On the morning of 15th-June a ghost-war raged inside the walls of the Royal Palace of Lugnderoff. Cleaners flew around from room to room, carrying broomsticks, and dustpans. Butlers, and maids with buckets of water and soap rubbed down antique armors, and weapons decorating the walls and corridors of the Palace. Their haste footsteps barely echoing in the vast empty halls.
"We will need those pans."
"Yes chef!"
"Also, check up on those orders for the fresh vegetables, and the horsmeat."
"Shall I also order in extra flour for the cakes?"
"Yes, thank you."
The head-chef ordered as much ingredients as he could from every farmer, gardener, and baker across the Capital-city. Cakes, cookies, muffins, roasted beef, chicken, and many savory and sweet dishes were being made for what seemed like a whole army.
As the day reached peak evening a cascade of additional hundred-servants flooded through the front gate. Their task: To meticulously clean and organize every corner of the Palace. It was later detailed that the Palace was being prepared for the arrival of special guests and dignitaries. The servants were asked to hang a calendar in their quarters with the date 20th crossed-out. No-one knew what the actual occasion was about, but that didn't stop the maids and the butlers from inventing their own stories and rumors.
"I say, the Prince is getting married."
"No, I think it's a celebration of the Prince crowning as the new Emperor."
"Shush, let's not worry about that for the moment. We have work to do."
The servant would talk and bicker during their break hours. But as the day of the occasion grew closer, the work burden grew with it. Maids and butlers ran faster than their feet could carry them, cleaning halls, and carrying cleaned sheets to the guest-rooms.
"I hope we get paid extra. This much work is driving me insane."
"No. I say they should pay us five times our usual wages. My feet are here or there, I can't tell anymore."
The servants were paid bonus for any extra hours of work. So, they would only get Six-hours of sleep and two-hour breaks before getting back to work.
Eighty red-ribbon envelops with letters written in gold-ink--We would be honored by your presence--started flying out of the Palace post-office. The more prominent families were sent invitation personally by postmen, while carrier-pigeons were used for the local noblemen.
The Palace itself was in the middle of a large engulfing moat, connected to the mainland by a wooden draw-bridge, suspended by two large iron-chains. To the East-Side of the Palace a large grass field was prepared to accommodate Five-hundred carriages.
The field started to fill as carriages of numerous kinds pulled by beasts of all manner parked into the field. The guestrooms started to fill up, and the kitchen worked Twelve hours a day to satisfy all the guests.
"Ah. I expected a little more from the Royal Palace."
"I guess this was the best they could do on such short-notice."
"No, this wouldn't do at all for the occasion."
The arrived noblemen and ladies toured the Palace with gloved fingers sliding across wood-shelves, and iron-armor statutes; finding any overlooked dust specks.
The main hall of the Palace was being constructed into a Grand-Court. Recognized wood-workers and craftsmen were brought in from around the Empire for the undertaking. Crescent-Wooden-benches raising to a height of twelve-feet were quickly being put together for an audience of about sixty-to-eighty spectators. At the center of the courtroom was a Well for people to walk around in, and In front of the well, a Stone-chair with heads of two dragons sculpted at the end of either arm-rest. Two towering columns rose on either side of the Stone-throne, each with ancient runes inscribed on them.
"Hurry! Your dragging feet is costing us precious time." An old man came running down the hall through the northern gate. His slightly bent-stature covered by white-robes laced with golden strings running down from his chest towards his feet, and supported by a wooden staff. Behind him followed a petite-boy covered in the same type of robs but in grey color and without the golden lacing. With mountain of papers in arms, and a backpack filled with books bursting at the button the boy trudged behind the old man.
"Wait for me teacher." His voice fell heavy as he balanced the towering mound of papers and scrolls dragging him back and forth; saving himself from falling face first onto the marble floor.
"Where is his majesty?" The old man grabbed one of the Soldiers guarding the entrance to the main hall.
"Ey? And whor ye to ask me oof such an importnan quezcion?" The soldier chewed out barely tangible words. His hand hovering over his sword as he pushed away the old man's hand.
"My name is Gallendor, I am the eight-seat of the Wizards-of-ten, and I am on an important mission from The Emperor. So, if you don't want be turned into an unspeakable abomination, you will answer my inquiry." The old man's voice was rough, and aged but still his words had lost none of its potency.
"Forgiv tee ruldnes. I em new here. I not't familar weth tee faces here. Tee Princees ordered net te desclose tee Emperor's location because oof sicurity riasons. Unloss yee know of tee password, non-here arrr authorized to tell yee nothening, Sir.' The soldier tumbled over his words as his legs gave-way, and he shrank back into his armor.
