"Sage, get ready for school now, or you're going to be late. You're old enough to wake up on your own, and if I have to come up, here again, I'm taking the keys to your Jeep away for a week." My dad said as he went back downstairs.767Please respect copyright.PENANA3yebwe105A
I use an alarm, but any chance I have to hit snooze, I take it. I just lay in bed for a few more minutes. I think if my mom were alive and hadn't died from cancer when I was four that she'd be the less strict one, but she's not here, and I'll never actually know.767Please respect copyright.PENANAgIX8GFExkr
I roll onto my back and roll my eyes; my dad can be so annoying sometimes I swear. I sleep in one time and my dads all over my case after that. I push myself out of bed, and right when I stand, my phone rings. Of course, its Lane.767Please respect copyright.PENANAkNSiR5rHmo
"Hey, what's up?" I sighed.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAzPUmDC635S
"What do you say to picking up your best friend on your way to school?" Lane laughed nervously.
767Please respect copyright.PENANA7Exv4E2OyK
I chuckled, "yeah, I'll pick you up. Why ain't you driving to school today?"767Please respect copyright.PENANADclid97U6g
"Because I snuck out last night to be with Theo. My dad caught me climbing in through my bedroom window at two in the morning. So he took my car keys until further notice. I'm having mixed feelings on whether or not it was worth it." Lane sighed.767Please respect copyright.PENANAceSPXXqMT6
I giggled, "It could have been worse knowing how your dad reacts to things. Well, I need to get ready, but I'll be there in twenty, bye."
767Please respect copyright.PENANAYpKWfb7bVe
I slip into a pair of skinny jeans and a slip lace tank that Sharon had got for me. If I hadn't had the opportunity to babysit for the Crofts, I'd have never had the chance to become a part of their family. Or have a wonderful woman like Sharon to become so close to; that I consider her a mom. I never thought you could draw so close to people who were ultimately strangers to the point of loving them as much as your own family.767Please respect copyright.PENANA47xL0yTVz3
I head downstairs with my bag, grabbing an apple as I pass through the kitchen. Meanwhile, dad is in his recliner finishing his coffee and watching the news.767Please respect copyright.PENANAXiGxzSHAqN
I kiss dad on the cheek "see, I'm not gonna be late, and I have to pick up Lane on my way, with about ten minutes to spare once we get to school." I say, slipping on my shoes.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAfROZ9Gw3dW
My dad, Jack, smiles, "put this on your keys and be more alert to your surroundings. Try not to be out late or alone and call Tim or me if you need to honey for anything."
"What's going on, dad?" I sigh. 767Please respect copyright.PENANAEU12FItz3I
Dad sighs, "don't repeat this, but we got a call late last night, there's a third body that we found. The only reason I'm telling you this is because, between you and me, these bodies have several things in common. Now I'm just a cop, not a detective, but if questioned and details were revealed, which isn't going to happen. I'd warn brunettes ranging from eighteen to twenty-five in age to be cautious. It seems that our area is the second city, among several towns here and around Boise, that the same killer of thirteen women in less than a few months is the one that is responsible. Now that's all I can and want to share with you. So watch yourself, honey. I love you, and I have my reasons." He says, pinching the bridge of his nose.767Please respect copyright.PENANA23uOiqbLRO
"Wow, that's crazy! Why is there such disgusting wicked people in this world? Okay, dad. I need to get going, but I've got my guard up and my pepper spray handy." I blow a kiss as I shut the door.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAoDZRtLxSXa
I walk to my Jeep thinking about what my dad had just told me. "That he'd warn brunettes." It almost makes me want to dye my hair. Baker City is so small, and of all the places, I can't believe that this would happen so close to home. But it's also exciting, nothing significant happens around here. This news will probably be all the gossip in no time. My phone dings telling me I got a text. I start up my Jeep and read my text message.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAP6sdh1uwBZ
Declan Cully- Morning sexy
767Please respect copyright.PENANAK8hAr2B3UM
I can't help but smile. I've been dating Daclan since freshman year, and it has been amazing and fun. Most relationships don't last long, especially when the girlfriend wants to wait to have sex. But Declan has been great and supportive of it. I am waiting for when I feel like I'm ready. He's not a virgin, but that doesn't bother me. In my mind, he has some experience, and it's kind of sexy to know that my first time won't be so awkward because of it. Or at least that's what I like to tell myself, despite my mixed feelings about our relationship and us going our separate ways once we graduate.767Please respect copyright.PENANASoB5SCQOwG
(Phone Screen)767Please respect copyright.PENANA00iXwArrR0
Sage Weppler-767Please respect copyright.PENANAhWFa8eoORC
Morning Handsome.
