Chapter 1:
The plan
As General George William Graham, the face of the faction, The White Rose, walked down the menacing hall in the capitol building in the settlement of Eden, he had to rack his brain for what the three main rules are for meeting Thorne
“One, Don’t speak unless spoken to” He muttered under his breath, “Two, never ask about he-their.. past” A slip up like that will have him end up like his predecessor, General Coleman.
He mentally added a fourth rule ‘Don’t mess up their pronouns when not in their presence,’ nobody must know who the real leader of the white rose is “Three, Never question their orders, no matter how strange it might be” He continued
As he finished that sentence he realized that he was right outside the door to the conference room, a large metal door that looked more like a door to a prison than a door to a meeting room, but when things of this magnitude are being discussed, any precaution to be thought of is necessary. Graham gripped the door and pulled it open, almost hitting himself in the process as he miscalculated the weight of the door, which was lighter than it appeared. Inside the large oval office was a conference table filled with the different leaders of the rose army, sometimes called the gardeners, before he was enlisted he would have fainted as he saw who was there, all of these people are legends in the settlement.
Among the ten were Lieutenant Brakem, leader of the special forces, with thirty different skirmishes under his belt and even more before the annihilation. Colonel Waxler, Leader of most of the people in this room, if someone has a question or wants to call a meeting they will go to him, Major Lance, the oldest in this room, he is almost exempt from the three major rules, as Thorne needs him for his experience, they can’t end him until they can find another person with equal or greater experience than him, the other people at the table were their wards who will take their place in the chance that they die in battle or “disappear while on patrol” they look terrified and slightly awestruck at the sight of all these legends in one place, the leaders all seemed to be arguing about the tactics that were suggested, they paused when the door opened.
“Well, Look who finally decided to show up,” Major Lance began, “this is quite an offense, I wouldn’t be surprised if Thorne decided to-”
He stopped as the figure that had been sitting silently raised its hand, as Thorne leaned forward, Her features became more prominent,
Emily Elizabeth Campbell, otherwise known as Thorne, wasn’t a person that looks like someone who would hurt anyone, let alone make them disappear at the slightest annoyance or threat, but looks can be deceiving. Behind the symmetrical face, bright blue eyes and perfect blonde hair was the brain that could rival any philosopher or scientist, and in that brain, was an idea that was forming ever so slowly, but she would need information,
“General Graham, Do you have any news?” she said, her hand still raised, “I’m sure you had good reason to be late”
General Graham was flustered, to say the least, It was not often that Thorne allowed someone of such high stature to be able to explain themselves, in fact, it had never happened before this. He stammered for the right words to say that could justify his being late
“I-I...” He began
“Ah, I knew it, he has no excuse” Lieutenant Brakem “I suspect your ward will have to be trained by someone more capable if you happened to-”
Brakem was stopped by another hand raised by Thorne,
“Now, now. That won’t be necessary, I’m sure General Graham would have something to say if you had given him time, but anyway, Graham. What were you going to say?”
Graham was speechless, “Thorne” as the faceless entity of the White Rose. was known for their mysterious and murderous tendencies, Thorne is supposed to be a tough ruler that won’t hesitate to distribute punishment as needed without bias or malice aforethought
“I was late because I just had one of my men intercept a settlement’s cry for help because of our armies” Graham took a breath, letting this point sink in “If I had been punctual, I would not have intercepted this message, it would have been disastrous for our movement north” He held up the message, “This letter, which contains exactly where the message depot is, could be our key” He stopped as he knew this was too much information to dump on everyone in the room
“Yes, you may know where the message depot is, but how does this help our plans for the future?” Colonel Waxler asked
“Well, Uh i-it uh” General Graham stammered
“The message depot houses the map of the known world, it’s the only place that houses it, besides the Tower of Alexandria” Major Lance explained, “Now that we have the whereabouts of the message depot is, we can find out where every other settlement is and what it does to help the collective”
As Major Lance finished his statement, everyone in the room looked around in stunned silence, which was only broken by a very surprising voice
“So, that message depot place, or whatever it's called, is super important to us, right?”
