6uyA3fI
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5Te2fgoFpR
Outside our realm of Time and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdJzf4qahPZ
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANArYsQCCHN0W
(scoffs)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqaJCNr94Zz
That's impossible. It would take a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuumfAqJrkh
tremendous amount of power to even1136Please respect copyright.PENANAcdoOxzyozZ
move faster than light.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyCO6PpWJHJ
Perhaps were tapping into1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUb3iXL7ezw
something... a frequency... unknown1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaOGMuafqEC
to us and it just pulled the1136Please respect copyright.PENANANC6jyPJi1K
machine with.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWLqTKk20Ts
It was designed to move people from1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgN0Awiu3zv
one place to another place on the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyfxNdEcE9t
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIMqo4O14CF
Precisely... So that is not to say1136Please respect copyright.PENANAg4LtPQMIlL
that it can't move across fluid1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhPOVI3E85P
space... or that it can leave space1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUM94E9o6ye
entirely. It's purpose was to move1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7U5pfHyJki
something from one location to1136Please respect copyright.PENANALG61aMcshG
another. In that reasoning there,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlIIbd3VpND
anything is possible. Science has1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE0boMAheoX
one rule...
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIu8VVenkJO
No matter how improbable the answer1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIZN1yrwzAr
is, if left, the improbable becomes1136Please respect copyright.PENANASF8qvvnGOR
probable, therefore possible... It1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqVj01mqy56
gives us our answer.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvPdkBpUTWL
Close enough dear.
They continue through the cave. They reach a Y in the cave1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAkLbnh5XyM
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANARvJJhSMv0i
No one's been down here.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfWW8jctyFN
I can guarantee that there have1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkGYU5fkWci
been some people down here1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsnsz3RNHoq
before... just not the common folk.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgjt6kK8yGG
There is something hidden down here1136Please respect copyright.PENANA8pMZpjpCyo
and I intend to know what it is.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7621dYRB1N
You curiosity will get me killed1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnGoaiuFotr
you know.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAy0LWPGXw8q
We both have guns and I brought a1136Please respect copyright.PENANA05F4P5QiPG
sword just in case we meet a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQQvSf5U4Ju
panther or something that fell down1136Please respect copyright.PENANAOIGlNVRORY
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAc2ffQaKwqq
Panther? I don't think that a1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2vz9F5kBxr
panther could lived down here long.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkkZyX0d91e
Do you see that glowing?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKhqCbDUtsm
I do. Is that what you are looking1136Please respect copyright.PENANAa10w2VMe6A
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxr4LLs6F06
Yes. Yes I believe it is.
Russell runs towards it. He slides to stop wondering if there1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJQwi0t8NMl
were any traps set. He looks at his feet to make sure. He1136Please respect copyright.PENANAECgZK8Cp9D
steps over a line that he sees. He then snatches the oval1136Please respect copyright.PENANAErAAaAxZmA
device from the rock pedestal it was one.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4gpmF5PTTg
You got it. You can study it at1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwvpb4xklDL
home now.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAAbcBiRbQRn
Yes I can. I wonder what it does.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAp1KiBzaS5s
Perhaps it will help me...
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7kLz4kXO6h
Help you do what?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAf2IYQbZPP0
Nothing. Let's go. I don't like1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKQ8ioWdtql
being underground. It always feels1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMdoIEyNTpM
like it will cave in on top of me.
The entire floor shakes. Violet turns to her father with wide1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVqQ9FuqcqN
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbxPIa38ZUq
Did you really have to say cave1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlE62Jco3b0
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6kZKkBTjPx
Little British Bug, I don't think1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6iCEqChvbu
that was a quake...
A roar is heard. Russell and Violet both hold their nose.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjanUBmJMeD
What is that smell?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA7Mg9GFpRl4
Perhaps a creature we do not want1136Please respect copyright.PENANApck5w49W2q
to meet.
Violet starts to tremble. She points behind her father.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeqZX1UL1at
Russell looks back and sees an eye on the other side of him.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANALQ5is4NPnC
What is that?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANACDfmRSaNzH
(fearful)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjPBaOGXYPa
I don't want to find out!
