hey my pups dont forget to help me out here i want you advice and your spell check! i aplogise for being gone so long i was on a slump then the covid so here i am now!
Pandora pov
Home finally, let's blast the music!!! Lucky me I don't have to worry about neighbors. HA suck that city people!!!!!
"Let's get a pot of coffee going and get my book!" I talk to myself...a lot....
Achoo! I dance along to the music as I'm making the coffee. Heading to my bedroom I do a little dance off with myself. Achoo! grab my book, my beautiful coffee cup and head to my bay window. I'm not much for decorating, Achoo! but when it comes to the bay windows get out of my way. I put so many pillows and a couple blankets on the large seat. Achoo! I sat and moved around the pillows. Achoo! so that everything was comfortable and not going num anytime soon.
Achoo! "WHY AM I SNEEZING SO MUCH?!?!?!" I yell to no one, what is going on? Maybe I need to clean, though I did that just the other day.
After school time
Pandora pov
"Finally I'm done cleaning!" I haven't sneezed in hours! Maybe that was what's going on...Achoo! "GOD DAMN IT!!!!!"
James pov
After school we went home in silence, both of us wondering. Who is this girl? Why weren't we notified that there was someone new in town?
When we got home we went up and dropped off our stuff. Will runs down stairs, I know what he's going to do. The end result is his head being bit off. It will be fun to see so I lurk in the shadows watching... Wow, that girl Pandora is really good at reading people.
Will pov
"MOM!" I hear no response,"MOM, MOM WHERE ARE YOU. I KNOW YOU'RE HERE WHERE ARE YOU!?!" Why the fuck did Mom not tell us? She should have known! The pack should have reported her!
"Shut your mouth right now!" Shit she didn't tell me I'm in big trouble now. I slowly turn with my head down.
"mother." I whimper.
"You were calling me a rude son of mine. What is it that you need to be yelling and waking you little sister?" I'M IN BIG SHIT NOW! I woke Grace... fuck.
"Um..well... Jem was wondering why we were informed about the new girl in town." I wince Jem will be getting me back on that one.
"She is no threat, she has caused no trouble, and she has great hands when working on cars. There was nothing to tell."
"Mom she hasn't sent!"
"She hasn't done any harm and will be living when she graduates. I've talked to Tishas and Bill and her contract will be over graduation day. She'll be leaving in a few months. Why are you two getting so upset about this? Jem come out of your hiding spot." Jem? No wonder, the girl was right. He does like to be in the shadows and listen.
"Mom our wolf, they were on edge when we saw her. I don't know what to make of it and they don't either." James is always the soothing bastard.
"Well maybe she's your mate." What the? Na. There was no pull. There is no pull. Right?
"Mom I'm not so sure, there is no pull, nothing saying she is." So Jem's not feeling it either.
"Be honest, has she been in your thoughts all day? Have you thought of putting your finger through her hair? Of pulling her close? Or have you been wanting to think about those things and not letting yourself?"
How does mom always know what we're thinking?
"It's written all over your face that's how."
She says sarcastically.
" That's not true!" Really bad come back but I'm struck. I look over at James
Jem: she right you know.
Me: fuck off. Have you been thinking of her?
Jem: ya. You?
Me: ya. What do we do now?
Jem: Well we know where she lives so why don't we go on a run?
We talk through the mind link. I head my head " thank you Mom for making us realize things we'll be going on a run."
She looked pleased, "good next time though would you so kindly not wake your sister it's been so hard to get her to sleep. Maybe bring that girl over ya? Take your car and park a couple miles from her house. Scout, then ask her over, tell her there is food and coffee."
"Yes Mom." Jem and I say in unison.
We're parked about 15 to 10 minutes from her house. With our hearing we can clearly hear her music. But even without it we'd be able to make out a little. We take off our clothes and shift. We're planning on staying in the woods, but coming close enough to see. In about 5 minutes we were just on the perimeter of the woods surrounding her house. It's small, most likely a one bath one bed. But has a really nice bay window that she's sitting engrossed in a book. Sipping on a cup while thinking is coffee.
Me:it's a nice little cabin
Jem:ya it is, you smell that she just cleaned.
Me: ya, do you smell anyone else?
Jem:no I think it's just her, she is 18 isn't she?
Me:ya I think so, but why would she be here?
Jem: no idea, you want to get her now?
