~With every chapter, it holds a clue where mysteries unravel and even secrets too. Pay attention to the whispers, so you won’t have to listen to the screams.~
Lele is besieged in a fitful sleep; her body restlessly lurches from one side to another. Something hindering the tranquility she normally finds in sleep, but tonight is different.
Unaware, a hand slowly hovers over her face and instantly clamps down on her mouth, jolting her awake. Lele’s scream is muffled by the rough hand as she thrusts upright, her eyes are blinded by the intense blue light that shines in her eyes.
“Man, I wish that was on record.” Atticus softly chuckles. He straightens up and moves his cellphone flashlight from her face. Lele scowls and rubs at her eyes, groaning.
“Get out.” Lele seethes.
“Aw, don’t be like that. Aren’t you curious about what lies behind Mr. Apion’s guarded door? The guard dude must’ve left his post by now, its past midnight.”
Lele peels the silk sheets from her and heaves herself out of the bed, making their way out of the bedchamber. Atticus pioneers ahead with the flashlight from his phone, safely guiding the way.
The two siblings follow down the black engrossed corridor, the chasm of silence deafening and fostering an inescapable eerie ambiance. The carpeted floorboards echo their gentle steps, beyond the enigmatic creaks and distant whines seize Lele with the icy grip of fear.
It’s like the manor is breathing, the ephemeral breeze that whispers as if the manor knows and that it sees.
Lele flashes by her brother’s side and clutches on to his arm for dear life.
“Did you hear that?”
“Yeah… we’re practically a mini palace. It could’ve been anything.”
Lele vigorously shakes her head in fervent disbelief. Her nails slowly dig into her Atticus’s bare skin.
“No… I recognize that faraway… sound.”
Atticus shoots her with a look and pivots the direction of the flashlight so it shines on her arms that are entangled around his, her nails drilling.
“Good for you and your canine like senses, now get your claws off me.” Atticus angrily murmurs. Lele happily obliges and shoves him away for her.
“I’m just saying, if a crazy axe murderer comes out of nowhere in this horror movie looking house. You’re on your own, sis.”
“Wow… my hero.”
Soon enough Atticus and Lele make it on to the third landing, weaving through the passages, creeping down, not needing to keep to the shadows since the shadows are everywhere. Atticus shines the flashlight on his face and places his index finger on the center of his lips. Lele nods. Atticus takes point and glimpses around the corner, lifting his hand to shine the flashlight down the corridor and scans the area with it.
“As I suspected. Empty. The guard isn’t here.”
Atticus confidently rounds the corner and Lele follows as they both saunter down the corridor to the maple double door at the end of the passage.
“What do you think we’ll find in there?” Lele whispers.
“Nothing because you will not step a foot inside there.” A voice booms.
Atticus and Lele spin around to see Hilda holding one kindling candlestick near her face that is held up by a small metal saucer with a thumb hole. The fiery flame reflects in Hilda’s dull eyes, intensifying the sear of her glower.
“What are you doing up so late, children?”
Atticus and Lele exchange panicked looks.
“Uh… uhm. We were… sleepwalking?”
Lele immediately face-palms and shakes her head. Hilda stares at Atticus incredulously and arcs her thick eyebrow.
“Together? What a phenomenal bond you two must share.” Hilda dryly answers. She steps forward and slightly extends the metal saucer towards them, the amber glow reflecting on their faces.
“Now listen and listen well. You are never to leave your quarters at nightfall and you are forbidden from wandering on the third landing of the manor. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Atticus and Lele say simultaneously.
Hilda draws the saucer back towards her and assesses them with an unreadable look.
“Good. The Apion’s do not tolerate insubordination. You are in their good graces and believe me, you do not want to experience it when you are not. Stay in line and you will be just fine.”
With that said. The siblings are escorted back to their separate bedchambers on the second landing.
“Goodnight children and let me not ever find you snooping around these walls at night. Remain in your quarters.”
Atticus stands before his door, feeling understandably threatened. However, Lele heeds to her instruction of more of an underlined warning. She glances at her brother and nods at him,, and he mimics. Lele enters her bedchamber and softly closes the door behind her.
Lele is grateful for the fitful sleep she once had, because now sleep has abandoned her completely. Her instincts stir and prohibiting her from being slipping into a vulnerable state.
At the brink of dawn, Lele and brother sit seated around the breakfast stable that errs the extensive wooden kitchen. A royal breakfast is laid out for them, from poached and scrambled eggs to pork sausages and bacon accompanied with a platter of buttered toast in addition to a bowl of freshly harvested and washed fruits.