Russell and she begin running down the cave to get to end.1136Please respect copyright.PENANApOWMz6MWJT
The nose of the creature smashes it's way through the arch.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbSvXrw5KgY
He charges after them tearing through the cave.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAE84MqEDJe0
Is that... is that...
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4tLlF0phg5
A dragon? SHOOT IT!
Violet takes out her hand guns and shoots as she runs.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsIBYMRKu4v
Russell makes a ash past her to the ropes. He latches himself1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKAk2uo5cPZ
onto one of the ropes. He motions for her to hurry up.
Violet drops her hand guns on the floor and takes her1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsA4wR4KKqQ
automatic off her back. She starts firing at the dragon. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANAv8BL7Yr8vU
bullets pierce it's skin and it opens it's mouth.
A red glow forms. Russell swings over to his daughter and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjX66tFZMKv
grabs her into his arms. He starts climbing with her in tow.
He soon reaches the top. The creature sticks it's head up to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPSwwBiiYrM
blow fire upwards. Violet releases a barrage of bullets.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6eXGGsC9kg
Russell throws her over and out of the cave. He climbs out1136Please respect copyright.PENANAS6VpIQFCPW
and fire rushes behind his back. He runs to the truck and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAz3FLvHnsTm
cranks it up.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0zrrChjrgO
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAf9SEnsCDWh
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANANbgbjUcVuV
I think it is going to get loose.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANADJWw39KtZ0
There is a smashing sound. The dragon spins into the air1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaXS4cu5oNY
spreading it's wings. Russell steps on the gas.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVRhN6ARGNY
It can fly! Where can we go?!
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMBIiu89CqW
Anywhere but here! Don't stop1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEUthvz2yRa
Violet leans out of the window. She starts firing her weapon1136Please respect copyright.PENANAuHD9vpGYvj
at the creature again. Her bullets hit a wing.
The creature spins into the air once again. Russell makes a1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0u5I6Au1Ju
left down a street. The dragon swoops down to swing one of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnZufv6MwTV
it's claws.
Russell makes another left before it swings it's claw. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlMCOG7rGkO
foot of the dragon slices a building apart. Rubble flies1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxqUvw2Spu4
through the air and falls behind the car.
Russell pulls down a long drive with the dragon still flying1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3rMaCJXzJR
behind him. He passes a sign that says New Heights1136Please respect copyright.PENANAGMMFBM6ej1
1136Please respect copyright.PENANA186Fh0mIoj
The truck soon reaches an area with people in it. Russell1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgeyvQZpREp
slides around in a circle as the dragon comes down.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANACO25prIpDp
Time to bail Vie!
Russell jumps out of the truck and Violet rolls out of the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAb1YtHRRM5j
truck. The dragon smacks the truck over top of them.
COLLEGE STUDENT1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIr3NQrrHBu
OH MAN! What is that?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJmQGpV6kmz
What do you mean what is it? It's a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAZf9cLJH1YR
freaking DRAGON!
COLLEGE STUDENT1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfCBCAs0uzQ
Does it...
Fire shoots out of it's mouth to the both of them. Violet1136Please respect copyright.PENANADSvcZs5cEz
pushes the boy down and the fire goes over them. She gets1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUxN4wYoTfW
back up and looks at him.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANApog9Sstb7H
You idiot, keep you head down.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6VAE28rp3h
Papa! What do we do?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANApcecihJHJi
What do you mean by that? Take that1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdXZgTllO85
thing out!
The dragon rushes into the air again. Russell runs to his1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqDEAXQMdbp
flipped truck. He reaches through it taking out his shotgun.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwM17CTuKam
He cocks the gun.
RUSSELL (CONT'D)1136Please respect copyright.PENANArUY6O7TfeJ
Violet... get these people out of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwBVyUEhIHW
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAF1sRreq0nT
Why do I have to do that? Don't you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAU4WmjVlcSL
think I can help?
