The flash of light was gone, and he suddenly became cold and felt a draft over his body. The flow of running water could be heard nearby in the blackness that surrounded him. Frederick got to his feet and almost stumbled. His body was not use to feeling so heavy. Not being able to see, he cautiously reached down and felt the soft ground that he was standing on. Frederick grabbed hold of what felt like dirt and small rocks from beneath his feet. He started walking and hit a wall. So again, he used his hands to feel what was in front of him. The coolness of the hard rock He then concluded that he must be in some cave. Still being cautious, he turned around using his hands as guides careful not to bump into anything. Far off he could see a spot of light. Frederick then attempted to use his telescopic vision, but it didn’t work. He attempted to run closer to the light, and he realized his super speed was also gone. Soon enough, he knew that he was powerless. He was as weak as he was back on Krypton.
Walking as a blind man would walk with his hands out in front of him, Frederick made it to the point of the cave where it was no longer necessary to use his hands. His pupils constricted with the increasing amount of light that could be seen. He finally made it to the outer cavern. As he tried to get his bearing and see if he could recognize his location, someone grabbed him from behind. Frederick fought as hard as he could, but the more he fought, the more people came to help his original attacker. For every punch he had thrown, they threw five. After tasting his own blood, Frederick stopped resisting.
The crowd of ten that was around him dragged him across the barren land. When he got an opportunity to look up, Frederick noticed many more people. He thought they might be taking him to their village. He soon felt another punch to the gut and lowered his head as ordered. After fifteen minutes, the dragging had stopped, and Frederick was pushed to the ground.
He stood up and his legs could barely hold him. One of his eyes was swelled shut, and there was blood from almost every pore. He didn’t have an ounce of fight left in him. He looked around and tried to speak; however, his lips were now fat which made it difficult for him to talk. With his one good eye, he saw what appeared to be about fifty men and women that formed a big circle around him. They were all dressed in rags and torn clothing. All were covered in filth and mud. Some had stains of blood on their garments, and some had fresh blood. He saw a man approach from the circle and joined him in the center. This man appeared to be in better shape and not as dirty. Frederick then feared for his life even more when he saw a Kryptonian symbol on the man’s chest. He knew all too well whose family he came from, but he hoped it wasn’t who he had helped Jor-El defeat many years ago.
The man in the center with him shouted like a ring announcer, “Welcome friend! Welcome to the Phantom Zone.” This same man looked around at his faithful dirty companions. He then raised his right hand and pointed it at Frederick. He looked Frederick in the eyes and then shouted, “Now kneel before Zod!”