The courtyard was filled with horses and carriages. A soft wind caressed my arms and goose bumps formed.
After my talk with Maggi I went back to the great hall and saw Joan and James for the first time. They were a regal and beautiful couple. Surprisingly Joan was very nice and James very courteous. At some point Thomas, my father, had left which had given me the perfect opportunity to scheme behind his back. So after many pleadings and begging, the couple gave in to my demand to take me with them.
Maggi had said that Mary had to get married, but not to an Englishman. So Scotland it was!
At last our departure neared. I have grown anxious. I feared that somehow Thomas had finished his business early and would arrive just in time to stop me.
I gave a deep sigh of relieve when King James mounted his horse. He stared down at his young wife. Joan was a year younger than me. She stood next to him with a ghost-like smile on her face. “At last…” He murmured and stroked her cheek. You could see the love between them, especially James’ tender love for Joan.
“I finally get to go home, Joan.” He gave her a last stroke on the cheek, then turned his horse around and rode towards the end of the gate. Joan and I made our way towards the carriage.
Before Joan disappeared inside the coach she whispered. “And I’m leaving my home.” All I could muster was a sympathetic squeeze on her shoulder.
While she sat in the darkness of the carriage I stood outside next to the door, frozen. I felt sympathy for Joan. She was travelling to a land that was unknown to her. A place filled with strangers. Probably a place where everyone hated her.
Scotland and England had no love lost between them.
Luckily she had her husband to guide her. The man that loved her was taking her into the unknown, but at least he was staying by her side. I, on the other hand, wasn’t following a loved one. I was thrown into this situation with nothing and no one to help me except my own judgement… and Maggi.
I may have Joan, but she wasn’t much help. She was a nagging, annoying person. Furthermore Joan could fail in her task of becoming a lovable queen. I could not fail in my task of finding a husband in Scotland.
“My lady, it is time for us to depart.” I glanced at a servant that had appeared at my side. “Yes, I suppose it is.”
We travelled for seven days until we reached York. In that time King James stayed on his horse and Joan in the coach with me. Every day I expected James to stumble through the door and sink down into the purple plus cushions next to Joan, but he never did. Joan was a delight the first day, but after that she wasn’t much company. She just kept staring out the window, probably at James. I couldn’t blame her. He was quite the man. He had light brown hair that almost looked golden in the sun with stunning brown eyes and a very pretty face. I couldn’t describe it as handsome for it was a delicate face, but still an attractive one. The first day on our trip Joan spoke of King James’ plans for Scotland, what he planned to do and what they would do together. She spoke of how he wished to change the entire order and make it a replica of England’s laws and orders. She also asked me of what I planned to do, but I couldn’t tell her the truth so I told her that I planned to help her and keep her company. She was my ‘cousin’ after all.
But her question made me thoughtful. What was I going to do? Marry a stranger?
“How is Uncle Edmund? It has been a long time since I’ve seen him.” Joan turned her attention towards me. She was busy doing needlework. I briefly glanced at the creation. It seemed to be a symbol… I think Scotland’s symbol? It was wonderful of Joan to embrace the country.
Now what did I know about Uncle Edmund? Nothing. “Superb! He has retired to the countryside.”
Her eyes grew. “Really? Are you certain?”
“Yes. That is what my father told me.”
Joan only smiled. “That is wonderful! Uncle Edmund does deserve a peaceful life. I can remember when he gave us those sweets before dinner. Do you remember that? Mum used to scold him and reprimand him to no avail!” I gave a few shaky laughs and murmured a yes. After that we both grew silent, to my relief, and spent the rest of the journey in contented silence.
The border between Scotland and England finally came into view. It wasn’t much. I expected high, towering walls with guards and men patrolling the grounds, but there were none. A small wooden structure stood to one side with a few soldiers standing on the other side. As the coach drew nearer I saw a party of men standing beneath a few trees. The trees were bare and haunting. The party of men looking different than the guards. They wore skirts of different colours. Most of them had beards and long hair which reached beneath their shoulders. They looked menacing and daunting.
