However, I eat vegetables if I'm in the mood. I can eat stuff like: pumpkins, tomato, onion, raddish, potato, sweet potato, and others.
Now here's my dream.
I was playing volleyball with my friends and it was around 4 in the afternoon. No hot sun and not too dark. Then something came up. It became a zombie nightmare and earthworms, maggots and stuff went ballistic. Like this old zombie where they are really gross and stuff. So we decided to evacuate and stay in a good hiding spot,gather things we might need and wait for someone who can rescue us. There are 7 or us, 5 died. We got some apples, eggplants, bitter gourd, eggs, some canned goods. These guys are not that smart aren't they. I don't want to join them in my next zombie nightmare. Like seriously how can we eat the bittergourd and egg!
One of my friends suddenly become infected and started attacking died. He was holding the eggplant which was he was supposed to grill. Then -
I came back here to see an unfinished draft... Ide remember what happened in this one.