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAniIzbY5OcS
Who's the one with the gun?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKXAA3eSiNL
Violet pulls a hidden handgun out. She closes an eye and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmRljCbhwG2
points at the dragon. She doesn't pull the trigger. She flips1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgpSG9T7l8q
back as it swoops to grab her.
The people looking begin to run around in a panicked manner1136Please respect copyright.PENANAy8Dt6IgeXf
as they see the dragon attacking other people.
Russell shoots at it but misses, on purpose. The dragon turns1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeySLWG14Xu
it's attention to him. It flies towards him at a wicked1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdTy0eee3tC
Russell fires off the shotgun again, right into it's skull.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3y7LKbmSr4
The dragon immediately pulls up into the air. Violet runs1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUEsR6IYeJE
past her father.
She throws a line from her wrist cuff. It then boosts itself1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkXDdA4kyI2
around it's body. It latches and Violet runs forward,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnIVhY3AbMC
climbing on the rope as she goes.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAimawZK9Lcg
Violet? What are you doing!
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAl1ExAU2R5i
I got it papa!
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdlwFm2CJva
VIOLET! That child.
She keeps climbing up the rope as the dragon goes higher and1136Please respect copyright.PENANABQIEPaDKtm
higher into the air. Then it starts to swoop down towards1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0dZbhqkuxo
Russell again.
Violet yanks herself closer and closer to the dragon. The1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgwcaVTSrrp
shotgun goes off and the Dragon starts pulling up again. She1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjek4iGZvJE
keeps climbing the rope till she reaches the back of the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmztJvX8sHO
She pulls the line tight around her wrist. She walks on it's1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjxw7BwdKtn
back to the head of the beast. It was still going higher and1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmqUWNITGF0
She flicks her other wrist and a short blade comes from the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAm39HeOGkxr
cuff. (Inspiration, Assassin's Creed) It starts to pull down,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeIwIYO7iHb
throwing her into the air. She pulls on the rope with all of1136Please respect copyright.PENANAF6CjuaMb17
her might and rams the blade into the top of the head of the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzji58T472E
The dragon then falls from the sky, no longer in control.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5CDbYvFBMk
Violet holds on tightly to the rope and waits a few moments.
She cuts the line as the dragon's head slams into the dirt.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbfmNMk3r23
She is thrown forward of it.
There is a man in front of the dragon with his back turned to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAnz64yJiUMY
it as it slides forward at him. Jason Arlington turns around1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzmvK4oivE8
He jumps as high as he can. Violet slams into him as she is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlSzqEDaY5R
still being thrown through the air as the dragon hits bumps.
They both fall forward of the dragon and roll together to a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAMsIQN68V5E
stop as the dragon comes to a final stop.
Jason lands on his back. He looks up to Violet with a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKcLvyJA54Z
confused expression. She pushes herself up and looks behind1136Please respect copyright.PENANActyDEPQba0
to the dragon.
It snorts once and rises to it's feet. Russell runs under it1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXaLvwiPNdz
towards Violet.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQx3v31Ur0f
Do you mind?!
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwFnT81uOhq
What? Sorry.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0Y588gC0jr
What is going on here?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZOgNWaudO
This dragon...
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjJoJQzstL3
Seems to have suffered at your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAutyx7bZCrp
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqsCL7um741
You're very calm aren't you?
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAy2XEijWLpk
Do I have a reason not to be?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUR7jD9K1Vd
There is a dragon behind us! Well1136Please respect copyright.PENANANS7HSBzzON
in front of you.
Violet gets up and pulls her handgun out to be sure it was1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqWnjeO6HkO
not going to do anything. Russell point his shotgun up at the1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmU6QpzWmyW
jaw of the beast.
Students all over the campus were taking pictures. The dragon1136Please respect copyright.PENANA0W3HZVhhfM
looks at Violet. It sits on the ground and lays it's head1136Please respect copyright.PENANAH2spHOZPVr
down towards her.
Violet puts her handgun away. Russell keeps his shotgun at1136Please respect copyright.PENANADkVb6etDlc
the ready.