Joan gasped when she saw them. “Those are the men that will be escorting us to Edinburgh?” I didn’t respond, because the answer was obvious. We stopped next to the trees. Joan closed the curtain. She gave me a panicked expression and tried to compose herself by brushing the wrinkles from her skirts. I took one deep breath and mentally prepared myself. A new group of people to deceive.
The coach door swayed open and the driver’s face peaked through the small opening, “Are you descent, your highness? My lady?” She cleared her throat and answered hoarsely. “Yes.” The door opened wider. Behind the driver I could see the party of men straining to see past him. They were probably trying to catch a glimpse of their new queen. The driver offered his hand to her. Joan stepped out of the coach with the assistance of the driver. She gave me a brief glance before she joined James at the other side of the circle.
One of the men realised that another lady was in the coach. He approached the door and offered his hand. He wore brown leather gloves. They looked worn, but comfortable. I glanced at my own glove covered hands. Annie thought that my white gloves would be fashionable, but also comfortable. Unfortunately she didn’t consider the cold weather. I took the man’s hand, gladly, and smiled coyly at him. No one has ever been so considerate to me.
I blinked a few times, because the man before me looked unreal. He was magnificent. His salient grey eyes seared through mine. He was a tall, commanding figure of a Scotsman. His squared jaw sported several days’ growth of whiskers. Broad shoulders tapered to a trim torso. A torso that looked solid and was covered by a white shirt which was tucked into a kilt of dark green-and-blue plaid. A black sporran was slung low around his waist and a sheathed dirk rode his hip. Hairy legs disappeared into white hose and scuffed black boots.
I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. I bowed my head while exiting the carriage. He gave me a wide grin, as if knowing how he affected me and released my hand.
I raised my chin and looked into the eyes of these Scotsmen. My courage wavered for a second when my eyes connected with a certain man’s, but I refused to show weakness. He glared back at me. One of them who looked older than the rest introduced himself as Lord Ferric. King James also made the necessary introductions.
The man who glared at me was Lord Robert and the man with striking eyes was Lord Alexander. Although I found him attractive his arrogance was a turn off. When I was introduced as Lady Mary I executed a perfect curtsy. Or I tried anyway.
It was still difficult to get used to the title. Lady Mary.
The men all bowed and each took Joan’s hand and gave her a chaste kiss upon it. I stood to one side and listened as James got acquainted with his new subjects. After a few brief moments I realised that the men had focused all of their attention on James and was out right ignoring Joan. The only one who spoke to her and answered her questions was James. I saw Joan’s frustration.
I approached her and placed a hand on her arm. When her gaze met mine I knew she was relieved. “Joan, would you mind taking a stroll with me. The carriage ride was terribly long. I think a walk would do us both good.”
She looked at the circle of men and gave a quick nod. All of the men suddenly had an interest in us. They all watched us as we ambled away. “Do not wander too war, my lady, we do not know what lurks in these woods.” A deep voice spoke. I glanced over my shoulder and caught Lord Alexander’s eye. Giving a short nod, I disappeared with Joan
“They seem to like James,” Joan murmured.
I scoffed, “Of course they do. He’s their king. He’s the one that can give and take away lands. They have to like him.”
Joan frowned, “But they seem to really like him. James has always had an endearing personality. People always flock to him.”
Yes, they did… I glanced over my shoulder to see James laughing at something one of the men said. He was a handsome man and very talented. He mastered almost every instrument, he had a voice of an angel and was very good at sports. The man was perfect. Or that’s what the history books have told me.
Joan and I didn’t wander far till James called us back. Joan practically ran to him. I had to hold back the eye roll I wanted to give. She was smitten.
I whipped around and saw my worst nightmare. Maggi’s face was inside a tree. She peeked through the hole in the tree.
“Shit Maggi you scared the living crap out of me!”
“I scared you? What about me? This is the first time in a week that I can talk to you and the only way was to appear in this tree. I think there lives a family of squirrels here, because something is crawling up my leg... Anyway, how is it going so far?”
“Not that good, I’ve wasted a week in a carriage and this is the first time I’ve met someone outside of England.”
“Well hang in there dearie. You’re on the right track. It will get easier from here.”
“How do you know?”
She gave me an impassive face, “I just do.”