He rubbed his long white-beard for a moment, "Magical Chant? And you say it was commanded by the prince." It didn't take him long to figure out what it was, "Sarosa Se Gala." He leaned in and whispered into the soldier's ear.
Hearing these strange words, the solider stepped back and created an L-sign with his left hand.
"Come now Gamger, we have our destination."
"Yes teacher, but if I may ask, what did you say?" Gamger asked as he gently tossed the papers to balance himself.
"Ah, it was the title of an old Dwarven fairy-tale. In common tongue it means, the Dwarf who hated gold." His words confused the boy, but with a grin Gallendor understood its meaning. Now, both of them with haste moved towards a small corridor at the east wall of the hall, which spun around to the upper level.
Gallendor, as he was called, reached the second floor. After walking straight for a few minutes, he took a left turn, which lead him to a dead end. A wall with two full plated Golden-armors decorated in front of them.
"There is nothing here?" Gamger asked as he looked around for any door or window.
"Did you bring all the files that I asked you to?" He asked as he carefully rubbed his hands all over the wall and over the two armors.
"Yes, all Three thousand files, and ten tomes of ancient magic are all here, and if I may be so bold to ask if I could put them down? My hands are feeling a bit numb." With an awkward chuckle he shifted the pages and tomes to ease the pain. But the Wizard just searched the wall with his fingers spread.
"Ah, here it is." He took up his staff and tapped it three times, and muttered to himself queer words, "Sese ra two hiss gal Na bo." To the amazement of the boy the wall split open with a crackling and screeching sound, creating a doorway that lead into a narrow-corridor lit by fires hanging on the side of the walls.
"We are here on official business. So, it would be wise to leave any immaturity, and informality at this doorway." With a smile and a softer voice than before the Wizard tapped the boy's shoulder.
"You have got nothin—I mean, my master, you have nothing to worry about. I shall not embarrass you in front of the Emperor." With a chuckle and a laughter both of them walked down the narrow corridor, which lead to a large room on the other side.
"Double the guard on the East and Western approach, I don't want to hear one more complaint of uninvited guests."
"Yes sir!"
"And you! Get me Captain Ereck. He has yet to give me a report on the Northern provinces."
"Yes sir!"
Both of them walked into a large room with red-carpets, and animal-head decorated walls. In the middle of the room laid a Rectangular table right In-front of a large fireplace, the table was decorated with colorful fruits, cakes, cookies and food of that nature.
The room was abuzz with soldiers and high-level dignitaries running around taking, and giving orders. At the center of the Organized-Chaos one man stood out above all else. His presence was known and all that were there responded to his commands.
"Teacher? Forgive me, but I am terribly busy at the moment." Dressed in lavish silk; embroidered with gems and golden threads taking shape of great serpents across his chest. His hair long and golden sitting still on his shoulders. His dark-blue eyes crowned with light brown brows looked over the crowd of people, spotting Gallendor and Gamger.
"Frankxz! No need to bother, I am here to talk with your father-- the Emperor. I am afraid I have some terrible news from afar that he must hear." The Wizard's words halted all activity in the room, and for a moment deafening-silence gripped the atmosphere.
"Why don't we talk in private? Sir Grandos, please overlook the preparations while I tend to other important matters."
"As you wish." A rugged looking man dressed in silver armor moved forward and took charge of the room as once again the people there resumed their state of organized chaos.
"Why don't I stay here and sort out the documents while you have your private chat with that Frankxz fellow?" Gamger eyed the table of food with his mouth drooling, and his tongue already tasting the savory food.
"Fine, but remember those documents hold the utmost importance. So don't misplace them. We will need them later on, and join me as soon as you can without embarrassing me if you are able to." Gallendor shock his head as he tapped the stack of papers; worrying for their safety.
"Please, this way." Frankxz as he was referred to, guided him through a small door on the opposite side of the room, it took three upwards spins until they reached the top of a windowed tower overlooking the vast grasslands surrounding the Capital-city of Lujneberg; with some herds of trees scattered here and there. There four-chairs and a table with hot-tea and pastries were waiting for them.
"Forgive the discretion teacher, but we can't allow any leaks in information." Frankxz pulled a chair for Gallendor. His voice was silent almost on the verge of being a whisper but loud enough for him to hear.
"I don't understand. Why the secrecy, this festival and using your favorite fairy-tale as a password to meet with The Emperor. I only figured it out because it was you who installed this rule. It seems some of my old habits have rubbed off on you.' With a slip from his tea. He reached out with his staff and tapped Frankxz on his forehead.
"You always did teach us in riddles and convoluted speeches. We had to take a class just to learn what you were saying." He replied with a chuckle, but his voice fell after a few good cracks.