Me:ya why not
Pandora pov
I look up from my book and see movement in the woods. I think it was a tail but it was gone too fast to tell. I shrug "I'll check the prints soon, see what it was." Again talking to myself. I got back to my book. It's about werewolves and no it is not twitchlight. I think it's better than those books but I like most books and those were a good series. I get up to pour myself another cup and start another pot when I hear a knock at the door. "Who in the seven hells could that be?" I'm not all that religious. I just like using some of their sayings sometimes.
I look though the peep hole...FUCK I don't want to deal with them. But I think I have to.
I open the door just enough to see my body.
"Well, well ,well didn't think I'd be seeing you two here." I say sarcastically as if I don't live here.
"Um, we and our mom were wondering if you would want to have dinner with us and chill?" Will says shiley and rubs his head.
"Oh yes, and tell me why would I want to?"
"There will be food, coffee, dessert, and we have a newborn baby sister." When I hear the newborn I shut the door, push past them and get in shotgun. They stand there facing my house door as if I was still there.
"HEY YOU COMING OR WHAT?" I yell at them, they turn around slowly.
"What the fuck just happened." Will asked
"Get your ass in this truck or I'm taking it." That got his attention and they snapped out of it.
Their house is not a house, it is a mansion. That is what it is.
When I walk in I'm hit with the strong aroma of a beans, mashed potatoes, spics, stake, and so much more. I Turn to the boys ''two things, one where is the kitchen and two where's the baby?"
James responds by first moving as he does."Come with me I'll show you the kitchen, then later we'll show you our sister." I eagerly follow, as I expected the kitchen is huge. I see an average woman standing working all alone on a big dinner. "BOYS WHY AREN'T YOU HELPING YOUR MOTHER?! SHE LOOKS TO HAVE BEEN SLAVING IN HERE FOR HOURS?" I Chase them, kind of playing kind of being serious. Wow how wrong was I to say their mother was aodnary. She's beautiful, what must her husband look like??
" You know that's what I've been trying to get into their heads but it just won't work." She laughs, "well if they won't help you I will! I've been doing good in the kitchen if I do say so myself." I say and stick my chest out a little.
"Ok can you cut the onion?" I look at her sideways.
"Oh I see a new sue chef, so you got to give them the dirty work." I huf, she smiles and laughs.
"Look like you know you know the rules of the kitchen!"
"Just cuze I know them doesn't mean I like them!"
"No one likes them but we in force them!"
I see the boys trying to escape, "where do you two think you're going?" their Mom and I say together, we look at each other and laugh.
"N-nowhere." They stamers, "how bout you get your little non existent buts in here and cut the onions!" I tell them, they look behind themselves.
"We have butts." They say pouty, "I don't know if that's a good Idea last time I had them cut onions they almost burnt down the house." I look between their mom and the boys confused.
" How do you almost burn down the house by cutting onions?"
"That's been my question for years but they won't tell me!"
After fully embarrassing the boys we get to work getting dinner done. Within one hour of me getting there it's done. We set the table and get ready to feast.
"Well who is this beauty here?" I look up from where I'm sitting and a handsome man looks down at me. I quickly stand and bow my head a little, " hello sir i am Pandora you can call me pan if you like."
"Well hello little pan, my i ask what you are doing here tonight?"
"No need to ask this is your house after all. You sons invited me to dinner and to see the cute little baby sister."
He walks over to the head chair and sits down "please sit." He tells me and waves his hand. There's a little bit of awkward silence then their mother speaks, "so pan what are you doing here there's not many who know of this little town?"
"Well I was looking for a place where I could stay and finish school."
This time Will speaks "why couldn't you have gone to school where you grew up?" I stiffen, "WILL can't you see that made her uncomfortable! Say sorry now!'' Will's mom chased him. But before he could respond I asked. "Sorry mama but what should i call you and your husband?" they all look startled and shocked.
"Well, um, you can call me mom. Or Melissa, or Meli, or Missa. You can call me anything that's not disrespectful. As for my husband he likes to go by Jeffrey or Jeff." Their mom says.
"I'm so sorry we didn't introduce ourselves to you." Jeffrey surprisingly says.
"It's fine Jeffrey, there's no need to apologize." I say honestly they shouldn't be apologizing this is their house.
"Well don't we have a polite little flower here." I turn, there's a tall girl behind me.
"Go away Stacy, we told everyone to say out of the house tonight." Will growls at her. Before she could say something I bud in.