I said my goodbyes to Maggi and quickly joined the group again.
After discussing arrangements for James’ coronation they all climbed on their horses. Joan immediately went to the carriage. I quickly stopped her, “Joan, we are riding horses from now on.”
Like a petulant child she complained, “Why? I hate riding! It is very uncomfortable and it’s freezing outside.”
James quickly stepped in, “Darling, Scotland roads aren’t made for this carriage. It would easily break down. We have no choice but to ride from now on.”
After Joan was finished acting like a child we each mounted a horse and were on our way.
No one spoke a word. Everyone lost in their own thoughts.
We were a good three hours on the road when somebody finally spoke to me.
“Tell me, Lady Mary, why would an unmarried English woman, be travelling to Scotland?” Sir Robert Graham stated this question with a bit of malice in his voice. For some odd reason he didn’t like me.
Note to self: Lord Robert is off of my marriage list.
The rest of the nobles glanced at me, but didn’t say anything. “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” I rolled my eyes. Some of the men gave me confused looks. Right, I forgot I had to speak like a proper lady.
I rephrased the question, “Why do you care?”
“I want to know what you want from this little trip.”
These men were nothing like the English court. Where the English court was concerned with politics and putting matters quite delicately, the Scots were shrewish and direct.
He just stared at me. “I am here to accompany the King and Queen of Scotland.”
Sir Robert didn’t look like he was buying it. “Yes, but why?” I huffed. Could this man be any ruder? It seemed that no one was going to save me. Everyone suddenly seemed to be fascinated by the scenery surrounding us and not at all by Sir Robert’s confrontation. I gave a deep and irritated sigh just to make sure that Robert knew how I felt, but he just kept staring, never breaking eye contact. Daft man.
“I thought Queen Joan would appreciate my company seeing as it would take days before we arrive at the Abbey. Queen Joan is after all a woman, she is bound to grow tired of the company of men and would be grateful for a female companion, such as myself, don’t you think?”
Sir Robert stared at me for another few seconds before he made a noise that sounded like a grunt. He then turned his attention ahead of him. “It seems Queen Joan hasn’t grown tired…” I followed his gaze and sure enough Joan hadn’t for she was conversing with King James. Every now and then Joan would giggle and her hand would linger on James’ arm. I could barely believe that that young girl was Queen of Scotland. She was barely seventeen.
“That may be true, but I can’t complain. The view is breath-taking. Scotland is a beautiful country.” The moment I mentioned Scotland King James’ head turned. He slowed his horse and so did Joan. Joan frowned. She didn’t like to share the attention he gave her.
King James was now amongst the nobles. “Speaking of Scotland… how does she fare?” King James looked calm and relaxed, but I could see the underlying threat beneath. The men all looked uncomfortable.
“Come on, we haven’t got all day!”
“Well… your majesty… uh…” “Scotland is… I … I mean…” James looked irritated.
He demanded. “What is it?”
The words slipped from my mouth before I even realised it. “He means that Scotland has been run into the ground. Financially, of course.” I shrugged.
James reined in his horse and the entire party came to a standstill. All eyes were on me. Joan gave me a disapproving look, but what could I do? I could certainly not take it back.
James gave his horse a swift kick in the side and the entire party moved again. “Why would you think that?” “I…” how on earth was I supposed to explain that? Was I supposed to tell the truth that I read many books hundreds of years from now that told me these facts?
Finally I gave up and decided to part my knowledge to James.
“Isn’t it obvious?” James pulled again on the horses’ reins, hard, and came to a sudden halt. His sudden stop caused the entire party to stop as well. Again. What was with the man and stopping? At this rate we would never reach Edinburgh.
Nobles and men-at-arms all pulled on their reins and turned their gazes upon me. I knew that if I said the wrong thing all would be lost. I was starting to shake, but I willed my body to stop. If any of these men saw even an ounce weakness in me, they would grow suspicious of me.
“A while back Your Majesty claimed that Scotland hadn’t changed a bit. If Scotland truly hasn’t then it isn’t improving. For a country to improve you first need money, and also the villages… Haven’t your majesty seen the large number of animals in each village?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I have. That is a good sign. The people are living contently.” King James looked proud of himself, but I was about to burst his bubble.