If Graham didn't see the boy's lips move he wouldn't have believed that the boy would have said that, but it was true, the ward was sitting there like an equal, he was sitting at the corner of the table nearest to Major Lance, the boy looked to be about 17 or 18 years old but his face looked as though he had seen things that kids his age shouldn’t have seen
“Boy!” Major Lance, exclaimed. It had been unheard of that a ward, let alone one belonging to an officer of such high ranking would speak during a strategic commune “You shall watch your tone!” He looked enraged and ashamed, “I am dreadfully sorry for my wards behavior, I will see to it that after this meeting I will have him-”
A third and slightly annoyed raised hand from Thorne stopped him again,
“Let the boy speak,” she paused “but first, what is your name?”
“I-uh, my name?” the boy stammered, the expression on his face told the story that he didn't want to say, he was silent.
“I see, you were never given a name?” Thorne asked with a softness in her voice that was very unlike her character,
“No, I was never given a name” the boy looked at his lap, he seemed to be remembering something that he didn't want to remember
Thorne looked at the boy for a few seconds longer, then seemed to remember where she was, her expression hardened and she got back into character.
“Well that won't do, you're going to need a name so until you think of one we are going to refer to you as Ward”
Ward nodded in agreement his eyes focusing on something else, something he didn't focus on
“And you will look at me when I am talking to you!” Thorne exclaimed, ending the silence and the softness of her character “So, what were you going to say before all of the commotions”
Ward seemed to hesitate, but steeled himself and continued “I was going to say since the message depot is so important to us, shouldn’t we put someone that we believe will get the job done in charge of it?”
“And you have someone in mind I’m guessing?” Major Lance asked, with an air of pride toward Ward “Perhaps someone with vast amounts of experience and-”
“Major Lance. I suggest you be quiet and let Ward finish what he was going to say” Thorne snapped, clearly done with the interruptions
“Thank you, I was going to suggest myself as I have learned under Major Lance in battle strategies and have almost as much experience as he does because of his teachings. Now, let the beratings and arguments begin” Ward waved his hand to show that he was finished
“You… Can, not…. Be…. Serious.” Major Lance pounded the table at this last word, shaking the maps, pins, and glasses on the table with his fury “To be upstanded by my own ward, surely I am not the only one who thinks that this is preposterous” He looked to his fellow officers for support, they seemed to be in deep thought
“I think,” Graham began, startling everyone as he had been so silent during these altercations the others had forgotten that he was there
“You think that this is preposterous?” Major Lance asked, almost begged Graham, who shook his head
“No, I think that this would be an opportune situation to train this ward in the art of making decisions under pressure”
“And who would you suggest be there to oversee the situation and take over if things got… messy?” Thorne inquired, “Major Lance is out of the question as he looks like, if in the heat of battle, a stray arrow might hit the ward he wouldn’t do anything, nobody would know.”
“Not at all, I am perfectly calm,” Major Lance said, tube-like veins at his temple giving away his anger like a Christmas present
“Colonel Waxler” Thorne pointed to the colonel, who looked up, startled by his name “is also out of the question as he is training the new wards and new officers right now and cannot possibly take time off, so all that would leave, General Graham, is you, or Lieutenant Brakem” She gestured with an open hand to each of them in turn
“With all respect, Great Uniter, I must train the special forces so that they can have troops of their own to command.” Lieutenant Brakem said with a slight nod
“So all that would leave-”
“Is me” Graham finished Thorne’s sentence for her, “I have no important tasks and, if need be, the White Rose was found out during this mission, it would be beneficial for me to be seen”
“How so?” Major Lance asked, with a pensive look on his face
“As you all must know, The Great Uniter must not be known to anyone as it will create a target for assassination or kidnapping. That in mind, anyone of the people in this room can take the title as Great Uniter” Graham said, looking at Thorne.
“Let me see if I’m hearing this correctly,” Major Lance said, pointing at Graham as he said this, “You want to take the title of Great Uniter and leave the rest of us in the dust? This is ludicrous this has to be where you draw the line Thor-”
“SILENCE!” Thorne’s shout rang through the room like a shockwave and echoed. Thorne, who usually keeps a level head during these meetings, looked menacingly around the room,
“If anyone interrupts anyone else during the rest of this meeting there will be consequences, no-one is exempt from this,” at this she glares at Major Lance, who sits in stunned silence, his seat now made of nails, it seems, “Do… I… Make…. Myself…. Clear?”