Happy early 4yr Anniversary767Please respect copyright.PENANAZOqbMRdTW3
Declan Cully- 767Please respect copyright.PENANA78xLR8hK65
I didn't forget this
time! I want to take you to dinner
tomorrow night.
So what do you say?
767Please respect copyright.PENANAVi0MAVLnST
Sage Weppler-767Please respect copyright.PENANAgZoJJfA95o
I have to babysit tonight.
I was going to sleepover at Tim
and Sharon's, they
don't get back until late Saturday am.
767Please respect copyright.PENANATB3D5SP4ix
I was going to crash at their
place Saturday night too.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAxFDyOUUxd6
Declan Cully- 767Please respect copyright.PENANAYiHnHTf3F6
I'll pick you up at the Crofts Saturday at 5 pm.
We'll go to dinner, and my folks are going out of town.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAZjBUdFUUfS
Don't get back until late Sunday.767Please respect copyright.PENANARayIub9n2l
So we can hang at my place before dropping you off at the Crofts.767Please respect copyright.PENANA1uhWJ4kjyq
Sage Weppler-767Please respect copyright.PENANAUPAprm7TNj
Okay, that sounds great. I'll see you at school. I can't wait for our date Saturday night.
It's been a while since we last went on a date. Between prepping for graduation, college, babysitting, school, him helping his folks with the family business, and taking on more work, we just haven't had the time for each other. We needed a date night, and some time for us, it has been too long to continue going like this. Just a night to reflect on us.767Please respect copyright.PENANA2Tr4cMcpaV
I pull up in front of Lanes' house and honk.767Please respect copyright.PENANAEYgtAIVvJN
Lane gets in and smiles, timidly, "thanks for giving me a ride."767Please respect copyright.PENANAxiqIf5i4rU
"It's on my way and I don't mind anything for my best friend." I tease.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAjq5j0fxAXx
"We graduate High School Monday! Can you believe it? Then it's summer and next stop College." Lane giggles.767Please respect copyright.PENANAcVxcyvMlGn
"What I can't believe is that we've had our dresses for graduation day picked out since last year!" We laugh.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAt4aK51RABE
We pull up to school, and I manage to snag a spot close to the entrance. Which like never happens. Today is graduation rehearsals. I'm so glad it's practically the last day of school. But it also sucks because we had such a lousy winter and so many more snow days that instead of graduation being on Friday, it's on Monday. I guess that gives us a chance to calm our nerves before walking across the stage in front of the entire senior class. Funny how things work out sometimes. Hands cover my eyes as I'm shutting my locker.767Please respect copyright.PENANA4xZp3ouLLE
"Guess who?" He tries to be quiet.767Please respect copyright.PENANAeJEJlduVou
"I knew who it was before you spoke," I smirk.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAu1DT81n3Ic
Declan kisses my cheek, "all I can think about is taking my girl out tomorrow night."
I kiss his lips, "I can't wait; we've needed this for a while."
767Please respect copyright.PENANAzLZg1XGKlr
Declan grins. "Yeah well, if I don't see you after school, then I'll see you tomorrow night," he says as he walks away.767Please respect copyright.PENANAA6diSMtcwK
Classes went by slowly. A walkthrough of the graduation ceremony only took several minutes. Having school today at all was pointless, and we should have graduated today. But I swear that the school administration likes to make things more difficult for the parents and students than anything sometimes. I'm just happy that this is the last day of school, and Monday is graduation. Then we get to move on with our lives.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAG7twBLj1lw
As I walk to my Jeep, I can't help but think about my date tomorrow night with Declan. I think I might be ready to take the next step with him in our relationship. He did say that his parents won't be home Saturday night and that he wanted to hang out there for a while before taking me back to the Crofts. But there's been a lot on my mind lately about my relationship with him. If I'm honest with myself, part of me wants to get losing my virginity out of the way, and I don't want to hurt anyone in the process of fulfilling my agenda.767Please respect copyright.PENANAiYRzVFP2RF
I pull up to the Crofts, ready for my favorite little girl. I love getting my baby fix watching Rain, Tim and Sharon's adorable nine month old. The most precious little thing ever. I love her so much, and I never get enough.