Joshua vacuums in anther weary yawn and Atticus sits with his forehead resting on his wrists.
“I don’t even wake up this early for school.” Joshua grumbles.
The siblings wait at the table for Miss and Mr. Apion to arrive, but they never do.
“Screw this, I’m hungry.”
Atticus begins to pile his plate with scrambled eggs and pork sausages, Joshua follows suit and starts gathering strips of bacon onto his plate with a frenzied look in his eyes.
“About last night...” Lele uneasily trails off. She reaches for the bowl of fruit and serves herself with two neatly sliced pieces of watermelon and two poached eggs.
“Oh… you mean when we were stalked at midnight and then threatened to… stay in line or else.”
Lele surveys the area to find one female servant posted by the archway, standing laterally, hands clasped in front of her.
“What the hell was she doing up at that time, where did she know how to find us? There are no cameras or any form of technology in the manor… how did she know?” Lele frantically whispers back. Atticus shrugs his shoulders and purposefully keeps his gaze down and on his food. Joshua’s small teeth rip off pieces of bacon and chews without a care in the world. Too occupied to heed to his sibling’s mutterings.
“I don’t know, the Apion’s are creepy but they're harmless, just privileged like overly privileged people who owe me a lifetime worth of birthday presents… I take cash too, we all know that’s not an issue.” Atticus snickers, and Lele rolls her eyes.
“What? The Apion’s got problems, but financial isn’t one of them.”
"Atticus.” Lele cautions.
“Lele you always had bad timing. Do you really think it’s wise to be discussing this while we’re not alone?” Atticus questions and looks over to the servant in gesture. She flicks a glance behind her at the stagnant servant and stares back at her brother.
“Eyes and ears everywhere.”
After breakfast and after an indignant amount of begging. Lele manages to convince Atticus to take the horses out for a ride, whereas Joshua needed no persuasion.
The siblings step outside to be greeted by the briny scent of the ocean breeze. They casually walk down on the cobblestone pathway that meanders around the geometric garden that gleams a perfect green, the pathway continues leading to the stables that connect to the open, manicured field that expanses out until the human eye can no longer see.
“Can’t believe I allowed you to talk me into this.” Atticus groans.
“As if you had better plans. Anyway, it’s the perfect excuse to create some distance between us and the manor filled with ears and eyes.”
Atticus silently agrees, glancing down at Joshua who’s interspaced between them, holding both of their hands. Atticus turns his gaze up to spot the stable just up ahead.
“And I don’t get why you’re complaining, you used to love horse-riding.”
“Yeah… when I was Josh’s age… a lot has changed since then.”
Lele thoughtfully looks at her brother’s decoded expression, she parts her lips to inquire but her lips thin as she is distracted by the galloping sounds rebounding on the ground. Lele lifts her gaze to see a horse and a rider advancing towards them. The sun glistens down and illuminates the rider’s golden blonde hair, his eyes a mirrored reflection of when the sunlight glints off the ocean’s water with a shimmering sparkle.
“Easy, girl.”
The rider tenderly holds the rein and gently reels it in, smoothly bringing the Arabian horse to a halt just before them. Lele cringes, almost immediately recognizing his voice.
“Ah, the rest of the Apion’s royal relatives. What an honor to finally meet you all.” The rider proclaims, the derisiveness dripping off his tone in streams.
“Should I bow… curtsey or bend the knee?”
Atticus is immediately triggered by the rider’s aggravating disposition and looks at his sister with a vexed look.
“Does he know that his seconds away from receiving a royal ass-whipping?”
Lele involuntary breaks into a smile and laughs. The rider examines Atticus with a surprised look before he unlatches himself from the saddle and hops off the horse.
“You said a bad word!” Joshua scolds.
“Yes, he did… that wasn’t very royal of him.” The rider agrees, making a slow approach towards them. The rider’s eyes glide over to Lele, and it freezes on her. A roguish smile curves on his face that does not go unnoticed.
“Hey! If you want to keep those pearly white teeth of yours, I suggest you don’t use them to smile at my sister.” Atticus threatens. He promptly lets’s go of Joshua’s hand and hostilely steps towards the rider.
Amused, the rider folds his arms, the short-sleeved polo shirt, exposes the ripple of muscles.
Lele clasps her hand on her brother’s shoulder to calm his pot that so easily boils over.
“Who are you? Do you work for the Apion’s or something?” Lele quizzes.
“I look after their horses.” The rider answers. Lele sends him a questioning look that conveys better than what words can. The rider sighs and unfolds his arms.
