Chapter 1725Please respect copyright.PENANAKb61Xnv0PS
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFFb3sMosrr
Even as a babe in a crib I was aware... I might not have undestood everything but I was aware.725Please respect copyright.PENANAK1W4wLE0w9
What I was the most aware about was the soft sweet smelling creature that held me and comfored be and fed me from the soft containers on her chest. Dangling from her neck was a gold chain with a medalion whose image was that of a gold greeneyed dragon725Please respect copyright.PENANAjAUobvoBth
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3Mw3yazbRK
Two years later I came to know the soft creature that held and cared for me was my Mother. I still liked to play with the medalion around her neck.725Please respect copyright.PENANAoNxm4PeXI1
725Please respect copyright.PENANA7Z0e6XvhCY
She often talked to me about it., “Your name is Rafter De Louis, your Father was the Crown Prince Duvalson of the Kingdom of Dulciana, Remember this medalion identifies you. Your uncle John Mare De Louis had your grandfather and your father killed. His minions are looking for you.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAHNtQFXb1vd
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1IGBXJgxtq
I listened to everything she said and I remembered, “The night your father was killed he hung the medalion around my neck to give to you when you are ready”725Please respect copyright.PENANATVBsXxh3fa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJxDfA0De4U
In my young mind I remembered the soft beds and the tapestries that hung on the walls... but now we hid in a tent and lay upon old blankets and mother cooked over an open fire. She had to fetch and carry water and we only had her old maid servant, I did not understand.725Please respect copyright.PENANANqJNruSqZT
725Please respect copyright.PENANAqQiTXNwLZn
One night my mother rushed into the tent pulled off the medalion and said to maid Ceil, “John Mare is searching every tent...Take Rafe and flee.” She leaned down and placed the Medalion around my neck. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAlB0RuJCjE9
725Please respect copyright.PENANArj2IC9hyAX
Maid Ceil grabbed me up and ran out the back flap of the tent. This was the last I ever saw of my Mother.725Please respect copyright.PENANAX9qbHg3bjU
725Please respect copyright.PENANAAnhfBL6oKk
Maid or rather, Mama Ceil as I came to call her took me to a Wizard's Keep. No one in their right mind would ever try to search a Wizard's Keep. There we lived a peaceful life till... Mama Ceil caught the ague and died when I was eight.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9lGl0WbtXX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyinfuILjSb
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAFLAMYqDxzk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIw1tF6tspF
Wizard's Keep725Please respect copyright.PENANAoieBcBT6kd
725Please respect copyright.PENANALWKf68HQZE
Mama Ceil knocked on the door of the Wizard's Keep. After several knocks the door was opened by an elderly gent wearing an old grey Robe...725Please respect copyright.PENANANUZzpxMmlv
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhdf1g9UWHY
“Yes ...may I help you?”725Please respect copyright.PENANA0XFqRvio09
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw5IHtHZAWc
Mama Ceil says, “ My mistress Rebecca said if the time came... I was to come to you...and here we are.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA8uucgajJKZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANACaZQrtCMgC
“Yes you are … but who are you and time for what?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGMWTYTk6tR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu8sN5oeyPz
Mama Ceil stammered and stuttered then her face lit up and she said , Oh, Oh I forgot, Rafe show him the medallion.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAMBU45BrYM8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFMIVVkbmsz
I proudly displayed the medallion that my Mother had given to me.725Please respect copyright.PENANAjiCBbm8nLe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFiixQkwfY1
The old man hardly able to speak said, “Put the medallion away oh my goodness inside quickly, quickly”725Please respect copyright.PENANA91d5ESE8dg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAeDOxXRHRXX
That is how my new life began, I made friends with some of the children of the village especially the younger weaker ones. I stood up for them against the bigger and older boys even at three I hated bullies. I myself was as large as the bullies and they tried to get me to favor their side. It didn't work, the first time they started picking on a weaker child I jumped in and started swinging. I didn't know at that time but my blows were magically enhanced.725Please respect copyright.PENANA1Kj9hP0WmI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAuwFP8XKWNf
My best friend was a kid we called “Sneaker” he could fit in the tiniest places. He was just small. Next was Bean he was a skinny kid and Lump, well he was fat and it wasn't from eating to much. Most street kids rarely had more than a meal a day and often not even that. Lastly was our tomboy Mira a red haired freckled face waif who wasn't afraid of any thing She tried her best to hide the point to her ears.725Please respect copyright.PENANAEHsTHjwVG3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu386x1Z1vu
Although we were not supposed to tell about it, The thieves guild was three houses down from the Wizards Keep. I guess you can say I was being hid right under John Mare's nose in the capital city, Dulci. They called me Rapper be cause I busted heads of Bullies.725Please respect copyright.PENANAqJR9YKnaEH
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFwV4jXlWFF
The thieves I guess you could say adopted us... it wasn't long till we were all quite adept at snitching purses as well as other things. Sneaker became a 'caser' He and Bean made a team. Bean would lift Sneaker up to a window, that I had checked for wards, I was able to read magic. I didn't yet know how to bypass the wards as yet but my wizard training would soon teach me that..725Please respect copyright.PENANAs3af6TybJB
725Please respect copyright.PENANAivdRBI4ygg
Sneaker would case the place while Mira would watch the front and Lump and I would watch the sides. Afterwards Sneaker would give the info to a Housebreaker and after the job was done he would give us a share.725Please respect copyright.PENANAuxzK8dylb3
725Please respect copyright.PENANArxc5kD2Dnx
By the time I turned twelve I was learning how to fight hand to hand and with clubs and night sticks. I quickly learned that although the night stick was good … there seemed to be something missing. I bored a hole in the handle and threaded a leather strap through it and then placed the strap around my wrist. With a flick of the wrist I would add eighteen inches to my reach. Thugs were quite surprised when they were expecting the nightstick toward the head but instead it hit in the groin.725Please respect copyright.PENANADMclJ8i0IS
725Please respect copyright.PENANANO0P2W4Gqh
Sneaker had remained small, Bean had grown taller, Lump was no longer fat he had turned to muscle.725Please respect copyright.PENANALdYGMeIEKI
Mira was beginning to look like a girl, but you better not get caught starring at her charms. And me I was 5'10'' and about 180# it too was muscle.725Please respect copyright.PENANA64nMDbLz1t
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8PaTYSJhhJ
Tommy the Rat was a guild master he had asked our group to join up but we said no and that we would help when needed but to us it was just fun.725Please respect copyright.PENANAxSvi43zVSa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAl1a4TnPHZo
Since The Elder insisted I learn reading and writing as well as the spell books it was decided that my friends be taught as well. We were able to earn extra money as messengers.725Please respect copyright.PENANA3mj03Sme7q
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIJskT8SjwM
One day while I was training at the Keep the elder sent me on an errand to the spice shop for cinnamon. It was an excuse to get me clear for awhile and I knew it. I hid out and watched, about an hour later four Horsemen stopped at the keep. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAUTPVxCk0PJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAejt1Qprgbd
I had Sneaker hide out close so he could listen and report.725Please respect copyright.PENANAEcPMt3fM6U
725Please respect copyright.PENANABnjhhcR1of
“The elder opened the door and ask the Horsemen if he could be of any help.725Please respect copyright.PENANA1LvqhaSlt4
The leader of the four asked if there had been a maid die from the Ague recently... The Elder replied that was the truth. He asked if she had a boy with her. Elder said no and that the only boy at the keep was his apprentice. The Horseman demanded to see this apprentice and was told he was away on an errand and was not expected back for hours.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA74kV3ZgXog
For some reason this upset the horseman and he drew his sword. “The elder waved his fingers and chanted. The Horseman and his companions repeated after the Elder. The boy is not here and never has been,” they got on their horses and rode away.725Please respect copyright.PENANADWxb1QibUd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwsipZ06T2D
725Please respect copyright.PENANAa0wtaRGDtG
Sneaker asked, “Whats going on Rapper?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAG5enep5sLx
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0q7DAJX13S
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.725Please respect copyright.PENANAz9w93mCbfw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAg7Q8hpQl7S
*********725Please respect copyright.PENANAPTAhPJGmPs
725Please respect copyright.PENANADo9liFGDGN
Chapter 2725Please respect copyright.PENANAonpxnkKVWK
725Please respect copyright.PENANAW1Qa6RMFRM
As I grew older my second sight or intuition seemed to be stronger. It seemed that I could fathom what people were thinking. Especially if it pertained to me.725Please respect copyright.PENANAHsdSTKB8SN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAajM6lxvRrR
I liked to eat lunch at the Sleeping Lion. Momma Mavis was the cook, she called us ruffians but our bowls always seemed to be filled higher than the regular customers. Today I was dipping into the lamb stew, it needed a bit of salt. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAdV8wRK8P6d
725Please respect copyright.PENANAje7Yy6StZn
I looked and the salt was at the other end of the table, I put out my hand thinking of my need for salt. I tried to get some ones attention but there was an argument in progress and everything else was being ignored. I was getting exasperated and thinking harder about my need for salt when...Whap! the salt bowl slapped the palm of my hand. My mouth fell open and I looked around but no one seemed to notice. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAeb30vaTr3d
725Please respect copyright.PENANAr24oEYzUjF
I was puzzled as well as surprised, I had a class with the Elder Wizard after lunch I would ask him. That decided I went back to eating and joking with Mira and put it right out of my mind.725Please respect copyright.PENANAeyGBRNMqAT
725Please respect copyright.PENANADtuYAPq8CJ
The Elder gave me a spell book and a book with blank pages and had me copy from one to the other. He kept telling me that because of who my parents were I was going to be a Mage. As usual I laughed. Then I reached for the inkwell and it landed in my hand.725Please respect copyright.PENANA4euhCgQvBC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAxugoIXEouI
Elder gasped and pointed at the inkwell, “Did you just call that inkwell with your mind?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAIXvnM7daeJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANApo6lMOCNTx
I looked frightened but answered truthfully, “Yes.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAo0gjCXh9Ne
725Please respect copyright.PENANAU0ncnwix6L
“What else can you do that you haven't told me.” The Elder was glad that he had released my friends from this part of the class. This needed to be kept quiet for a while.725Please respect copyright.PENANAG8t7UtUgKN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAl4yrTotJPI
So I told him about the voices in my head but they were hard to understand because there were so many. Also guard Logan was picking on Mira. So I had used my mind to Pinch Momma Mavis's fat bottom. She turned around and dumped the Water pitcher she was holding on his head. He ran out of the Inn with Momma in Pursuit.725Please respect copyright.PENANArz3yTHeLbk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJNQxcUdTUz
Elder had a big laugh about that and said, “ Your training will change starting tomorrow I will try to teach you how to control the voices as well as other things. Be careful and not use your mind powers so someone might see. The King, he sneeringly replied is suspicious enough as it is, And for the Gods sake keep that Medallion hidden.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAOrMP3v5Rmb
725Please respect copyright.PENANApj1rdWsDVX
725Please respect copyright.PENANABZ9Wj9ASYS
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Chapter 3725Please respect copyright.PENANAnR8aN8J9YW
725Please respect copyright.PENANArTpiRNEers
Acting King, or rather The Regent, John Mare De Louis, was pacing back and forth in the throne room. Speaking to his Chamberlain. “We have to find that kid without that medallion the Cardinal will not crown me King.I am a farce now. Even the peasants are laughing behind my back.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANASf0JKVVpPC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAP4KxaQR6tD
The third man in the throne room stood out of the shadows, Master Assassin Haver Was so non nondescript that he could blend in with any crowd. “I have told you give me a free hand and the guild will find him and retrieve the medallion, 100 Gold pieces. Just say the word.''725Please respect copyright.PENANAo11U0nq607
725Please respect copyright.PENANABVZF5grfbl
“I am not ready for the Chaos you would cause to the country. Besides the Elves of Bramble Wood is just looking for an excuse to start a war. Right now it is a war we could not possibility win. But if I have the Medallion that would be proof that Prince Rafter De Louis was dead. The Cardinal would have no choice but to crown me King. John Mare ended the meeting by saying he was hungry and pulled the bell cord to summoned a page.725Please respect copyright.PENANAJv79IUMHA0
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1FXLAJlKGv
Haver was disgusted with the Regent not allowing him to put a deadly search together. He was sure he could get results and he probably only have to kill eight or nine people to get those results. He decided he would still keep his eyes open.725Please respect copyright.PENANApwPD5cIknI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAfeLetUttiz
The Chamberlain was opposed to the Regent but since he enjoyed living he chose not to speak of his opposition of the Regent. That didn't mean he had to help him either. He looked back before leaving the Throne room in time to see the Regent slap the page for some minor infraction. He hated cruelty.725Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ndk8sDkTj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzfCv5UYIYw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnvVrJmyIZ8
*******725Please respect copyright.PENANAKqo4f7tiWR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAfOdczkhmmZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANA96Ssn0HDFw
Rapper was relaxing in the Market square. He leaned against a post on the fringe of the square he had spent a silver at the sausage stand. The rest of his friends had tasks to complete. Rapper was glad he didn't have any tasks today. He watched the Nobles and Merchants and tapped in to the workings of their minds. He was still struggling to separate the different thoughts it was like trying to understand a maelstrom.725Please respect copyright.PENANApLpdcnfzim
725Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZlNYQZEeF
Then he felt a clear thought blasting at him.”I will find him then I will charge the Regent a fortune... he has to be here some where. “725Please respect copyright.PENANAOuJq2XOKzm
725Please respect copyright.PENANADBK6S4sYiy
Rapper was startled, he scanned the crowd but was unable to discern who the thinker might happen to be. No Luck, Rapper edged back and behind the vendors carts. He observed the square and tried to pick out the person with the errant thoughts but no luck. He hung out till almost dark before sticking to the shadows he made his way to the Keep. 725Please respect copyright.PENANApfugsvDnVD
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiBZo4NObZk
The Elder was waiting for him...Rapper told him everything and how the voice had entered his mind with out him seeking. They talked and laid some guide lines for his attempts to hone his skills. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAoG9WQMqvp0
725Please respect copyright.PENANADvdzIbytXP
They were up till the wee hours and the candle was almost gone.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9AGOVSIRGy
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0cxepj8U3M
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmgrmBWFgJZ
I was rudely awaken by the slamming of the door to my room. I raised my head expecting the Elder. Instead there was Apprentice Mage Arture. “Whats the matter Arture ? Are you crying? “725Please respect copyright.PENANAvCViOczrFe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu33Bwc0JCq
“It's Bean he's been taken by the City Guards.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA6TSNDrg1q8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAkLbFO2fp4h
“Why?” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAaaeA3qnAmD
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXtFQ0NKKU7
“He was standing outside a Nobleman's window. “725Please respect copyright.PENANAnkvFOnYY0T
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgla0pHtETZ
I rushed out on the street and found Lump with tears in his eyes, “It was my fault I was on watch. Last night I ate sumpin' that messed up my tummy. It hit me hard and I had to run to an outhouse. By the time I got back... they had him.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAF0AkkLzoTR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAztCsyGn4gT
“Which Nobleman.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAgcI5Ze0X2p
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzo39TbWkHp
“Nobleman Frane, you know next to Noble Pritcher.''725Please respect copyright.PENANAwZhP6UQxrz
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIFYJE7ncp1
“Pritcher isn't that where Maggie works in the Kitchen...?” Maggie was one of our friends and she slips us goodies from the kitchen on occasion. Noble Pritcher knew about it but turned a blind eye. We classed him as a good Noble.725Please respect copyright.PENANAu7WBVf7nAI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcEWGg43Ioe
We went around to Noble Pritcher's kitchen an called to Maggie. We told her what had happened and she just smiled and said she knew what to do. Maggie was 16 and what we called a looker. She spoke to the cook then filled a basket with rolls and bread. When she came outside she told me to go with her 725Please respect copyright.PENANAIluIBjTpDe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAui7yiYvzCJ
She told me not to talk unless she nodded. She stopped at the Guardroom and knocked on the door. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAhduvN503ay
A guard opened and said, “What'cha want?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAcjUVGjO4Q3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyEyLaHPJWU
Maggie smiled, “I was told one of your Guards took my delivery boy Silas”725Please respect copyright.PENANAD47okIDv9s
725Please respect copyright.PENANAPyEBu9iiJi
The guard Captain stepped up and asked, “Well if he is your delivery boy why was he outside Noble Frane's house?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAfiHIweB6i7
725Please respect copyright.PENANAt1XranrRji
“First time he has been there he just got the houses mixed up.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAg7iFqXiTx1
725Please respect copyright.PENANABYqV8lLZCR
The guard Capt. Said, “Well just who was he delivering too.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAi4E3UnyMRK
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9CUrYKIPRq
Maggie looked at me and nodded. I smiled and spoke up, “He was to deliver them to me for the Wizards Keep, I am an Apprentice there they call me RD and I am sure the Elder is getting upset waiting on his bread.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAEg0u0i6Ses
725Please respect copyright.PENANARzrz5mlfcv
The Capt. Told the jailer to release Bean. When they brought him in the Capt admonished him and reminded him to be more careful from now on.725Please respect copyright.PENANAOU7HeL6PlI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcnJHHxQBr8
We all kept a straight face till we were well away from the guard room then we let out a sigh of relief. Maggie handed the basket to Bean and directed him to deliver it to the keep kitchen just in case the Guard Capt. Did a follow up.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmUHsaGPjeR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAT1Xn01feNl
Off sped Bean with the bread and we thanked Maggie profusely then I went to check on Sneaker.725Please respect copyright.PENANAm8VTaOoU3h
Sneaker and Lump was standing with Mira on the street corner. I asked Sneaker, “Who were you doing the casing job for?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAX331sIcBhx
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmSugyFGcVb
Sneaker replied, “ Gomer''725Please respect copyright.PENANADsG7TowZoF
725Please respect copyright.PENANARXV5F9fNo3