“Crystal,” Waxler said, his brain seemed to be stunned and reverted back to his old army days
“Yes,” Brakem said with a slight nod, a look of admiration in his eye.
“Indeed,” Major Lance said, his head bowed, glaring at his thighs
“Yes Thorne,” Graham said, with a look around the room as a new voice rang out in the silence
“I guess.”
The last voice had startled them all as they had forgotten that the ward had been there
“You dare-” Major Lance started but was stopped by an angry hand raised by Thorne
“If you respond to a question I ask, you would do well to give me a straight answer, not a half-assed answer like ‘I guess,’ you would be even better to remember this, is this understood?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“Good,” Thorne seemed to calm down, “Now, if there aren’t any pressing matters I call this meeting adjourned. You may leave, all except the ward and you General Graham.”
After the group of leaders had filed out of the room, Major Lance was a little hesitant and resistant but after a look from Thorne filed out, grumbling something under his breath that went unheard. After the door to the room had closed Thorne seemed to become more relaxed her expression became softer she turned to the General
“Now, Graham, are you comfortable if I call you George?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Okay, George, you were a doctor correct?”
“Indeed ma’am, may I wonder why you ask?”
“I shall tell you later but for now, just know that I will be requiring your assistance later in the evening,” Thorne looks down as she says this, “You may leave now” She motioned to the door as General Graham gives her a curt nod and leaves the room
“Now, Ward I have something to-”
“Actually I have-and forgive me for interrupting-I chose a name for myself”
“Oh? And what might that be?”
“Okay, Carson, I have an assignment for you.”
“What is it?”
“Keep an eye on Major Lance, watch his movements, and report back to me, I want to know who he talks to, what he does, and what he has you do. you got it?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Okay, you may go now.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” Carson turned and walked to the door, but paused with his hand on the door “Thorne?”
“Yes, Carson?”
“Let me get this straight, I am pretending to be Major Lance’s ward, but I actually am yours?”
“No Carson, you are not my ward, if anything, you are General Graham’s, go to him if you are caught or get into trouble he will get you out of it, he will protect you, I shall let him know later today.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Okay. If you find anything out, come straight to me, nobody else, not even Graham.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Well... I guess I’ll go now I wouldn’t want to be under suspicion already.”
“Okay, I await what you have learned Carson.”
“Yes ma’am”
Chapter 2:
As Zach looked around the room one last time with a look of finality he pried his mind to try to remember if he had forgotten anything and if so, what has he forgotten
“My rations… No, I have those. My scrolls? Those are in my bag. My-”
“Are you searching for something, young apprentice?” Scribe Castillo asked
Scribe Castillo is one of the five High Scribes, He is the youngest of the five by thirteen years but has been gifted with the most common sense when compared to the others and he always had constructive and useful advice to give. If the scribes had not forbidden marriage and feelings of love within the scribes the female scribes would have described him as handsome, attractive, or even sexy, he is taller than most people with a tan from time spent in the sun his facial features are highly pleasing to the eye, which is why he covers it up at all times so as to avoid temptation for the other scribes.
“I’m just trying to remember if I’ve forgotten anything.”
“Ah, so you’re looking for your mind, that’s a very difficult thing to find, a very difficult thing to find indeed”
“Indeed, Exalted Scribe”
Scribe Castillo walked up to Zach and put a hand on the young apprentice’s shoulder “Oh, stop with the formalities, Zach, we’ve known each other for too long, it’s just Castillo to you”
Zach paled slightly, Nobody had ever had the honor of calling the scribes as their given names, it went against multiple of the rules outlined in the Codex, but he silently gathered himself and nodded
“Right, sorry Exal- Castillo, I’ll make sure to remember that”
“Well, I came here to give you something, but I think you might forget it since you seem distracted, so I’ll come back later”
“No, no please, what is it?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yes! Yes, I want to know”
“Okay, okay keep it down,” High Scribe Castillo reached into his robe and produced a small box, he gestured for Zach to look into it
“What is it?”
“These are the scribe stones, made specifically for scribes and given to them for them to give to others,” He pulled out a ring with a sea blue gem, an intricate wave carved onto the stones face
“Woah,” Zach reached into the box and pulled out a white gem attached to a medallion “I get one of these and can give the rest to other people?”
“Correct, if you give someone one of these gems, it shows that you trust the recipient and other scribes will as well if they ever come across them.”
