Black silky hair cassaded down her body, ending right above her knees. Her plum colored lips complimented her dark skin giving her a rather sinister touch. It was her eyes, however, that shook one to the core, they told stories of the horror she had inflicted on her preys;black and hollow. Back when she wasn't cursed and when she still had a conscience, one would've been delighted to know her. While her witty comments made her company quite amusing, she was not short in the beauty department either. Her blond hair, blue eyes and an hour glass figure had made her somewhat popular with the boys granted her snarky attitude didn't push them away first.
It happened when everyone least expected it, after they had already celebrated the death of the evil sorcerer Fazdool, and generations had passed until only very few of the people of Greydon knew magic. He returned. Aria, now known as the Raven was the only one born with the powers of magic and naturally was the strongest and hence the duty to protect Greydon fell on her majory. She had done her job exceptionally well, however as good always lives so does evil. Fazdool whom was already weak since the last attack died fortunately, but sadly his dark powers transfered to the five fighting against him. Too much to handle, the rest of the four passed away whereas Aria turned into the Raven. Now Greydon must figure out how to bring her back.