“When you give him your report tell him that he should put off the job for at least two weeks. The guards are going to be watching the house just in case.” I pretended I over heard the Capt. Telling this to the guards. Really I had a moment of clarity and was able to pull this from his mind. He really wasn't sure we were telling the truth. The Cook, May, told me later the Guard had been around checking to see if the bread had been delivered.725Please respect copyright.PENANAz02Yb4ktEF
725Please respect copyright.PENANAHONyJFCuIr
May told him. “Yes are you hinting for a piece.” The guard stammered and thanked her when she cut him off a piece of bread and slathered a mess of cheese on it . 725Please respect copyright.PENANADhgIVBcgfz
Chapter 4725Please respect copyright.PENANA1phsJig4Li
725Please respect copyright.PENANAOM13r2yPfh
I was getting better at grasping one voice and clearing the rest of random chatter, The major problem was I still could not discern which mind was sending the thread. Then one day it was like a vision... I could see out of someone elses eyes and I had a clear path to his thoughts . I was still surprised when he grabbed a lady and drug her down an alley and began ripping her clothes off. When he pulled down her bodice and her white breast popped out I almost stumbled.725Please respect copyright.PENANAI8k9kOSDjt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAL65P2USY8Q
I ran to the alley while slipping my hand through the leather strap attached to the night stick. I turned into the alley as he was lifting her skirts, I could see her milky white thighs. I flicked out the night stick and it flashed out and made contact to his shoulder. He grunted and turned toward me, I noticed his size, he was a good ten inches taller than I was and he held a large knife in his hand.725Please respect copyright.PENANAWpPimWKudQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw8TOFfBt4k
I flicked the nightstick again the handle appeared to be headed for his face he put up his knife hand. The handle reached the length of the strap, the handle came to a stop. Inertia caused a pendulum effect and the end of the nightstick was on a collision course with his manhood which was in view. He was ready to take advantage of the lady. Then contact was made he screamed and went down. I rapped him across the back of the head and he went down and out.725Please respect copyright.PENANAy3BeabwwQ4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAevrCza2Rmj
The lady hadn't seen any thing her dress was still over her head. Momentarily I admired her wares, the first I had ever seen, oh well. I helped her up and directed her back to the square and told her to scream for a guard. While she followed my direction I slipped into the crowd and vanished.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmfIJAv108L
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0lRUhoJbdt
The next day it was all over the square about the gallant rescuer of a Noble Lady that was almost raped.725Please respect copyright.PENANAeTf7W7nWKt
The rapist had been captured but the gallant rescuer had disappeared. The Noble Lady's Father had offered a reward. Many attempts were made to collect it but none had the real story. I had kissed her inner thigh almost to the VEE before helping her up.725Please respect copyright.PENANAIjnZh1G8G6
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUghEu54vsY
I often followed her when she came to the Market, but she never knew. I often thought of the musky smell I had been near and how I was drawn … I knew I had no chance with her not only was she of Noble birth but she was at least eight years my senior.725Please respect copyright.PENANAxFy9B0raP9
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEhBYocMAMW
I began watching Mira more often and noticed the small protrusions on her chest. One day our group was outside the gate and romping through the woods and I fell in to the river. It was in a small cove where the water ran slow as to be gentle. To be truthful it was our swimming hole and we would have ended up there sooner or later. The next thing I knew the rest of them were in the water also. We played for hours then crawled out to enjoy the afternoon sun. Without thinking we all stripped off our shirts and laid them out to dry.725Please respect copyright.PENANA2CaDMfPtZr
725Please respect copyright.PENANACzOjaVJBNs
We were all laughing and joking till Mira raised back up from spreading her shirt as she set back she put her hands behind her and stretched with her eyes closed. Suddenly everyone went quite her breast with nipples the size of the 1st joint of a pinkie finger was standing proudly. None of us, except me, had ever seen a bare chested girl before.725Please respect copyright.PENANA2zjPkxvjQq
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2KzRD3kzNu
Mira noticed the silence and opened her eyes and saw every one looking at her she said, “What?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAYPWW8zFZXf
She looked at each one of us the others were to enraptured to say anything. She looked at me, I nodded my head and stared at her nipples again. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAtdb5xiu7ps
725Please respect copyright.PENANABz0w5hhq1s
She looked down at her chest and her face turned Red and she put her arm across her chest and grabbed her shirt, turned her back and put her shirt back on. Sneaker couldn't leave it alone and asked, “Where did you get those, they sure are pretty.” We all nodded.725Please respect copyright.PENANAdhiAchUJE4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAd3aY9yGixr
Mira jumped up and ran back to the City gate. Before following I had to explain all I knew about the birds and the bees. By the time we reached the gate they knew as much as me... which was almost nothing.725Please respect copyright.PENANAsSfYKlBOWT
725Please respect copyright.PENANA4Scx7QZTOA
Chapter 5725Please respect copyright.PENANAKOLlPuFyJy
725Please respect copyright.PENANA65GV7dnlwG
The years flew by and we grew up, Sneaker was still under 5' and could still get into small places. Bean was close to 6'5'' and still skinny but still quite strong. Lump was 6'2'' and weighed 220 all solid muscle. Mira was a vision her bosom was the size of small grapefruits. Her red hair appeared to be flames while her freckles were just enticing, this delectable package was on a 5'3'' frame. Her ears .had become more noticeable and cause many fights. I had grown a little as well I was 6' even and weighed 220 and no fat. I was 17.725Please respect copyright.PENANAZA27XnQcCo
725Please respect copyright.PENANA5eVBJgHbT5
John Mare De Louis had become a fat slob and his rule was becoming heavy handed on the people of the realm.725Please respect copyright.PENANAwRMhN9Whg4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXQAsDfFUH8
One day the Elder called me to his office and said, “The time has come the people are repressed and have been taxed till they can hardly buy food. The City Guards favor the masses but the palace guards seems to lean toward brutality.725Please respect copyright.PENANAQnFpYDYPaL
725Please respect copyright.PENANAljzDuwdpDE
After listening to the Elder I began to plan. The first thing was a whisper campaign I had my core group start the rumors.725Please respect copyright.PENANAQfXNEkFXKN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAAJpeQiDUdo
“Have you heard, the real king has come of age, and he is not pleased with his Uncle. He is raising an army to reclaim his throne.725Please respect copyright.PENANAkcU9PKdddJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAS2KNZrDeYw
There were a large number of break-ins at Nobles and Merchants homes. It seemed odd that it was only the supporters of the Regent who were hit the hardest. A little Redheaded Elf paid a visit to the Bramble Wood elves. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAkhjshkPMd9
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmvJPF3CKev
A caravan consisting of two wagons pulled by huge draft horses. Wagon one was occupied by the Red headed Elf. The second by the Wizard Elder. The rest of us walked it took us a week to reach the border between Dulciana and Bramble Wood. There we stopped and set up camp. We made no overt moves in fact other than a night stick (mine) and a Staff (Elders) we carried no weapons. We all were a little uncomfortable in the fancy clothes the Elder had supplied. That is all but Mira she reveled in the finery she was dressed in today. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAFFKH04s891
725Please respect copyright.PENANANRrGbhwb7p
Each day as we made this trek that begun with six people. Each day others joined us, by the time we reached the border we were Two hundred fifty strong with more arriving daily. The Elder used his Magic only to provide food for the masses.725Please respect copyright.PENANATC79AAdVYs
725Please respect copyright.PENANAbuFk1WAv3Y
We waited at the border for four days. On the morning of the fifth day three Elves appeared in front of Mira's tent. Mira invited them into her tent and sent word to the Elder and I to join her. I entered the tent and stood behind Mira. While awaiting the Elder I observed the Elven party. Each was blond with hair to the shoulders, their noses were almost pointed. The stand out feature was their eyes, they seem to penetrate deeply into the soul of the person before them. All three of them were locked onto Mira not even acknowledging that I was even there.725Please respect copyright.PENANAj0BAjQtDuv
725Please respect copyright.PENANAz5iRhOED9n
They remained so until the Elder entered. He they acknowledged and slightly bowed. The Elder nodded and moved behind Mira next to me.725Please respect copyright.PENANA7hJ6is6s0W
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdB4rxcVsCi
Mira spoke, “The rightful King of Dulciana has come of age and seeks an alliance to over throw the Usurper John Mare De Louis. I am Admira cousin to king Felies ruler of Bramble Wood. I by my own choice have lived in Dulciana to keep the peace between the two lands.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA01iguK2Qdw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlJqpDDaE0T
“ The time has come to declare your recognition of the True King of Dulciana and to bring out the treaty of Bayer Bridge which our two countries vowed to support each other.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAMQ95AlTwoa
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1OAwntSQM0
The Three Elves, none looking to be over twenty, huddled together. Then one stepped forward, “I am Admiran brother of Admira and Cousin to King Felis. To my right is Sir Slender Shoot in Command of the Palace Guards. To my left, Prince Felieson, Crown Prince of Bramble Wood. Heed my words we have reluctantly kept our side ot the treaty of Bayer Bridge. All though it has been trying, John Mare has continued to raise tariffs for the goods we have imported to Dulciana. It has been almost useless to trade with them.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAi3G8IHKkc2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw6nZsxWmWD
Mira looked at me. I nodded, She stated, This will be evaluated and an agreed on tariff will be set for each lands imports.725Please respect copyright.PENANAnqWaKe42tl
725Please respect copyright.PENANAMz35wSdX2F
Admiran continued, “How do we know the rightful King is prepared to agree and that he is ready.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA2uyZPj8YJk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdP2G2psHoY
“Take our delegation before the King and all will be made clear.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hv2ITWzWZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcjuD19J7DO
The Elves again huddled together, Admiran stepped forward, “ You will have our answer before the third Sun sets.” They turned and left the tent an the camp.725Please respect copyright.PENANAqChaHX7iY5
725Please respect copyright.PENANAuj28Y9ynjA
“Well what do you think, I said as I paced inside the tent.725Please respect copyright.PENANA8TS3EiWkw3
The Elder as usual played his cards close to his chest and Mira said “I guess we will have to wait and see.” *******725Please respect copyright.PENANAc5BnfJrEoN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAURhE9TBgS8
The Elf delegation wasted no time before they were in the presence of King Felies. They bowed to the King but he waved it way … “Yes, Yes, what did they say ?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAsSuQLO6tFI
725Please respect copyright.PENANA01kcuD8ZBn
Prince Felieson acted as their spokesman, “Father they said that if they were brought before you, all would be made clear. I think the young man is the rightful King. Our cousin Admira is to confidant for that not to be the case.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGynSsfWFs3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwlFkqXfUZu
King Felies asked them if they were aware of why Admira was raised in Dulciana. They all nodded “NO.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA5YEWveDEJG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAItwDFqynkM
Chapter 6725Please respect copyright.PENANAztjnbVVBYc
725Please respect copyright.PENANA5UzfoZo9GG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhXEVdAZz0y
The “Treaty of Bayer Bridge”725Please respect copyright.PENANAw0bYEY3R8Z
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlh68LDRgPN
King Felies leaned back from the table and looked steadily at King Duval De Louis the ruler of Dulciana. They had been discussing the terms of the treaty which would make their friendship official. The final codicil of the treaty would be the eventual joining of the two family's. King Duval had a new born Grandson. King Felies had a female cousin In the direct line the two were bound to each other. She and her Mother would live in Dulciana and be raised with the Crown Prince's son. When he came of age they would be married.725Please respect copyright.PENANA8dAFAeJ2zx
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUU936G4Hl0
Two years later King Duval and his son were dead...and the grandson was missing. King Felies did the best he could with the Treaty. He was still hoping the rightful ruler was still alive. And Now....725Please respect copyright.PENANAMxpWlBuXvc
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnDEIzOrXua
King Felies told his son, “Yes bring them before me.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAadBaHGyDf7
725Please respect copyright.PENANALjhMAXwpp4
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAoT9xkhKLER
725Please respect copyright.PENANAoBpYb5B7mN
Mira had been aware of Rafe's identity for years. Once when they were swimming in the river she had seen the Medallion and recognized the Dragon of gold with green eyes. She kept her silence, she was aware of the Treaty and that she was promised to Rafe. She had always known …725Please respect copyright.PENANAxFjyL2kDac
725Please respect copyright.PENANArPNFZQs9dH
She looked toward Rafe and smiled ….725Please respect copyright.PENANAgFxniN5YO3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAP9XzBTba9b
There was a loud noise out side of the tent and people yelling a head was shoved into the tent and an Elf yelled, “Quickly you have to get across the Bridge. Dulciana's Army is on the march.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAi3E91lou3t
725Please respect copyright.PENANA6s5TinTI1L
We all rushed across the bridge only to be swallowed up by the Elven Army. A squad of them took down the tents and hitched the wagons and brought it all across the bridge. Then the Elven Army lined their side of the border. At the Bridge itself was a group of Elven Mages Led by the wizard Elder.725Please respect copyright.PENANALLm5d8n8V8
An Elf walked to the center of the Bridge with a paint brush and bucket of paint, He drew a line three inches wide and wrote Dulciana on their side of the line and Bramble Wood on the other.725Please respect copyright.PENANACTYULY2Pre
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu1knW9ZIpj
In less than an hour the Dulciana Army came into view. Nearer and nearer they came till they were at the bridge. The Baron who was leading the Army walked to the center of the bridge and was close to stepping over the line when the elves on the bridge lowered there Lances toward the Baron's chest. He stopped and backed up. Only then did he notice the freshly painted border. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAFzYufQgsUs
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZFowUwsco
The Elven Commander asked the Baron, “What business do you have in Bramble Wood.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAS7rFJ05LB7
725Please respect copyright.PENANAVFAa8q9HJ1
The Baron stated, “I have been dispatched to arrest a traitor.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAde2U681yXS
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlMmYeldPjK
“And just who is this traitor and what did he do?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAq6SvPnp6Ta
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1hHHOHjryH
“ I am not sure of his actual ID but he is one of four street kids, and as to what he actually did I don't know. What I do know is he is wanted by the King John Mare De Louis.”725Please respect copyright.PENANApSYjcFJCJs
725Please respect copyright.PENANAbeLQ8lw4jO
The Commander smiled, “As you can see we have near 300 refugees and at least 50 of them fits that category. But first King Felies has informed me he does not Recognize anyone named John Mare De Louis as any thing... except as a criminal.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAy9kyOWglN1
725Please respect copyright.PENANAh4CW5B0A1H
“I advise you to turn this ragtag bunch around before My archers lose their strength and loose the 100 arrows that are aimed at you and yours.” “ On the Count of ten My Lancers are going to clear this Bridge.”725Please respect copyright.PENANASvit4Ff8wF
725Please respect copyright.PENANAppVB0RhW5E
The Baron began to back away from the bridge and set up camp. He set up a bridge watch at the Dulciana bridge end. The Elves did the same at their end. Traffic was not stopped on the Bridge but was closely scrutinized.725Please respect copyright.PENANAiigAu1wBvt
725Please respect copyright.PENANANG4z9Mnj4t
A messenger was received at Mira's tent and she was informed that King Felies was ready to receive them.725Please respect copyright.PENANA3gXuBIp5kP
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2fMwqA2wMc
A few hours later they were ushered in to King Felies's presence. King Felies asked for introductions.725Please respect copyright.PENANAU7vir3RaC5
Mira stated, “I you know but I am Admira Cousin to you King Felies and promised to Rafter De Louis.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAEjvG3F8oTz
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2S09ztLCh5
Rafe's mouth dropped wide open not in disappointment, just surprise.725Please respect copyright.PENANA801iRQ71mD
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0Vz2WTSr26
Mira continued, “You also know the Wizard Elder, The rather small gent is Lonnie Better known as Sneaker. Next to hin is Silas Better known as Bean, Next to him is Tom also known as Lump. Last but not least is Rafter De Louis, known as The Rapper or Rafe or just RD. The rightful King of Dulciana.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAtKZo7bFy6e
725Please respect copyright.PENANAj9BkCweO40
All of his friends were mouth agape never suspecting their friend was a Royal. King Felies says, Lets see proof.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA1jB2gRhDLt
725Please respect copyright.PENANApNnu4CKh7T
Rafe stepped forward and reached inside his Tunic and removed the medallion...The green eyes of the gold dragon transfixed all who saw it. All of Rafe's friends dropped to their knees and bowed before him. He told them to stop bowing it made him uncomfortable.725Please respect copyright.PENANAGLZ5e7jo0x
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyrmGNxjBXE
“ I was raised by The Elder and by Mamma Ceil, My mother was Rebecca and my Father was Crown Prince Duvalson, Son of King Duval De Louis. Both were killed by Assassin Haver by order of John Mare De Louis.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAEXHHMcHVAs
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWVp08jW7zp
Word has been sent to the Cardinal that I have come of age.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0Fa9VAAiIo
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0URboPYoFG
“I accept the betrothal of Admira, I looked at Mira and she was blushing and smiling, Wedding to take place after I am crowned.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAUA0BM1F4f1
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIIWGLp7rrV
I turned back to King Felies and asked, “Sire what say yee?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAWSRSkshmy4
725Please respect copyright.PENANA06DzJak52u
He looked to the Elder, “Elder what is your story?” ********725Please respect copyright.PENANAorKkLqofxk
Chapter 7725Please respect copyright.PENANAn8cbI2wH9M
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwUG40Su3bk
Elder's Story725Please respect copyright.PENANA9V6rAi24tD
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3aWOiSJ2ja
“ I will first tell Mama Ceil”s story. I was folding clothes in a tent out side the village of Collie while my charge Rafter De Louis played on the floor. My mistress Princess Rebecca rushed in and told me John Mare's men were searching every tent. She said I was to take Rafter to the elder. She removed the medallion from her neck and placed it on Rafter's neck and told him never ever lose it ..He was three.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAWky90aZYFk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnAew2rUz86
“He and I crawled through a tear in the rear of the tent. We slid out and down to the river which was near. I waded out in the river and holding Rafter I turned on my back with Rafter between my breast we floated down the river.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAvu3y6Suos2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaHPKhhgtSn
“We neared the Bayer Bridge, I directed us to the Dulciana bank. We followed the roadway although we stayed in the forest. There were merchants traveling along the road which allowed me to snitch enough food to keep us going. It took us almost two weeks to make our way to the Elder's Keep. We arrived near the hour of noon but waited till almost dusk before knocking and asking for the Elder.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAlOJofxffzM
