What’s in there?
She reminded herself how it turned out the last time she was this curious about something. That time did her brother and herself - by mistake - released a terrible beast in the castle. But that was a long time ago. Ages. That time in life when everything was a challenge. Now she was leading Avoranic in the direction every oracle - and herself - wanted. She was happy with her life.
But, what’s inside that door?
She opened it only to find it was just another room in the castle she yet hadn’t explored. Same as the 499 other rooms and hallways. That’s what she expected at least.
”Ah, there you are! I have been looking all over for you!”
Castor was breathing heavily and sounded like a bear a hot afternoon while having a panic attack.
”Oh, I’m sorry my beloved brother… I might have forgotten our meeting…”
Cassidy looked at her very well polished shoes.
”That wasn’t very nice!”, Castor joked. But it was true. Cassidy was too all over the place in her mind right now.
A long period of time and they just looked into the empty and dusty room.
”Do you miss home? I get that feeling now and then. That you are.”
Castor looked at his sister and she got something that reminded him about brain fog. She just wasn’t there, her eyes was… distanced. Eventually she shakes her head.
”No, I do certainly not!”
They both knew she was lying.
”I mean… Sometimes I wonder what would had happen if we never came here. Sure, this place is more developed than Earth. Just look at the technology! But… Some things does not exist here, which I miss from earth. I miss the silver light of the full moon. The red light of the moon here on this planet is scary and gloomy. I miss the fruits too. Like oranges…”
Meanwhile Cassidy was floating away in her mind about everything she misses from earth, her brother had already disappeared. She didn’t even noticed he was slowly walking away from her. It was when Norya came and gave her a big hug she noticed the difference. Norya had blue hair which enclosed Cassidy completely. Cassidy had long, curly black hair which Norya always had been a bit envy about. The yellow, big, bright eyes that belonged to Norya looked nicely at Cassidy. Norya’s elf ears were waving in excitement.
”It sounds like a wonderful place. Earth. I would have been the luckiest if I had been able to see it with my own eyes. Do you really mean the moon light is silver colored? And not a red light as here? That sounds so cool!”
Norya had somehow made Cassidy feel more at home in the castle. It helped a lot to just talk about planet earth. They sat in the big garden and ate a madina - a fruit that was only growing in Avoranic, Cassidy’s kingdom. And they talked about Cassidy’s old life. The madina was nice and sweet, but reminded of a strange version of strawberries, in Cassidys opinion. Norya hadn’t seen a strawberry in her entire life, so she couldn’t really relate at all.