“I guess we got off on the wrong foot. I’m Grey. Hunter Grey.” Hunter introduces. He outstretches his hand towards Atticus who looks down at it with a revolted expression. His gaze ascends to glare into Hunter’s eyes.
“I’m bond. James bond.” Atticus mocks.
Hunter detracts his hand, and Lele shakes her head at her brother.
“I’m Lele Ballo and this is my younger brother Atticus and my little bro, Josh.”
Joshua warmly waves his hand at Hunter and he kindly smiles back at him. Hunter’s gaze bounces between Lele and Atticus, and he jams his thumb behind his shoulder to signal to the stable behind him.
“I assume you were heading for a ride?”
Lele nods and Hunter looks back at her with a sphinxlike expression.
“I can help you-
“No, I can help my own sister mount up, I happen to be a horse rider. You can go clean up horse crap or whatever.”
Atticus gently grips on Lele’s arm and navigates her over to the stable, Hunter in tow, leading the Arabian by foot by her reins. Joshua stalls behind and ogles at the Arabian horse for just a bit longer.
“What it’s name?”
Hunter looks over his shoulder, drops his gaze to Joshua’s height and smiles.
“She doesn’t have on. Mr. Apion doesn’t have names for them.”
Joshua’s eyes peruse over the horse’s caramel coat that seems to glimmer under the sunbeams.
“So what do you call it?”
“My girl, right here? She’s called Arabella, Bella for short.” Hunter smiles. He places his hand on the side of her neck at rubs at it lovingly.
“Joshua!” Atticus barks from the stable. Joshua squeals in fright and instantly races inside of the stable.
Atticus prepares and saddles up the thoroughbred and Appaloosa for him and his sister, whereas Joshua rides with his big brother.
Bridled on to their horses, Atticus sits behind Joshua on the saddle with his arms secured around him and his hands clutched on the reins, naturally guiding the thoroughbred into a trot. Lele follows out, shoes hooked in and her hands gripping the reins, feeling the rhythmic motion of the horse’s gait beneath her, her torso bopping up and down.
“Careful these horses may be retired but their champion spirit is still very much working. Enjoy yourselves, but whatever you do… do not ride into the woods.” Hunter warns.
Lele looks down at him and her eyebrows crease with curiosity… concern.
“Why, should we be scared of some lame town monster or something?” Atticus wryly snorts. Hunter snarls in Atticus’s direction, shielding his eyes from the rays of the sun with his hand.
“Please… I dare you to go in the woods and find out.”
Hunter swivels and ambles towards the entrance of the stable.
“Wait, Mister! Aren’t you coming with?” Josh asks.
“Nah, I got horses crap to clean.” Hunter answers without turning around.
Atticus scowls and hits the reins, the thoroughbred moves into a trot and picks up to a steady jog by Atticus’s direction, leading straight to the open field, a sea of pristine cut grass. Lele looks over her shoulder and sees his no longer there. Lele focuses her gaze forward and thrusts the reins.
The appaloosa smoothly dashes forward like she’s galloping on air, the strong squalls rush through Lele’s thick hair, a smile blossoms on her face as she unexpectedly lets out an excited holler. In a flash, she zooms past Atticus, and he stares after his sister, wildly riding ahead. Wild and free.
“Show off!”
Lele steers the horse to the left, to rotate around and to slow the horse’s speed into a cruise.
“Me? I thought you were the horse rider!” Lele yells back, laughing.
Soon the Appaloosa and thoroughbred are sidled beside each other, aimlessly trotting beside each other whilst their riders conspire with one another.
“You know what one thing that bothers me is?”
“No, but you’re going to tell me, anyway.”
“Language. The way Mr. and Apion speak.”
Atticus glances sideways at his sister and flippantly shrugs his shoulders.
“So they speak fancy English, so what? They probably grew up in some Cambridge, boarding school or something rich like that.”
“No, I mean like their word choices like how they talk about the Apion manor and what it offers like they're relators or something. They don’t talk about it like it's home… even if that home happens to be a small scale castle fit for a king.”
Atticus pensively stares down at Atticus’s curly, coffee brown hair, deep in thought. Shortly, he slowly nods his head.
“Yeah… yeah!”
“At first I thought they were just bragging, but then it started to sound… unnatural. It’s like it didn’t come from a place of pride but… I don’t know.”
Lele looks up to see the iron gates that protect the manor grounds appear into view and grow taller as they advance. The salty fragrance of the sea strengthening.