725Please respect copyright.PENANAV4vvDHBUc6
Elder 725Please respect copyright.PENANAQnZWqEaTNm
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjXqBDT1Vsm
“ I was enjoying a glass of ale when I heard a pounding on the door of the keep I was alone my compatriots were all on errands. There was not many of us to begin with. I am Mage Sabron but called Elder. Also abiding in the Keep was Mage Aquinas, Mage Arture, Arture's apprentice Jody and their cook/maid, May.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAIKXXjYjo7e
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0jE9cx2AGj
I went to the door and opened it to find a woman and a babe, they both were filthy. “Yes can I help you.” The woman spoke.725Please respect copyright.PENANA3W9pOaxBsA
725Please respect copyright.PENANANChkBA1umq
“My Mistress Rebecca said that the time would come and we was to come to the Keep and here we are.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA5OZvmtbQBT
I said , “Well yes you are but who are you and time for what.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA5bwUiDaMtn
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaLlX0XgJXe
The Woman's face turned red and she stammered and stuttered and then said, “Oh I forgot Rafe show him the medallion”725Please respect copyright.PENANAsI9SwN0nxR
725Please respect copyright.PENANA12q2wLkSUX
The boy pulled out the medallion, I got flustered and told him to put it away and pushed them into the keep. I made him a leather bag to put the medallion in it had a drawstring so it kept the medallion covered. Mama Ceil helped May in the kitchen until she came down with the Ague and died I think the boy was about eight. By that time he was already the protector of the weak. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAfehpFVgZOg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyJDERWJGwt
“I knew he had a magic background so I began to train him. To insure he learned everything I also recruited all his friends so they also have been schooled except in magic. I did not try to influence them but allowed them to view the world and to make up their on minds. I am proud to say the weak and downtrodden have always been taken care of by these few. They also learned from the street and learned to bypass the cruel. “725Please respect copyright.PENANAn5lSOxNEQT
725Please respect copyright.PENANANXfnnW983Y
“One other thing Look at him closely. Now the picture that was painted at the signing of the Bayer Bridge. Look close at his Grandfather.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAokYlzfZOJz
725Please respect copyright.PENANAX7CCLzBtgA
Every one turned to the picture hanging on the wall. It looked like an older Rafe. The elder said, That is all I have to say.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGRLdT6qJA4
725Please respect copyright.PENANACkE9TAjOqg
King Felies thought about all that he had been told and all he had seen. He remembered his friends voice and was surprised to hear that voice coming out of this young man. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAqqf3vVhhva
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0HxQeKcHyw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAsSPiVtnAEz
The King rang for a page and told him make ready rooms for my party. I stopped him and told him that we have over 250 followers at the River I will stay with them, my friends nodded that they agreed.725Please respect copyright.PENANArfZKOE2uoG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAo9I6VNMh5l
We departed for the camp. As soon as we arrived the Baron was asking to speak with me. I met him at the center of the bridge.725Please respect copyright.PENANA4Ee5b1kUpR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhqlKET6lDs
“Might I see the Medallion.” I removed it from my tunic. He stared at it. “I must do some thinking I was sure you were dead and with that thought in mind to try and protect my people. He asked and I gave my oath. Now I know not what to do.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAU9wXOd34S1
725Please respect copyright.PENANASIMs67cyiv
I looked deep into his heart and said, “I am sure the right decision will be made. In fact I would bet there will be a lot of soul searching going on.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAjbpm0GGjMv
I heard a noise and looked over my shoulder to see a contingent of the Elven Army began lining the River. Their Commander walked onto the bridge and Handed the Baron a scroll. He opened it and read aloud. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAW9YQLVkaFN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWNBSEh3acj
To John Mare De Louis, “We the kingdom of Bramble Wood do here by recognize the rightful King of Dulciana ' Rafter De Louis'.725Please respect copyright.PENANAccvpVH9iUj
725Please respect copyright.PENANA5PP9A75oU2
In so doing I King Felies place the Army of Bramble Wood as his to Command.725Please respect copyright.PENANAObnvQbcYlf
725Please respect copyright.PENANAttQC5JPJlD
The is a formal Declaration of War, Not with Dulciana but with the armies of the Usurper John Mare De Louis. You are here by given Five Days to answer .725Please respect copyright.PENANA9IpdIsvoGj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEQiAhhqNzw
Signed: King Felies 725Please respect copyright.PENANATwroaMD5Kz
Ruler of the Kingdom of Elves Known as Bramble Wood 725Please respect copyright.PENANArXgqGEpNWW
725Please respect copyright.PENANABXFOTf0lm7
*******725Please respect copyright.PENANAC8PnIfbaTW
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcJq49w6drS
The Baron ordered his men to fall in... and departed at once... The Baron called his fastest runner and gave him the scroll to deliver to the Regent.725Please respect copyright.PENANAhgwsFqR5P2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAv0I85DFbbl
Upon reaching the crossroad, straight was to Dulci, right was to his Land Holdings. Baron Phelps hesitated then called a halt. He called all his Officers to a meeting.725Please respect copyright.PENANAJEPOp3Om9s
725Please respect copyright.PENANA964ufxAIKk
He looked to each one, some had been with him for years and some just a short time. “Our long lost King Rafter De Louis has come of age and is demanding his rightful place, to the dismay of the regent. A few years ago I gave an oath to the Regent.” He noticed some shuffling and whispering among them. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAzOnLuP1ghz
“Twenty years ago I also gave my Oath to defend the Crown. Since the Crown belongs with Rafter De Louis and not the Regent that is the oath I must honor.”725Please respect copyright.PENANABFOkyEv40f
725Please respect copyright.PENANARphifATM8X
“Any of you who wish to be absolved from your oath to me and wish to follow the Regent is free to do so. But first I wish you to speak these words to your men. I leave for my home in one hour. All who wish to honor their oaths can follow. All who wish to follow the Regent may depart with honor.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA0qhuQfuEay
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUexVFsyHUy
The Baron's Page lay a cloak in the shade of a mighty Oak. The Baron sat and leaned back and closed his eyes. From the noises he was hearing there must be quite a discussion going on. After a few minutes … nothing but silence. He nodded off to sleep.725Please respect copyright.PENANAoZb8hft6QL
725Please respect copyright.PENANA4opqWzcveO
Until his page gently shook him, “Baron the hour has past.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAxZ4u0U9IFd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjjoEQxTKLd
The Baron opened his eyes to see all his troops lined up and prepared to move out on the path to the right. He stood walked to his horse and said, “Very Well Mount UP.” He tried to hide his emotion as he brushed a wayward tear from his eye.725Please respect copyright.PENANAZgD0WuRvBc
725Please respect copyright.PENANAkaMdkfIDAS
“Messenger, take this Message to King in Waiting Rafter De Louis. We the men of Baron Phelps Stand to your right.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAwGUU9dngp9
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2qayztezeg
Even before the Baron could reach his estate the power of gossip had raised its ugly head. It had been shouted throughout the lands that Baron Phelps Favored the King in Waiting. As he rode into the grounds of the Estate there were messengers from his fellow Nobles wishing to confirm his decision. Some were condemning him but most were aligning with him and offering their help.725Please respect copyright.PENANAi2dsNRXOxC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmBDX9JA7Or
******725Please respect copyright.PENANAtclfNUUJuO
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJBcGmMrica
I stepped out of the tent to a blast of noise . I was almost stunned, overnight the supporters had increased to over a thousand men and women. There was also a line of messengers awaiting his attention. One by one he read the messages. The list of support by the Nobles was staggering. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Baron Phelps had been the first to issue his support. 725Please respect copyright.PENANArQ2wQoZujZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANArxgyv7OhqV
I sent message to them all accepting their support and asking them to Join me for a meeting and to bring their second in command as well. The Elves set up tents and supplied food stuffs. We searched through our people and was soon able to fill the tents with cooks and kitchen help.725Please respect copyright.PENANAa5clezWis6
725Please respect copyright.PENANAls38UaUnpM
Bean and Sneaker began interviewing our masses. It took over two weeks to establish what each was good at. The first and most important was Scouts and Runners. It was a welcome to know we had a core group to train others. They consisted of twelve lancers and eight archers all thanks to the City Guard. They were led by the Captain of the Guard I smiled when I learned they had brought the entire armory of the City Guards. I had the Captain set up companies and squads and begin training. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAE0VCR2Nbny
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzi9YXmPImy
It wasn't long till the ladies were making vests with a Green Eyed Gold Dragon in the center on a field of blue. I was even more surprised when a spar was erected and a silk flag of Blue with the same Dragon represented. I never knew where the material came from.725Please respect copyright.PENANAOa4IvhMD8l
725Please respect copyright.PENANAAVRwhIpV26
I was most surprised by the lack of response from John Mare. I had sent scouts into Dulci and awaited their return. Days later I had my answer. There was desention in the ranks and mass desertions. It was said he was hanging his own men. I guess you could say there was a trust issue.725Please respect copyright.PENANAaQbamCUF8I
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaKnVEf0a7x
According to the Scouts What was left were mercenary s and men who were just there for the money with no real desire for the sake of the Kingdom.725Please respect copyright.PENANAHewMKpEWNK
725Please respect copyright.PENANAi5z5B53WGH
Chapter 8725Please respect copyright.PENANAotxJYbNNbQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAU4u9BxuEiV
So this is war.725Please respect copyright.PENANAEdsQc50Mup
725Please respect copyright.PENANARWrCHmhjB2
With the support of the Nobles and the peoples of the land we had an Army of about 10,000 strong. We knew we would be facing about 30,000 all better armed.725Please respect copyright.PENANAT8IEIudvFy
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjdPeJ15DXy
Lump surprised us all, he had a real gift of strategy. He told me we were missing and important item... Supply lines. Which were open to Dulci from the South. I assigned him a troop of fifty mounted men and named them Tom's Raiders. They traversed the miles to Dulcianas Southern border. They carried few supplies, which meant either make successful raids, live off the land or starve.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0EJ4Cdfmhp
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3k7HP9pmxr
******725Please respect copyright.PENANANGiszkFFHC
Tom's Raiders725Please respect copyright.PENANAiXPrz5XF0V
725Please respect copyright.PENANANDYCGBL0S7
Lump, Tom, Lead his Raiders south never coming in sight of any road except when it was necessary to cross one. They scouted the roads entering Dulciana from Langdom to the south and to Arrington to the East. Their fourth day they heard the squeaking of the axles of a heavily loaded wagon. As the wagon with five outriders entered the clearing which was ringed by the raiders. When they were completely inside the clearing, including the 4 outriders at the rear..725Please respect copyright.PENANAuwfMP7FbNN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAonEwasKOZR
The archers stepped out of the bushes with their Bows fully drawn. Lump spoke, “ Well gentlemen please lay down your weapons and step away from them. You two on the wagon get down. Please lay face down on the ground with arms and legs spread.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAiLdJXoRuBC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEa5k1SQZoR
Each were checked over and knives and night sticks removed from their person. Their hands and feet were bound. Lump placed two men in the wagon and started it onto Bramble Wood Border.725Please respect copyright.PENANA655rMsiIr8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5KFddCx4J
“I am sure it will not take you long to free your self. I suggest you turn back to Langdom and not return. If you had put up a fight all of you would now be dead and we would have all regretted it. But none more than you.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAynct1rZMe8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAphSI4x5jdq
Lump had given orders for the wagon to move as fast as it comfortably could toward the rest of the army. They were also prepared to ride like the dickens at the crossroads to Dulci. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA6iLtJbgtR7
He was not aware that there was a squad on watch near the cross road Which escorted them the rest of the way.725Please respect copyright.PENANAcm1nLRmu2l
725Please respect copyright.PENANAuPgnzVRehS
Each day they would watch an incoming road and were averaging at least I shipment a week.725Please respect copyright.PENANApHsM6mZBFP
Dulciana sent out troops to try to protect the incoming supplies. The raiders ambushed them and wiped them out to a man.725Please respect copyright.PENANAM2deju3Ji4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAGj8qAp6bRz
After a month the Dulciana Army began to move. We nipped at their heels and ran away. When they chased us we would ambush them. Their losses was about 10 to 1 of ours. Theirs was an Army while ours was a bunch of skirmishers or back alley fighters... We didn't fight fair.725Please respect copyright.PENANA4uofLp3t8t
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvMtWWOJtFG
John Mare brought in Mages from Drummond which was to the North west We wondered what he was promising them. The Elder had warded our raiders against magic. We attacked their rear with arrows then rode away. The Mages were frustrated when their spells returned toward them and they had to go on defense against their own spells. We found out later that John Mare had not told them anything about the Elder supporting us and he knew nothing about me, and that I too knew magic.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9hBaTf5cyW
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9R2iX2az7l
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANANKtwPHmAfB
With out informing most of my officers or King Felies I left camp with four scouts and Mage Arture. Our plan was to sneak as close as we could to Baron Ronin's HQ tent. Baron Ronin had designated himself as General Ronin.His only thing that qualifed him to be a General was... he was the richest Noble in the Kingdom. Also the most arrogant and the least knowledgeable of how to run an army.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0quEmbSgt4
His officers were getting very frustrated.725Please respect copyright.PENANA5X3FrNr1pt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnIZaq2N6qT
I cast my mind into the tent. As usual there was an argument going on. Captain Cross of the Palace guards and Major Nells of the Dulciana Army were already at their wits end. It was impossible to get through to General Ronin that you could not attack some one who was already gone. The General decided they would leave a squad of Calvary behind. Then when the Raiders slipped in behind they could attack and wipe them out.725Please respect copyright.PENANARzOHxhiStp
725Please respect copyright.PENANAn6W15ZZ4At
When we arrived back at the Camp, we made our own plans. Rather than attacking the rear we honed in on the right flank. We held back a reserve and when his trailing Calvary came around to attack our raiders they were met with our reserves and a hail of arrows. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA7kYeh2clIu
725Please respect copyright.PENANAerjO1hzt6M
To embarrass them more Sneaker slipped in and stole the Dulciana Flag. We hoisted it up the spar where our Dragon flag flew. It was flown second to our Dragon.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0bgT5YwqXW
725Please respect copyright.PENANAP6Ul5VjbTs
It would have been simple to take out General Ronin. But he was their worst enemy so we left him alone.725Please respect copyright.PENANAReUvyDfK5M
725Please respect copyright.PENANAOqijqSbKG1
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAuvFpUHvwzl
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhe0uYPtpGa
King Felies was very incensed when he discovered my scouting foray. “What in the world did you mean by leading that scouting party? Kings don't lead raids they direct from the back ground.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAFCuqQjDol2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIohFPiTWe4
I looked at him and smiled, “ As yet I am not a King, and I do not follow...I lead... by example.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAp1iPfZ9JHd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFXP8StJoQ8
I talked with Mira and Sneaker, Mira had an idea to scare the hell out of Dulciana troops. For three days one tent was a beehive of activity and only a certain few were allowed in. Late on the third day Mira walked out of the tent and nodded to me. Three of the smaller scouts who were experts in stealth and Sneaker all entered that tent... nothing else happened. Soon it was forgotten. 725Please respect copyright.PENANATtQvAM9dO0
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXZtZsv7Hgl
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAdw2vWpKVDt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAeBTcsWdu7M
The camp of Baron Ronin began to stir....Then it turned into a male storm... Each was holding and looking at a small piece of parchment. Baron walked out of his tent also holding a piece of parchment , demanding to know who was responsible for the parchment.... 725Please respect copyright.PENANAElPHX8uQ0G
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmjU02e1i9e
He looked back down at his which was on a piece of rawhide and was around his neck. The parchment had a drawing of a dagger and the words you could be dead time for real. He started screaming where are the guards... they were found with their throats cut and a piece of parchment held to their chest by a dagger.725Please respect copyright.PENANAV0atq23gcw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKINhb9oeiN
For the next week there were desertions and some worn out soldiers that appeared to have not slept for awhile. Every night someone was killed in their sleep and Baron Ronin collected another piece of parchment.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtluMbD0mPr
725Please respect copyright.PENANACDC2UwmD1d
Before the last part of the plan could be put into play Assassin Haver had his try. I began getting reports of a black clad figure fliting in and out of tents around camp... In some cases there was a body to go along with the report. Elder immediately said an assassin I added Haver.725Please respect copyright.PENANAnlzlC4XY6D
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8qZ9NbBul9
I begin to browse with my mind...near evening time I started to pick up traces of Haver. I turned in about 11 pm. At about 2 am I said, “ NOW ! “725Please respect copyright.PENANArXB00Xdfik
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWQpU58GZ8z
Sneaker removed the cover from a lamp and light blazed into the unsuspecting eyes of Haver. Elder stepped into the tent and enwraped Haver in magical restraints. Haver tried to turn his head towards me and spit. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA1nHKcztb0P
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdGT8slTtRx
I was expecting something of the sort and sent a magical force into his face which cause him to swallow what he tried to spit at me. He began to gasp and his face began to have a bluish tint and he crumpled. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAeL8PKoKPvQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANA44ussYzq53
Elder checked him over and said he was dead. He and I using our magic and not touching the body carried the body to a cairn outside of camp which we had prepared earlier in the day. We placed the body on the cairn and set the pyre alight. First we warned everyone in camp to stay away and especially not to breathe the smoke.725Please respect copyright.PENANABtahCMtEmH
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2XLG5UV6Ff
Chapter Nine725Please respect copyright.PENANAJipPW80AVL
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjgXcxk5MtB
The two army's had been camped close for weeks each trying to be an irritant to the other. It was almost a war of attrition. But we had plans, and I assume they did too. We just had to be first.725Please respect copyright.PENANALGg2Dh48hw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFsrUdXjUfH
