Card Holders
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The unknown city was asleep, dogs were lying in front of a giant ancient building. It’s two after midnight and the only light visible in the entire city was coming from this ancient building. Big fluffy snow melting on the surface of the window of one of the rooms of the building as soon as it hit it. Inside the room four chairs surrounded a black circular table. Spades was fixing his necktie, Diamonds was tapping the table with his pen impatiently. Hearts has put her hands under her chin while watching the video playing on the screen of the data show. Clubs was biting his lips so hard that he thought he could taste blood in his mouth. The events happening lately were so dreadful. Spades watched the burning trees of the forests in Australia through the screen and he sighed, looking at his fellow leaders. Then back at the screen, he noticed how fast those green wet trees set ablaze, flames devouring hungrily, crackling, swaying like lovers dancing to their favorite rhythm. Hungry fire’s rage consuming the dead and alive, the animals and trees, and everything belonging to the once happy forest.
“It has been one week” Clubs said, emotionless.
“It’s not stopping, it keeps destroying everything” Hearts said, her cold blue eyes fixed on the screen, her red lips pressed into a thin line.
“Let’s listen to what the doctor has to say” Spades declared.
The doors of the room opened and a short man wearing a white laboratory coat came in. The doctor fixed his eyeglasses, and shifted in his sear uncomfortably. He was used to not seeing these four strangers. He only recognized them by their voices otherwise he always felt like he was talking to a mirror. But he knew that these four people were of very high positions, there was one woman among them, and they could see him but he couldn’t see them. And most importantly they paid him well, more than he could have ever wished for.
“Explain, doctor” Spades ordered.
Doctor opened his laptop and connected it to the data show, showing the card holders something which seemed like a chart.
“What’s this?” Hearts demanded.
“This chart shows the imbalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide on the globe ma’am” Doctor explained.
“Are you saying what’s happening right now might lead the earth into a global crisis?” Diamonds asked.
“Unfortunately, yes” Doctor answered, “as you already saw how the fire doesn’t have any mercy for anything in that forest, let’s not forget about Amazon forest as well”
“Wouldn’t those trees grow back again?” Clubs asked.
“Some might, sir. But others may never grow green again. And the ones which might grow back, they might take more than one year” Doctor explained, a sad tone audible in his voice.
“Which will lead to more oxygen and carbon dioxide imbalance on earth” Diamonds concluded, tapping his pen on the table. TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP…
“Yes… the rate of oxygen is already decreasing dramatically. But the fire is not the only problem we have” Doctor continued. “About three hundred babies are born every minute, which means more than hundred and fifty million babies in one year. We suspect the population of the world might be more than twelve billion people by the year of twenty-two hundred”
“What about animals?” Clubs asked.
“Unfortunately there’s a huge risk for extinction of animals by the year twenty- twenty two”
Spades arched an eyebrow in surprise.
“I think it’s time for the cardholders to interfere this time, don’t you think so gentlemen?” Hearts suggested.
“What do you suggest?” Clubs asked.
“I suggest we find a solution for that huge amount of population” Spades said.
“We can forbid couples from having more than one child” Diamonds suggested.
“That’s not possible” Hearts declared.
“True, how can you make silly people understand the danger of global warming when in some countries they only conceive to have fights with other families?” Spades explained.
“The problem here is not just with the huge amount of the newborn. The problem is with the current people living on earth” Clubs said, in a low voice.
“Correct” Hearts agreed.
“You mean each one of them is already wasting oxygen and food on earth” Diamonds concluded.
“We need to make a hard decision about this situation” Clubs said.
Spades, Hearts, and Diamonds stared at one another in surprise. Diamonds had stopped tapping his pen on the table by now.
“You don’t mean…” Spades’ voice trailed off.
“Yes… We will use the old virus” Clubs explained.
“How many needs to be eliminated?” Diamonds asked the doctor.
“According to my calculations, if the oxygen and carbon dioxide level need to be balanced, about two million people need to be eliminated”
“Is it time for using this weapon though?” Hearts asked her fellow cardholders.
“There’s no better time than now” Clubs said.
“Is it same as the old one?” Diamonds asked.
“It’s called SABS-virus for now” Doctor answered.
“I don’t care what It’s name is, I want it to kill our targeted number of people” Spades complained.
“It will, sir. Don’t worry. This virus causes severe acute bowel syndrome” Doctor said.
“For now work on a vaccine for it,” Diamonds told the doctor and turned to the cardholders, “we need to spread as much terror as we can”
“Once we are finished with killing the required target number, we will announce that we have found cure” Spades said.
“People are stupid enough to be happy when we tell them the world is empty of the virus, even if they lose their loved ones” Diamonds said, chuckling.
“Even better… they will be happy to hear that the leaders of the countries who are in fact enemies, are united” Spades said.
“They’re indeed a bunch of idiots who are easy to manipulate” Clubs said, shaking his head.
“Let’s play this game for the sake of earth” Diamonds said.
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