The sky is getting darker, but Charles still gathering firewood and some berries for his supply tonight. After finish , Charles going back to home, not a huge and beautiful mansion , but only a small hut , that comfortable enough to keep the body warm in the middle of cold night.
In the morning , Charles must go to school, maybe now you think about small school, but you are wrong. He studies at elite school, Every morning he got teased by every single student in the school because he is an poor orphan. Someone maybe think why poor little orphan boy studying at elite school?, it because his father is an engineer at the company that work with that school , so Charles studied there too. And Charles lives alone because he was left by his mother because his father passed away when Charles was 4 years old, his mother left him because she only want Charles father wealth.
In the school there is one boy, his name is Abigail , Abigail is a President of the company where Charles father used to work, Abigail always tease and bully Charles because Charles is a poor boy , He always mock Charles like “Poor Orphan”, but Charles only silent because he know he can’t reply that mock , because if he reply Abigail mock , he will got teased more by the school. One week after that day , the Principal announced , tomorrow there will be held School Sport Festival , it will held around 2 weeks. Every class must send 4 persons to participate on the Festival. In Charles classroom, Charles was choosen to participate in 500m Run by his sport teacher because Charles got talent and potential. When Abigail heard his teacher word , Abigail was so angry , he blame Charles and his teacher. He said the teacher only feels mercy about Charles condition. Charles cant hold his anger more, Charles said “ I will show you why I choosen by the Teacher!”, suddenly the class got shocked because Charles yell like that , and Abigail became mad , and he left the room.
Ather that incident , Charles always practice everyday in the field behind his hut , he practice more and more to show Abigail the “Poor Orphan” can win a competition. Abigail saw when Charles practice behind his hut , Abigail feels envy and wont lose from his rival , even Abigail didn’t choosed for participate the Festive.
One week after that day , there are an accident , one of four children who had choosen by the teacher , got hit by motorcycle and still faint , the class got panicked and messed , and the teacher choose Abigail to take the position. “Abigail , I knew last week you practice hard , so you must take that position”.
The next day after Abigail take the position , he felt nervous because it’s the first time that he compete with other classes , fortunately there is Charles who cheers he up , “Calm down Abigail , don’t be nervous , try to beat me in this lap , right? “ and Abigail said “Of course I’ll beat you in this lap , I will run more faster than you” and Charles replied “I ‘ll wait for that”. And the festive is start , Charles and Abigail start to run, Charles and Abigail run very fast , but Charles run faster than Abigail , and near the finish line , Abigail fell down and his ankle broke , Abigail scream painfully , when Charles heard that his friend scream because he hurt , Charles help Abigail to finish the competition even the didn’t win.
“Why are you helping me? , you can win if you don’t help me “ said Abigail , and Charles replied “I don’t care about win or lose , I only hurt when I see my friend hurt” , after Abigail heard Charles said that , Abigail felt guilty about his attitude , and Abigail beg for sorry , but in the first time Charles always forgive him , and after that accident Charles and Abigal became best friend forever.