On the first day of Winters Chill... Baron Ronin awoke to silence, he dressed and threw back the tent flaps To find himself facing Sil Slender Shoot and Silas Bean. It was almost amazing when the soft spoken Bean unleashed his true vocalizations of his stately rich baritone voice.725Please respect copyright.PENANANRAEPKyahT
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFSTYnY6oRS
“General Ronin You are surrounded by the forces of free Dulci and the army of Bramble Woods.. For your treasonous acts you are hereby stripped of all land and titles and exiled with only the clothes on your back. Or you will be put to death by hanging...I almost forgot if you accept option one...and ever decide to return. Option two is automatically enforced. 725Please respect copyright.PENANACJnVwHwpeb
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvmb68BvHDx
Ex Baron Ronin was escorted by Tom's raiders to the border of Langdom. He was pushed across the border begging for at least a horse... which he did not get.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtI1fJiNzcV
725Please respect copyright.PENANAn3Td8Afiip
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvQaxb5pOtM
With the addition of Baron Phellps army, our Volunteers and the Army of Bramble Wood we decided it was time to take the war to John Mare725Please respect copyright.PENANA8XszaZR3GL
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1LrqQYjQK
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9NGuCZZEQT
King Filies called a meeting and after much discussion we came to a decision... We wished to make them worry as well as to pay. We decided to make it seem as if we were on parade. We put up a facade of joyous playing around. As if we had not a care in the world. The truth was we had thousands of mouths to feed.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtb2tjDxM3H
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3kZ2KJVrE9
In each camp the Elder assigned an apprentice who fed the troops by magic with platters of piping hot food. Our daily marches were short not starting till near 10 am and stopping nigh 4 pm.725Please respect copyright.PENANA6H9rL9M1vN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUgLmvGWQdc
On the third day John Mare's army took the bait. They moved up to attack as we would be making camp for the evening. What they didn't expect was before they could get the word to attack...Arrows came flying out of the trees all around them.. They lost over a hundred and sixty men that day and the surrender of fifty more725Please respect copyright.PENANAvIQ8uItUVq
725Please respect copyright.PENANARSvn8tdyhl
They thought they had laid the perfect ambush of an unwary group. When in essence they had been missing one detail. First a number of scouts would search out the next nights camp ground. Only one would return to act as guide.725Please respect copyright.PENANAKAFpBS7OTZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAv2MT0O8nzB
Second as dusk began to fall a troop of about fifty men would peel off into the night. They would go to the next nights camping area and prepare an ambush. When John Mare's soldiers moved through they did not realized they were passing with in inches of our men. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAJInCN3lVcp
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaBh98HrUsg
There was a watch kept on their Officers and the attack came before he could give his orders to attack the camp. From our positions we were driving them toward the camp where they were met by... Number three, a well placed group of lancers.725Please respect copyright.PENANAS7B2F7MPMv
725Please respect copyright.PENANANBK2yMl6e5
We lost three injured and two dead..... We heard their Army was disgruntled and saying things like we don't fight fair.725Please respect copyright.PENANAudDeiIlD7W
725Please respect copyright.PENANAVxq9rGrLfY
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiz45KjztEi
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAjfnOTwyjpX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWuT8wiuQ9K
The days turned into a week before the walls of Dulciana loomed into sight The buildings outside the walls were empty725Please respect copyright.PENANA1K7SUR0qsY
725Please respect copyright.PENANAGUoyFqXOmO
I rode up to the Gate “John Mare come out and face me... You have been trying to kill me for over 17 years.... “ I heard a swishing noise and a soldier's body hit the ground in front of me. I glanced to the side . Admiran was notching another arrow... he smiled. 725Please respect copyright.PENANANBwc9toAiT
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKbl0sjRET7
725Please respect copyright.PENANA619kmg4N65
We had scouts in trees, not close enough to make an attack of any sort but they were not there for that purpose. They were there to observe and report. Each scout had a long glass and watched and re ported the gathering of John Mare's mercenary Army. Soon we would engage.725Please respect copyright.PENANA11pg0L5BqV
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZvY04lhwH
Again we used subterfuge … we grew up in that town and all of us knew how to enter and leave without being seen. Again the Wizards Keep played an important part. In the basement of the Keep was a secret passageway that opened into the tack room of the barn in the Smithy. The Smithy and corral was just inside the wall of the town. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA9pDu3qSbFX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWIXNETlRXR
Once inside we could scatter throughout the town. Our first night, Lump, Bean and Sneaker went in checking the access. The second night each of them led a group of fifteen men each, our stealth fighters. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA9FVLFngXfS
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmFgo6diQpX
They hit the barracks and the guard shack near the North and south gate. They set fire to the barracks then attacked the soldiers as they tried to escape. They never knew what hit them nor how to respond. This was our manner of harassment for two weeks. John Mare's troops were tired but afraid to sleep. They were making mistakes, just what we were waiting for. 725Please respect copyright.PENANASHCxIpejXj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhThJnXUIvy
The next thing was to take out the guards on the west wall, open the gate and to fill the square with our troops all before John Mare's Army awakens.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9cDsXs45ry
725Please respect copyright.PENANAERHjiCgnmB
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdHpvXbJnwj
****725Please respect copyright.PENANAGLn3RLl7fn
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgBaOoe9ItH
John Mare De Louis awoken to men shouting and the clatter of weapons falling to the ground. He rolled out of bed and looked at his empty table and was instantly angry. That lazy Perdon was late with his Breakfast again. He pulled his bell chime cord angrily three times.725Please respect copyright.PENANAJMuiB6f34p
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2zQXCPfVt5
On the third pull his door opened...He was all set to rail against Perdon when he saw that the two men entering his chambers were armed and their Sashes were the colors of Green and Gold. Not his Red and Black he rushed to his weapons. 725Please respect copyright.PENANADu3nnsNcxG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAftP279QKcC
They smiled and one of them said, “ By all means arm thy self Just as Crown Prince Rafter desires you.We are here to escort you to the battle yard. “725Please respect copyright.PENANATyjZXdlo1P
725Please respect copyright.PENANADXMQtQTiQ8
John Mare grabbed a lance, his Sword and a brace of throwing knives. Thinking to himself, “This kid has never had any training with weapons...What chance does he have against me, a sword master.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAyxGOEX8PBP
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ1hbThBTw
** Truth be known John Mare was not near as good as he thought...I mean seriously if you are practicing with an unstable King just how hard are you going to try to win.**725Please respect copyright.PENANAmqr1LrUdaX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAb2RW0jiGly
Bean and Lump escorted John Mare to the Battle yard. He entered and found himself alone he looked above at the viewing area... it was full of Men, Women and Elves. The 1st face he recognized was the Chancellor the second the Cardinal.725Please respect copyright.PENANAz0gRl4kQj4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAqNUFwfYXzG
Chapter Ten.725Please respect copyright.PENANALgxJcMoqyq
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhxgpYMXF1z
The door began to open, John Mare drew his sword, he was ready.725Please respect copyright.PENANA7KGq8eYYMU
He almost burst out laughing...The young man who entered, he assumed was his nephew, was only armed with a nightstick dangling from a rawhide cord.725Please respect copyright.PENANAgUgDKVkodr
725Please respect copyright.PENANA70YccGhVws
“Good Morning Uncle... I was told I had to give you a chance, Thus I chose to face you with a nightstick. Since I don't wish to kill you, only beat you senseless I thought it only fitting.725Please respect copyright.PENANAyZOQSTdMNa
725Please respect copyright.PENANALKk8yN4mcS
John Mare smirked and said, “Quit crying and lets get on with it so I can eat breakfast.” All the time he had been talking he was moving towards Rafe. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAvKTVEVK9dJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5NTgv597V
As he drew near and was ready to swing his sword. Rafe's nightstick struck like a snake hitting the knuckles of the hand holding the sword which clattered to the ground. The audience roared. John Mare was stunned not seeming to understand what had happened.725Please respect copyright.PENANAKdrZYpIezj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzGXbZwE9j3
Rafe backed off to allow him to pick up his sword. Never taking his eyes off Rafe, John Mare reached for his sword. Thinking Rafe a fool he again started forward. He had taken two steps when the nightstick flicked out again and caressed his elbow... His arm went numb and his sword again fell to the floor.725Please respect copyright.PENANAbKP7Vwl4AC
725Please respect copyright.PENANABvUNFKr0s2
John Mare realized the sword was useless. He lowered the lance he had been holding in his left hand. Rafe was watching his every move. When John Mare made his thrust, at the last instant Rafe stepped to the side and flicked out the nightstick it met John Mare's chin with a cracking sound.725Please respect copyright.PENANARqbvVpu8Wx
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXJN4IlX9qC
John Mare was so keyed up he didn't seem to realize his jaw was broken. He swept the lance to ward Rafe who stepped back and loosed his nightstick. John Mare thought he was prepared and whipped his head back. Again the fulcrum effect took over and the nightstick took the lower path. The only thing that saved his manhood is that he had turned his body. The nightstick struck his left thigh bruising it deeply.725Please respect copyright.PENANAF21FyYRqF4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiibPb11CWn
John Mare was finding it difficult to stand. He retained the lance but was now using it as a cane. Rafe flicked out the nightstick again in the direction of John Mare's left wrist. He retaliated by swinging the lance butt striking Rafe in the rib cage, cracking a couple of ribs. Rafe missed with his attack. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAiCU6Idbicq
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw5XJcLpYWh
John Mare tried to follow up on his good fortune, pull his dagger and lunged forward. The night stick was already on the way headed for his manhood. John Mare's lunge put his head in the way and the night stick caught him square in the forehead and down he went.725Please respect copyright.PENANAgzf3xoB83R
725Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9bRwixdqM
Rafe waited but there was no movement from John Mare, Sir Slender Shoot and his medical man Fever entered the Yard,. Fever felt for a pulse and nodded, yes there was a pulse he was just unconscious. Slender Shoot called for three men. They trussed John Mare up like a Christmas Turkey.725Please respect copyright.PENANAgdoX6gxVBg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJo3njMPb46
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAfR1csMi36c
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvtiFMq8Ozs
I looked up to the Audience and announced. “He will have a fair trial, “725Please respect copyright.PENANAPlwahtrSJ9
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKEU4zPsGTh
I Looked around as they drug John Mare to the dungeon. “Runners take a message to Langdom, Drummond and Chelsea And any other near by Country we have dealings with, speak to the Chancellor, asking them to send a representative. To sit at this trial they must also have authority to negotiate Import export Tariffs. Also Must Represent their Country. In my Coronation and wedding to take place, I turned to the Chancellor and motioned...”725Please respect copyright.PENANASXFawd7gy8
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8h49GRtWub
The Chancellor spoke quickly, “ Six Weeks for the trial and in two months for the festivities.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAlPCC6g0sSp
725Please respect copyright.PENANAfyr1QkWOc8
“Also I wish a runner be sent to Mountain Home for a Dwarf representative to be here as well.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAUgcHDkPZg3
725Please respect copyright.PENANACAl41WOsHC
Time seemed to drag even with all that had to be done, The household staff had the Palace to clean up and prepare for all the guests. It had been decided that the Coronation and the wedding would be held in the Court Yard so that all who wished could attend...after all I did grow up on the streets.725Please respect copyright.PENANAVxfBaKTY4j
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgVek29dNRZ
I made a few appointments, Lonnie/Sneaker to head the Intelligence corp. Silas/Bean Secretary and Treasurer, Tom/Lump Head of the Palace Guards and Baron Phelps Commander General of the Army of Dulci.725Please respect copyright.PENANAV92g8c7gJe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAduOuwrHV0i
Six very active weeks went by and the Dwarfen Representative, Smash Stumpf Foot, had arrived. The trial began... “John Mare De Louis You are charged with High Treason and Regicide How do you plead.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA5eSzDSgEfg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAkXIPPQHpmR
John Mare stared around the Court room, “ How dare you . You have no right to try me I am a King...!”725Please respect copyright.PENANAsivUz8PGpT
725Please respect copyright.PENANADMUwyLB7Nv
There was chuckles and noise from the spectators. King Felies shouted “S I L E N C E” As acting Judge and a King the silence was instanious. “We will take that as a not guilty plea.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAVNNUOhu1GQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKLv908j3RH
The first witness was Mama Ciel's younger sister. “My name is Myra”725Please respect copyright.PENANAfdXIYrSDdd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAM6nXw8x6jj
The Chancellor, acting as Prosecutor asked her what she had to offer at this trial.725Please respect copyright.PENANAyVD0wj4Wli
725Please respect copyright.PENANATJLb5Cxsnr
Myra's Story:725Please respect copyright.PENANAr8K9OONawR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAqxCiyDCwoF
My Mother had been a Ladies Maid and my older sister was as well. My Mother died in child birth and my sister Ciel raised me. Ciel was Ladies maid to Princess Rebecca she spoiled me. I was always hiding and eavesdropping. She would laugh at the things I told her, she thought I was making them up. One day when I was seven and Prince Rafter was a Babe I overheard John Mare and a man he called Haver Talking.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAULwAQwe210
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9JKUZTN7JY
John Mare said “Haver I will give you 100 Gold to assassinate The King and his family.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA0O3V5Sn9Ko
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyQlw8qEHxl
“How do you want it done?”725Please respect copyright.PENANA2uRWEdrQJo
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcJdpYrBOK9
“I don't care Make them pay but make sure you get the Medallion from around Duvalson's neck.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAfAhEbBk3LD
725Please respect copyright.PENANAZmAqN1jDDt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAod8Xhm7IqA
I didn't understand what assassinate meant and I got sidetracked and went to play with my friends. Later I asked my sister what assassinate meant. She asked me why and I told her. She told Princess Rebecca and I had to tell the story again. Princess asked me if they said when.725Please respect copyright.PENANAr2I1woJPI7
725Please respect copyright.PENANAOJyDQZ2ZGs
I said, “They said something about a boar hunt.”725Please respect copyright.PENANALt2MyzckUg
725Please respect copyright.PENANARZvX9cLrdJ
Princess Rebecca got all excited and said “That is today.” She had Ciel grab a few things and they left the Palace. I never saw them again. “Later that evening a messenger brought John Mare a note saying the King and his Son was dead.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtfLUZsdCYG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAZMY8wuRqea
After that John Mare tried to get Crowned King But the Cardinal refused unless he had the Medallion proving he was the last of the family line.725Please respect copyright.PENANAuDnn5H4ZZa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIpeAjsLE9G
“John Mare was ruthless he had servants beaten for no reason and he raped the castle ladies including me.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAhyRjpWJEml
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlm0u7W6j36
John Mare Leaped up and yelled it was his right to rape the women he was the king.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0P5AuQkbNX
725Please respect copyright.PENANANuSX7OQFz0
The Chancellor answered,” It was not your right and you are not and never have been King.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGtykoIIHSX
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1mwHdYBMUa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKBA2jAJaSP
Many were called but none spoke for John Mare. It was really a farce as Trials goes. The verdict was known by everybody.725Please respect copyright.PENANAOfb1z3P1lk
725Please respect copyright.PENANApsE5lAOmcq
King Felis stood and told John Mare to rise. “John Mare De Louis you have been tried and convicted by a court of your Countrymen. You have been found guilty of High Treason, Regicide as well as later added Rape charge. I argued vehemently for the Death Penalty but soon to be King Rafter De Louis argued for a more lenient sentence of life in the mines. Smash Stumpf Foot Take him away he is all yours.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAngexzJO5vN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAoc9qhMzZqr
John Mare De louis screamed NO NO as Stumpf Foot placed him in chains.725Please respect copyright.PENANAVqrCeYEWhm
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgy0TYWRzEj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFfLjqV6MvI
Chapter 11725Please respect copyright.PENANAZSsM2kkaGl
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjAPT4CAdS4
I was glad for that part to be over and it seems like everyone was in agreement. The moment John Mare was pulled through the door and it shut behind him. I stepped forward and...725Please respect copyright.PENANA0AVs9FKQtZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEnPH1rTElx
“Ladies and Gentlemen The Wedding will take place in Two Weeks from today. One week Later the Coronation will take place.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAvIaMzRez9M
725Please respect copyright.PENANARxOqbqtSXD
The Wedding was a frantic rush between beating out Trade Concessions and agreements and trying on Wedding Clothes. Finally the day arrived. The wedding was held in the City Square. This was necessary since I had Promised no one would be turned away. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAmptY2BwTpG
725Please respect copyright.PENANACh58LiRcol
I had never seen such finery in this city and then Mira stepped out escorted by her Father, The Elder agreed to stand with me.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmFhJM0CQjZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnjApvjiZTP
We turned and Knelt in front of the Cardinal. “We are gathered here together to join these two. Crown Prince Rafter De Louis and Princess Admira Felies....That is the last I remember till I heard the Cardinal said I now pronounce you Husband and Wife... You may kiss your Bride. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAMzYUuD9Exk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwzPLaY7mRg
I hesitated, Mira said, “ Go ahead I won't Hit you... “725Please respect copyright.PENANABY6nVc67SN
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8ATc9DPtR8
I smiled and gathered her in my arms and we shared our first Kiss... then we disappeared to our Chamber which was kept personal.725Please respect copyright.PENANAVkGCojfBRU
725Please respect copyright.PENANABlTiQJNGtE
The reception lasted two full days and the Chancellor stated well there goes the treasury just to feed the crowd.725Please respect copyright.PENANAuLnb4CF9bA
725Please respect copyright.PENANASshhsXozGo
The next few days we finished hammering out the trade agreements. And then it was time. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAzjr6FHxPAm
725Please respect copyright.PENANA7iLY6jHVyA
