Once there was an elf, she was nice and kind, but only to those who needed it the most. She had light green hair and pale skin, purple eyes, and a bright smile.
Her favorite activity was to play the wooden flute. It had a magical power of revealing a creatures true motivation and feelings.
Let me explain how it works!
When the little elf girl plays the flute in front of a person or creature, it lights up and is grey or silver colored; which means a person has a dark secret or simply feels unwell.
That’s how the elf girl, who by the way is called Norya, can know if someone is sad or needs comfort. She simply plays the flute and she will immediately know.
However, she can’t tell exactly why anyone has the emotion they have. She can’t reveal secrets that is trespassing on someone’s integrity. That’s not her place. If the wooden flute could do that, it would be dangerous and, well, just unfair.
All she wants is just being there for creatures who needs her. And she has the tool to know where to be. That’s all that matters.
Always with a smile and a kind voice of comfort.