it was late last night when a weird creature started walking closer to me .Soon later i reailized it was a wolf of some type so I ran home as i've heard creepy tales about them. The next day i found myself searching all about wolf and soon found out that the wolf there was a werewolf! They are the most dangerous of them all. I was still quite curious about this creature so i decided to catch ond the next day but fist i better get some rest.I realize the next day there might not be a full moon . But luck was on my side.
Late in the evening , I was back in the same spot of where I saw the werewolve. Suddenly I saw a pack of werewolves racing closer to me. I knew I couldn't catch them all but , I couldn't run either or they would catch up to me as their quicker . A few seconds past by and my only choice was to try and catch them all. Thump!Thump!!! The creatures where so close to me . I wanted to run but I new that the werewolf could out run me. So I styck with my plan.*sigh*. "Yes!!! " I did it but I felt a slight pain on my arm. Argh!!! I've been bitten . I fell on a grassy surface ...
*yawn* what happend?A group of people were with me." Who are you?" I ask . Us um well we were the werewolves last night but we just trabsfomed back to human. Wait who bite me last night!? "Me," whispered a short stubby man. How long will it take to heal. "It will never heal," said the tallest man of the lot.WHAT!!!!!!!! "Every full moon you will turn into a werewolf now," whispered the tiny man again.
And I live like that for the rest of my life.