Harry ran fingers through messy black locks. The passed few months had been very stressful for the “Boy-who-never-sleeped”. Ever since he saved the wizarding world, his life had been nothing but meetings, papers, and trials.
After the third month of no rest, Harry decided to draw the line.
The spectacled boy ran his hand through his hair once again, attempting to decide the wording for his letter. He adjusted his glasses with his wrist.
He chewed his lip before setting down the quill and standing up. He needed some fresh air after sitting in “Grim-old-place” all morning.
He walked into the garden he had built recently. He found taking care of the plants therapeutic. Turns out Neville had been right all those years.
He picked up the watering can, filling it with a flick of his wand. Harry felt his lips spread into a small smile as he watered the thirsty plants.
He set the can down, his emerald eyes scanning the plants before nodding and heading out the door. The boy paused. What was that noise? The raven-haired boy turned. Harry tensed, hearing a scuffling noise. He drew his wand.
Taking a step forward, he bent down, scanning the floor. He went lower when he caught site off white fur.
“Oh!” He exclaimed. A small ferret was clawing away at the dirt near a corner of the garden. Harry reached out and poked the ferret’s side. It squeaked and turned around. It squeaked again and clawed harder at the dirt. Harry laughed and poked it a second time, smiling.
The small critter turned around once again, slower this time. It chattered lightly and stepped toward Harry. “Hello,” he greeted, glasses askew and body pressed low to the ground. “Do you want to come with me?”
It chittered and took another step, pressing it’s nose to Harry’s finger. Harry laughed, holding out a hand. The tiny lad stepped hesitantly onto his calloused palm, then scurried onto his shoulder.
* * *
Harry sighed, clenching his hand into a fist. He wasn’t sure how to word the letter to the ministry without sounding irresponsible...or lazy. He turned to the ferret, who was curled up and staring at Harry.
“What?” He asked. The ferret let out a huff, ear twitching. “I know, I’m a mess but you don’t have to rub it in.” It’s nose twitched in almost disapproval.
Harry met the ferret’s eyes. “I’m going to name you Scurry,” Harry stated. Scurry squeaked loudly, jumping to it’s stubby feet. “Wether you like it our not, I’m calling you Scurry.”
Harry picked up his quill, dipping it in ink, rewriting the letter for the fifth time.
* * *
“No!?” Harry shouted angrily, pounding a fist into the table. “What the hell do they mean no!?” He frustratingly jabbed his glasses up his nose.
Scurry squeaked from inside Harry’s shirt pocket. “There’s nothing you can do, Scurry,” he whispered. The Gryffindor squeezed the hem of shirt, fuming. He scooped Scurry from his pocket, setting him down on the kitchen table and sat down in front of him.
“Accio coffee,” Harry hissed between his teeth. He sipped the liquid. “Have you ever self trapped, Scurry? Like you just want to claw your own skin off from the stress and pressure.” Scurry nodded it’s head. Harry didn’t seem to notice, grabbing his hair in fistfuls.
“I just...I defeated Voldemort to be free, but now the ministry is trapping me.” Hardy rubbed his eyes as they filled with tears. “I want this all to stop. I need this stop! I can’t...I can’t....” Harry let out a broken cry before burying his head in his arms, sobs shaking his shoulders.
Scurry chittered quietly, setting his head on Harry’s arm.
* * *
Harry wiped away his remaining tears. For the rest of that day he had stayed up in his room, Scurry curled up in into his hand.
He glanced outside. “Night already,” he muttered aloud. The Boy-who-never-slept decided to try to get some sleep. He slipped off his shirt and set down his glasses o the nightstand. He felt warm feet on his chest as Scurry laying on his chest.
“Goodnight, Scurry,” Harry murmured, allowing sleep to take him.
* * *
The raven-haired Gryffindor thrashed in his sleep. His dark brows furrowed and lips upturned into a frown. He muttered something and thrashed once more.
Warm arms wrapped themselves around the smaller boy and Harry instantly calmed, leaning into the embrace.
* * *
Harry woke as he felt fur tickling his nose. He sniffed and breathed out heavily. He opened his eyes, grabbing for his glasses. He jabbed them onto his face and yelped. Wrapped around Harry was none other than Draco Malfoy, his platinum blonde hair messy with bedhead and eyes shut tightly.
“Ma...Malfoy?!” He shouted, cheeks turning a brilliant shade of Gryffindor crimson.
Draco muttered something in his sleep before opening a tired grey eye. “Oh...Harry,” he said sleepily before closing his eye again.
“What...what the fuck are you doing here?!”
“What the fuck do you mean, Potter? I’ve been living here for a week now,” he retorted, lifting his head slightly, annoyance apparent on his aristocratic features.
“Oh yes, that horrid name you’ve been calling me.”
Harry blinked several times. “You’re...an animagus?! B-but how? Why?”
“People hate me, Harry. I had to get around somehow.”
“What happened to Potter?”
“You know what I’m bloody getting at,” Draco snarled, fully sitting up now, but not letting go of Harry’s arm.
“Why haven’t you...”
“Because of how you’re reacting right now.”
“Why did you sleep with me?!”
Draco smirked. “Ignoring that very evident innuendo, you seemed to be having a bad dream last night. You calmed right down when I wrapped myself around you,” he answered coolly.
Harry’s ear tips heated up to match his cheeks. “I...I...” He was utterly lost for words. Draco Malfoy had be living with him for a week. He’d been following me around all week. Oh fuck, he’d seen me break down crying right in front of him. Oh shit, shit, sh-
Draco leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on Harry’s lips and then another clumsily on his jaw. “Don’t think to much about it, Harry,” he murmured into his ear and wrapped his arms around the green eyed boy.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, but instead just melted into the blonde. This is nice. He thought.
A/N: Hello friends! I’m not as fond of this one as the last, but I found it a bit funny. Again this one has angst, but I promise the next one will be so damn fluffy, I’ll be convicted of murder. That’s how fluffy it’s gonna be. Anywaaaays, love you guys! And remember, I am taking requests. I think I’m going to include a list of fandoms so y’all can choose requests according.
-Hugs and butterfly kisses, Lord of Potatoes