"It's been sometime since I have met the Emperor. On the morning of January-the-first to be more accurate. Tell me, what has happened since then? Where is the Emperor? "He put down his cup of tea. His voice looked for answers. But Frankxz fell in silence. After a few moments he looked up and stared straight into the Wizard's eyes.
"The Emperor—my father is in a secure bunker under the Palace grounds taking his last breaths. The court of counts have given their verdict. My father has been cast aside, and now here in these halls on 20th-June the counts will elect a new Emperor." His words faded all color from the wizard's face. He fell back into his chair. His staff rattled in his hand as his eyes showed clear signs that this terrible news didn't surprise him. It was more as if it confirmed something for him.
"What kind of illness? Did it start with whitening of his golden-hair, followed by his skin losing its white-redness and becoming pale in complexion?"
Frankxz was astonished by the accuracy of the Wizard's guess. "How do you know all this?" Franks asked with a soft voice, as if he could see that the truth was naked in the eyes of the Wizard.
"Where?' The wizard spoke after a moment of silence, 'Where and when did these symptoms emerged?" The wizard almost jumped from his chair.
"Two months have passed. His symptoms emerged one-week after his visit to the Northern-provinces. Unholy creatures are being reported there. Our priests are vanishing. Their bodies found mutilated and defiled. Soldiers reporting in ghosts and wraiths roaming the dark nights. Passed loved ones calling for them. I sent many men to investigate, but any have yet to return." Frankxz voice cracked as he recalled the memories of the past few months. All these stories seemed to confirm in the mind of the Wizard of the news which he has to bring.
"This is worse than I feared, but we must try and help his Majesty if we can. I need to see his Majesty at once." The Wizard asked, but Frankxz didn't answer. Then he walked over to the stone-rails and looked over to the horizon. The fading sun dragged down its last light on the face of the tower.
"I ask your forgiveness teacher, but no one can meet the Emperor. We still don't know the origin of the Illness; it might latch onto you." His fist shattered the stone rail as it crashed into it.
"I am here teacher. It feels a lot better with those papers and tomes off my back, and those sweet pastries in my belly." Gamger walks up to them with arms full of cookies, and mouth stuffed with cake.
"And who is this bright fellow?" Frankxz asked shaking away his grim expression, and replacing it with a smile.
"Gamger, this is Carlxz Frankxz the silver tongue. He is the prince and one of the candidates to the throne of the Empire, and my worst student." His hands fell, as he heard his master's words; dropping the cookies and cakes. He quickly cleaned off the dough-dust and made himself more presentable.
"Forgive the late introduction. My name is Gregor Gamger son of Gregor the blacksmith. It is an honor to meet you, Sir." His awkward change in tone, and kneeling at his feet made for a comedic spectacle, But Frankxz grabbed the boy by the shoulders and lifted him to his feet.
"I am honored by your words, Gregor Gamger son of Gregor the Blacksmith, but bending the knee is a serious business in the capital, and you shouldn't bend it to just anyone or you will find yourself in undesirable servitude." The boy's eyes sparkled upon hearing such words from a distinguished Lord. The mood lightened up for a moment, but the Wizard with a stern voice asked again.
"Frankxz, take me to him. If what I fear has come to pass, we will need you in his stead." He couldn't say no to his old master, and so they headed for the old runes under the Palace walls.
Climbing down the tower Frankxz took them through a back entrance next to the draw-bridge on the east wall of the Palace. The entrance lead them down a steep case of dark-stairs.
"Megma le megma." Gallendor's staff produced a trail of white light for them to follow. The silence inside the cave was often broken by sounds of dripping droplets off the cave ceiling, and the occasional splashes of water. Tremors produced from the people walking above shock the ground and rumbled the ceiling.
"Ewe, it smells of rotten eggs, and dead fish in here." Gamger grabbed his nose in disgust. It was because the ruins were under the Moat.
"Why are there so many half-broken structures here? This place doesn't look that cozy to live in." Gamger asked as he rubbed his hands from the increasing cold. His eyes scanning the cave-roof for any falling pointy boulders.
"These houses are not the work of any man or race that is common in this world. They belong to an ancient race of Lizard-men who have all but perished in the great wars before the first year of the new world. Only a small fraction of their once dominating empire remains; scattered across the world, cursed to never regain their former glory." Gallendor spoke as if he was recalling long past memories of his own.
"Cursed? By who?" But before his question could be answered, Frankxz stopped them in front of a large door. Two large serpents devouring each-others tails in a circle decorated the door. Their eyes one red and the other blue as if glaring at the people in-front of it. A shiver climbed down Gamger's spine and he snuck behind his master's back.