Violet starts to approach it. It grunts softly. She places1136Please respect copyright.PENANApLnI6D7QSc
her hand on it's snout gently.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAKT2iAM6hUr
What do you think you're doing?1136Please respect copyright.PENANAjy0xXx0NMO
It's a dragon. It will eat you?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzUm0l9mOhE
We never knew dragons were real.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWEjspXCAFc
How do we know that it eats people?
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsRJCB5qsjp
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANA91DcvLvCbE
I never argue with her. It's really1136Please respect copyright.PENANAtPdDiZRi9T
pointless. But he is right Violet.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAoP4r42g248
You should come away from it. We1136Please respect copyright.PENANA2TXiHYI5NN
don't know what it will do.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAB8D0ra2800
You'd be wise to come away from it1136Please respect copyright.PENANAYjGWIkGazs
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1tWVi2AAlU
It doesn't want to hurt me. I think1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzeoWF3T59s
we startled it papa.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAitGnSEyynt
You startled it?! Preposterous.
Emergency vehicles start to roll on the campus grounds.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAU2ZLaejgxk
Officers of the law get out of their cars pointing their guns1136Please respect copyright.PENANAxTpVQe1Ju5
at the dragon.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFkKnxrU1ga
The American armed forces will be1136Please respect copyright.PENANADfRTHhag6l
here soon enough. Once the report1136Please respect copyright.PENANADbXzUSFYZh
gets out that there is a live1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJZ1Lhi5w4k
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUn1Pb7pVXm
Yes... thanks to you.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUZJpWSzYqM
Why are you so angry?
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAth3zrgMUx1
(squints)1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9TyL9ZRvGq
It is very apparent that your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAqVnzhPiWmf
curiosity led you to the discovery1136Please respect copyright.PENANArUHOdkNnz1
of this creature. Now... now others1136Please respect copyright.PENANA6BxvNXBXVe
will come. The oddities of New1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUwkHexlkuF
Heights is up for grabs now...1136Please respect copyright.PENANAw6B0cm5Clx
thanks to you. Believe me, my1136Please respect copyright.PENANA4Vn3b85wiK
father will not have nice things to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQ88YbPV3aW
about this when he finds ou.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAEARA5mMBcD
You people make him out to be a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAHIT8ZUpWjD
formidable foe. I'm not to be toyed1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUb86nfcVrz
with either.
JASON1136Please respect copyright.PENANAdvpnB3lEn2
Sure. I feel very threatened by you1136Please respect copyright.PENANAktARIXVvGg
right now. And you... watch wear1136Please respect copyright.PENANA46RqYdQsoQ
you land.
Two people approach Violet. They two are college aged1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQit8AOVLFu
students. One is a boy and the other is a girl.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA23VmLgjE1S
Can I help you two?
RONNIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAR9rxCWTuRf
ROSE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAJtP1Hklpfc
BOTH1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVUXIOb66r9
With the Heart twins.
ROSE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXvBV2JAJYi
And cousin to that snob you were1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsxrl3zG6aK
just talking to. His attitude is1136Please respect copyright.PENANAsguhZmT6SK
one of the coldest in the world if1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1jfYXzFrkx
you ask me.
RONNIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAVqP6XL52p5
We saw what you did. It was...1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9wg7bB0DFz
interesting. We haven't seen1136Please respect copyright.PENANAO6l2Hlh2gf
someone react to the situation like1136Please respect copyright.PENANADb4e9nJEzP
that in years.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwaFawSzFXw
There have been other incidents?
RONNIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAp3VDi2mCkh
Mmmm... Not officially. But it1136Please respect copyright.PENANAV2U6j4YcmS
looks like it won't matter now1136Please respect copyright.PENANAvThTIxY39V
where it is official or unofficial.
ROSE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9vSC8izJqm
You are attending this university1136Please respect copyright.PENANAj9osnD1NXP
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAorlkwjAn4G
Starting tomorrow, if they will1136Please respect copyright.PENANAXXmZJ3lvJw
even open up.
