Fog towered over the castle with an stench of death and destruction, the castle itself gave away very sinister touch to anyone that dared to lurk near it's border . not a single soul lay withing call of the gates , those horrible gates that stood 10 feet tall into the air . yet, one man dared to approach the gate, he moved ghostly towards it. A cloaked hand outstretched it 's bony fingers to the gate and suddenly it stared to open . With a terrible roaring squeal it moved in a slow pace . within a minute or so after, the gate had stopped it's horrible battle cry and the figure moved it's way into the castles ground. The image that was displayed flickered and had switched to another site , there within the castle another figure stood on a balcony which led from an wider room, most defiantly the throne room. It was wide with a large carpet which was laid at the base of the throne it seemed to have be made from some form a reptilian, on each side of the room held a long line of display , in each column held what could be, heads. The person that stood on the balcony was a man with his back turned to the throne room. he had a wide shoulder with and a lean body , he wore long black lathered boots to his knee cap, black trousers with a white tunic, finished of with a simple cape . a crown was placed on top of his silky jet black hair. Yet for a man of such simple look, something was wrong about him , something rather.. sinister. The ghostly figure from before appeared a few tiles behind the man, he later bowed his head low to the ground
"my king."
he spoke with such a humble respect, yet his words felt like claws to stone .
" i have come for my re-"
the king cut him off .
"i know." the king drawled.
"what your looking for, but have you brought me what I wanted?"
his word had ice within them , the figure flinched .
" yes my king, but one"
" but one "the king mimicked." you only brought me one ring, what do you expect me to do with that ?"he asked.
there was silence,nothing else
" give me the ring." the king growled.
the man flinched again, but he passed the ring . in his hand held the ring , a ring that had most likely belonged to a ring master. a ring, that was now in the wrong hands. it was from the legion of Taurus one of the most possessive and most responsible legion . the King simply toke the ring from the the man that knelt before him and slid it on his own finger .a wicked smile tugged at his face as he gleefully twisted the ring on his thumb. there was long period of him awing at the ring. the man spoke. "my king, the reward?"
the king slipped his hand to his side, he sighed. "moridon , moridon." the king purred .
"yes, my king." the man who's name was moridon seemed more alert, as if .. scared.
"you have been working for me , for more than a month now, is that right." there was a pause.
" answer me." the king demanded.
"yes your Majesty." moridon replied.
"you have at least brought me three rings " said the king . he slowly walked back and forth from one wall heading for the other.
"yet ?". the king paused as if to add suspense.
"yet, you always fail to do what I exactly tell you to do."
" but your majes-" moridon plead.
" Na-pu-ta , is that you disturbing your king?" the king purred, as if this was a game of cat and mouse, and moridon was to be the hunted.
" no your majesty" moridon mumbled, the king continued.
"now tell me , when ever I ask for two rings i receive nothing , and i asked for five and you give me, one? is that you can't count ."
" no your majesty, bu-." the king waved his hand in dismissal at him.
" I rest my case, guards!" A few men entered the room, moridon stood with such speed and had managed trip one of the guards. in his right palm appeared a staff , he started to chant.
"fire of Aries and the strength of Taurus ,let it-" . the guards, acted quick and tackled moridon to the floor, not before punching him a few times over and over. they garbed him and dragged him to the center of the throne room.
" you shall not get away with this , you shall not reign for ever ! the one name Alice shall destroy you!"
the king walked towards the balcony repeating the name over and over , then a dark chuckle erupted from the king.
" well then , I guess i must dispose of her ." the king smiled exposing deadly fangs along with deadly sharp teeth. in a flash a blade sailed through the air from the king and had planted it self in moridon's chest, moridon trashed on the floor from the loss of blood before being dragged away. the king turned back to the balcony.
" Alice ,huh" . he played with the ring in his hand .
" well then , i'll be waiting for you".
then suddenly I awoke from this nightmare, for the Alice he spoke of was me , Alice Eridanus.