“What I really want to know is what Mr. Apion is hiding in that office of his.”
“Something worth guarding.” Lele blankly answers.
“Stellar work, detective.” Atticus sarcastically says.
Atticus and Lele rotate around to view the manor in its grandeur; a few short towers protrude from the rooftops in an attempt to reach the sky. The Apion’s estate, so large it looks as if it engulfs more than half of WavesPort itself.
“I’m curious about… the lost heirs.”
"Pff. Probably some dumb kids that got lost in the woods or something.”
“I think all the answers we need to know about our… distant relatives are all in that house. In old photographs, albums, you know… something historic like that.” Atticus adds.
Lele’s eyebrows furrow and she gradually shakes her head.
“Sometimes I wonder… If we are really related or mom just adopted you and never told us.”
Atticus scoffs and rolls his eyes.
Lele turns her head to face the manor and grips the reins, readily.
“Race you back?”
“Race! Race!” Joshua ecstatically chants.
“Unlike you, I’m responsible. Josh is practically on my lap, and you want me to race with an actual racehorse? That’s called child endangerment.”
“It’s called cowardice.”
“It’s called hiding behind excuses.”
“No, no. It’s the definition of when someone loses their mojo… horse rider.”
Lele unrelentingly provokes, and Atticus’s pot begins to simmer.
“Keep saying that even when you’re in my rearview, choking on my dust.”
Atticus arms lock around Joshua, his fingers cementing on the reins.
“How about you count us down, little bro.” Lele requests, smiling at Joshua and her expression fouls into a dirty look once she makes eye contact with Atticus.
“On your mark!”
“Hold on tight, Joshie,” Atticus warns.
Lele tilts forward with a ravenous glint in her eyes, a hunger for victory that gnaws at her competitiveness.
“Get set…”
Lele stands inside the spacious walk-in wardrobe, beholding the racks that hold up exquisite gowns and extravagant ballroom dresses.
“And they say fairytales don’t come true.” Lele murmurs to herself in sheer awe, her wide eyes ogling at the gowns like a child in a candy store or like a girl surrounded by beautiful, custom-designed dresses, all for her.
Lele searches for the simplest one she can find; she reaches up to pluck it from the hanger and evaluates it. The black, elegant off-shoulder, sleeveless that’s soft material cascades down to full length. Lele freshens up in the adjoining bathroom and soon pours herself into the simple yet regal dress that manages to just marginally hover above the ground. Lele winces as she hauls up her arms to tie her hair into a tight, high bun and finishes off by slipping into a pair of black pumps.
Lele exits her room and checks her neighboring brothers to find their bedchambers empty. Lele makes her way down the staircase to the ground floor. She hastily strides down the foyer, on her way to the dining hall. Which is easy to find since it is one of the biggest features in the manor.
“WavesPort is known for its beautiful, scenic views but none compare to what I’m witnessing.” His words ricochet into the expanse, echoed through the amphitheater-like design of the foyer.
Lele stops and twirls around, watching Hunter approach with the one strap of his backpack clinging to his shoulder.
“Very much cheesy, but thank you… I guess.” Lele tries to quite the flutters of uneasiness that swarm in her stomach.
“You thought I was talking about you? No, there’s a standing mirror in the corner.” Hunter points out and Lele glances off her shoulder to see a standing mirror in perfect precision from where he stands, mirroring his nearby reflection.
“Oh, this must be so awkward for you.”
Lele folds her lips inward for a moment and turns to look at him, scanning him scathingly from head to toe.
“Look here, you modern-day Gaston. Do you have nothing better to do than to give your comments where they are not wanted or where no-one cares to hear them?”
“You do.”
“I don’t!”
“If that was true, you would’ve walked away by now.”
“Oh, like right now?” Lele retorts and immediately spins around and storms down the foyer, heading to the dining hall.
Hunter watches her until she’s but a dot in the distance, staring until she disappears. Hunter grins and shakes his head, sauntering towards the main entrance.
Lele emerges in the archway of the dining hall with an apologetic look that veils her face.
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” Lele apologies.
Miss Apion smiles and gracefully waves her over.
“We all make mistakes dear, but if repeated it is no longer a mistake but a choice.” Mr. Apion implicitly counsels.
Lele curtly nods and briskly approaches the table, scurrying over to the other side to sit alongside her brother and opposite from Miss Apion. She nods her head down towards the food and Lele eyes over the scrumptious platters before her. Lele dishes for herself a plate of Cajun chicken pasta and Atticus slaps down a chunk of medium-rare steak. Joshua goes for a slab of ribs marinated in a juicy, barbeque flavored sauce.
