Chapter 1: “A Surprising Birthday”
The leaves on the trees rustling because of the wind, the river water flowing. It was a beautiful day outside, birds are chirping. Today, is a different day like no other because today’s my birthday, I am turning 200 years old now. My mom is preparing the food for my birthday while my dad is making the invitations, my mom is one lovely lady, my dad is incredibly lucky to have her. Back then when I was still young of an age, I always see my beloved mother teaching my dad how to cook. My dad is way more different, I know he doesn’t know how to cook but I know for sure that he’s one of the strong and the most caring person I’ve ever met, my mother is caring but my dad is like a teddy bear whenever I get sad. I just go to my dad and hug him as hard as I can, I feel lucky and loved by my parents.
: Joshuwa Kin, Alaesa Kin’s father, 1700 years old. Isabel Kin, Alaesa Kin’s mother, 1650 years old. “Back then when my parents were still young, around 200-300 years old. My dad confessed his love to my mom on a big tree known as The Tree of Aurora. Rumor has it once an elf confesses his/her love to someone around the tree, the romance between lovers will be eternal. That’s just a rumor, of course”
Alaesa Kin’s birthday started, her father invited around 50-60 elves around her age, mostly her classmates in school. Nonetheless, Alaesa Kin was happy. She was happy and lucky that she has parents that care about her, she was lucky that she got friends that support her and her future plans. Alaesa was happy.
It was around 3 AM, Alaesa Kin was still awake, she couldn’t forget how her birthday was celebrated. Everyone was cheerful, happy, and most importantly the person who was more cheerful, the person who never felt this much happiness was Alaesa herself.
The lovely sun rose, this weather today will be nice.
“Alaesa!” …
“Coming!” Alaesa replied.
My mother was making pancakes while my dad was pouring water on the wonderful flowers that my friends gave to me during my birthday, one of my friends gave me seven flowers, each flower has different colors. They said that the colors on these flowers have a meaning, like how the pink flower corresponds “freedom” on the forest elf history. The colors that my lovely flowers have are free pink, lonely yellow, peaceful green, joyous red, moody blue, outstanding black, and last but not the least romantic purple.
When I finished eating mom’s freshly made pancakes, I decided to go outside and wander around the elven forest, I saw different people enjoying different things, like that elven-old kind lady flying with her magically made kite. The kite was made of leaves, what’s magic about it is the string. It’s not just any ordinary string, it’s a string made from a spell, a spell so powerful it could harm weak elves if not careful. If you’re curious, for the spell to work. You need to chant the following, “From the air above, clouds are causing wind, let it guide you. Flivus Jfil” I’ve practiced the chant, since I hear my dad use it when he was trying to make the kite that mom made fly even farther. My dad knows lots of chants, when me and my mom are asleep, he secretly gets awake and study magic even though my dad gets scolded by mom he still gets up and study nonstop. To be honest, my dad getting awake to study magic isn’t a bad thing but like he needs to take care of his health more. My grandma passed away two-three weeks ago, she was one of the kindest people I’ve known so far. She’s the type of person who gives you presents or something that she finds interesting and brings it whenever she comes home. My grandpa on the other hand, he’s the principal at our school. He may be old, but don’t underestimate by his looks, he is one of the strongest people on Elfvis. Elfvis is known for one of the most peaceful towns, it’s known for its beautiful scenery, all the popular chefs we know, and love used to live here. Fun fact, the animals on Elfvis has tiny cute flowers on their heads, the elves put it there so that we will know that these animals came from Elfvis or not—
I suddenly heard rustling from the bushes, I then pulled out my book of self-defense, it’s a magic book that dad created for self-defense…
“Rocks beneath me, I summon thee, Stone Guardian, Opflix Jufis!” the rocks beneath Alaesa formed unto a golem, not a big one, but a golem about her height. The golem then went for the rustling bushes and grabbed someone.
“What’re you doing, were you trying to stalk me!?” I shouted at the man’s face; the man didn’t flinch it’s like he’s some kind of mannequin. The golem dropped the man, mud splashed unto the man’s face and clothes. He stood up and walks away like nothing happened, I grabbed his dirty clothes. He counter-attacked, he held my wrist and pulled me unto his filthy clothes and said “Don’t touch me…” He then pushed me and walked away.
I shouted at him. “I should be asking you that, why were you stalking me!”
He replied. “How are you sure, don’t assume things. I was clearly looking for worms, you didn’t see because you summoned your stupid stone golem, you were two feet away and you assumed me stalking you, pathetic.” He gave her a cold look, the look of someone that if you get too close, there’ll be no hesitation that he’ll hurt you.
He was right…
I checked the bush and there were holes, holes that's suited for a worm. I should get back home, it’s getting dark. I should stop assuming things, but what if he was stalking me though, and he just made holes for him to getaway. I should stop thinking about it and get back home.
“Ah!” I tripped and fell on the ground, and I felt dizzy. No one’s around me right now, and it’s almost time for me to get back home.
What’s happening…
I suddenly felt tired, my eyes were getting heavy, I shouldn’t lay down and let my clothes get dirty, I can hardly walk, my legs barely move
I should just—
I closed my eyes.
End of Chapter 1