"You shall stay here, young Gamger. I cannot risk you catching anything." Frankxz bend down on his knee and tapped his shoulder.
"Here? Alone?" Gamger looked around the dim-lit ruins. "And what of you? Will you stay or join me?" The wizard asked.
"I cannot stop you from going in there, but I can join you. It is about time I talked with him. With his deteriorating health the doctors advised against any contact.' His voice stern, but filled with dread for his father's fate.
Frankxz walked up to the door and switched the eyes of the Serpent. The door pulled open, and as it did a scream of a dying animal erupted from deep inside of the dark room.
"It would be for the best if I stayed here." Gamger said with a quietened scream. Frankxz drew his sword, while Gallendor with his staff moved into the dark room alert and aware.
The first thing they noticed was that the air was fouled with the stench of rotting flesh, and the white light from his staff revealed trails of blood across the floor and over the roof.
"Little bird stuck in a web, flapping struggling, ready to be eaten." A quiet melody filled the air. It grew louder and louder as they approached a small room at the far end. "We have guests... Familiar guests... Fresh and tasty guests." A chuckling voice ran up the walls and into the darkness of the room.
"Keep your wits about. What linger here no longer remains in the realm of mortals." Gallendor tapped his staff on the floor. The intensity of the light increased, illuminating the room.
"What in the name of Gods is this?" Frankxz found the bed sheets dripping with blood, the wooden post at each corner broken and twisted. Broken swords and regurgitated blobs of cloths and armor littering the floor.
"Ah. Frankxz, you have finally come. I wanted to see you, but they wouldn't let me." A deformed body with its skin hanging low on its boney appendages crawled into the room on all four. Its teeth twisted, skin pale, and back bone sticking out.
"What kind of abomination is this?" Frankxz stared in horror as his grip tightened around the handle of his sword.
"Stay back abomination. What did you do with his Majesty, and the servants attending him?" Gallendor spread out his hands, as if he was about to cast a spell.
One clink, two clink, three clink,
But the dwarf didn't blink; though
His heart is made of stone and gold, it
Yearned for something more.
Loved did he a maiden of loier.
An eleven majesty of the North.
But, killed was she by the golden drake of agbandun
And so, the legend of the dwarf of hated Gold was born.
Its word rough and twisted, but still comprehensible left the two of them in shock as they realized the identity of the creature at the other-end of their weapons.
"Father?" Frankxz legs stumbled backwards as his sword dropped low.
"I am hungry. Oh, so very hungry. I need to feed. I need to feed. Frankxz you were always such a good boy, always making me proud, but now you must make father proud again and let him feed on you." Green foam drooped down the creature's unhinged jaw, as it licked its lips.
"Mara se sha ro Magma!" Gallendor swung his staff and from it large fire balls appeared out of thin air; hitting close to the creature, but with a hiss the creature retreats back into the darkness.
"Frankxz! That abomination is no longer a creature of this world. The kindest thing which you can do is to put it out of its misery." The wizard shouted as he grabbed Frankxz by the hand, lifting him to his feet.
"Yes, you are right. That thing is no longer my father.' Wiping the drops of tears from his eyes, he regains his fighting stance.
"Stinking Wizard! I will rip out your heart for that." Flutter of crawling started here and there. Its cries echoing in the deep nothingness.
"Show your face!' Frankxz shouted into the darkness. With a fury of kicks and strikes the creature lunged at them, but in return Frankxz parried all of its attack. Before Frankxz could counter-attack the creature again crawled back into the dark.
"Magma la magma Wa Shoor." Gallendor raised his staff, and a white flash scrapped away the dark corners of the room and there in the upper corner of the creature hung, blinded from the intense light.
"Come and get it" Frankxz cut his hands, and as blood drip from the injury the creature ignored all its senses and lunged after him. Frankxz ducked and in a straight upper thrust skewered the creature with his sword. The creature flailed and screeched, its sharp claws struck Frankxz right across his face. His grip loosened and the creature with its belly pierced with his sword unfolds wings from it's lose skin. And in a desperate attempt flies back towards the entrance. Gallendor attempts to cast a spell, but by then the creature had flown out of sight. A quick scream rose from the direction of the entrance, and the two of them ran towards the source.
"What was that?! A strange creature just came out flying out of there with a sword stuck its belly." Gamger came running down the hall to meet the two of them.
"By the Gods, did it harm you?" Gallendor asked as he searched his body for any injuries.
"No, I am fine. But what was that master?"
"Yes, I would too like to know what that was." Frankxz asked as he caught his breath.
"That was the terrible news." Gallendor answered.