“Oh, well since I can choose any of these,” Zach put the medallion over his head and tucked it under his shirt.
“That’s a good choice, the ivory color suits you well. But I regret to tell you, young apprentice, but I must leave now, farewell, Zach I hope that we will meet again”
“Farewell Castillo,” Zach called out to Castillo as the High Scribe left Zach’s chamber
Castillo closed the door behind him and stood outside facing the hallway, deep in thought after a moment he returned from his imagination into the real world, after a second he said under his breath, like a prayer
“I hope Zach is prepared for what lies ahead,” He looked out of the window facing the central citadel “and I hope we are prepared as well” and with that, he left to continue his duties as a high scribe, leaving Zach to continue the search for whatever he had forgotten
As Zach looked for what he had forgotten he became progressively more distracted by the box and the gemstones inside, getting absorbed by the beauty of the gems for many minutes at a time, he examined the white gem a little closer, its shape reminded him of a shark tooth except that it was smooth instead of being barbed like a regular shark tooth. The stone was a milky white color almost like polished ivory. The orange looked like a drill bit with grooves going down the gem in a spiral, at the top of the was a carving of just one star, the pink one looked like a smooth stone with a circle with multiple stars, almost like a galaxy. The red gems were in a bracelet, on each gem was a carving of a flame. A gem as blue as the ocean was on a ring, and it had a carving of an intricate wave on it. The green gem was in a circlet and had a carving of a leaf on the front of the gem. Zach quickly jotted a sketch of a couple of the gems and their casings and went to sorting his books but was interrupted by a knocking at the door
“Apprentice? Are you in here? You’re late to receive your orders” The exhausted exalted scribe Harrison said. Scribe Harrison is the highest and oldest scribe and his word is as close to the law as a scribe can get
“AH.” Zach yelped, almost falling off the ladder leading to the top of his tall bookshelf “My apologies exalted scribe, I must have lost track of time, I’ll make it up to you. How can I make it up to you?”
Scribe Harrison eyed Zach up and down with a searching gaze “You can start by getting downstairs and beginning your mission. But you better be quick, as I’m starting to question the council’s decision to send you on this mission”
Zach shrugged “I’m as confused as you are about that decision, I was just a regular apprentice and I wasn’t contributing to the tower and I-”
Zach was stopped by a raised hand from Scribe Harrison
“Don’t make me questioning my judgment more than I already am, but, you are correct, you have not contributed to the tower for as long as you have resided here”
Zach’s attitude visibly dropped, it was as Zach had expected, all of those years of not going on missions have caught up with him, Scribe Harrison, sensing his dismay walked up to Zach and put a hand on his shoulder. From this angle Zach can see Harrison’s full face, Harrison is a man around the age of 45 from the looks of his face, which is a ripe old age in this world, the look in his eyes, which shine with age and with knowledge beyond his years also have something else about them, a kind of softness that betrays the gruff and grisly sound of his voice
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t start now, The high scribes are trusting you with this very important mission, consider it to be your test for scribehood”
Zach’s face lit up at that proposition, after all, being a part of the scribehood is one of the highest honors that a person can receive nowadays. Especially in a world where many people have little to no honor.
“But I don’t know what the mission even is”
“And that is why I have come all the way to your room, young one,” Scribe Harrison said, pulling a scroll and a package out of the interior folds of his robes “Read this, and read it often, as it might help you when you’re in the darkest days”
Zach looked at the scroll and unfurled it. On it was the seal of the scribehood, two fish swimming around each other in an endless cycle, one in darkness and one in light, but both are white as ivory. He took off the seal and unfurled the scroll and read his instructions
Highly Important mission
For Zacharia (Zach) Jakeson:
Your mission is to go to the township of New Vegas to find a Revered Scribe, his name is Abel (Audio) Vasquez, show him the paper attached to this package, He will understand what it means. Do not read or open the package under any circumstances, protect this package with your life, and make sure that it reaches its destination, Revered Scribe Abel will give you your next instructions once you give him this package and explain your instructions, as you go on your travels, remember this piece of advice.
