I awoke from the nightmare drenched in sweat , I cleaved to my shirt as if the life i had was about to ripped from my body.
"it was just another dream , nothing to be afraid of ''.
telling this to myself would usually ease my fright, but not tonight the dream that I had felt so real, just like the rest of them . but i felt very uneasy with this one in particular. I sighed, but only ended up releasing a shaky breath.
"calm down Alice, it was just a dream, nothing to be afraid of."
I slid my feet on to the cold hard wood floor. I spent many nights like this having dreams that had no meaning but only a purpose to give me fright. I remember when I started to have dreams like this , I was four when it had started and I remember trying to tell my father about the nightmare I had, a dream showing a man plunging a knife into a woman's chest and i remember the chilling scream in my dream as if it was real and I was there to see those woman's chestnuts colored eyes as life sipped from them. the memory sent chills along my spine. I stared out into the endless night, the moon was bright to night, so bright, that the light itself beamed through the tree branches outdoors. a sudden jolt of shock hit me and had sent me stumbling out of bed. "bloody hole of Andromeda, the ceremony !" I was about to be late as always , the sudden realization had made me forget my dreams . I quickly tugged on my tattered leather pants, a top and my old leather boots. I didn't have enough money to buy new clothes ,nor did I ever have enough for food. I placed my cape on, something I had managed to snuggled from one of the rich higher ups , or the " rich lords' ' I should say. I bustled through the street as many others did on a night like this , a night that was intended for a celebration of sorts. I strolled my way down the street, music blurred from nearby tents and children gathered around to hear musician, who's only intend was to smuggle as much dimes as they can get from the children , the smell of sweet lingering pastry filled the air as bakers placed there fresh goods by window seals, their children kept watched by the window to make sure that not one sticky finger sweep away the fresh bakes. but I had managed to anyway and had snatched a moon cake and an apple right under the baker's son's nose. I didn't like to steal , I usually never steal, I'll only feel guilty right after doing it, but tonight was a special night. The seventh ceremony, this ceremony was once intended for only the rich men and their family at least that was the case a hundred years ago. Many would have to stay outside the ginormous temple doors and wait for the king and his lord men to leave through the temple doors but things and time changes and so does people's actions,people became more generous on nights like these so stealing wasn't looked on twice. I strolled a few blocks down the street to see Mrs.waterspouts and his jewelry stand. he eyed many of the children that passed by, or more so the ones that were poor and insignificant to society. and since his hateful glare wasn't enough, he held beside him one of the latest gun models, it was long with an open hole like a barrel placed at the bottom and more gadgets for adjustment. Many of the children walked on the other side of the streets, poor and rich. I strolled past his stand very slowly , I saw as his grip tighten on the gun. I stopped and started to study each jewelry. "my, Mrs. waterspout you have such lovely jewelry." I beamed.
"Scram , you know very well you can't afford one damn thing here." he spat.
a sly smile tugged at my face.
" very well then, bye bye." I cheered.
he spat where I was standing, and I simply hummed to myself. " that little dirty bastard, doesn't know one thing about me."
I made sure to stop by the orphanage, and dropped off the new jewelry I stole, Miss Lyra -head of the orphanage- shook her head while laughing. "What did the old fool do this time?" she said between chuckles .
" He was being rude again, so I thought I'll take something to show him my taste for jewelry, especially when it's worth more than my life."I said with a smudge smile , she laughed again .
" try not to get in his way next time, okay." I nodded in response. Miss Lyra chuckled a bit before sending me off. I quickly left the orphanage and went off to the temple. It was already eleven'o o'clock, one hour before the actual ceremony. I followed the crowd, as if they were the current and I was the sea creature flowing with it .