"Why did you tell everyone not to be here? And who is everyone?" Everyone is looking at me full on now not glancing over as if I'll attack.
Missa is the first to answer.
"Well Pan, we um... we run a pack house. (Everyone sharply looks at her) it's a place where many people live in one house. Like apartments but on a more intimate level. We all share the workload, Jeff and I are basically the head of the house. We take care of paying bills and keeping everything afloat. We help everyone who lives here. So they don't mind when we ask for them not to be here. We have a few other houses on our property so they're all over there hanging out." Well that makes me feel guilty and relieved at the same time.
"If you did that because of me coming over you didn't have to." They might think I'm stuck up now...
"God can you stop with the angle act." Stacy chokes out, let me tell you she's a Stacy. Bleached blond, skinny waist, fake butt and boobs, slutty clothes.
"This little angel act is called manners and being humble. Sorry if all you can see is an act that you use to get in peoples pants." I retort, I laugh to myself when I see the facees of Will and Jem.
She scuffs " whatever, I need something and forgot it here."
"Ya, your virginity." I mumble, or I thought I did because everyone started laughing their asses off. I looked at Stacy. Her face was bright beet red, she was P.I.S.S.E.D!!!! I started laughing, she stormed out.
"Well I'm starting to really like you Pan!" Jeffrey gets out though his laughter.
I blush "I didn't think she would have heard that..."
"Honey we have very good hearing." Missa tells me, well I won't be mumbling under my breath in this house.
After Dinner
"You know Pan, I don't think I will ever apologize for being rude earlier." Missia reminds herself, we're in an Ethereal room. Will and Jem's little sister. Her name means extremely delicate light, not of this world. She might be a baby but I can tell that she will be one of the most beautiful people to have ever walked the earth.
"It's fine I am used to rude little men." Thunder cracks, it starts pouring outside so hard could hear it the house has many stories is that filed. "Wow I love the rain it's soothing how does ethereal act with the rain. " The second after I asked to get an answer ethereal is lit up with energy Joy. She starts laughing and giggling moving a little arms around so happily like a little ball of bouncing Joy. "Excuse me for a little I want to go see the rain."
I turn and head out of the room, I have always gone to the rain. as I walk towards the front door I catch the attention three boys. But I just continued walk out right out the front door into the rain. I stand like I'm about to fall into nothing snow angel position but I have my head up soaking in the rain. I have my eyes closed looking up enjoying the hard pelting rain beating up on my skin I lift up your water from sky could wash away everything that has happened.
When suddenly I don't feel alone I put my hands down my head Street open up my eyes and I see dark movements just in the forest. there's a clearing in the clouds where the full moon just peaks barely through. Then wolves start howling like many of so many of them, howel's of sadness and joy dance around in mix into a sad Happy song of nature. My cat is more Swift movement just beyond the trees I start to laugh a little. I turn the whole family of Will and Jem standing there looking at me like I'm crazy.
"never thought you'd be the type to dance around in the rain. " Will speaks,"I never thought you want to judge the weirdness of others. " I turn to missa and her husband "apologize running out, I'm soaking wet right now oh take my leave I apologize for my rudeness tonight." I turn away to go to my jeep but remember I didn't take my Jeep, mental facepalm.
"Sweetheart why don't you just come inside take a shower and sleep here for the night? " I stand there until you baby it sounds like a good idea and we'll did say something about dessert sooooooo... "yeah okay why not... I just have one question... Can we have dessert?" I look down a little bears that I even asked a question the first place.
"Are you kidding me? OF COURSE WE'RE HAVING DESSERT WHO DOESN'T HAVE DESSERT?" I turn around really fast look at her with big doe eyes "really?" She nods her head, and I jump up screaming yay!
We go back inside I am handed a towel and directed towards the nearest bathroom which is one of the boyies room. I am mentally again facepalm forgot to bring any soap but I guess one time won't hurt to much will it?
I turn on the shower to the temperature I like it almost burning my skin. He has bar soap and one of those scrunchie kind of things so I rather it up and scrub. Because I owe her like my other soap does it feels nice like cleaning lotion actually.
it has a soft and smooth texture that makes it feel like lotion but it's bar soap so it's a bit weird. Although I don't scrub the private areas I just rinse those off. Then I use his 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner. Once done i grab a fluffy black towle, in my opinion black towles are the smart way to go cuze mothly stuff...
My clothes are soaked...