Harry could not understand where he was and what was happening when he opened his eyes. His body was covered with pain and fatigue. Although his eyes were open, he could not see anything in the darkness. There was nothing to see and the feeling was as if he was falling into an endless void. Being in that state for a long time, he raised his body, by leaning on his elbows. Still seeing nothing, he tried to remember where he was. But the mixture of unclear thoughts in his head didn't let him do that. After sitting a while, he felt a rising pain in his spine and he lay back on the ground.
The pain was as if a hot knife was going down his spine. To reduce the pain, he laid on his right side, then on the left side and after all, he even laid face down. The effect was the same. After a short period, the pain burned again.
Getting tired the sequence of this routine and have already forgotten how long he lay on the ground, he mustered up all his strength and stood on feet. Nothing changed. It was still dark around. He took a step into the darkness, but as soon as he raised his leg, he staggered and fell down. Cold, hard and stony ground met him with all its force. Though he didn't feel any pain, subtle sound of whistle rose in his ears and he lost control of his eyes, which forced to close.
Harry was living in Genoba. He was the only child in the family of Smith's. Though, his parents didn't let him grow like a spoiled child. His school years weren't very easy. He was a skinny and quiet child and it was the reason to be the object of fun and ridicule by other stronger schoolmates. His strongest part was his character. Even being beaten didn't make him change his character, his behavior, his desires, his thoughts and he never tried to be like others.
Harry didn't change his principles. But his principles and time changed him. After school, he went to the most prestigious university in the country. He wasn't skinny anymore. Swimming lessons, which he took during several years, changed his body into unrecognizable shape. Now he was a smart and a tall boy with broad shoulders and muscular body. His skin was white, eyes were brown and hair was dark. He turned from an unnoticeable skinny child into the boy who is always in the center of girls' attention. But he was never prone to be a womanizer. His heart was busy with another girl. Her name was Evelyn and she was the only girl, who didn't pay attention to him. It was the first year and philosophy class when he saw her for the first time and already three years now that he couldn't talk to her. She was the only reason, which made him sit in the front seats in philosophy classes and endure topics, which he couldn't understand. In turn, philosophy was her favorite lesson. During these lessons, she looked like she was living in another world. Her eyes were shining like the sun and her voice was pure like raindrops falling into the calm lake water.
Reasons to love Evelyn were countless. Her big green eyes, bright white skin with rosy cheeks, small nose, long dark eyebrows, and curly dark chestnut hair, made Harry think about her every minute of the day. And when she walked on her long legs with a narrow waist, it made the whole world to stop around her.
Though Harry didn't have any problem in making contact with people and especially with girls, it was hard to do it with Evelyn. When they met, he could utter only one word, "Hello," and it was between tightened throat. Every time his friend Max saw this situation, he used to say, "If you don't talk to her, you'll lose her in no time."
Max was Harrys' only and his best childhood friend. He was a real little bomb. He wasn't tall like Harry. He had a bit long and curly hair. His eyes were always shining and his ability to speak clear and fast like a rocket speed could make him slip away from any situation like a snake.
Their first encounter happened 15 years ago when Max's parents moved to Genoba when to his father, Mr. Evans Brown got a new job. In a search for a quiet place, they bought a house, which made them neighbors. They went to school together. Even after school, their paths were not divided. Now they are studying together at the same university and faculty. Max was always with him. And when he suddenly wasn't around, it meant that he will be back with some news.
Once, after that kind of disappearance, he suddenly appeared, giving him a piece of paper and said "Here! Take it! I have got a surprise for you."
When Harry opened the accurately folded paper, he saw 10 digits and the name Evelyn below.
You will not survive without me!" said Max, slyly laughing and looking at his confused friend with his little eyes. "In addition, do not forget that I promised Aitan perfume for this number. If you won't call Evelyn, I'll demand perfumes' money from you. Don't make me use my brilliant tricks into the void," continued Max and gave a wink to the girl passing by and followed her.
Harry tried to look at the paper, he was holding in his trembling hands, but he could not gather his thoughts that were scattered all over the corners of his head. His eyes began to water and the numbers started to swirl as paint dropped in the water. This feeling wasn't very pleasant and he closed his eyes.
"Harry! Wake up! Wake up!" An approaching voice made him open his eyes. Harry who was standing at the university corridor just a moment ago now was at the dark place. Although he did not see anything, he turned his head and looked at the direction of approaching footsteps. Suddenly a door appeared in the darkness and the beam of bright light dazzled his eyes. Between squeezed eyes, he saw the silhouette of his mother Millie.
"Wake up! You are sleeping since you got off the train in the morning. It is already evening. Oh, look! You even closed the curtains and turned the room into the dungeon. Come to have supper. Your father has already arrived," said Mrs.Smithand turned the light on in the room, not letting him protest.
Mrs.Smithwas average height, slender woman with dark shoulder-length hair, white skin, and pleasant voice. Despite the fact that she always pampers her only son, she also could suppress her kind character and be strict.
Harry rose his body up staggering like a drunken man and sat on the edge of the bed. His head was so heavy as if it was not part of his body. He rested his elbows against his knees and held his falling head with hands. Staring at the floor, he tried to get rid of the effect of his dream, which really happened several months ago at the university. Suddenly he jumped to his feet and began to look for something in his bed. After a short search, he found his phone and unplugged it from the charger.
