Crest Military Academy, is one of the many military academies throughout the powerful country of Shadowlea, as well the most prestigious of them all. The famous academy's reputation, was given to it by the early collaboration between alchemist and non-alchemists ('non-alchs' for short) beginning as early as their freshman year at the academy. Once accepted into Crest, students have one year to choose their Official Companion, a person that will serve by their side during the many dangerous missions that will be given to them the following year. An Official Pair, must consist of an alchemist and a non-alch, as they bring knowledge from both worlds and must be able to work as one when they are out on missions. In order to strengthen the Pair's succession rate, it is urged that a student's Partner be a close friend, and for this reason alone, is why freshmen are given that year to find their Official Companion.
Rose Blake, is an alchemist of fire. Being the fruit of a military family, she is competitive and commanding, but also very respectful and honest. Rose believes that a respectable leader cannot simply command respect and expect respect it in return as well as undying loyalty. As a result of this, Rose had made it her goal to be as popular as can be imagined, and succeeded on a grand scale. Not only did she have the respect of a vast number of students at Crest, but also in the city.
Elizabeth Tamar, is Rose Blake's non-alch Companion and best friend. Coming from a family with no military history, as well as being shy, Elizabeth believes that a good leader must be able to be kind and understanding at all times, but fight for the greater good whenever evil stands in the way. Despite not having any sort of military background, it should be known that Elizabeth is incredibly knowledgeable in both the non-alch and alchemist world. In response to her personality and position as the Companion of Rose Blake, she has made her own positive impression at school and the community.
Reveret Pyro, is an alchemist of water. Son of peasants that abandoned him as a child, Reveret was only able to escape the claws of starvation thanks to the kindness of an officer who happened to be a teacher in what would become his specialty alchemy. To the young man, a good leader is stern and just. Whether people respect him or not, Reveret believes that actions speak louder than words, and might as well give the fear factor to his subordinates so they don't even think of betraying their leader. To many people's surprise, a big number of students like and support Reveret, and as a result, is Rose's most competitive and hated rival
Kirito Silver, is the Official Companion of Reveret Pyro. Also son of peasants and a non-alch, his trip towards Crest was no doubt a hard one, and it would be suffice to say that thanks to his quick wit and loyalty, he managed to claw his way to opportunity. A good leader in Kirito's eyes, gives more of a positive balance to Reveret's version; he believes that a good leader must be able to show enough compassion to connect with his troops, but not so much as to show any potential weakness. Alongside Reveret, he's made a bit of a name for himself throughout the community for his talents in wit and his undying loyalty to his cold Companion, and is the closest to the people.
Despite their differences in background and foundation of what a good leader should look like, there is one single thing the four students share in common; the Valid Victorian of Excellence Ribbon. The Valid Victorian of Excellence Ribbon, is only the most high ranking honor any alchemist student at any academy, could have adorning their uniform. The Ribbon, as it is known by everyone, is a symbol of candidacy for promotion to a One Diamond General, the first rank in the Officer Corp of the military. Such a recognition is only given to the most successful alchemist of the graduating class in both academics and in the crime-fighting world and even sometimes, the battlefield. As any one person can see, Crest Military Academy, or any academy in the country, is by no means, an ordinary institution of learning. At this school in particular, it is survival of the fittest.