Travel well and may your knowledge guide you
Exalted Scribe Harrison
Along with High Scribes Castillo, Harrison, Palmer, Rosche, and Everette
Zach reread the scroll, ingraining the instructions to his memory, when he was finished, he carefully rolled up the scroll and put it into the case and strapped the case onto his back. When he looked back to where Exalted Scribe Harrison was standing, he found that he was no longer there, instead, his door was slightly ajar with a note attached to it.
Don’t delay, your transport is waiting for you
Scribe H.
After reading this note, Zach, his head in the clouds, didn’t quite process it for the first few seconds.
“I finally got an assignment. I finally got an assignment…” He said to himself, his voice in almost a whisper “Crap I got to go!” He exclaimed.
Zach bolted down the stairs two at a time, almost running into High Scribe Rosche on one of the last steps
“Watch where you’re going!” Scribe Rosche exclaimed “You apprentices and your hurry... Always bustling about saying things like ‘my apologies high scribe,’ and ‘I’m sorry high scribe,” Rosche mocked “It makes me sick”
Realizing that Zach was already long gone, High Scribe Rosche continued on with his daily walk and meditation, grumbling all the way.
When Zach finally made it to the courtyard, he paused to take one look around. The courtyard is a centerpiece and the pride of the Tower of Alexandria, it’s spacious layout outlined by the living spaces in which lower apprentices or people who have made the pilgrimage from other settlements with hopes of being gifted with new knowledge to better either themselves or the settlement from which they came. Along with the living spaces, the outer wall contains the study halls to teach people who have made the pilgrimage. The entry gate for the tower is carved with ornate images, alluding to an ancient era from a faraway land. Just inside the gates were the stables, and standing outside the stables was a stablehand and Zach’s horse, Thunder. As Zach approached the stablehand and Thunder, the horse started rearing and fighting against the reigns in the stableboy’s hand to get to Zach. Zach put his hand on the horse’s muzzle
“Hey there, whoa Thunder,” He said softly, stroking Thunder’s mane and calming her down enough for the stablehands to load up Thunder with the supplies that Zach had prepared for the journey. Zach felt a hand clamp on his shoulder and turned to see a shorter portly man with a hand-rolled cigar in his mouth.
“Name’s Berrerath, but most people around here just call me Bear.” He said with a chuckle, spreading cigar ashes into the air,
“A pleasure to meet you,” Zach said, almost choking on the airborne ashes as he spoke
“I just wanted to say one thing to ya kid,”
“What was it?” Zach said, trying not to move or open his lips while speaking so as to not be asphyxiated by the cloud of ashes circling around his head, waiting for an entrance into his lungs
“Why are ya not movin yer lips there?” Bear asked, then noticed the cloud of ashes “Oh, I see” he exclaimed as he took out a small object from his pocket.
The object looked like a colander Zach would find in the kitchens while he and his friends would raid it for food during the night. Bear fastened the small strainer onto the end of his cigar and continued chewing, “Had the forgemaster make me this beauty, blocks all the ashes from flying all over the damn place but lets the smoke escape so it still tastes fresh,” Bear explained as he waved the ashes away.
“Thank you,” said Zach
“Don’t mention it” Bear replied
“So what were you saying before the whole ashes predicament?”
“Oh, right,” Bear said, taking out his cigar and looking off to the distance over Zach’s head. Zach could almost hear the cogs turning in his head as he attempted to remember.
“Oh right, now I remember,” Bear said, putting his cigar back into his mouth, “I dunno how ya didit kid,” he said while chewing on his cigar, “Ol’ Thunder ‘ere was a mighty piece o’ work…. Mighty piece o’ work” he nodded to himself
“I get asked this a lot, and from my many years as an apprentice scribe I’ve learned that the horse chooses the rider” Zach replied
“Yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say,” Bear said, rolling his eyes and waving his hand dismissively “But all that scribe know-it-all nonsense aside, the honest question of why the ol’ girl here listens to a shrimp-like you, no offense, is beyond me” The stablehand shrugged and patted Thunder’s side “The ol’ girl was fit to be a warhorse. And a damn great one at that”
“Let me explain from the beginning,” Zach said, before continuing on to explain that Bear’s observation was a correct one, Thunder was a very large mare that strikes fear into the hearts of all who behold her, and she knew it. She had taken the prize of the biggest thorn in the side of all the stablehands and her name was considered to be bad luck among the trainers, thus there was only one horse in the Alexandria stables named Thunder. All of this was well known of Thunder, at least until Zach had met her.