It was already three months since Max gave him Evelyn's phone number. However, he neither wrote nor called her when he was at Beshgala. He didn't want to meet her the next day after the message, so he decided to do it when the holidays start. He sent her a message as soon as he got off the train in the morning. With trembling fingers, he unlocked the phone and opened the messages. There was no answer. Only his own messageaddressedtoEvelyn. "Hello, Evelyn. How are you? This is Harry. Don't know the reason just decided to write to you."
After sliding phone's screen up and down several times, he started to talk to himself: "You are stupid! Stupid! What did you write?!" He began to walk in the room and continued to talk. "I should have to write the message in a different way. Not like that. You are stupid! You wrote like a child talking with a girl for the first time."
With his new message ideas, he looked at the phone for one more time. It was already too late. He started to think about the second message, but it was interrupted by Mrs. Smith's angry voice.
"Coming!" He said in response and left the room, throwing the phone on the bed.
When he entered into the kitchen, his father was already waiting for him at the table.
With a smile, he hugged his father. Mr. Smith gave him a warm hug as well and between his arms, asked: "How are you?"
"Good," Harry replied and with their old tradition, both looking at the table, covered with delicious dishes said at the same time: "Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the next masterpiece by Mrs. Millie Smith!"
"It is you, Frank, teaching him these kinds of things!" Said Mrs. Smith, gently hitting Mr. Smith on the shoulder.
In honor of her sons' coming Mrs. Smith cooked his favorite dishes. There were salads, mushroom soup and his favorite plov with fennel and chicken. Seeing all these luring dishes, he realized one more reason why he was homesick.
After delicious dinner and interesting conversation, Mrs. Smith got up from the table and said in a calm voice: "If you are finished my dears, please go to the sitting room and let me tidy up on the table."
"Catch my wisest advice to you my son!" Said Mr. Smith in a low voice, "If a woman asks you to leave the kitchen? Leave it at that very moment," he winked at Harry and walked in the direction of the dining room.
Harry didn't answer and followed him in the direction of the sitting room. His relation with his father was different. It was like an officer and soldiers' relation during the war. They had some kind of subordination. But at the same time, they were ready to trust own life to another.
Mr. Smith was a man with restrained and calm character and that is why Harry couldn't relax near his father at all. Despite the fact that Mr. Smith was the most distinguished architects of the country, he used to be a modest and at the same time, a very strange man. He didn't talk much. And when he did, he never hurries and never let his emotions show up on his face. His 6-feet 1-inch height, broad shoulders, thick with sparse grayed hair gave him a special look.
"Come! Take a seat and let's talk a little," said Mr. Smith as soon as Harry entered the room. "So, how were your exams?"
"They were easy!" Said Harry sitting in the armchair.
"What about student life? What about Max? Are you getting along?" Said Mr. Smith with a wisp of a smile.
"Max?" Harry smiled back. "You know him! He will find a way to change your mind, even if you don't want to talk and not to get along with him."
"Yes, you are right," answered Mr. Smith with a wider smile.
Although there was a smile on his father's face, at the same time there was another expression that Harry could not read. Looking at him, he expected to hear the reason for that expression, but instead heard another question? "What's new?"
"Neeeew? Harry extended his question to ponder the answer, and answered in a calm tone: "Nothing!" "Nothing unusual ever happened?" Asked Mr. Smith as an interrogation.
One moment he thought that his father knew about his message to Evelyn, but then he remembered that he hadn't told anyone about it and answered: "No, something had to happen?"
"Of course not! Just a question," this time he answered with a more relaxed smile and, standing from his chair, looked at the bookshelf behind.
Life sometimes gives unpleasant surprises when you don't want and do not expect them. It puts you in a desperate situation. You start to think that this is the end, and there is no exit. But in fact, there is always output. The hardest part is to find where and what is that. It is not just a word. Do you know how many similar stories are hidden in this bookshelf?
Harry looked at his father with a confused look and tried to understand what he was trying to say, as well as what he should answer him. Instead, Mr. Smith continued to talk. "Maybe I'll have an overseas trip for some time"
"Trip? When? For how long?" Asked Harry.
"I don't know the details," said Mr. Smith averting his eyes.
How is it? - Harry asked again.
"I've received a short notification from a company I am working with. Haven't discussed the details yet, but I can leave at any time," Mr. Smith answered with almost a whisper.
Although his father's answer did not satisfy him, he decided not to ask additional questions. He waited for him to tell the reason for his strange behavior, but instead heard Mrs. Smith asking: "Would you like some tea?"
He did not immediately come out from the confusion he was in, and after a while "No, I am going to meet with Max. We'll drink a tea together," said and left the room.
When he entered his room, Max was already calling him. "Yes?" he said grudgingly.
"Oh my God! His Majesty finally answered my call. Are you still sleeping, lazy man? I'm already calling you for the 60th time."
"If you noticed, it is evening and I was having supper. Let me give you a piece of wise advice. When you call somebody and there is no answer, wait for ten minutes," said Harry trying to tease his friend.
"Thank you sage!" said Max and continued. "Stop it, fool boy! Are you coming?"
"Already," said Harry and walked thinking about his father's strange behavior and unclear conversation. After a while, when he got rid of those thoughts, he found himself holding a door handle without movement. With a deep breath, he opened the door and left his room.
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