“That may be true, your majesty, but it looks like the villages have enough animals to feed themselves and a neighbouring village. That can only mean one thing; they aren’t paying their taxes.”
King James looked surprised. He then turned to Sir Robert, “Is this true?”
Robert glared at me and said, “Yes, your majesty. Your Uncle Albany didn’t have a very strong heart to make the lowly commoners pay taxes and it seems that his son, Murdoch, is following in his footsteps.”
Everyone waited for King James’ wrath, but luckily it never came.
“Well, we shall just have to rectify it. I still have a ransom to pay. Oh and Lady Mary!” I looked at the King. He smiled at me, “That was very observant of you. Do not be surprised if I seek your counsel in the future.”
I bowed my head while my heart pounded. “Thank you, your highness.” The party moved again and everyone went back to their original positions. Sir Robert passed me while hissing, “Yes, very observant… for a woman!” I glared at his back and refrained myself from throwing a shoe at him and swearing. Instead I muttered under my breath, “Sexist pig!”
There was a loud noise that sounded like coughing and laughing next to me. I glanced to my right. Lord Alexander was beside me. He had taken a swig of that ghastly, awful whiskey when he heard my words. I presume the whiskey went down the wrong pipe and now he was coughing up a storm while also trying to mask his laughter.
He gave me a charming smile, but I ignored him and looked straight ahead. Alexander didn’t look fazed at all. He smiled more broadly and kept staring for a few minutes. The man was strange. Finally he looked away and I could breathe properly again.
The wind picked up speed and everyone burrowed deeper into their cloaks to rid themselves of the cold. I mentally cursed my maid again. She hadn’t packed me any proper clothes for the journey. It seemed that she rather focused on displaying my wealth in these ridiculously thin clothes. My body shook violently. Sir Robert glanced over his shoulder noticing my shudders. The devil that he was, smirked and looked away, pretending not to have noticed. I wish I had a knife to stab him in the back.
I avoided everyone’s gaze, not wanting to accept anyone’s concern or offer of warmth. I know I was foolish, but I had a stubborn streak in me. I refused to ask for help. Suddenly a blanket was draped over my shoulders. Someone smoothed the blanket and appeared in my line of sight. I smothered the urge to roll my eyes. Alexander.
I expected to see amusement and a mocking grin upon his face, but he gave me a soft smile and kept riding.
“Thank you,” I whispered quickly and softly hoping that he didn’t hear. He gave a slight nod. The only indication that he’d heard.
When it was pitch black and our horses could go no further James announced that we should make camp. I tried climbing down from my horse, but I rather fell. My limbs felt numb, but when I moved, or tried to, they felt extremely sore. I limped towards a tree stump and slumped into a position that was the most comfortable. Everyone was busy doing something, except Joan. She wandered towards my directions. She looked uncertain. “Are you ill, Mary?”
My head shot up at those words. “No, Joan, only tired.”
She gave a hesitant nod. “Perhaps you should retire?”
I gave a slight nod. “Yes, but where, dear cousin?” No one owned a tent. Everyone resumed a place on the hard, cold earth. There were no pillows and the only thing separating us from the hearth were blankets. Joan looked as puzzled as me. I’m guessing she didn’t think we would sleep on the ground. “James, where shall we sleep?” He appeared from behind a tree. “Where ever you like, dearest.” I saw the slight twitch of her mouth. I instantly knew that she wasn’t impressed. The rest of the men had gathered around a fire. James took Joan’s hand and guided her to the last spot near the fire. I shook like a leave and lost the will to stay stubborn.
Standing, I headed towards the fire. The men were all focused on the burning flames.
When I sat down, Alexander gave a broad smile. This time I rolled my eyes and ignored him. The man wasn’t very subtle.
The men conversed amongst themselves. Many spoke of their homes in the highlands. In the books I’ve read that the highlands were wild and untamed, but these men spoke very fondly of the place. I strained to hear more. Perhaps one of these men were my husband-to-be.
How wrong I was.210Please respect copyright.PENANA3v4jXLTkvv