ROSE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfd62vIhcVr
Didn't we say things are weird1136Please respect copyright.PENANAwVxENXggJf
around here? It will be open. Look1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIWKRMVDSz7
for us on your break. We have some1136Please respect copyright.PENANAabpZdtak3U
things to... discuss.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAPKQEF3hR3U
Why should I trust you about1136Please respect copyright.PENANA9wkTnCMMxR
anything you say then?
RONNIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANACJSrGxd3BQ
We are reaching out. Besides, we're1136Please respect copyright.PENANATWd7yAM8hO
some of the town's elite.1136Please respect copyright.PENANAi2TWA5BpCR
Didn't we say we are cousin's to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAUUdA9W9QnV
Jason? Who do you think our mother1136Please respect copyright.PENANAREv78eA5NC
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANAkBh0xqprMM
I don't know and your mum wouldn't1136Please respect copyright.PENANADgVyMOLmrS
really matter to me anyhow.
ROSE1136Please respect copyright.PENANA79vvd6RTG5
Sure. When you hear her name,1136Please respect copyright.PENANASG8mE4S7QO
you'll be flabbergasted. Well,1136Please respect copyright.PENANAIGnWBvkBZT
you'll have to excuse us. We have a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAhKm4wLDUun
cousin to calm down. I do believe I1136Please respect copyright.PENANAyPYBg131H0
can see the fumes of anger rising1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlriKtR4Okt
from his flesh.
RONNIE1136Please respect copyright.PENANAj8w7tDpmAd
(smiles)1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1sY16pM5qz
Have a good day.
Violet watches them walk after Jason. Russell approaches his1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5GVl8PyK6l
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAiGNY86fYOj
They are going to want to talk to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFqMXXXcmwZ
me about this enter caper.1136Please respect copyright.PENANA1sb49uPGBC
(sighs)1136Please respect copyright.PENANAgrhwDSQmEf
I didn't really want to discover a1136Please respect copyright.PENANAzv5e2JNXoW
dragon. It's not really what I'm1136Please respect copyright.PENANAc8rdj3bwKu
looking for and my truck is flipped1136Please respect copyright.PENANApM6clxaXiM
over. Do you know what it is going1136Please respect copyright.PENANAFQQ38FHNnl
to take to fix it?
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANA5hqcmwsyMf
I don't really care papa. Take your1136Please respect copyright.PENANAX5FRX5LBau
time. I'll call a cab.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAlGdZN5ysWS
Thanks Vie. Be careful.
VIOLET1136Please respect copyright.PENANABR5FBeiSiY
Yes sir.
Violet whips out her cellphone.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAWBaJxNEdZI
Russell stares at the device. He fiddles with it for a few1136Please respect copyright.PENANAap87KxtQjA
minutes but nothing happens. He shakes his head.
Russell looks at it carefully. He sees what looks like a very1136Please respect copyright.PENANAY8xSBCN3oV
thin port. Russell pulls out his laptop.
He types in the search box, all types of ports on technology.1136Please respect copyright.PENANABv1rvyT95x
There is nothing like the port on the device. Russell pulls1136Please respect copyright.PENANAY2JcqRUiTb
out some tools.
RUSSELL1136Please respect copyright.PENANAbLKFgPSK71
Looks like I'm going to have to1136Please respect copyright.PENANAfp18wQfJZB
fashion a cord for this.
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAeyXBmqqpmY
VOICE 11136Please respect copyright.PENANA1Yoa2Noalg
This is very bad. It must be fixed.
VOICE 21136Please respect copyright.PENANAycTAC2NSMe
It cannot be fixed. The world now1136Please respect copyright.PENANAQj7meyYbRA
VOICE 31136Please respect copyright.PENANArrSeruwYGW
It will not be long before things1136Please respect copyright.PENANAmEuJ7arJ4B
completely come out into the open.
VOICE 11136Please respect copyright.PENANA620EMltnGw
Then it looks like we will simply1136Please respect copyright.PENANAl2xxsJm42u
have to contain it.
VOICE 31136Please respect copyright.PENANAvnKAPpdITj
If it can be... brother...
1136Please respect copyright.PENANAaOufnjgsYj