Sena heaves through the blizzard. It was so cold. But she had to save him, save this child. She offered her outer clothing that was merely but a jacket to the child. And that wasn't enough to shield him from the dangerously low temperature.
And it's not like it helped her. But now, all she was in was a tank top and her camo pants. But if it was to give him warmth then so be it. If only she could scream at the snow to go away. At the cold to turn into warmth. But she can't.
All she can do is pray. Pray for the Heavens to send someone, anyone, to help her. She shivers, looked at the horizon, seeing nothing but darkness.
She knew, she knew she won't last long. She inhaled sharply and slowly exhaled. But then, in the corner, she saw light, light from... a house?
It was a big house, it must be at least 4 stories high. At the moment, all Sena could do was guess. Besides, this child's life was more important than anything to her right now. More important than her own life.
She was determined. Determined to save him. She mustered up enough willpower to shove her way against the powerful winds. Against the cold. And took a step on the porch. Shakily raising her fist, heaved, and knocked hard on the door multiple times. She could feel her energy fading away.
She brought her fist against the door one last time, louder and harder, before her legs finally gave out, and her body finally embracing the exhaustion. She collapsed, leaning against the door. Shivering, she could no longer fight the darkness that was clouding her vision.
She blacked out.
...for a moment..
..she thought this was it...
...she couldn't move...
..or scream...
She felt... At peace? Comforted, the nothingness was comfort, the state of oblivion she was in, it felt... comforting to her.
Like...nothing bad could touch her. Not pain, not worry, just... Peace.. Maybe, this IS it. And at the moment, she couldn't have had it any other way.
.."It's been days.. Will she still wake up...?"
That voice sounds like it belonged to a young boy. A little innocent child. It sounded familiar. Who... Who was it?
..."...yeah? Uh, I mean, yeah! Sure, she'll be fine...?"
She didn't recognize that voice at all. But she wanted to laugh at the person's uncertainty.
"Er– Hey lil' buddy. Why don't ya go to the living room? Go play with the blasters." Another voice spoke up.
"Oh, okay!" The little boy's voice. Why is it so familiar? The sound of small footsteps faded away as he went off.
"So, why'd ya lie to the kid?" The same voice asked. There was silence.
"...don't wanna break the lil guy's heart when he finds out his friend's on the verge of falling down.." The other guy eventually spoke up."'s not like you were gonna tell him neither."
"Same reason you had, bud, don't wanna be the one to break it to him, I mean, look at the kid, he's worried, we fooled 'im this long, gave him false hope, the truth is no doubt gonna break his heart."...
..."You one-hundred-percent sure that the human's gonna fall down?" This was a new voice. It sounded a tad bit deeper than the others.
"Yeah. But not to say that there ain't a chance for her to survive. Jeez, what were they running away from that had them resort to fighting that frickin' blizzard?"
"The kid didn't know why they were in the blizzard either. You sure she can be trusted? What happens when she wakes up? Look at the doll's stats, her LV and EXP are higher than average." Deep-voice added.
"Stop exaggerating. Her LV is at 10. And her EXP is just 15 at the moment. Come to think of it, the kid mentioned the girl is in a military position, he says she fights. I don't doubt she had to kill people in regards of her position." Wait, she was? When did she even— "I'm not saying she ain't a threat. Just saying it ain't our place to assume, yet, at least, especially in her condition at the moment."
"He's got a point, Cherry." Ah, so Deep-voice had a name. "Tell ya what, we actually had a discussion about this topic, you and yer bro weren't here yet at the time. We'll give 'er a chance to prove she isn't a threat, when she does prove she is. Us and the guys will be having a discussion about what we're gonna do about her. When she proves she ain't. We'll talk about where they'll be going, whether they're staying or not."
"Why are we letting her stay again?" Cherry grumbled.
"They BOTH need help. And we're providing that help." The earlier voice replied.
"'Cause we want to. You don't have a choice here, Cherry. It's a majority vote."
"SINCE WHEN?! AY, SANS, WHY HAVEN'T I EVER BEEN IN ONE OF THOSE MEETINGS." Cherry sounds like he's gonna blow a fuse.
"'s not like you and your bro are gonna contribute anything." 'Sans' replied.
"Listen ya softie, just cuz yer the original version don't mean ya get a say on anything and have it be the way ya want it." Cherry growled.
"Last I checked, you don't get that privilege either. This was a majority vote, even if you were there, our votes would disregard yours pal, hence, majority vote."
Cherry muttered incoherently for a moment."Whatever! Don't go sobbing to me when the human ends up killing someone!" Then the sound of angry footsteps was heard until it faded off from the distance.
"Ya know, as much as I hate to admit it, Cherry has a point, Sans." The other unnamed voice pointed out. "I only agreed because of the runt. I'm not so sure about the girl."
"I know, 'Range, I know. But she seems important to the kid. He keeps coming to her side and talks to 'er like she's conscious. He's got hope and I don't exactly wanna take that away, and I don't think we can even separate them." Sena felt a hand press against her forehead."Let's just hope the human wakes up soon so we can deal with this better."
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Frantic footsteps, screaming. What's going on?
"Dude we got to check her SOUL. Maybe we can force her awake...?"
"No! Absolutely not! SOULs are important and a very sensitive subject to even talk about! And we will not use magic on her!" A loud voice insisted.
"Bro, I know you want to be polite and considerate but the kid's becoming restless. He's starting to catch on. We can't calm him down anymore and he isn't eating too." Orange reasoned. "He wants to see her awake, talking."
"But her HP. It's.. so low? What if we.. what if we end up killing her instead?... That would make it worse. We need to wait, Papyrus. Sans, we can't force her SOUL." The loud voice form before quieted down. "We need to be honest with him. Explain to him. Maybe then he'd understand. We also need to apologize for lying too."
"...alright, we'll do that. But we gotta use healing magic to speed up the process instead of medicine at this point." Sans finally spoke up. "Sena, you need to wake up soon, your, uh, brother? He needs ya."
...' I d o n ' t h a v e a b r o t h e r .'..