Atticus slants to the side and whispers over to his sister.
"When we go back home. I’m going vegan for a full year.”
Lele exhales loudly and stifles her smile; she picks up her fork and dips it inside the bowl of pasta, allowing the strings of pasta to wrap around it.
Suddenly Lele is stabbed with a twinge that throbs behind her shoulder, she winces and tries to obscure it with a neutral expression and then begins to inhale soothing breathes.
"Are you okay, sis? Badly bruised after that fall, or is it just your ego when you lost?" Atticus sneers. Lele glimpses the sly look on his face and she grits her teeth together.
"The only thing that will be bruised is your face if you keep talking.” Lele mutters out through clenched teeth.
"C’mon old sport. It’s not like you stood a chance. I am the horse rider.” Atticus smirks and lifts his fork to pop a roasted, wedge-shaped potato into his mouth.
“So, how was your day today children?” Miss Apion asks.
Atticus and Lele heads snap in her direction.
Lele thoughtfully nods and fixes on a compelling smile.
“We took the horses for a ride today and as you said, Mr. Apion… it truly gives one clarity.”
Lele’s gaze snakes over to Mr. Apion, who slowly nods his head at her and picks up a glass of wine, which brims till the tip.
“Care to elaborate?” Mr. Apion probes.
“Well… the whole reason why our mother sent us here is to become acquainted with this side of the family, to get to know you and the time we have spent here. We still know nothing about you.”
Atticus smirks and contributes.
“You have spent zero time with us, the only thing we know about you is that you’re really rich.”
For a fleeting moment, silence dawns. Miss Apion fingers her leather gloves and looks over to her brother for direction. Mr. Apion takes a sip from the wine and clears his throat.
“We’re not rich. We’re wealthy and you ought to learn the difference, boy.” Mr. Apion snaps.
Lele’s eyes widen and Atticus stares back at him with a steely eyed look in kind, challenging him, questioning him. Miss Apion subtly shoots her brother with a cautioning look and Mr. Apion straightens his posture and lightly inclines his head to recompose his resolve.
“Our wealth is generational, crafted from the hands of our forefathers that built this town to what you see today. The Apion’s are the founding fathers of this here town. These new money types gain their riches through corruption. Old money builds wealth.”
Mr. Apion concludes by drawing a long swallow of wine before placing it back on the table.
“So why have we not heard of you? Is that linked to the lack of technology here, do old money types resent everything… new?” Atticus throws back.
Mr. Apion’s gloved hand teases his Persian scarf, and breaks eye contact.
“No, sweetie.” Miss Apion chips in.
“We do not loath anything, we are just old-fashioned and we admire a traditional livelihood. The fruits you eat, we grow and the vegetables, we harvest. All organic. The old ways just work better for us and so we live it.”
The fork in Lele’s hand flutters, her mind deeply absorbed in thought, analyzing.
“So about WavesPort… when can we see it? We haven’t been into town at all or got to meet the local townsfolk.” Lele queries.
Miss Apions eyes rapidly blink, and she plasters on an indubitable smile.
“There’s nothing to see, truly. Your best served to what is in front of you on the manor grounds. What more could you want for?”
Lele frowns and trades curious looks with her brother.
“I want to see what my forefathers created… after all we are family... in some way.”
Mr. Apion’s lips stretch into a strained line, his head tilting to one side.
“The truth is, it isn’t safe… if you really want to go into town. I implore you to take two of my guards.” Mr. Apion bargains.
“Guards?” Atticus repeats. Eyebrow’s raised.
“Yes, I have many of them, well-hidden and well-trained, manning the manor grounds at all times. I assume you can imagine why.”
Lele glances upwards to view the ostentatious chandelier ornamented with shimmering white diamonds that hangs from the ceiling.
Lele drops her head and beams a smile.
“Can we go tomorrow?”
“Great, now we have Mr. Apions guards, which is a code word for personal assassins as babysitters. So much for going on an investigation.”
Lele lifts the front part of her black gown as she ascends the staircase with her brothers tailing behind.
“Not if we lose them when we get into town.”
Atticus eyes widen and shoots her with a bewildered look.
“Hold your horses, Nancy Drew. Did you hear the part that those guards are well-trained? I’m sure they can track down two teenagers and a kid.”
Lele sighs and throws her one hand up exasperatedly.
“We’ll improvise.”
“And then we can see for ourselves what kind of town we’re in and who in the WavesPort our mother abandoned us with.”