The Cardinal read the rites of the Coronation as Mira and I again knelt before him and then...” I crown you King Rafter De Louis King Of The land of Dulci. He took the Crown from The Elder and placed it upon my head. Then he completed the ritual for Mira. Admira Felies I crown you Queen of The land of Dulci thus Joining the Two lands of Dulci and Bramble Wood. May God Bless and Guide you both in your Rule. “725Please respect copyright.PENANASRfVmO5QNr
725Please respect copyright.PENANANniByJ5pZ5
...And thus began our rule....725Please respect copyright.PENANA8ain2NmtIX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFFb3sMosrr
Even as a babe in a crib I was aware... I might not have undestood everything but I was aware.725Please respect copyright.PENANAK1W4wLE0w9
What I was the most aware about was the soft sweet smelling creature that held me and comfored be and fed me from the soft containers on her chest. Dangling from her neck was a gold chain with a medalion whose image was that of a gold greeneyed dragon725Please respect copyright.PENANAjAUobvoBth
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3Mw3yazbRK
Two years later I came to know the soft creature that held and cared for me was my Mother. I still liked to play with the medalion around her neck.725Please respect copyright.PENANAoNxm4PeXI1
725Please respect copyright.PENANA7Z0e6XvhCY
She often talked to me about it., “Your name is Rafter De Louis, your Father was the Crown Prince Duvalson of the Kingdom of Dulciana, Remember this medalion identifies you. Your uncle John Mare De Louis had your grandfather and your father killed. His minions are looking for you.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAHNtQFXb1vd
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1IGBXJgxtq
I listened to everything she said and I remembered, “The night your father was killed he hung the medalion around my neck to give to you when you are ready”725Please respect copyright.PENANATVBsXxh3fa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJxDfA0De4U
In my young mind I remembered the soft beds and the tapestries that hung on the walls... but now we hid in a tent and lay upon old blankets and mother cooked over an open fire. She had to fetch and carry water and we only had her old maid servant, I did not understand.725Please respect copyright.PENANANqJNruSqZT
725Please respect copyright.PENANAqQiTXNwLZn
One night my mother rushed into the tent pulled off the medalion and said to maid Ceil, “John Mare is searching every tent...Take Rafe and flee.” She leaned down and placed the Medalion around my neck. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAlB0RuJCjE9
725Please respect copyright.PENANArj2IC9hyAX
Maid Ceil grabbed me up and ran out the back flap of the tent. This was the last I ever saw of my Mother.725Please respect copyright.PENANAX9qbHg3bjU
725Please respect copyright.PENANAAnhfBL6oKk
Maid or rather, Mama Ceil as I came to call her took me to a Wizard's Keep. No one in their right mind would ever try to search a Wizard's Keep. There we lived a peaceful life till... Mama Ceil caught the ague and died when I was eight.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9lGl0WbtXX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyinfuILjSb
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAFLAMYqDxzk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIw1tF6tspF
Wizard's Keep725Please respect copyright.PENANAoieBcBT6kd
725Please respect copyright.PENANALWKf68HQZE
Mama Ceil knocked on the door of the Wizard's Keep. After several knocks the door was opened by an elderly gent wearing an old grey Robe...725Please respect copyright.PENANANUZzpxMmlv
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhdf1g9UWHY
“Yes ...may I help you?”725Please respect copyright.PENANA0XFqRvio09
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw5IHtHZAWc
Mama Ceil says, “ My mistress Rebecca said if the time came... I was to come to you...and here we are.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA8uucgajJKZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANACaZQrtCMgC
“Yes you are … but who are you and time for what?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGMWTYTk6tR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu8sN5oeyPz
Mama Ceil stammered and stuttered then her face lit up and she said , Oh, Oh I forgot, Rafe show him the medallion.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAMBU45BrYM8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFMIVVkbmsz
I proudly displayed the medallion that my Mother had given to me.725Please respect copyright.PENANAjiCBbm8nLe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFiixQkwfY1
The old man hardly able to speak said, “Put the medallion away oh my goodness inside quickly, quickly”725Please respect copyright.PENANA91d5ESE8dg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAeDOxXRHRXX
That is how my new life began, I made friends with some of the children of the village especially the younger weaker ones. I stood up for them against the bigger and older boys even at three I hated bullies. I myself was as large as the bullies and they tried to get me to favor their side. It didn't work, the first time they started picking on a weaker child I jumped in and started swinging. I didn't know at that time but my blows were magically enhanced.725Please respect copyright.PENANA1Kj9hP0WmI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAuwFP8XKWNf
My best friend was a kid we called “Sneaker” he could fit in the tiniest places. He was just small. Next was Bean he was a skinny kid and Lump, well he was fat and it wasn't from eating to much. Most street kids rarely had more than a meal a day and often not even that. Lastly was our tomboy Mira a red haired freckled face waif who wasn't afraid of any thing She tried her best to hide the point to her ears.725Please respect copyright.PENANAEHsTHjwVG3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu386x1Z1vu
Although we were not supposed to tell about it, The thieves guild was three houses down from the Wizards Keep. I guess you can say I was being hid right under John Mare's nose in the capital city, Dulci. They called me Rapper be cause I busted heads of Bullies.725Please respect copyright.PENANAqJR9YKnaEH
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFwV4jXlWFF
The thieves I guess you could say adopted us... it wasn't long till we were all quite adept at snitching purses as well as other things. Sneaker became a 'caser' He and Bean made a team. Bean would lift Sneaker up to a window, that I had checked for wards, I was able to read magic. I didn't yet know how to bypass the wards as yet but my wizard training would soon teach me that..725Please respect copyright.PENANAs3af6TybJB
725Please respect copyright.PENANAivdRBI4ygg
Sneaker would case the place while Mira would watch the front and Lump and I would watch the sides. Afterwards Sneaker would give the info to a Housebreaker and after the job was done he would give us a share.725Please respect copyright.PENANAuxzK8dylb3
725Please respect copyright.PENANArxc5kD2Dnx
By the time I turned twelve I was learning how to fight hand to hand and with clubs and night sticks. I quickly learned that although the night stick was good … there seemed to be something missing. I bored a hole in the handle and threaded a leather strap through it and then placed the strap around my wrist. With a flick of the wrist I would add eighteen inches to my reach. Thugs were quite surprised when they were expecting the nightstick toward the head but instead it hit in the groin.725Please respect copyright.PENANADMclJ8i0IS
725Please respect copyright.PENANANO0P2W4Gqh
Sneaker had remained small, Bean had grown taller, Lump was no longer fat he had turned to muscle.725Please respect copyright.PENANALdYGMeIEKI
Mira was beginning to look like a girl, but you better not get caught starring at her charms. And me I was 5'10'' and about 180# it too was muscle.725Please respect copyright.PENANA64nMDbLz1t
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8PaTYSJhhJ
Tommy the Rat was a guild master he had asked our group to join up but we said no and that we would help when needed but to us it was just fun.725Please respect copyright.PENANAxSvi43zVSa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAl1a4TnPHZo
Since The Elder insisted I learn reading and writing as well as the spell books it was decided that my friends be taught as well. We were able to earn extra money as messengers.725Please respect copyright.PENANA3mj03Sme7q
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIJskT8SjwM
One day while I was training at the Keep the elder sent me on an errand to the spice shop for cinnamon. It was an excuse to get me clear for awhile and I knew it. I hid out and watched, about an hour later four Horsemen stopped at the keep. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAUTPVxCk0PJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAejt1Qprgbd
I had Sneaker hide out close so he could listen and report.725Please respect copyright.PENANAEcPMt3fM6U
725Please respect copyright.PENANABnjhhcR1of
“The elder opened the door and ask the Horsemen if he could be of any help.725Please respect copyright.PENANA1LvqhaSlt4
The leader of the four asked if there had been a maid die from the Ague recently... The Elder replied that was the truth. He asked if she had a boy with her. Elder said no and that the only boy at the keep was his apprentice. The Horseman demanded to see this apprentice and was told he was away on an errand and was not expected back for hours.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA74kV3ZgXog
For some reason this upset the horseman and he drew his sword. “The elder waved his fingers and chanted. The Horseman and his companions repeated after the Elder. The boy is not here and never has been,” they got on their horses and rode away.725Please respect copyright.PENANADWxb1QibUd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwsipZ06T2D
725Please respect copyright.PENANAa0wtaRGDtG
Sneaker asked, “Whats going on Rapper?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAG5enep5sLx
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0q7DAJX13S
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.725Please respect copyright.PENANAz9w93mCbfw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAg7Q8hpQl7S
*********725Please respect copyright.PENANAPTAhPJGmPs
725Please respect copyright.PENANADo9liFGDGN
Chapter 2725Please respect copyright.PENANAonpxnkKVWK
725Please respect copyright.PENANAW1Qa6RMFRM
As I grew older my second sight or intuition seemed to be stronger. It seemed that I could fathom what people were thinking. Especially if it pertained to me.725Please respect copyright.PENANAHsdSTKB8SN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAajM6lxvRrR
I liked to eat lunch at the Sleeping Lion. Momma Mavis was the cook, she called us ruffians but our bowls always seemed to be filled higher than the regular customers. Today I was dipping into the lamb stew, it needed a bit of salt. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAdV8wRK8P6d
725Please respect copyright.PENANAje7Yy6StZn
I looked and the salt was at the other end of the table, I put out my hand thinking of my need for salt. I tried to get some ones attention but there was an argument in progress and everything else was being ignored. I was getting exasperated and thinking harder about my need for salt when...Whap! the salt bowl slapped the palm of my hand. My mouth fell open and I looked around but no one seemed to notice. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAeb30vaTr3d
725Please respect copyright.PENANAr24oEYzUjF
I was puzzled as well as surprised, I had a class with the Elder Wizard after lunch I would ask him. That decided I went back to eating and joking with Mira and put it right out of my mind.725Please respect copyright.PENANAeyGBRNMqAT
725Please respect copyright.PENANADtuYAPq8CJ
The Elder gave me a spell book and a book with blank pages and had me copy from one to the other. He kept telling me that because of who my parents were I was going to be a Mage. As usual I laughed. Then I reached for the inkwell and it landed in my hand.725Please respect copyright.PENANA4euhCgQvBC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAxugoIXEouI
Elder gasped and pointed at the inkwell, “Did you just call that inkwell with your mind?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAIXvnM7daeJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANApo6lMOCNTx
I looked frightened but answered truthfully, “Yes.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAo0gjCXh9Ne
725Please respect copyright.PENANAU0ncnwix6L
“What else can you do that you haven't told me.” The Elder was glad that he had released my friends from this part of the class. This needed to be kept quiet for a while.725Please respect copyright.PENANAG8t7UtUgKN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAl4yrTotJPI
So I told him about the voices in my head but they were hard to understand because there were so many. Also guard Logan was picking on Mira. So I had used my mind to Pinch Momma Mavis's fat bottom. She turned around and dumped the Water pitcher she was holding on his head. He ran out of the Inn with Momma in Pursuit.725Please respect copyright.PENANArz3yTHeLbk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJNQxcUdTUz
Elder had a big laugh about that and said, “ Your training will change starting tomorrow I will try to teach you how to control the voices as well as other things. Be careful and not use your mind powers so someone might see. The King, he sneeringly replied is suspicious enough as it is, And for the Gods sake keep that Medallion hidden.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAOrMP3v5Rmb
725Please respect copyright.PENANApj1rdWsDVX
725Please respect copyright.PENANABZ9Wj9ASYS
********725Please respect copyright.PENANA9W6jYH61Ez
Chapter 3725Please respect copyright.PENANAnR8aN8J9YW
725Please respect copyright.PENANArTpiRNEers
Acting King, or rather The Regent, John Mare De Louis, was pacing back and forth in the throne room. Speaking to his Chamberlain. “We have to find that kid without that medallion the Cardinal will not crown me King.I am a farce now. Even the peasants are laughing behind my back.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANASf0JKVVpPC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAP4KxaQR6tD
The third man in the throne room stood out of the shadows, Master Assassin Haver Was so non nondescript that he could blend in with any crowd. “I have told you give me a free hand and the guild will find him and retrieve the medallion, 100 Gold pieces. Just say the word.''725Please respect copyright.PENANAo11U0nq607
725Please respect copyright.PENANABVZF5grfbl
“I am not ready for the Chaos you would cause to the country. Besides the Elves of Bramble Wood is just looking for an excuse to start a war. Right now it is a war we could not possibility win. But if I have the Medallion that would be proof that Prince Rafter De Louis was dead. The Cardinal would have no choice but to crown me King. John Mare ended the meeting by saying he was hungry and pulled the bell cord to summoned a page.725Please respect copyright.PENANAJv79IUMHA0
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1FXLAJlKGv
Haver was disgusted with the Regent not allowing him to put a deadly search together. He was sure he could get results and he probably only have to kill eight or nine people to get those results. He decided he would still keep his eyes open.725Please respect copyright.PENANApwPD5cIknI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAfeLetUttiz
The Chamberlain was opposed to the Regent but since he enjoyed living he chose not to speak of his opposition of the Regent. That didn't mean he had to help him either. He looked back before leaving the Throne room in time to see the Regent slap the page for some minor infraction. He hated cruelty.725Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ndk8sDkTj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzfCv5UYIYw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnvVrJmyIZ8
*******725Please respect copyright.PENANAKqo4f7tiWR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAfOdczkhmmZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANA96Ssn0HDFw
Rapper was relaxing in the Market square. He leaned against a post on the fringe of the square he had spent a silver at the sausage stand. The rest of his friends had tasks to complete. Rapper was glad he didn't have any tasks today. He watched the Nobles and Merchants and tapped in to the workings of their minds. He was still struggling to separate the different thoughts it was like trying to understand a maelstrom.725Please respect copyright.PENANApLpdcnfzim
725Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZlNYQZEeF
Then he felt a clear thought blasting at him.”I will find him then I will charge the Regent a fortune... he has to be here some where. “725Please respect copyright.PENANAOuJq2XOKzm
725Please respect copyright.PENANADBK6S4sYiy
Rapper was startled, he scanned the crowd but was unable to discern who the thinker might happen to be. No Luck, Rapper edged back and behind the vendors carts. He observed the square and tried to pick out the person with the errant thoughts but no luck. He hung out till almost dark before sticking to the shadows he made his way to the Keep. 725Please respect copyright.PENANApfugsvDnVD
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiBZo4NObZk
The Elder was waiting for him...Rapper told him everything and how the voice had entered his mind with out him seeking. They talked and laid some guide lines for his attempts to hone his skills. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAoG9WQMqvp0
725Please respect copyright.PENANADvdzIbytXP
They were up till the wee hours and the candle was almost gone.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9AGOVSIRGy
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0cxepj8U3M
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmgrmBWFgJZ
I was rudely awaken by the slamming of the door to my room. I raised my head expecting the Elder. Instead there was Apprentice Mage Arture. “Whats the matter Arture ? Are you crying? “725Please respect copyright.PENANAvCViOczrFe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu33Bwc0JCq
“It's Bean he's been taken by the City Guards.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA6TSNDrg1q8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAkLbFO2fp4h
“Why?” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAaaeA3qnAmD
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXtFQ0NKKU7
“He was standing outside a Nobleman's window. “725Please respect copyright.PENANAnkvFOnYY0T
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgla0pHtETZ
I rushed out on the street and found Lump with tears in his eyes, “It was my fault I was on watch. Last night I ate sumpin' that messed up my tummy. It hit me hard and I had to run to an outhouse. By the time I got back... they had him.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAF0AkkLzoTR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAztCsyGn4gT
“Which Nobleman.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAgcI5Ze0X2p
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzo39TbWkHp
“Nobleman Frane, you know next to Noble Pritcher.''725Please respect copyright.PENANAwZhP6UQxrz
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIFYJE7ncp1
“Pritcher isn't that where Maggie works in the Kitchen...?” Maggie was one of our friends and she slips us goodies from the kitchen on occasion. Noble Pritcher knew about it but turned a blind eye. We classed him as a good Noble.725Please respect copyright.PENANAu7WBVf7nAI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcEWGg43Ioe
We went around to Noble Pritcher's kitchen an called to Maggie. We told her what had happened and she just smiled and said she knew what to do. Maggie was 16 and what we called a looker. She spoke to the cook then filled a basket with rolls and bread. When she came outside she told me to go with her 725Please respect copyright.PENANAIluIBjTpDe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAui7yiYvzCJ
She told me not to talk unless she nodded. She stopped at the Guardroom and knocked on the door. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAhduvN503ay
A guard opened and said, “What'cha want?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAcjUVGjO4Q3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyEyLaHPJWU
Maggie smiled, “I was told one of your Guards took my delivery boy Silas”725Please respect copyright.PENANAD47okIDv9s
725Please respect copyright.PENANAPyEBu9iiJi
The guard Captain stepped up and asked, “Well if he is your delivery boy why was he outside Noble Frane's house?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAfiHIweB6i7
725Please respect copyright.PENANAt1XranrRji
“First time he has been there he just got the houses mixed up.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAg7iFqXiTx1
725Please respect copyright.PENANABYqV8lLZCR
The guard Capt. Said, “Well just who was he delivering too.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAi4E3UnyMRK
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9CUrYKIPRq
Maggie looked at me and nodded. I smiled and spoke up, “He was to deliver them to me for the Wizards Keep, I am an Apprentice there they call me RD and I am sure the Elder is getting upset waiting on his bread.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAEg0u0i6Ses
725Please respect copyright.PENANARzrz5mlfcv
The Capt. Told the jailer to release Bean. When they brought him in the Capt admonished him and reminded him to be more careful from now on.725Please respect copyright.PENANAOU7HeL6PlI
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcnJHHxQBr8
We all kept a straight face till we were well away from the guard room then we let out a sigh of relief. Maggie handed the basket to Bean and directed him to deliver it to the keep kitchen just in case the Guard Capt. Did a follow up.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmUHsaGPjeR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAT1Xn01feNl
Off sped Bean with the bread and we thanked Maggie profusely then I went to check on Sneaker.725Please respect copyright.PENANAm8VTaOoU3h
Sneaker and Lump was standing with Mira on the street corner. I asked Sneaker, “Who were you doing the casing job for?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAX331sIcBhx
