The nationwide Emergency Action Notification wasn't lifted for several days. During that period, Clayton and his family remained holed up in their basement, though they didn't ironclad themselves to it. His father fetched blankets, fresh clothes, food, and various possessions for entertainment whenever things were quiet outside, and once the battle on their first day in the basement had ended, outside was constantly quiet. Not a car passed by, and not person walked by. The occasional helicopter or airplane flew over, but Clayton read online that the military and other authorities were ensuring that the White Bulls were dead and that no more were lurking beneath the landfills.
Browsing the internet on his phone was the sole thing keeping him from going bald early, because he would have ripped his hair from his head. Their power had yet to be restored, but wifi was the one luxury he could depend on. He managed to make his phone battery last the three days in the basement because of a trick he had learned online. With a D battery and a car charger, he kept his phone going and going.