I met someone. Someone who would change my life forever. For better or for worse. I wasn't really sure. The devil was once an angel.
School was a nightmare for me. I stuck out like a sore thumb. My hair was dyed black, I had a few piercings and wasn't a size zero. To most of the girls, I was the outsider and I had came to terms with that. I only had one friend called Danny. She was always sticking up for me but she and i could only do so much. I was just sitting in class, minding my own business when the popular girls came in. There was Zoe Campbell, blonde and tall, model like when gorgeous blue eyes. Pity her personality didn't match her looks. I had never done anything wrong to her yet, she hated my guts. Then, there was her best friends. There was Carla who was like a clone of Zoe and then there was also Paula. She was dark haired and a little shorter but that didn't stop her from having a pop either. They thought they were above everyone. And everyone thought the same.
"Morning goth." Zoe said snidely as I didn't even look her way or respond. Sometimes, it was best just to pick your battles. This one, wasn't one to be picked or try not to anyways.
"Great, barbies are here." Danny whispered to me as I popped a smile at her and shook my head. Danny didn't stand for anyone's crap. She was a free spirit that one.
"So, how was sitting in your emo corner was your razor?" Zoe took a seat with her friends as I looked at her then rolled my eyes.
"Don't be so ridiculous Zoe. I don't have an emo room and I certainly wasn't sitting there with a razor." I grumbled back as she rolled her eyes and looked over at the door, her smug face changed into an almost angelic one.
"Oh! Luke, come and sit with us." Zoe called over as she batted her long, fake eyelashes. 'Luke?' I thought as I followed her eyes to the door of the classroom. A boy walked in, tall, around six foot two with a dark brown undercut and the top of his head was thick and slightly wavy. His skin was slightly kissed by the sun. His eyes were also slightly dark and he was wearing black, skinny jeans, converse and a white hoodie. He was utterly gorgeous. He glided past elegantly and gave a soft smile to Zoe before sitting down with them. Before I even knew it, my eyes had followed him. Quickly, I looked away. Of course, he was going to be sitting with them.
"Oh my goodness, who is that?" Danny asked, as I nudged her to keep her voice down. I leaned into her and whispered.
"He is definitely new here. I haven't ever seen him before." I whispered as Danny sneaked another glance at him. I wanted to as well but I didn't want to risk being caught.
"I bet you he is just like Zoe and her bitch friends though. What a shame." Danny replied as I nodded. She was probably right. I picked up my pen, using that as a distraction.
The class was boring. The teacher we had, called Mrs Bellan, was nice though. She was pretty laid back but she also didn't take anyone's behaviour that was out of order. I noticed that Zoe hadn't said any snide comments to me during the class in discreet. It was unlike her but she was all over the new boy. His name was Luke Summers. Mrs Ballan had introduced him to the class and everyone's eyes were on him.
"Lunch time." Danny sang out as we were one of the last two to leave the class after it had finished. I was putting my things away into my bag. Usually, I deliberately took longer because I didn't want to walk out with Zoe and all. It was just easier keeping out of her way. I knew that the hard way.
"What are you fancying?" I asked Danny as she rubbed at her chin. I picked my stuff up, walking with her out of the class and towards the canteen. We had a choice whether to go down town for lunch or go to the canteen. We always chose the canteen.
"Kind of fancy some pasta. What about you?" She asked as I shrugged. I never knew until I was there. I was probably going to have pasta as well. Or a sandwich.
We made our way up the steps, getting into the canteen that was quite busy. Usually, I was a lot quieter because people liked going out for dinner. The canteen food was nice but it was basic. I looked up ahead of me and seen Luke was there, standing at the end of the queue whilst Zoe was being served. 'Great' I thought, walking over. Suddenly, I felt myself going down in a heap, bumping into him on the way down. I landed on my knees and hands...And in front of everyone.
"Oh my god, Becca, I'm so sorry, I clipped the back of your foot. Are you okay?" Danny asked as I nodded, looking up to see Luke was looking at me...And Zoe.
"Thought I felt an earthquake. Honestly, Rebecca, watch where you're going." Zoe snapped as I felt frozen on the spot. Her comment was quickly dismissed by Luke.
"You okay?" Luke asked as he stretched his hand out to me. I swallowed, taking it without thinking and he pulled me up gracefully. His hands were cool to the touch but not in a bad way at all compared to my warm ones. My heart was thudding in my chest as I looked up at him. He was significantly taller than me.
"I'm really sorry for bumping into you." I choked out as he shook his head, a small smile on his face. Enough to show his perfect, white and straight teeth.
"Hey, don't worry about it. It was an accident. As long as you're okay." He replied, his voice deep and angelic. Enough to lure me in anyways. I let go of his hand as I nodded.
"I'm alright." I replied as he nodded and turned to get served. I heard Zoe whispering to him saying 'you don't have to be so nice to her'. She was right but he had been nice to me. Luke just brushed it off like she hadn't said anything. Maybe it was just a one off. Danny apologised to me again as I turned to her.
"It's okay, honestly." I assured her as her face was red with embarrassment. I waited for Luke and Zoe to leave before ordering some pasta. I was trying hard not to think of what had just happened. Not only did I fall into Luke, the whole canteen seen it. Obviously, a few chuckles and words were said but I was too caught up in the moment. Waiting for Danny, to order her food, I just kept my eyes on the pasta pot in front of me until we found a quiet seat.
"At least he was nice to you." Danny said, making light of the situation as I chuckled. It was kind of funny. I had to laugh, I probably looked like a tonne of bricks falling down. Danny gave a small laugh as well.
"Could have been worse." I replied, taking a bite of my pasta. She agreed with me as she leaned in.
"Take it whilst you can. It's clear Zoe hasn't gotten her claws into him...Yet." Danny wiggled her eyebrows as I nodded. Yet, was the word. She had a way of corrupting people.
"Poor guy." I whispered. Poor guy indeed.