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmSugyFGcVb
Sneaker replied, “ Gomer''725Please respect copyright.PENANADsG7TowZoF
725Please respect copyright.PENANARXV5F9fNo3
“When you give him your report tell him that he should put off the job for at least two weeks. The guards are going to be watching the house just in case.” I pretended I over heard the Capt. Telling this to the guards. Really I had a moment of clarity and was able to pull this from his mind. He really wasn't sure we were telling the truth. The Cook, May, told me later the Guard had been around checking to see if the bread had been delivered.725Please respect copyright.PENANAz02Yb4ktEF
725Please respect copyright.PENANAHONyJFCuIr
May told him. “Yes are you hinting for a piece.” The guard stammered and thanked her when she cut him off a piece of bread and slathered a mess of cheese on it . 725Please respect copyright.PENANADhgIVBcgfz
Chapter 4725Please respect copyright.PENANA1phsJig4Li
725Please respect copyright.PENANAOM13r2yPfh
I was getting better at grasping one voice and clearing the rest of random chatter, The major problem was I still could not discern which mind was sending the thread. Then one day it was like a vision... I could see out of someone elses eyes and I had a clear path to his thoughts . I was still surprised when he grabbed a lady and drug her down an alley and began ripping her clothes off. When he pulled down her bodice and her white breast popped out I almost stumbled.725Please respect copyright.PENANAI8k9kOSDjt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAL65P2USY8Q
I ran to the alley while slipping my hand through the leather strap attached to the night stick. I turned into the alley as he was lifting her skirts, I could see her milky white thighs. I flicked out the night stick and it flashed out and made contact to his shoulder. He grunted and turned toward me, I noticed his size, he was a good ten inches taller than I was and he held a large knife in his hand.725Please respect copyright.PENANAWpPimWKudQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw8TOFfBt4k
I flicked the nightstick again the handle appeared to be headed for his face he put up his knife hand. The handle reached the length of the strap, the handle came to a stop. Inertia caused a pendulum effect and the end of the nightstick was on a collision course with his manhood which was in view. He was ready to take advantage of the lady. Then contact was made he screamed and went down. I rapped him across the back of the head and he went down and out.725Please respect copyright.PENANAy3BeabwwQ4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAevrCza2Rmj
The lady hadn't seen any thing her dress was still over her head. Momentarily I admired her wares, the first I had ever seen, oh well. I helped her up and directed her back to the square and told her to scream for a guard. While she followed my direction I slipped into the crowd and vanished.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmfIJAv108L
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0lRUhoJbdt
The next day it was all over the square about the gallant rescuer of a Noble Lady that was almost raped.725Please respect copyright.PENANAeTf7W7nWKt
The rapist had been captured but the gallant rescuer had disappeared. The Noble Lady's Father had offered a reward. Many attempts were made to collect it but none had the real story. I had kissed her inner thigh almost to the VEE before helping her up.725Please respect copyright.PENANAIjnZh1G8G6
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUghEu54vsY
I often followed her when she came to the Market, but she never knew. I often thought of the musky smell I had been near and how I was drawn … I knew I had no chance with her not only was she of Noble birth but she was at least eight years my senior.725Please respect copyright.PENANAxFy9B0raP9
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEhBYocMAMW
I began watching Mira more often and noticed the small protrusions on her chest. One day our group was outside the gate and romping through the woods and I fell in to the river. It was in a small cove where the water ran slow as to be gentle. To be truthful it was our swimming hole and we would have ended up there sooner or later. The next thing I knew the rest of them were in the water also. We played for hours then crawled out to enjoy the afternoon sun. Without thinking we all stripped off our shirts and laid them out to dry.725Please respect copyright.PENANA2CaDMfPtZr
725Please respect copyright.PENANACzOjaVJBNs
We were all laughing and joking till Mira raised back up from spreading her shirt as she set back she put her hands behind her and stretched with her eyes closed. Suddenly everyone went quite her breast with nipples the size of the 1st joint of a pinkie finger was standing proudly. None of us, except me, had ever seen a bare chested girl before.725Please respect copyright.PENANA2zjPkxvjQq
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2KzRD3kzNu
Mira noticed the silence and opened her eyes and saw every one looking at her she said, “What?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAYPWW8zFZXf
She looked at each one of us the others were to enraptured to say anything. She looked at me, I nodded my head and stared at her nipples again. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAtdb5xiu7ps
725Please respect copyright.PENANABz0w5hhq1s
She looked down at her chest and her face turned Red and she put her arm across her chest and grabbed her shirt, turned her back and put her shirt back on. Sneaker couldn't leave it alone and asked, “Where did you get those, they sure are pretty.” We all nodded.725Please respect copyright.PENANAdhiAchUJE4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAd3aY9yGixr
Mira jumped up and ran back to the City gate. Before following I had to explain all I knew about the birds and the bees. By the time we reached the gate they knew as much as me... which was almost nothing.725Please respect copyright.PENANAsSfYKlBOWT
725Please respect copyright.PENANA4Scx7QZTOA
Chapter 5725Please respect copyright.PENANAKOLlPuFyJy
725Please respect copyright.PENANA65GV7dnlwG
The years flew by and we grew up, Sneaker was still under 5' and could still get into small places. Bean was close to 6'5'' and still skinny but still quite strong. Lump was 6'2'' and weighed 220 all solid muscle. Mira was a vision her bosom was the size of small grapefruits. Her red hair appeared to be flames while her freckles were just enticing, this delectable package was on a 5'3'' frame. Her ears .had become more noticeable and cause many fights. I had grown a little as well I was 6' even and weighed 220 and no fat. I was 17.725Please respect copyright.PENANAZA27XnQcCo
725Please respect copyright.PENANA5eVBJgHbT5
John Mare De Louis had become a fat slob and his rule was becoming heavy handed on the people of the realm.725Please respect copyright.PENANAwRMhN9Whg4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXQAsDfFUH8
One day the Elder called me to his office and said, “The time has come the people are repressed and have been taxed till they can hardly buy food. The City Guards favor the masses but the palace guards seems to lean toward brutality.725Please respect copyright.PENANAQnFpYDYPaL
725Please respect copyright.PENANAljzDuwdpDE
After listening to the Elder I began to plan. The first thing was a whisper campaign I had my core group start the rumors.725Please respect copyright.PENANAQfXNEkFXKN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAAJpeQiDUdo
“Have you heard, the real king has come of age, and he is not pleased with his Uncle. He is raising an army to reclaim his throne.725Please respect copyright.PENANAkcU9PKdddJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAS2KNZrDeYw
There were a large number of break-ins at Nobles and Merchants homes. It seemed odd that it was only the supporters of the Regent who were hit the hardest. A little Redheaded Elf paid a visit to the Bramble Wood elves. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAkhjshkPMd9
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmvJPF3CKev
A caravan consisting of two wagons pulled by huge draft horses. Wagon one was occupied by the Red headed Elf. The second by the Wizard Elder. The rest of us walked it took us a week to reach the border between Dulciana and Bramble Wood. There we stopped and set up camp. We made no overt moves in fact other than a night stick (mine) and a Staff (Elders) we carried no weapons. We all were a little uncomfortable in the fancy clothes the Elder had supplied. That is all but Mira she reveled in the finery she was dressed in today. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAFFKH04s891
725Please respect copyright.PENANANRrGbhwb7p
Each day as we made this trek that begun with six people. Each day others joined us, by the time we reached the border we were Two hundred fifty strong with more arriving daily. The Elder used his Magic only to provide food for the masses.725Please respect copyright.PENANATC79AAdVYs
725Please respect copyright.PENANAbuFk1WAv3Y
We waited at the border for four days. On the morning of the fifth day three Elves appeared in front of Mira's tent. Mira invited them into her tent and sent word to the Elder and I to join her. I entered the tent and stood behind Mira. While awaiting the Elder I observed the Elven party. Each was blond with hair to the shoulders, their noses were almost pointed. The stand out feature was their eyes, they seem to penetrate deeply into the soul of the person before them. All three of them were locked onto Mira not even acknowledging that I was even there.725Please respect copyright.PENANAj0BAjQtDuv
725Please respect copyright.PENANAz5iRhOED9n
They remained so until the Elder entered. He they acknowledged and slightly bowed. The Elder nodded and moved behind Mira next to me.725Please respect copyright.PENANA7hJ6is6s0W
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdB4rxcVsCi
Mira spoke, “The rightful King of Dulciana has come of age and seeks an alliance to over throw the Usurper John Mare De Louis. I am Admira cousin to king Felies ruler of Bramble Wood. I by my own choice have lived in Dulciana to keep the peace between the two lands.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA01iguK2Qdw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlJqpDDaE0T
“ The time has come to declare your recognition of the True King of Dulciana and to bring out the treaty of Bayer Bridge which our two countries vowed to support each other.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAMQ95AlTwoa
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1OAwntSQM0
The Three Elves, none looking to be over twenty, huddled together. Then one stepped forward, “I am Admiran brother of Admira and Cousin to King Felis. To my right is Sir Slender Shoot in Command of the Palace Guards. To my left, Prince Felieson, Crown Prince of Bramble Wood. Heed my words we have reluctantly kept our side ot the treaty of Bayer Bridge. All though it has been trying, John Mare has continued to raise tariffs for the goods we have imported to Dulciana. It has been almost useless to trade with them.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAi3G8IHKkc2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw6nZsxWmWD
Mira looked at me. I nodded, She stated, This will be evaluated and an agreed on tariff will be set for each lands imports.725Please respect copyright.PENANAnqWaKe42tl
725Please respect copyright.PENANAMz35wSdX2F
Admiran continued, “How do we know the rightful King is prepared to agree and that he is ready.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA2uyZPj8YJk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdP2G2psHoY
“Take our delegation before the King and all will be made clear.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hv2ITWzWZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcjuD19J7DO
The Elves again huddled together, Admiran stepped forward, “ You will have our answer before the third Sun sets.” They turned and left the tent an the camp.725Please respect copyright.PENANAqChaHX7iY5
725Please respect copyright.PENANAuj28Y9ynjA
“Well what do you think, I said as I paced inside the tent.725Please respect copyright.PENANA8TS3EiWkw3
The Elder as usual played his cards close to his chest and Mira said “I guess we will have to wait and see.” *******725Please respect copyright.PENANAc5BnfJrEoN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAURhE9TBgS8
The Elf delegation wasted no time before they were in the presence of King Felies. They bowed to the King but he waved it way … “Yes, Yes, what did they say ?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAsSuQLO6tFI
725Please respect copyright.PENANA01kcuD8ZBn
Prince Felieson acted as their spokesman, “Father they said that if they were brought before you, all would be made clear. I think the young man is the rightful King. Our cousin Admira is to confidant for that not to be the case.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGynSsfWFs3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwlFkqXfUZu
King Felies asked them if they were aware of why Admira was raised in Dulciana. They all nodded “NO.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA5YEWveDEJG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAItwDFqynkM
Chapter 6725Please respect copyright.PENANAztjnbVVBYc
725Please respect copyright.PENANA5UzfoZo9GG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhXEVdAZz0y
The “Treaty of Bayer Bridge”725Please respect copyright.PENANAw0bYEY3R8Z
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlh68LDRgPN
King Felies leaned back from the table and looked steadily at King Duval De Louis the ruler of Dulciana. They had been discussing the terms of the treaty which would make their friendship official. The final codicil of the treaty would be the eventual joining of the two family's. King Duval had a new born Grandson. King Felies had a female cousin In the direct line the two were bound to each other. She and her Mother would live in Dulciana and be raised with the Crown Prince's son. When he came of age they would be married.725Please respect copyright.PENANA8dAFAeJ2zx
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUU936G4Hl0
Two years later King Duval and his son were dead...and the grandson was missing. King Felies did the best he could with the Treaty. He was still hoping the rightful ruler was still alive. And Now....725Please respect copyright.PENANAMxpWlBuXvc
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnDEIzOrXua
King Felies told his son, “Yes bring them before me.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAadBaHGyDf7
725Please respect copyright.PENANALjhMAXwpp4
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAoT9xkhKLER
725Please respect copyright.PENANAoBpYb5B7mN
Mira had been aware of Rafe's identity for years. Once when they were swimming in the river she had seen the Medallion and recognized the Dragon of gold with green eyes. She kept her silence, she was aware of the Treaty and that she was promised to Rafe. She had always known …725Please respect copyright.PENANAxFjyL2kDac
725Please respect copyright.PENANArPNFZQs9dH
She looked toward Rafe and smiled ….725Please respect copyright.PENANAgFxniN5YO3
725Please respect copyright.PENANAP9XzBTba9b
There was a loud noise out side of the tent and people yelling a head was shoved into the tent and an Elf yelled, “Quickly you have to get across the Bridge. Dulciana's Army is on the march.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAi3E91lou3t
725Please respect copyright.PENANA6s5TinTI1L
We all rushed across the bridge only to be swallowed up by the Elven Army. A squad of them took down the tents and hitched the wagons and brought it all across the bridge. Then the Elven Army lined their side of the border. At the Bridge itself was a group of Elven Mages Led by the wizard Elder.725Please respect copyright.PENANALLm5d8n8V8
An Elf walked to the center of the Bridge with a paint brush and bucket of paint, He drew a line three inches wide and wrote Dulciana on their side of the line and Bramble Wood on the other.725Please respect copyright.PENANACTYULY2Pre
725Please respect copyright.PENANAu1knW9ZIpj
In less than an hour the Dulciana Army came into view. Nearer and nearer they came till they were at the bridge. The Baron who was leading the Army walked to the center of the bridge and was close to stepping over the line when the elves on the bridge lowered there Lances toward the Baron's chest. He stopped and backed up. Only then did he notice the freshly painted border. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAFzYufQgsUs
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZFowUwsco
The Elven Commander asked the Baron, “What business do you have in Bramble Wood.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAS7rFJ05LB7
725Please respect copyright.PENANAVFAa8q9HJ1
The Baron stated, “I have been dispatched to arrest a traitor.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAde2U681yXS
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlMmYeldPjK
“And just who is this traitor and what did he do?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAq6SvPnp6Ta
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1hHHOHjryH
“ I am not sure of his actual ID but he is one of four street kids, and as to what he actually did I don't know. What I do know is he is wanted by the King John Mare De Louis.”725Please respect copyright.PENANApSYjcFJCJs
725Please respect copyright.PENANAbeLQ8lw4jO
The Commander smiled, “As you can see we have near 300 refugees and at least 50 of them fits that category. But first King Felies has informed me he does not Recognize anyone named John Mare De Louis as any thing... except as a criminal.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAy9kyOWglN1
725Please respect copyright.PENANAh4CW5B0A1H
“I advise you to turn this ragtag bunch around before My archers lose their strength and loose the 100 arrows that are aimed at you and yours.” “ On the Count of ten My Lancers are going to clear this Bridge.”725Please respect copyright.PENANASvit4Ff8wF
725Please respect copyright.PENANAppVB0RhW5E
The Baron began to back away from the bridge and set up camp. He set up a bridge watch at the Dulciana bridge end. The Elves did the same at their end. Traffic was not stopped on the Bridge but was closely scrutinized.725Please respect copyright.PENANAiigAu1wBvt
725Please respect copyright.PENANANG4z9Mnj4t
A messenger was received at Mira's tent and she was informed that King Felies was ready to receive them.725Please respect copyright.PENANA3gXuBIp5kP
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2fMwqA2wMc
A few hours later they were ushered in to King Felies's presence. King Felies asked for introductions.725Please respect copyright.PENANAU7vir3RaC5
Mira stated, “I you know but I am Admira Cousin to you King Felies and promised to Rafter De Louis.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAEjvG3F8oTz
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2S09ztLCh5
Rafe's mouth dropped wide open not in disappointment, just surprise.725Please respect copyright.PENANA801iRQ71mD
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0Vz2WTSr26
Mira continued, “You also know the Wizard Elder, The rather small gent is Lonnie Better known as Sneaker. Next to hin is Silas Better known as Bean, Next to him is Tom also known as Lump. Last but not least is Rafter De Louis, known as The Rapper or Rafe or just RD. The rightful King of Dulciana.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAtKZo7bFy6e
725Please respect copyright.PENANAj9BkCweO40
All of his friends were mouth agape never suspecting their friend was a Royal. King Felies says, Lets see proof.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA1jB2gRhDLt
725Please respect copyright.PENANApNnu4CKh7T
Rafe stepped forward and reached inside his Tunic and removed the medallion...The green eyes of the gold dragon transfixed all who saw it. All of Rafe's friends dropped to their knees and bowed before him. He told them to stop bowing it made him uncomfortable.725Please respect copyright.PENANAGLZ5e7jo0x
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyrmGNxjBXE
“ I was raised by The Elder and by Mamma Ceil, My mother was Rebecca and my Father was Crown Prince Duvalson, Son of King Duval De Louis. Both were killed by Assassin Haver by order of John Mare De Louis.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAEXHHMcHVAs
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWVp08jW7zp
Word has been sent to the Cardinal that I have come of age.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0Fa9VAAiIo
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0URboPYoFG
“I accept the betrothal of Admira, I looked at Mira and she was blushing and smiling, Wedding to take place after I am crowned.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAUA0BM1F4f1
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIIWGLp7rrV
I turned back to King Felies and asked, “Sire what say yee?”725Please respect copyright.PENANAWSRSkshmy4
725Please respect copyright.PENANA06DzJak52u
He looked to the Elder, “Elder what is your story?” ********725Please respect copyright.PENANAorKkLqofxk
Chapter 7725Please respect copyright.PENANAn8cbI2wH9M
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwUG40Su3bk
Elder's Story725Please respect copyright.PENANA9V6rAi24tD
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3aWOiSJ2ja
“ I will first tell Mama Ceil”s story. I was folding clothes in a tent out side the village of Collie while my charge Rafter De Louis played on the floor. My mistress Princess Rebecca rushed in and told me John Mare's men were searching every tent. She said I was to take Rafter to the elder. She removed the medallion from her neck and placed it on Rafter's neck and told him never ever lose it ..He was three.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAWky90aZYFk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnAew2rUz86
“He and I crawled through a tear in the rear of the tent. We slid out and down to the river which was near. I waded out in the river and holding Rafter I turned on my back with Rafter between my breast we floated down the river.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAvu3y6Suos2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaHPKhhgtSn
“We neared the Bayer Bridge, I directed us to the Dulciana bank. We followed the roadway although we stayed in the forest. There were merchants traveling along the road which allowed me to snitch enough food to keep us going. It took us almost two weeks to make our way to the Elder's Keep. We arrived near the hour of noon but waited till almost dusk before knocking and asking for the Elder.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAlOJofxffzM
725Please respect copyright.PENANAV4vvDHBUc6
Elder 725Please respect copyright.PENANAQnZWqEaTNm
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjXqBDT1Vsm
“ I was enjoying a glass of ale when I heard a pounding on the door of the keep I was alone my compatriots were all on errands. There was not many of us to begin with. I am Mage Sabron but called Elder. Also abiding in the Keep was Mage Aquinas, Mage Arture, Arture's apprentice Jody and their cook/maid, May.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAIKXXjYjo7e
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0jE9cx2AGj
I went to the door and opened it to find a woman and a babe, they both were filthy. “Yes can I help you.” The woman spoke.725Please respect copyright.PENANA3W9pOaxBsA
725Please respect copyright.PENANANChkBA1umq
“My Mistress Rebecca said that the time would come and we was to come to the Keep and here we are.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA5OZvmtbQBT
I said , “Well yes you are but who are you and time for what.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA5bwUiDaMtn
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaLlX0XgJXe
The Woman's face turned red and she stammered and stuttered and then said, “Oh I forgot Rafe show him the medallion”725Please respect copyright.PENANAsI9SwN0nxR
725Please respect copyright.PENANA12q2wLkSUX
The boy pulled out the medallion, I got flustered and told him to put it away and pushed them into the keep. I made him a leather bag to put the medallion in it had a drawstring so it kept the medallion covered. Mama Ceil helped May in the kitchen until she came down with the Ague and died I think the boy was about eight. By that time he was already the protector of the weak. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAfehpFVgZOg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyJDERWJGwt
“I knew he had a magic background so I began to train him. To insure he learned everything I also recruited all his friends so they also have been schooled except in magic. I did not try to influence them but allowed them to view the world and to make up their on minds. I am proud to say the weak and downtrodden have always been taken care of by these few. They also learned from the street and learned to bypass the cruel. “725Please respect copyright.PENANAn5lSOxNEQT
725Please respect copyright.PENANANXfnnW983Y
“One other thing Look at him closely. Now the picture that was painted at the signing of the Bayer Bridge. Look close at his Grandfather.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAokYlzfZOJz
725Please respect copyright.PENANAX7CCLzBtgA
Every one turned to the picture hanging on the wall. It looked like an older Rafe. The elder said, That is all I have to say.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGRLdT6qJA4
725Please respect copyright.PENANACkE9TAjOqg
King Felies thought about all that he had been told and all he had seen. He remembered his friends voice and was surprised to hear that voice coming out of this young man. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAqqf3vVhhva
725Please respect copyright.PENANA0HxQeKcHyw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAsSPiVtnAEz
The King rang for a page and told him make ready rooms for my party. I stopped him and told him that we have over 250 followers at the River I will stay with them, my friends nodded that they agreed.725Please respect copyright.PENANArfZKOE2uoG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAo9I6VNMh5l
We departed for the camp. As soon as we arrived the Baron was asking to speak with me. I met him at the center of the bridge.725Please respect copyright.PENANA4Ee5b1kUpR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhqlKET6lDs
“Might I see the Medallion.” I removed it from my tunic. He stared at it. “I must do some thinking I was sure you were dead and with that thought in mind to try and protect my people. He asked and I gave my oath. Now I know not what to do.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAU9wXOd34S1
725Please respect copyright.PENANASIMs67cyiv
I looked deep into his heart and said, “I am sure the right decision will be made. In fact I would bet there will be a lot of soul searching going on.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAjbpm0GGjMv
I heard a noise and looked over my shoulder to see a contingent of the Elven Army began lining the River. Their Commander walked onto the bridge and Handed the Baron a scroll. He opened it and read aloud. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAW9YQLVkaFN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWNBSEh3acj
To John Mare De Louis, “We the kingdom of Bramble Wood do here by recognize the rightful King of Dulciana ' Rafter De Louis'.725Please respect copyright.PENANAccvpVH9iUj
725Please respect copyright.PENANA5PP9A75oU2
In so doing I King Felies place the Army of Bramble Wood as his to Command.725Please respect copyright.PENANAObnvQbcYlf
725Please respect copyright.PENANAttQC5JPJlD
The is a formal Declaration of War, Not with Dulciana but with the armies of the Usurper John Mare De Louis. You are here by given Five Days to answer .725Please respect copyright.PENANA9IpdIsvoGj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEQiAhhqNzw
Signed: King Felies 725Please respect copyright.PENANATwroaMD5Kz
Ruler of the Kingdom of Elves Known as Bramble Wood 725Please respect copyright.PENANArXgqGEpNWW
725Please respect copyright.PENANABXFOTf0lm7
*******725Please respect copyright.PENANAC8PnIfbaTW
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcJq49w6drS
The Baron ordered his men to fall in... and departed at once... The Baron called his fastest runner and gave him the scroll to deliver to the Regent.725Please respect copyright.PENANAhgwsFqR5P2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAv0I85DFbbl
Upon reaching the crossroad, straight was to Dulci, right was to his Land Holdings. Baron Phelps hesitated then called a halt. He called all his Officers to a meeting.725Please respect copyright.PENANAJEPOp3Om9s
725Please respect copyright.PENANA964ufxAIKk
He looked to each one, some had been with him for years and some just a short time. “Our long lost King Rafter De Louis has come of age and is demanding his rightful place, to the dismay of the regent. A few years ago I gave an oath to the Regent.” He noticed some shuffling and whispering among them. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAzOnLuP1ghz
“Twenty years ago I also gave my Oath to defend the Crown. Since the Crown belongs with Rafter De Louis and not the Regent that is the oath I must honor.”725Please respect copyright.PENANABFOkyEv40f
725Please respect copyright.PENANARphifATM8X
“Any of you who wish to be absolved from your oath to me and wish to follow the Regent is free to do so. But first I wish you to speak these words to your men. I leave for my home in one hour. All who wish to honor their oaths can follow. All who wish to follow the Regent may depart with honor.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA0qhuQfuEay
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUexVFsyHUy
The Baron's Page lay a cloak in the shade of a mighty Oak. The Baron sat and leaned back and closed his eyes. From the noises he was hearing there must be quite a discussion going on. After a few minutes … nothing but silence. He nodded off to sleep.725Please respect copyright.PENANAoZb8hft6QL
725Please respect copyright.PENANA4opqWzcveO
Until his page gently shook him, “Baron the hour has past.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAxZ4u0U9IFd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjjoEQxTKLd
The Baron opened his eyes to see all his troops lined up and prepared to move out on the path to the right. He stood walked to his horse and said, “Very Well Mount UP.” He tried to hide his emotion as he brushed a wayward tear from his eye.725Please respect copyright.PENANAZgD0WuRvBc
725Please respect copyright.PENANAkaMdkfIDAS
“Messenger, take this Message to King in Waiting Rafter De Louis. We the men of Baron Phelps Stand to your right.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAwGUU9dngp9
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2qayztezeg
Even before the Baron could reach his estate the power of gossip had raised its ugly head. It had been shouted throughout the lands that Baron Phelps Favored the King in Waiting. As he rode into the grounds of the Estate there were messengers from his fellow Nobles wishing to confirm his decision. Some were condemning him but most were aligning with him and offering their help.725Please respect copyright.PENANAi2dsNRXOxC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmBDX9JA7Or
******725Please respect copyright.PENANAtclfNUUJuO
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJBcGmMrica
I stepped out of the tent to a blast of noise . I was almost stunned, overnight the supporters had increased to over a thousand men and women. There was also a line of messengers awaiting his attention. One by one he read the messages. The list of support by the Nobles was staggering. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Baron Phelps had been the first to issue his support. 725Please respect copyright.PENANArQ2wQoZujZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANArxgyv7OhqV
I sent message to them all accepting their support and asking them to Join me for a meeting and to bring their second in command as well. The Elves set up tents and supplied food stuffs. We searched through our people and was soon able to fill the tents with cooks and kitchen help.725Please respect copyright.PENANAa5clezWis6
725Please respect copyright.PENANAls38UaUnpM
Bean and Sneaker began interviewing our masses. It took over two weeks to establish what each was good at. The first and most important was Scouts and Runners. It was a welcome to know we had a core group to train others. They consisted of twelve lancers and eight archers all thanks to the City Guard. They were led by the Captain of the Guard I smiled when I learned they had brought the entire armory of the City Guards. I had the Captain set up companies and squads and begin training. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAE0VCR2Nbny
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzi9YXmPImy
It wasn't long till the ladies were making vests with a Green Eyed Gold Dragon in the center on a field of blue. I was even more surprised when a spar was erected and a silk flag of Blue with the same Dragon represented. I never knew where the material came from.725Please respect copyright.PENANAOa4IvhMD8l
725Please respect copyright.PENANAAVRwhIpV26
I was most surprised by the lack of response from John Mare. I had sent scouts into Dulci and awaited their return. Days later I had my answer. There was desention in the ranks and mass desertions. It was said he was hanging his own men. I guess you could say there was a trust issue.725Please respect copyright.PENANAaQbamCUF8I
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaKnVEf0a7x
According to the Scouts What was left were mercenary s and men who were just there for the money with no real desire for the sake of the Kingdom.725Please respect copyright.PENANAHewMKpEWNK
725Please respect copyright.PENANAi5z5B53WGH
Chapter 8725Please respect copyright.PENANAotxJYbNNbQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAU4u9BxuEiV
So this is war.725Please respect copyright.PENANAEdsQc50Mup
725Please respect copyright.PENANARWrCHmhjB2
With the support of the Nobles and the peoples of the land we had an Army of about 10,000 strong. We knew we would be facing about 30,000 all better armed.725Please respect copyright.PENANAT8IEIudvFy
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjdPeJ15DXy
Lump surprised us all, he had a real gift of strategy. He told me we were missing and important item... Supply lines. Which were open to Dulci from the South. I assigned him a troop of fifty mounted men and named them Tom's Raiders. They traversed the miles to Dulcianas Southern border. They carried few supplies, which meant either make successful raids, live off the land or starve.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0EJ4Cdfmhp
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3k7HP9pmxr
******725Please respect copyright.PENANANGiszkFFHC
Tom's Raiders725Please respect copyright.PENANAiXPrz5XF0V
725Please respect copyright.PENANANDYCGBL0S7
Lump, Tom, Lead his Raiders south never coming in sight of any road except when it was necessary to cross one. They scouted the roads entering Dulciana from Langdom to the south and to Arrington to the East. Their fourth day they heard the squeaking of the axles of a heavily loaded wagon. As the wagon with five outriders entered the clearing which was ringed by the raiders. When they were completely inside the clearing, including the 4 outriders at the rear..725Please respect copyright.PENANAuwfMP7FbNN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAonEwasKOZR
The archers stepped out of the bushes with their Bows fully drawn. Lump spoke, “ Well gentlemen please lay down your weapons and step away from them. You two on the wagon get down. Please lay face down on the ground with arms and legs spread.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAiLdJXoRuBC
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEa5k1SQZoR
Each were checked over and knives and night sticks removed from their person. Their hands and feet were bound. Lump placed two men in the wagon and started it onto Bramble Wood Border.725Please respect copyright.PENANA655rMsiIr8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5KFddCx4J
“I am sure it will not take you long to free your self. I suggest you turn back to Langdom and not return. If you had put up a fight all of you would now be dead and we would have all regretted it. But none more than you.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANAynct1rZMe8
725Please respect copyright.PENANAphSI4x5jdq
Lump had given orders for the wagon to move as fast as it comfortably could toward the rest of the army. They were also prepared to ride like the dickens at the crossroads to Dulci. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA6iLtJbgtR7
He was not aware that there was a squad on watch near the cross road Which escorted them the rest of the way.725Please respect copyright.PENANAcm1nLRmu2l
725Please respect copyright.PENANAuPgnzVRehS
Each day they would watch an incoming road and were averaging at least I shipment a week.725Please respect copyright.PENANApHsM6mZBFP
Dulciana sent out troops to try to protect the incoming supplies. The raiders ambushed them and wiped them out to a man.725Please respect copyright.PENANAM2deju3Ji4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAGj8qAp6bRz
After a month the Dulciana Army began to move. We nipped at their heels and ran away. When they chased us we would ambush them. Their losses was about 10 to 1 of ours. Theirs was an Army while ours was a bunch of skirmishers or back alley fighters... We didn't fight fair.725Please respect copyright.PENANA4uofLp3t8t
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvMtWWOJtFG
John Mare brought in Mages from Drummond which was to the North west We wondered what he was promising them. The Elder had warded our raiders against magic. We attacked their rear with arrows then rode away. The Mages were frustrated when their spells returned toward them and they had to go on defense against their own spells. We found out later that John Mare had not told them anything about the Elder supporting us and he knew nothing about me, and that I too knew magic.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9hBaTf5cyW
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9R2iX2az7l
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANANKtwPHmAfB
With out informing most of my officers or King Felies I left camp with four scouts and Mage Arture. Our plan was to sneak as close as we could to Baron Ronin's HQ tent. Baron Ronin had designated himself as General Ronin.His only thing that qualifed him to be a General was... he was the richest Noble in the Kingdom. Also the most arrogant and the least knowledgeable of how to run an army.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0quEmbSgt4
His officers were getting very frustrated.725Please respect copyright.PENANA5X3FrNr1pt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnIZaq2N6qT
I cast my mind into the tent. As usual there was an argument going on. Captain Cross of the Palace guards and Major Nells of the Dulciana Army were already at their wits end. It was impossible to get through to General Ronin that you could not attack some one who was already gone. The General decided they would leave a squad of Calvary behind. Then when the Raiders slipped in behind they could attack and wipe them out.725Please respect copyright.PENANARzOHxhiStp
725Please respect copyright.PENANAn6W15ZZ4At
When we arrived back at the Camp, we made our own plans. Rather than attacking the rear we honed in on the right flank. We held back a reserve and when his trailing Calvary came around to attack our raiders they were met with our reserves and a hail of arrows. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA7kYeh2clIu
725Please respect copyright.PENANAerjO1hzt6M
To embarrass them more Sneaker slipped in and stole the Dulciana Flag. We hoisted it up the spar where our Dragon flag flew. It was flown second to our Dragon.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0bgT5YwqXW
725Please respect copyright.PENANAP6Ul5VjbTs
It would have been simple to take out General Ronin. But he was their worst enemy so we left him alone.725Please respect copyright.PENANAReUvyDfK5M
725Please respect copyright.PENANAOqijqSbKG1
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAuvFpUHvwzl
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhe0uYPtpGa
King Felies was very incensed when he discovered my scouting foray. “What in the world did you mean by leading that scouting party? Kings don't lead raids they direct from the back ground.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAFCuqQjDol2
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIohFPiTWe4
I looked at him and smiled, “ As yet I am not a King, and I do not follow...I lead... by example.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAp1iPfZ9JHd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFXP8StJoQ8
I talked with Mira and Sneaker, Mira had an idea to scare the hell out of Dulciana troops. For three days one tent was a beehive of activity and only a certain few were allowed in. Late on the third day Mira walked out of the tent and nodded to me. Three of the smaller scouts who were experts in stealth and Sneaker all entered that tent... nothing else happened. Soon it was forgotten. 725Please respect copyright.PENANATtQvAM9dO0
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXZtZsv7Hgl
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAdw2vWpKVDt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAeBTcsWdu7M
The camp of Baron Ronin began to stir....Then it turned into a male storm... Each was holding and looking at a small piece of parchment. Baron walked out of his tent also holding a piece of parchment , demanding to know who was responsible for the parchment.... 725Please respect copyright.PENANAElPHX8uQ0G
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmjU02e1i9e
He looked back down at his which was on a piece of rawhide and was around his neck. The parchment had a drawing of a dagger and the words you could be dead time for real. He started screaming where are the guards... they were found with their throats cut and a piece of parchment held to their chest by a dagger.725Please respect copyright.PENANAV0atq23gcw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKINhb9oeiN
For the next week there were desertions and some worn out soldiers that appeared to have not slept for awhile. Every night someone was killed in their sleep and Baron Ronin collected another piece of parchment.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtluMbD0mPr
725Please respect copyright.PENANACDC2UwmD1d
Before the last part of the plan could be put into play Assassin Haver had his try. I began getting reports of a black clad figure fliting in and out of tents around camp... In some cases there was a body to go along with the report. Elder immediately said an assassin I added Haver.725Please respect copyright.PENANAnlzlC4XY6D
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8qZ9NbBul9
I begin to browse with my mind...near evening time I started to pick up traces of Haver. I turned in about 11 pm. At about 2 am I said, “ NOW ! “725Please respect copyright.PENANArXB00Xdfik
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWQpU58GZ8z
Sneaker removed the cover from a lamp and light blazed into the unsuspecting eyes of Haver. Elder stepped into the tent and enwraped Haver in magical restraints. Haver tried to turn his head towards me and spit. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA1nHKcztb0P
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdGT8slTtRx
I was expecting something of the sort and sent a magical force into his face which cause him to swallow what he tried to spit at me. He began to gasp and his face began to have a bluish tint and he crumpled. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAeL8PKoKPvQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANA44ussYzq53
Elder checked him over and said he was dead. He and I using our magic and not touching the body carried the body to a cairn outside of camp which we had prepared earlier in the day. We placed the body on the cairn and set the pyre alight. First we warned everyone in camp to stay away and especially not to breathe the smoke.725Please respect copyright.PENANABtahCMtEmH
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2XLG5UV6Ff
Chapter Nine725Please respect copyright.PENANAJipPW80AVL
