"Danny, I can barely get a word in edge ways here." I chuckled, holding the phone in my hand and using the other one to do my homework. She was rambling on about how the science experiment went the other day. We hadn't really had a chance to talk about it.
"Well, tell me details. What did you guys talk about? You two seemed really invested." Danny said as I put my pen down. Did we really seem so invested? We were just talking.
"We were just talking about how Mr Callum always seemed drunk. Luke picked up on that on his own accord. We also just discussed how we were going to do the poster." I replied as she giggled.
"Nice, that's probably not how Zoe seen it though. She looked fizzing."
Oh yeah, Zoe. I couldn't even look over at her when we were in science. I knew for a fact she wouldn't have liked Luke anywhere near a female. Especially me since I had a target on my back already. Tomorrow was going to be hell.
"Oh yeah, I know. She will be like a bull in a china shop with me tomorrow. Guaranteed." I replied as Danny agreed.
"Alright, where will I be meeting you at tomorrow? Lockers?" She asked as I yawned a little, looking at the time. It was nearly half eleven and I still had to take a shower for college tomorrow.
"Yeah, sounds good. I need to go now though, I still need a shower and I need to finish my homework." I said as she sighed.
"I'll squeeze more gossip out of you tomorrow. Goodnight my gorgeous friend." Danny sang the last part as I chuckled and shook my head. She was always making me smile. That's what I loved about having her as my best friend. We had been friends since kids and grew up together.
"Goodnight Danny, see you tomorrow." I said happily, hanging up the phone as I put it down and got up, leaving my homework for after I went for a quick shower. I would have had one in the morning but I could never get myself up early enough. It was a struggle.
After getting my shower and getting into bed, I closed my eyes. My mind was thinking all sorts. I was nervous for tomorrow because of Zoe for one. She wasn't the type to lay it on easy. She never was and it was clear, she was completely smitten with Luke. They looked close but Zoe was almost forcing herself on to him. Did he not see it? Also, what I wanted to know was, how did they meet? Probably a party of some sort. The thing is, Luke seemed different to Zoe and her friends. He was kind for a start but he also didn't want to try and fit into their group. He didn't have to but Zoe would sure have some horrible things to say about me to keep him away. She was cunning.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-
I grumbled and pressed for the off button on my phone for the alarm. I sighed and rolled over, giving myself a couple of minutes to find the courage to open my eyes. After doing so, I sat and up and stretched before getting up and grabbing my clothes, heading through to the bathroom. I got changed and did my teeth and hair before going back through to my room. The house always felt so quiet when my parents went away. They would go away a few months at a time so I was alone. I suppose I couldn't complain, it was peace for me. After gathering my bag and my jacket, I went downstairs to the kitchen, picking up a breakfast bar. I chewed away at it as I put my dishes from the night before, into the dishwasher, putting the machine on as I leaned against the counter, looking outside. My house was pretty big but the garden was huge. It was big enough for horses. My old tyre swing hung from the tree in the breeze. There was an old swing as well that I had when I was a child. My mum and dad never wanted another child because their jobs changed around seven years ago, leaving me to kind of fend for myself. I wish they did decide to have another child though so I wasn't completely alone.
I stepped outside the house, locking the door behind me, feeling the cool breeze. I checked the time and sat down on my step, hiding myself from people going by as I took out my cigarettes and light. I picked one out, lighting it. It was frowned upon to smoke so that's why I was hiding. If my parents ever found out, they would end my life for sure. I took a drag and sat back, relaxing. I was going to need this if I was going to deal with today. I wasn't always smoking, it was just an as and when kind of thing. Especially if I was stressed.
I finished the cigarette and hid the evidence before heading off to college. I didn't drive like everyone else at college. I thought it was pointless since I only had a ten minute walk to college and a fifteen minute walk to the main street where everything I needed was there. Which reminded me, I would have to do a food shop after college.
"Oi," I heard from behind me as I walked into the doors at college. That voice, it was the demoness herself. I turned around slowly to her Zoe strutting over towards me. She didn't look best pleased either. Just my luck... "I need a word with you."
"Look, before you start-" I began to say as she stopped in front of me and butted in. She was model like as always but judging by her face, she was going to have a few 'nice' words to say.
"No, don't say that. I'm telling you right now, I don't like the way you and Luke were speaking in science. Your eyes were all over him and my problem with that is, he isn't going to ever be interested in someone like you." She said, her teeth gritting together as I looked at her and shook my head. I knew it. She had a bee in her bonnet. That was the thing with Zoe, what she wanted, she got. End of, and no one got in her way. Everyone knew that.