When Zach was only seven years old he took a dare from his fellow apprentices to climb a tree overlooking Thunder’s outdoor enclosure. The branch Zach was standing on broke and he fell into the enclosure, into which everyone who is not an expert trainer is barred from entering. The sudden noise caused Thunder to start being agitated and hostile but upon noticing that the intruder in her enclosure was a young child, she became more docile. With a mother like tenderness and care, Thunder picked up Zach by the hood of his robe and placed him gently down on a nearby bale of hay. She then kept him there until the other kids returned with a guard to help “rescue” Zach. Ever since that day Zach would visit Thunder and bring her apples and many conversations.
With every visit from Zach, the bond between the boy and horse grew and strengthened. Four years of training passed and the new apprentices were tasked with choosing a horse and bonding with it, that horse will then be the horse that the apprentice will use for almost every excursion outside the castle walls. Once it was Zach’s turn to choose his horse, all of the scribes besides scribe Castillo were shocked into silence when Zach asked the trainers to bring out Thunder, and they were surprised ever further when Zach was able to mount and ride Thunder without any troubles at all. At first many opposed the idea of Zach caring for Thunder as their reasoning was that the horse was ‘too dangerous for the young boy to handle’ or that Zach was ‘too young and inexperienced to train that mare.’ All of these criticisms were quickly silenced as they watched both Zach and Thunder progress through their training with extreme teamwork and cohesion. It seemed that the more training that the two received, the bond between them would only grow. At this point in their training, the duo moved more like a singular entity ranter than one boy riding one horse.
Once Zach had finished his longwinded explanation he looked to see that Bear was slowly nodding along following every word intently, finally after about ten seconds of silence Bear spoke,
“So that’s it?”
“What?” Zach replied, confused as to what Bear meant by that
“That’s the end of your explanation?” Bear clarified
“Oh, yes, that’s it” Zach replied, nodding
“Okay, so what I got from that,” Bear said, “And I’m just thinking out loud here, is that due to the length of time of training and creating the bond, you two became an amazing team. Is that right?”
“Yes. In the simplest terms, that’s right” Zach said
“Why didn’t ya say that ter begin with?” Bear asked, “Well, at least it was a good way to kill some time,” he said, pointing toward Thunder, who was loaded up with all the supplies Zach had prepared for the journey.
“I guess,” Zach said, shocked that he had talked for that long “Thank you for the conversation”
“Well, I guess I’ve learned to be a good listener over the years,” He shrugged, “Anyway, I guess I should leave you to begin your important scribe journey”
“Wait, how did-” Zach started, very confused,
“How did I know about that quest?” Bear replied, chuckling, “It was a few simple observations kid. Firstly, I spotted that scroll bearing the scribe seal on your waistbelt” He gestured to the scroll on Zach’s belt “And Secondly, them supplies me an’ the boys have loaded onto ol’ Thunder ‘ere, it’s a little much for just a simple day ride” Bear said, a spark of wisdom flaring behind his eyes, “As I was saying, I should leave ya to your quest,” Bear turned to leave but stopped and looked back at Zach,
“Though a word from the wise, don’t let so much be read from your actions or what you have on you, otherwise you’ll be eaten alive out there” With that, Bear turned and walked away towards his workers, who tensed into attention at his approach.
Zach was left next to Thunder, he stood there for a second almost in a trance, contemplating the man’s words, his trance was broken by Thunder nudging him, almost as though Thunder was keeping Zach on time for his journey.
“Right, of course, thank you Thunder,” Zach said, stroking the horse’s muzzle, “we should be on our way,”
With that Zach mounted Thunder and rode out the gate into the unknown of the outside world, it had been a very long time, at least two years since Zach had been able to leave the confines of the tower for an extended period of time, the last time that he had left for more than a day ride he was accompanied by his fellow acolytes and couple of guards… That day…
Zach was deep in thought so he didn’t see or notice the two shadowy figures ahead of him in the brush on either side of the path, nor did he notice the unique arrow flying through the air toward him until it had hit him in the head.
This is the end of the draft that I have created, I really hope you enjoy. If the reception of this draft is positive I will be publishing more updates to this book.
Thank You so much for taking the time to read my book. I hope you enjoyed.
Your Writer, Gavin Potts,