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjgXcxk5MtB
The two army's had been camped close for weeks each trying to be an irritant to the other. It was almost a war of attrition. But we had plans, and I assume they did too. We just had to be first.725Please respect copyright.PENANALGg2Dh48hw
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFsrUdXjUfH
On the first day of Winters Chill... Baron Ronin awoke to silence, he dressed and threw back the tent flaps To find himself facing Sil Slender Shoot and Silas Bean. It was almost amazing when the soft spoken Bean unleashed his true vocalizations of his stately rich baritone voice.725Please respect copyright.PENANANRAEPKyahT
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFSTYnY6oRS
“General Ronin You are surrounded by the forces of free Dulci and the army of Bramble Woods.. For your treasonous acts you are hereby stripped of all land and titles and exiled with only the clothes on your back. Or you will be put to death by hanging...I almost forgot if you accept option one...and ever decide to return. Option two is automatically enforced. 725Please respect copyright.PENANACJnVwHwpeb
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvmb68BvHDx
Ex Baron Ronin was escorted by Tom's raiders to the border of Langdom. He was pushed across the border begging for at least a horse... which he did not get.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtI1fJiNzcV
725Please respect copyright.PENANAn3Td8Afiip
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvQaxb5pOtM
With the addition of Baron Phellps army, our Volunteers and the Army of Bramble Wood we decided it was time to take the war to John Mare725Please respect copyright.PENANA8XszaZR3GL
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1LrqQYjQK
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9NGuCZZEQT
King Filies called a meeting and after much discussion we came to a decision... We wished to make them worry as well as to pay. We decided to make it seem as if we were on parade. We put up a facade of joyous playing around. As if we had not a care in the world. The truth was we had thousands of mouths to feed.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtb2tjDxM3H
725Please respect copyright.PENANA3kZ2KJVrE9
In each camp the Elder assigned an apprentice who fed the troops by magic with platters of piping hot food. Our daily marches were short not starting till near 10 am and stopping nigh 4 pm.725Please respect copyright.PENANA6H9rL9M1vN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAUgLmvGWQdc
On the third day John Mare's army took the bait. They moved up to attack as we would be making camp for the evening. What they didn't expect was before they could get the word to attack...Arrows came flying out of the trees all around them.. They lost over a hundred and sixty men that day and the surrender of fifty more725Please respect copyright.PENANAvIQ8uItUVq
725Please respect copyright.PENANARSvn8tdyhl
They thought they had laid the perfect ambush of an unwary group. When in essence they had been missing one detail. First a number of scouts would search out the next nights camp ground. Only one would return to act as guide.725Please respect copyright.PENANAKAFpBS7OTZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAv2MT0O8nzB
Second as dusk began to fall a troop of about fifty men would peel off into the night. They would go to the next nights camping area and prepare an ambush. When John Mare's soldiers moved through they did not realized they were passing with in inches of our men. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAJInCN3lVcp
725Please respect copyright.PENANAaBh98HrUsg
There was a watch kept on their Officers and the attack came before he could give his orders to attack the camp. From our positions we were driving them toward the camp where they were met by... Number three, a well placed group of lancers.725Please respect copyright.PENANAS7B2F7MPMv
725Please respect copyright.PENANANBK2yMl6e5
We lost three injured and two dead..... We heard their Army was disgruntled and saying things like we don't fight fair.725Please respect copyright.PENANAudDeiIlD7W
725Please respect copyright.PENANAVxq9rGrLfY
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiz45KjztEi
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAjfnOTwyjpX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWuT8wiuQ9K
The days turned into a week before the walls of Dulciana loomed into sight The buildings outside the walls were empty725Please respect copyright.PENANA1K7SUR0qsY
725Please respect copyright.PENANAGUoyFqXOmO
I rode up to the Gate “John Mare come out and face me... You have been trying to kill me for over 17 years.... “ I heard a swishing noise and a soldier's body hit the ground in front of me. I glanced to the side . Admiran was notching another arrow... he smiled. 725Please respect copyright.PENANANBwc9toAiT
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKbl0sjRET7
725Please respect copyright.PENANA619kmg4N65
We had scouts in trees, not close enough to make an attack of any sort but they were not there for that purpose. They were there to observe and report. Each scout had a long glass and watched and re ported the gathering of John Mare's mercenary Army. Soon we would engage.725Please respect copyright.PENANA11pg0L5BqV
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZvY04lhwH
Again we used subterfuge … we grew up in that town and all of us knew how to enter and leave without being seen. Again the Wizards Keep played an important part. In the basement of the Keep was a secret passageway that opened into the tack room of the barn in the Smithy. The Smithy and corral was just inside the wall of the town. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA9pDu3qSbFX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAWIXNETlRXR
Once inside we could scatter throughout the town. Our first night, Lump, Bean and Sneaker went in checking the access. The second night each of them led a group of fifteen men each, our stealth fighters. 725Please respect copyright.PENANA9FVLFngXfS
725Please respect copyright.PENANAmFgo6diQpX
They hit the barracks and the guard shack near the North and south gate. They set fire to the barracks then attacked the soldiers as they tried to escape. They never knew what hit them nor how to respond. This was our manner of harassment for two weeks. John Mare's troops were tired but afraid to sleep. They were making mistakes, just what we were waiting for. 725Please respect copyright.PENANASHCxIpejXj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhThJnXUIvy
The next thing was to take out the guards on the west wall, open the gate and to fill the square with our troops all before John Mare's Army awakens.725Please respect copyright.PENANA9cDsXs45ry
725Please respect copyright.PENANAERHjiCgnmB
725Please respect copyright.PENANAdHpvXbJnwj
****725Please respect copyright.PENANAGLn3RLl7fn
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgBaOoe9ItH
John Mare De Louis awoken to men shouting and the clatter of weapons falling to the ground. He rolled out of bed and looked at his empty table and was instantly angry. That lazy Perdon was late with his Breakfast again. He pulled his bell chime cord angrily three times.725Please respect copyright.PENANAJMuiB6f34p
725Please respect copyright.PENANA2zQXCPfVt5
On the third pull his door opened...He was all set to rail against Perdon when he saw that the two men entering his chambers were armed and their Sashes were the colors of Green and Gold. Not his Red and Black he rushed to his weapons. 725Please respect copyright.PENANADu3nnsNcxG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAftP279QKcC
They smiled and one of them said, “ By all means arm thy self Just as Crown Prince Rafter desires you.We are here to escort you to the battle yard. “725Please respect copyright.PENANATyjZXdlo1P
725Please respect copyright.PENANADXMQtQTiQ8
John Mare grabbed a lance, his Sword and a brace of throwing knives. Thinking to himself, “This kid has never had any training with weapons...What chance does he have against me, a sword master.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAyxGOEX8PBP
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ1hbThBTw
** Truth be known John Mare was not near as good as he thought...I mean seriously if you are practicing with an unstable King just how hard are you going to try to win.**725Please respect copyright.PENANAmqr1LrUdaX
725Please respect copyright.PENANAb2RW0jiGly
Bean and Lump escorted John Mare to the Battle yard. He entered and found himself alone he looked above at the viewing area... it was full of Men, Women and Elves. The 1st face he recognized was the Chancellor the second the Cardinal.725Please respect copyright.PENANAz0gRl4kQj4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAqNUFwfYXzG
Chapter Ten.725Please respect copyright.PENANALgxJcMoqyq
725Please respect copyright.PENANAhxgpYMXF1z
The door began to open, John Mare drew his sword, he was ready.725Please respect copyright.PENANA7KGq8eYYMU
He almost burst out laughing...The young man who entered, he assumed was his nephew, was only armed with a nightstick dangling from a rawhide cord.725Please respect copyright.PENANAgUgDKVkodr
725Please respect copyright.PENANA70YccGhVws
“Good Morning Uncle... I was told I had to give you a chance, Thus I chose to face you with a nightstick. Since I don't wish to kill you, only beat you senseless I thought it only fitting.725Please respect copyright.PENANAyZOQSTdMNa
725Please respect copyright.PENANALKk8yN4mcS
John Mare smirked and said, “Quit crying and lets get on with it so I can eat breakfast.” All the time he had been talking he was moving towards Rafe. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAvKTVEVK9dJ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5NTgv597V
As he drew near and was ready to swing his sword. Rafe's nightstick struck like a snake hitting the knuckles of the hand holding the sword which clattered to the ground. The audience roared. John Mare was stunned not seeming to understand what had happened.725Please respect copyright.PENANAKdrZYpIezj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAzGXbZwE9j3
Rafe backed off to allow him to pick up his sword. Never taking his eyes off Rafe, John Mare reached for his sword. Thinking Rafe a fool he again started forward. He had taken two steps when the nightstick flicked out again and caressed his elbow... His arm went numb and his sword again fell to the floor.725Please respect copyright.PENANAbKP7Vwl4AC
725Please respect copyright.PENANABvUNFKr0s2
John Mare realized the sword was useless. He lowered the lance he had been holding in his left hand. Rafe was watching his every move. When John Mare made his thrust, at the last instant Rafe stepped to the side and flicked out the nightstick it met John Mare's chin with a cracking sound.725Please respect copyright.PENANARqbvVpu8Wx
725Please respect copyright.PENANAXJN4IlX9qC
John Mare was so keyed up he didn't seem to realize his jaw was broken. He swept the lance to ward Rafe who stepped back and loosed his nightstick. John Mare thought he was prepared and whipped his head back. Again the fulcrum effect took over and the nightstick took the lower path. The only thing that saved his manhood is that he had turned his body. The nightstick struck his left thigh bruising it deeply.725Please respect copyright.PENANAF21FyYRqF4
725Please respect copyright.PENANAiibPb11CWn
John Mare was finding it difficult to stand. He retained the lance but was now using it as a cane. Rafe flicked out the nightstick again in the direction of John Mare's left wrist. He retaliated by swinging the lance butt striking Rafe in the rib cage, cracking a couple of ribs. Rafe missed with his attack. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAiCU6Idbicq
725Please respect copyright.PENANAw5XJcLpYWh
John Mare tried to follow up on his good fortune, pull his dagger and lunged forward. The night stick was already on the way headed for his manhood. John Mare's lunge put his head in the way and the night stick caught him square in the forehead and down he went.725Please respect copyright.PENANAgzf3xoB83R
725Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9bRwixdqM
Rafe waited but there was no movement from John Mare, Sir Slender Shoot and his medical man Fever entered the Yard,. Fever felt for a pulse and nodded, yes there was a pulse he was just unconscious. Slender Shoot called for three men. They trussed John Mare up like a Christmas Turkey.725Please respect copyright.PENANAgdoX6gxVBg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAJo3njMPb46
*****725Please respect copyright.PENANAfR1csMi36c
725Please respect copyright.PENANAvtiFMq8Ozs
I looked up to the Audience and announced. “He will have a fair trial, “725Please respect copyright.PENANAPlwahtrSJ9
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKEU4zPsGTh
I Looked around as they drug John Mare to the dungeon. “Runners take a message to Langdom, Drummond and Chelsea And any other near by Country we have dealings with, speak to the Chancellor, asking them to send a representative. To sit at this trial they must also have authority to negotiate Import export Tariffs. Also Must Represent their Country. In my Coronation and wedding to take place, I turned to the Chancellor and motioned...”725Please respect copyright.PENANASXFawd7gy8
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8h49GRtWub
The Chancellor spoke quickly, “ Six Weeks for the trial and in two months for the festivities.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAlPCC6g0sSp
725Please respect copyright.PENANAfyr1QkWOc8
“Also I wish a runner be sent to Mountain Home for a Dwarf representative to be here as well.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAUgcHDkPZg3
725Please respect copyright.PENANACAl41WOsHC
Time seemed to drag even with all that had to be done, The household staff had the Palace to clean up and prepare for all the guests. It had been decided that the Coronation and the wedding would be held in the Court Yard so that all who wished could attend...after all I did grow up on the streets.725Please respect copyright.PENANAVxfBaKTY4j
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgVek29dNRZ
I made a few appointments, Lonnie/Sneaker to head the Intelligence corp. Silas/Bean Secretary and Treasurer, Tom/Lump Head of the Palace Guards and Baron Phelps Commander General of the Army of Dulci.725Please respect copyright.PENANAV92g8c7gJe
725Please respect copyright.PENANAduOuwrHV0i
Six very active weeks went by and the Dwarfen Representative, Smash Stumpf Foot, had arrived. The trial began... “John Mare De Louis You are charged with High Treason and Regicide How do you plead.” 725Please respect copyright.PENANA5eSzDSgEfg
725Please respect copyright.PENANAkXIPPQHpmR
John Mare stared around the Court room, “ How dare you . You have no right to try me I am a King...!”725Please respect copyright.PENANAsivUz8PGpT
725Please respect copyright.PENANADMUwyLB7Nv
There was chuckles and noise from the spectators. King Felies shouted “S I L E N C E” As acting Judge and a King the silence was instanious. “We will take that as a not guilty plea.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAVNNUOhu1GQ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKLv908j3RH
The first witness was Mama Ciel's younger sister. “My name is Myra”725Please respect copyright.PENANAfdXIYrSDdd
725Please respect copyright.PENANAM6nXw8x6jj
The Chancellor, acting as Prosecutor asked her what she had to offer at this trial.725Please respect copyright.PENANAyVD0wj4Wli
725Please respect copyright.PENANATJLb5Cxsnr
Myra's Story:725Please respect copyright.PENANAr8K9OONawR
725Please respect copyright.PENANAqxCiyDCwoF
My Mother had been a Ladies Maid and my older sister was as well. My Mother died in child birth and my sister Ciel raised me. Ciel was Ladies maid to Princess Rebecca she spoiled me. I was always hiding and eavesdropping. She would laugh at the things I told her, she thought I was making them up. One day when I was seven and Prince Rafter was a Babe I overheard John Mare and a man he called Haver Talking.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAULwAQwe210
725Please respect copyright.PENANA9JKUZTN7JY
John Mare said “Haver I will give you 100 Gold to assassinate The King and his family.”725Please respect copyright.PENANA0O3V5Sn9Ko
725Please respect copyright.PENANAyQlw8qEHxl
“How do you want it done?”725Please respect copyright.PENANA2uRWEdrQJo
725Please respect copyright.PENANAcJdpYrBOK9
“I don't care Make them pay but make sure you get the Medallion from around Duvalson's neck.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAfAhEbBk3LD
725Please respect copyright.PENANAZmAqN1jDDt
725Please respect copyright.PENANAod8Xhm7IqA
I didn't understand what assassinate meant and I got sidetracked and went to play with my friends. Later I asked my sister what assassinate meant. She asked me why and I told her. She told Princess Rebecca and I had to tell the story again. Princess asked me if they said when.725Please respect copyright.PENANAr2I1woJPI7
725Please respect copyright.PENANAOJyDQZ2ZGs
I said, “They said something about a boar hunt.”725Please respect copyright.PENANALt2MyzckUg
725Please respect copyright.PENANARZvX9cLrdJ
Princess Rebecca got all excited and said “That is today.” She had Ciel grab a few things and they left the Palace. I never saw them again. “Later that evening a messenger brought John Mare a note saying the King and his Son was dead.725Please respect copyright.PENANAtfLUZsdCYG
725Please respect copyright.PENANAZMY8wuRqea
After that John Mare tried to get Crowned King But the Cardinal refused unless he had the Medallion proving he was the last of the family line.725Please respect copyright.PENANAuDnn5H4ZZa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAIpeAjsLE9G
“John Mare was ruthless he had servants beaten for no reason and he raped the castle ladies including me.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAhyRjpWJEml
725Please respect copyright.PENANAlm0u7W6j36
John Mare Leaped up and yelled it was his right to rape the women he was the king.725Please respect copyright.PENANA0P5AuQkbNX
725Please respect copyright.PENANANuSX7OQFz0
The Chancellor answered,” It was not your right and you are not and never have been King.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAGtykoIIHSX
725Please respect copyright.PENANA1mwHdYBMUa
725Please respect copyright.PENANAKBA2jAJaSP
Many were called but none spoke for John Mare. It was really a farce as Trials goes. The verdict was known by everybody.725Please respect copyright.PENANAOfb1z3P1lk
725Please respect copyright.PENANApsE5lAOmcq
King Felis stood and told John Mare to rise. “John Mare De Louis you have been tried and convicted by a court of your Countrymen. You have been found guilty of High Treason, Regicide as well as later added Rape charge. I argued vehemently for the Death Penalty but soon to be King Rafter De Louis argued for a more lenient sentence of life in the mines. Smash Stumpf Foot Take him away he is all yours.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAngexzJO5vN
725Please respect copyright.PENANAoc9qhMzZqr
John Mare De louis screamed NO NO as Stumpf Foot placed him in chains.725Please respect copyright.PENANAVqrCeYEWhm
725Please respect copyright.PENANAgy0TYWRzEj
725Please respect copyright.PENANAFfLjqV6MvI
Chapter 11725Please respect copyright.PENANAZSsM2kkaGl
725Please respect copyright.PENANAjAPT4CAdS4
I was glad for that part to be over and it seems like everyone was in agreement. The moment John Mare was pulled through the door and it shut behind him. I stepped forward and...725Please respect copyright.PENANA0AVs9FKQtZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAEnPH1rTElx
“Ladies and Gentlemen The Wedding will take place in Two Weeks from today. One week Later the Coronation will take place.”725Please respect copyright.PENANAvIaMzRez9M
725Please respect copyright.PENANARxOqbqtSXD
The Wedding was a frantic rush between beating out Trade Concessions and agreements and trying on Wedding Clothes. Finally the day arrived. The wedding was held in the City Square. This was necessary since I had Promised no one would be turned away. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAmptY2BwTpG
725Please respect copyright.PENANACh58LiRcol
I had never seen such finery in this city and then Mira stepped out escorted by her Father, The Elder agreed to stand with me.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmFhJM0CQjZ
725Please respect copyright.PENANAnjApvjiZTP
We turned and Knelt in front of the Cardinal. “We are gathered here together to join these two. Crown Prince Rafter De Louis and Princess Admira Felies....That is the last I remember till I heard the Cardinal said I now pronounce you Husband and Wife... You may kiss your Bride. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAMzYUuD9Exk
725Please respect copyright.PENANAwzPLaY7mRg
I hesitated, Mira said, “ Go ahead I won't Hit you... “725Please respect copyright.PENANABY6nVc67SN
725Please respect copyright.PENANA8ATc9DPtR8
I smiled and gathered her in my arms and we shared our first Kiss... then we disappeared to our Chamber which was kept personal.725Please respect copyright.PENANAVkGCojfBRU
725Please respect copyright.PENANABlTiQJNGtE
The reception lasted two full days and the Chancellor stated well there goes the treasury just to feed the crowd.725Please respect copyright.PENANAuLnb4CF9bA
725Please respect copyright.PENANASshhsXozGo
The next few days we finished hammering out the trade agreements. And then it was time. 725Please respect copyright.PENANAzjr6FHxPAm
725Please respect copyright.PENANA7iLY6jHVyA
The Cardinal read the rites of the Coronation as Mira and I again knelt before him and then...” I crown you King Rafter De Louis King Of The land of Dulci. He took the Crown from The Elder and placed it upon my head. Then he completed the ritual for Mira. Admira Felies I crown you Queen of The land of Dulci thus Joining the Two lands of Dulci and Bramble Wood. May God Bless and Guide you both in your Rule. “725Please respect copyright.PENANASRfVmO5QNr
725Please respect copyright.PENANANniByJ5pZ5
...And thus began our rule....725Please respect copyright.PENANA8ain2NmtIX
The end ....
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