"As I was saying, It wasn't my fault I was partnered up with him. I get it, stay clear." I said, keeping my cool. She giggled and leaned in close. I never argued with her. She was untouchable and as bad as she made my life already, she could make it a lot worse.
"Yeah, there you go. You've got the picture. See, someone like him wouldn't want to be caught dead with someone like you. Not that it would ever happen anyways. After all, you never know what could happen to him if he was to be around you for too long. You know what I'm getting at, don't you?"
My heart sank as I felt my palms slowly begin to sweat. The room was slightly spinning as I looked down, trying to keep my composure. She knew things no one else should have known and that was what made me dangerous.
"That isn't fair Zoe and you know it." I whispered. She just rolled her eyes and smirked.
"It wasn't fair for him either, was it? Becca, do as your told, okay?" She walked off, pushing into my shoulder as she did. i took a deep breath in and lifted my head, keeping my cool. It wasn't as if me and Luke had spoken much but she was giving me an early warning and I was going to take it. From now on, I would keep my distance. I had too.
"Hey there." Danny said as I walked up towards the lockers, trying to act like nothing had happened. it looked like I had succeeded. The college was already busy.
"Hey, how are you?" I asked as we began to walk to class. Danny shrugged, looking sluggish as she walked. We had art first thing which would lighten my mood...Hopefully. I had a few pieces I wanted to start working on.
"Good but very tired. You?" Danny asked back as I opened the door to the art department.
"Yeah, I am the same. At least we have art though." I said in an optimistic tone as we both walked to our class. This place was open planned as well so it was nice for me. I got lost in my own little bubble here.
"Yeah, easy for someone who can draw." Danny mumbled as we took a seat. A few of our classmates were here as well. The early birds. Art was a kind of 'do your own thing' class which was fine for me. I was working on a sketchbook and trying out different medias.
"You can draw, you just don't have patience." I teased as she nodded, agreeing with me. I pulled out my sketchbook and my colouring pencils, laying them out. The sketchbook was black and I had drawing some patterns on it using a white pen. The conversation with Zoe was repeating my head over and over again and It was bothering me.
"Oh, nice sketchbook Rebecca." I heard from behind me as I turned around to see Luke peering over my shoulder. I swallowed hard, feeling awkward. I just wanted to escape right now.
"Thanks, and Becca is fine." I replied quietly, turning back around. I could feel Danny's eyes on me as Luke came and sat down beside us. 'Please go away...' I thought in my head. If Zoe walked in right now, it was game over. I needed him to leave me alone.
"Mind if I have a look?" He asked as I shook my head, not even looking up at him. I couldn't, the conversation, despite him not hearing it, just turned everything awkward. For me, anyways.
"That's probably not a good idea." I spoke, my tone emotionless as I could see out the corner of my eye, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Your drawings are amazing though Becca." Danny said as I shook my head. i didn't want him being near me, let alone look through my sketchbook.
"Come on, Danny will probably be right." He urged as I sighed and pushed the sketchbook over to him. He smiled and took the sketchbook, opening it. His eyes scanned through all of the drawings as he turned each page with his long, beautiful fingers. Most of the drawings were flowers and animals combined together. Others were small sketches of landscapes.
"These are amazing, you have some talent there." Luke said as I looked down, knowing my cheeks were flushing red right now. How could I not? This guy, who was gorgeous and popular, was sitting complimenting my drawings. "Mind teaching me how to draw sometime?"
"I would love to but..." And then I stopped. I couldn't tell him the reason why. He was Zoe's possession as far as she seen it. I just couldn't risk her telling everyone my secret. It would destroy me. Not even Danny knew about it.
"She would easily teach you. Right, Becca?" Danny nudged me as I gave her a quick glare before Luke could even look at us. She looked at me confused. I turned to Luke as he smiled.
"Perfect, pass me your phone." He said as I looked at him with an almost-like bewildered look. My hand moved to my phone without even thinking and before long, he was typing in his number and handing it to me. He then handed me his phone. I typed in my number, trying not to shake. My heart was beating in my chest right now. He really wanted lessons from the likes of me? I handed him the phone back as he stood up.
"Thank you for this by the way." He said politely, his eyes bright and kind. I was almost lost in them for a second as I snapped out of it.
"No problem."
"Hey, what was that all about?" Danny whispered as I looked at her and sighed, whispering back.
"Zoe had a word with me this morning before I met with you. She was telling me to back off or she was going to make my life a living hell. That's why I didn't want him to be close." I explained as she just rolled her eyes. Of course, she didn't know the details and I didn't have the guts to tell her. I never have.
"Someone needs to stand up to that bitch."
"Yeah, I know." I replied. But it wasn't going to be me.