This isn’t what I wanted.
The air grew colder. Her hair going all over the place.
I just wanted to be free.
Droplets of tears leaves her eyes. She felt like this was her only choice.
Was that too much to ask?
She knew she was running out of time. Hearing the wind blow past in her ears. It’s too late. But did she regret this?
There’s nothing left for me here.
…she wasn’t sure. On one hand, if she was just patient enough, and had hope. Then maybe there was a chance where she would be free, but on the other.
There’s nothing left.
She’d rather die than stay and suffer any longer.
I’m s..
She doesn’t feel like apologizing. It’s not like it’s her fault that she exists. She never asked to exist. She never asked to be born into this chaotic world filled with pain, deception, and evil. It’s not like it’s her fault she was forced into this life, and make connections with people she knew she’d eventually hurt in one way or another.
I just wanted to be happy again.
Trapped in a world that expects so much. A chaotic, terrible world coated in mascara, covering up the true beauty that you could see only if you looked closer, that you could see, only if you weren’t being bombarded by the static driven by the horrible things you experience. There are so many bad things that exists, even she can no longer count them.
I just wanted to stop hurting all the time.
And not one second after, her body hit the ground headfirst. Her vision blackened. Now, there’s nothing left. And finally, even just for a single fleeting moment, she was free.