767Please respect copyright.PENANAkx8ewtZhJV
I grab my bag, lock my Jeep, and head toward the front door. I stop about halfway and look up at the sky and around at their yard. Since the snow has melted and it's slowly warming up, this is the prettiest that the Crofts twenty acres have looked like it seems in forever. I love their house on all this land, and they're only twenty minutes from town. There are so many trees, and everything is so green. 767Please respect copyright.PENANA8igdgTxJb5
Sharon had inherited the house and property from her great grandmother. They had to do a lot of work on it just from things falling apart and being so old. Part of the house is original, but touched up and the other part is all new. It's an old farmhouse with modern updates. I love everything about their home.
767Please respect copyright.PENANArOEAgQ5IK1
I knock and let myself in. I slip my shoes off and toss my bag onto the bench in the entry. The house is tranquil, so Rain must be down all ready for a nap. I peek into her nursery, and sure enough, she's down for the count. I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water, taking it to the living room and sitting on the couch where a nap sounds nice right about now. Sharon and Tim are probably packing and getting ready for their date tonight.767Please respect copyright.PENANAu4xvbd9VHR
As I'm getting cozy on the couch, Sharon whispers loudly, "heading out it's almost 3:00 pm you'll want to wake Rain in an hour and feed her, well you know the drill. See you tomorrow morning, help yourself and have fun. Send pics and call for anything." Sharon says as she heads out the back door.767Please respect copyright.PENANAydqx1OU6m6
I finally doze off not long after they leave for the night in desperate need of a nap myself.
I wake to Rain talking gibberish to herself. She is nothing but smiles chewing on her toes when I walk in to get her out of the crib — balancing her on my hip while I make her a bottle and grab a jar of baby food.767Please respect copyright.PENANA2WTZcj9aA9
I get her buckled into her highchair and sit at the table with her.
I smile, "how about some pears, pretty girl. That is some good stuff, huh?" I say as she has her first few bites.
She scarfed that little jar down in record time. Once she's all done, I take her back to the nursery to change her diaper. I then grab a basket of toys and sit on the floor in the living room and let her play. I sit with her getting her attention with her toys dangling them or showing her the different things they do. I send Sharon a pic, and she replies with a heart. She is such an easy baby after a few more hours, another jar of food, a bath, and a bottle shes down for the night. 767Please respect copyright.PENANAgRjcV4tDFB
I channel surf with nothing good on I start to get tired and am out in no time myself.
I wake about an hour later to some strange noises and sounds. I'm not sure where it's coming. When I peek into the nursery, Rain is still sound asleep, and I am grateful. I check the time it's only eight-thirty. I wandered all over the house in every single room with no luck at locating where the sounds are coming from. I open the front door and lock the storm door turning the porch light on at the same time. When I do, the sounds stop; this is so strange, I think. I'm trying to peer through the dark, but I can't see much it's just too dark.767Please respect copyright.PENANAYAS4ah8VXx
I try to comfort my nerves. I recall what my dad told me that morning. But I'm just freaking myself out. I mean, we're in the country, and those noises could be anything. It's probably a raccoon or some other rodent or pest. I start to feel a little more at ease. I shut the door and lock the deadbolt feeling better. I head to the back door that leads to the detached garage, and thankfully Sharon locked it when they left earlier.
767Please respect copyright.PENANA31zV7lympM
I head to the kitchen and get a glass of water. I sit at the table looking out the dining room window, feeling a bit better and more relaxed. I try to put my mind on other things. I am thinking about my date tomorrow, and about going to college. How Declan and I will be going after different life goals and colleges and how we have already drifted apart. 767Please respect copyright.PENANAw1g8R1M6J6
Part of me wants our date to involve something special for the first time for me. But part of me also wants to call our relationship quits now so I won't have fresh feelings when we're both off at college. After months of the same thoughts and feelings, my relationship with Declan, and hours spent discussing them with Sharon. I have gained the best advice, words of wisdom, and experience from her. I finally made up my mind, and despite wanting one thing so badly to happen and be over with before college, I can't do something so special with someone that I no longer have the same feelings for. I may not love Declan, but I do still care for him, and I could never share something so intimate with someone that I don't care genuinely for anymore. With us already going our separate ways and then with college, it's just better to deal with it sooner than later and move on.