It was a nebulous night, as a pack of werewolves raced through the Wildhorse, Louisiana woods in sync, the pure black werewolf, Jack, in the lead. Jack's left hand werewolf Jasmine, and right hand werewolf Mike, were flanked at either side of him. As the pack raced together through the woods, wind blew through their fur coats.
Suddenly, Jack smelled something close by. It thankfully wasn't a vampire, though. Not really. It had the mixed scents of vampires and werewolf. The creature was something new. Smelling it close by, he led his pack towards it.
When Jack stopped, so did his pack. He signaled with his tail for them to stay. Then he padded a few steps in front of his pack.
What and who are you? Jack asked the unknown creature, which was in wolf form.
I'm a hybrid. I'm half werewolf and half vampire. My name is Dawn. I apologize if I'm on your territory," the cream-colored she-hybrid responded. She was never one to like confrontation, so she usually stayed away from other wolves and species.
Nice to meet you, Dawn. I'm Jack. I'm the alpha. And no. You're not on our territory. This is no man's land.
Well, it was nice meeting you, Jack, but I should go, she replied. Then she turned to leave.
Since she seemed to be alone, he said, If you don't have a place to stay, we can find a place for you to stay at. After all, he didn't think anyone should be alone. Especially, during the winter season. When snow was on the ground, there were always a lot of hunters around. Any newcomers, half vampire or not, wouldn't know where to hide.
I prefer to live alone in the woods, she informed him, looking back at him.
Since Jack was too involved in the newcomer and there was too much snow for a wolf to hear anything, he and his pack didn't know hunters had seen them until shots were fired. Jack was one of the ones that got hit. He whined when he got shot, falling to the ground, but was able to tell his pack, Run for cover! Don't look back!
Jasmine, one of his pack members, stayed with him, grabbing his scruff in her jaws, trying to get him up. With the newcomer's help, she was able to get him to his paws. Then, with both of them using their weight to get him up, they helped him walk away from where the danger was at the moment, as they looked for a place suitable to hide in. The wound wouldn't kill him, but it would eventually weaken him. Going to Katherine Price's house for help wouldn't bode well. Not with the hunters on their trail.
Eventually, they found a cave that wasn't far from the river, so they stayed there, Jasmine keeping an eye on him, while Dawn sat at the entrance, keeping tabs on whether the hunters were getting close to where they were or not. Being both species gave her the advantage of quickly healing. Sure, wolves healed fast. Not like vampires did, though. Vampires healed much quicker than wolves. However, with a bullet still in him, Jack wouldn't be able to heal yet.